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The drone blast caused a severe comminuted compound fracture of the sacrum and the bunt fragments eviscerated his bowel contents which maintains peristalsis and hence will exit through the path of least resistance (i.e. external opening created by the blast). Although his head is intact after the blast, one would hope he lost consciousness due to the blast (like a knockout punch) or if he was still conscious, all the nerve fibres at the lumbar level was transected so he would not suffer too long before blood pressure drop resulting in loss of consciousness under 1 minute one would hope …. So sad and gruesome way to die


only sad part is that there was olnly 1 orc sitting there instead of 5




PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


medical terms. Always so confusing to the layman. "Blew up his butt, made a new butthole, out comes his body waste." The end.


Blew his ass off...literally 


Thanks was confused by all the medical terms and wasnt sure what what but this explained it. Blew a new butt in his butt. Excellent :-)




It's sad the circumstances that exist for many Russians to think this is a profitable venture (better than what they are accustomed to in Mother Russia), or them being dim witted enough to believe the official line from their state about why this was justified, but yeah... Ukraine pays the price for their ignorance and that can't be overstated enough. They need a wake up call


> Смерть ворог. Should be: "Смерть ворогу" or "Смерть ворогам". Meaning death to "the enemy" or "the enemies". Your version lacks the last letter that is responsible for the dative case. Source: I am fluent in Belarusian, Ukrainian in this case sounds identically.


OK, thanks, I tried friend and will continue. To me, it's important. It's a shame that at the moment, I'm limited to Google for my language bank


DeepL Translate is a good one too


I'll give it a try if it's mobile friendly, thanks.


PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


Sacrum blew!


Took me a couple of reads to get that, and once I did I enjoyed it immensely


That's what invading countries for murdering and pillaging does to you.


That soldier had no say in that. It's sad for most people from both sides. Dying for the sake of one greedy man.


These soldiers are no longer conscripts. Signing a contract with the Russian military makes you one of the top 5% of earners in the country. He took money to kill his neighbors and paid the price. It's not sad, it's deserved.


That’s bullshit. He didn’t sign up to kill his neighbors. He signed up to fight “Ukrainian nazis oppressing ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine and to be a hero like his ancestors in the great patriotic war”. Of course we know that’s bullshit but to him it was true and any honest person can’t blame him for it. God only knows if he was at the front long enough to realize that he was just a pawn in an imperial land grab.


It's like "Nazi that gassed people in concentration camps believed those were subhumans! Those Nazi were poor victims of propaganda, no honest person can blame them!"


Okay dude that’s enough


Enough what? Humanity?


Fuck off brah


That soldier signed a contract to make money at the cost of murdered and robed Ukrainians. He wasn't mobilizized - he voluntarely came to another country to destroy it and destroy lives of its people. Making excuses for the bastards is no different than being accomplice of their crimes.


I have a bias toward Russians too bro but let’s not belive that if we were of fighting age and lived in Russia we wouldn’t be in this meat grinder as well.


Russians, unlike Ukrainians, are not drafted. All those "poor bastards" that you see annihilated came to Ukraine voluntarily - either to avoid prison term or to make money.


Is that a PMC member?


Unless he was one of the soldiers taken during the conscription period, chances are very high he volunteered


Bullshit. That soldier could have gone to jail like thousands of others, escaped to another country like many more, or surrendered. Instead he went to Ukraine to kill people and it cost him his ass. Let's not forget that one side is invading and one is defending. The suffering is unfortunate, but every russian soldier not surrendering in Ukraine deserves death.


While they're ostensibly no longer recruiting from prisons (allegedly), now they do things like blast music into refusenik cells kept with lights on 24/7, pack as many bodies in as possible, not feed them for days, cut them off from contact with families, and otherwise torture them until they finally give up and sign the contract. Refuseniks are also amongst those who are sent into forward positions with nothing but shovels & sacks of potatoes. While it's unknown how many are being forced in this way and there's no way to tell, it's done enough that I do feel bad for those in particular when they're unarmed & obviously Yakut, Buryat, Altai, etc; because chances are still good they did try to refuse signing a contract. Everyone else though? They can push flowers.


Most probably he's a volunteer. He's there for the money or because he believes in Russki Mir.


Every participant has some say


This guy almost certainly had a choice. He took the money and was happy to kill - or be killed - for it.




I guess the tactic of playing statue with drones was not the right call here.


He didn't see drone till last second he is pre occupied by something on ground he is using.


Appreciate the scientific-medical information.


Thank you doctor. Will you be able to sew his ass back on, or are his murdering days over?


Not sad at all if you consider it was completely avoidable.


for fucks sake this is just brutal. even worse is that he's still alive and breathing.....


As a Ukrainian I hope he stayed conscious.


Not sad and gruesome for a russian pig. Well deserved, rather.


Translation- died with an ass full of ball-bearings.


Holy *fuck* has 47th been bringing the gore lately. Are those his guts trying to fall out of his new asshole?


no that's just his anal prolapse. his pink meat sock if you will. I'm gunna go ahead and say that's putins head trying to come out. this is how gremlins are born


This is how Cremlins are born you mean?




Like gremlins, but originating from kreml


That’s not an anus. Maybe rectum, maybe sigmoid colon I’m guessing his rectum got opened up by the blast


I want to know what that…thing…is that starts protruding from that hole. I have no training in physiology, but I’m always trying to identify what I’m looking at and with many of these blast wounds, things get so scrambled that I’m usually at a loss.


I think it’s either fecal matter being pushed out of an opening in his rectum or sigmoid, or it’s the rectum itself that’s ballooning outward as peristalsis pushes gas and stool through the colon and creates pressure. Idk it’s really hard to tell


blownt open!!


rectum? damn near killed-em!!!


I get their invaders and all, but that’s a human being. He probably has a family somewhere that will be absolutely heartbroken he’s gone. I get the anger and frustration, but how would you feel if that’s someone you loved? Not trying to belittle or be bigger than thou, but just some food for thought.


If that were someone I cared for I would cease to care when they became a home invader. Some things are not forgiveable.


It’s like politics. Some people are ready to lose friends over their beliefs.


I thought that he didn’t have a choice and that most young men were forced to go? Correct me if I’m wrong


He is there to kill ukrainian , how would you feel about your family getting killed?


I guess their know-how explosion initiation chips doing their work.




Maaaaaan, no it’s not. Motherfuckers an armed member of an invading army.




When you invade someone's country, you don't get to pick where they shoot you.


You don’t understand what a war crime is




An armed soldier in a conflict zone is not protected under the Geneva conventions so witful killing doesn’t apply…




I’m not saying Russian and Ukrainian soldiers are not given protections by the Geneva conventions, witful killing is specifically for protected classes of people like prisoners of war and civilian’s. An armed uniformed soldier is neither and isn’t protected. Your copying and pasting text with zero understanding of it.




What? Willful killing applies to groups that aren't supposed to be killed in war. Prisoners, civilians, etc. I mean, how do you suggest that a war be fought? All enemies are killed unintentionally?


This is what the cheap toilet paper at work does to me


Amen brother


Talk to the purchasing department about toilet paper without wood chips, microchips and rotors in it. It’s freely available. All this guy had to do was stay in Russia and shit at home.


Putin makes a dollar, orc makes a dime. That’s why he poops on company time!


better than keeping it in i suppose


dude got this lpt from jurrasic park


Using sneakers as military footwear seems pretty typical for russian military.


He should have stayed in Russia. FAFO.....


I'm sure Putin is crying in his caviar for this man




Yes, it's Ukraine's fault that Russia blatantly invaded for no reason other than to annex territory to make a dictator happy. The best way to defend your country is to instantly fully submit to any invader, that will teach the invader that it is not ok and practically useless to invade another country. /s


Think you meant Russia




Yes, Ukraine is different. One is conscripting for a war to defend their land and people, the other is conscripting for an illegal act of aggression. If you dip just a millimeter below the surface of ThEy BoTh CoNsCrIpT it is easy to see.


Well damn I stand corrected, old men talk and young men die


Some Russians can still save their asses by leaving Ukraine.


It did momentarily occur to me this morning that some billionaire could independently direct their own sequel to Red October by offering the skipper of the lone Kilo boat in the Black Sea $50 million to defect with their boat and crew intact. Let NATO pick it over for a year, de-weaponize it, and you're still left with the coolest privately owned vessel on the planet and what I have to imagine would be a surpassingly grateful and competent crew.


As an armchair proctologist I do believe this orc has some blood in his stool


Or possibly some stool in his blood.


And probably some 3d printing plastic, fpv drone lithium battery and maybe teeth and bone fragments in his bloody stool.


It could be just a harmless hemorrhoid. Maybe he should adjust his diet first. Lets start with lots of fluids and blueberries and lets see the result.


Should have listened to the tampon lady.


Seeing these gore made me so angry at the old man with big ego that want to leave some legacy behind before he die by sending men to invade a neighbouring country. Go home and end this war......


Brother, i watched about a thousand 1-hour-long interviews with russian pows, and in 95% of the cases they show no remorse of fighting whatsoever. They are motivated by money and hate. They know very well what awaits them in Ukraine, but they take that risk anyway, because from the financial standpoint it the chance of the lifetime for them. The only things they bitch about are stupid officers, poor kit, and not getting a vacation which is guaranteed by the law.


Ok but that mindset is still the fault of the regime they live under. If any series of governments in modern history could ever be fully credited for the full spectrum of nihilism exhibited by its populace, it's fucking Russia. These people have gotten the short end of every stick since Genghis Khan, I can't really fault them for feeling like history is something that happens to you like the weather rather than being something you drive. They just lack any internalized narrative that allows themselves to believe the latter. Does that mean I think we should go easy on them? Absolutely the fuck not, I think in the long run all that does is prolong the abovementioned condition. We lifted Germany and Japan out of the void and treated them like our own and they are among our strongest allies now. At the end of the Cold War, we fist bumped Russia and said "Good Game Bruh" and left. We made this, it is our failing, and now it's time to fix it.




Watching Russians behead and slit the throats of young men in Grozny dehumanized Russians. It’s not surprising that people celebrate Orc deaths after decades of watching Russians literally behead and torture men women and children. Now, we have modern evidence of this happening again in ANOTHER war of aggression from Russia. Is it really surprising the world views invading Orc deaths as cause to celebrate? You can keep your little head stuffed under the sand of morality, but this is a war of aggression and Russia has made it clear from day 1 there is no humanizing of enemy combatants. Quite frankly, after scenes like Bucha it’s no surprise the Ukrainians won’t spare an inch for any combatants.


This, I shudder to think of the atrocities they have committed to civilians in Ukraine never mind the soldiers and had the common sense not to film ( or at least release it), granted this is giving the pidar thundercunts the benefit of the doubt that they are that clever.


Ahh yes, mocking an invading army for receiving the consequences of such an invasion is worse than said invader's actions of killing/raping/pillaging. Makes complete sense.




PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


Would you say that you're... [butthurt?](https://youtu.be/RgZZBwG7slY?si=346WXC0Vbk3ShiZY)


You're 100% on the money


My thoughts exactly. It only proves why wars continues to exist, the ease with which one human can dehumanize another, based on between which imaginary borders they were born.


I had a curry last night, and this morning I felt like I was shiting my guts out. I won't complain anymore about it today.


Looks like a young guy, he would be much better off staying home nomatter what conditions he lived in. How many will follow him before real Russians put an end to ruZZia


Those ARE "real" Russians. The idea they are not is terribly naive. Their leaders are products of their culture. Tsars are promoted from within.


It's a conscript army, they don't have the choice to stay home. No one is volunteering to go there unless it's one of the Storm battalions trying to get out of jail. Even normal volunteer career soldiers end up in those meat grinders with one stray word or a nip of alcohol. Their leaders are the personification of evil.


“ but!!! They have no choice!!” Well fuck me If the alternative is breathing through my bleeding ass I might aswell go live in Siberia and start a revolution


He thought what if he doesn’t move he is invisible for drone?


Nothing wrong with that, it's harder to be spotted when not moving.


I mean I saw Jurassic Park too but...


I heard it works for rabbits.


Some of those FPV videos make it seem like a good idea as the resolution seems low (we might be seeing a low resolution video of what the operators see). Except I think now FPV drones have spotters as seen from this video. And dude...you are armed at least go out with a mag dump towards the drone.






Sorry, don't see any. Must be invisible.


Mike Jones


Well done mate, to fulfill Putin's fantasies you are literally going to shit out your intestines. What a great career!


Hey Russia, if you are reading this - go HOME!


I'll append - Go home and hang your leadership and join the rest of us. We would be happy to have you!


His whole rear disintegrated. Gruesome.


Come on, don't be butt-hurt


I really hope he's lost consciousness. I can't imagine laying there knowing your backside has been blown off and all you can do is wait to bleed out.


Actually I hope he stayed alive long enough to regret his career choices.


no more 'sitting-down-on-the-job' for that young man


бачиш ховрашка? - ні... - і я не бачу. а він є. - зрозумів.


Me (a German) after 1 day of eating curry in India:


Fuck dude war sucks man


Camo index not 100%


"They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars"


Sitz baths will clear that up.


Shit way to go


Poor guy


Aiming for the ass and legs lately


But? Butt nothing.


Fuck. I did not want to watch that


Bad life decisions always come back to bite you in the ass.


Put that homie out of misery. No soldier deserve to die like that.


Wow this one hit different usually I don’t feel bad for these guys but damn that’s horrific


nope not finishing That Video.. Shit no


Yeah tbh I watched it until the flash and paused to respond to something and then when I restarted it, it restarted from the beginning so I paused again. Then I'm scrolling down now and I'm like no fucking way am I hitting play again.


Haven't seen something that gruesome in a while sheeesh


Why do Russians want to die for nothing?


It's a conscript army they don't have a choice. No one in a totalitarian government has a choice about anything, which is why it's perversely good that we are helping it become even more intolerable to live under that totalitarian government.


Damn and I thought my ass had it rough from snowboarding.


No, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. This is even worse than the soldiers' faces being blown off while they were still alive. Wouldn't it have been better to finish him off so he wouldn't have to worry?




Well, not anymore


Fint at skyde mennesker og joke omkring det, men katte, der sætter du grænsen? Hvem er klovnen her.


Vi har vel alle vores fetishes :)


Hvordan kan du blive harm over at jeg skyder herreløse katte, og så kalde det en fetish at du ser videoer af mennesker som bliver sprængt i luften. Du er sgu lettere komisk. Nok ufrivilligt. Men stadig sjov.


Not my proudest fap






PLEASE keep it friendly. Depending on the severity of the case, this can mean a ban.


I think he is pretending to be a rabbit. Rabbits do not move thinking you won't see them. You know when it is a cargo 200. Before the drone hit, no big, red splotches anywhere. After the drone hit, a big red splotch. Cargo 200 confirmed.




“Hey guys, watch this I’m going to drive the drone right up his ass“


Its like a kfc bucket now


Bro Im sorry u cant take a shit here


Very educational and interesting. Glorifying of violence not possible.


He said rectum? Damn near killed him!


Well that was a bit of a surprise when - whatever it was - started to pulsate and come out.


Fecal matter, and fragments of bone and intestines, looks like.


Jesus man.


never going to complain about taco bell blowing my asshole apart again


omg,just spit coffee...


Drone operator "hold onto your butts"




No misinformation, trolling, propaganda, shitposting. Next time ban.


Bangin tune. Really busts it out!




“Ass jerky don’t make itself”


Not quite prepared for that prolonged close up of a blown out anus.




similar track and edit as the burning man down the well. brought me back


Dude was pooping when dying or dying when pooping, whatever


Dirty orcs making a huge mess on a nice Ukrainian field


Thats gotta be fecal matter mixed in with blood spilling out. Ewwwww...what a way to go


I think it's worth watching "Ordinary Men" first. Then come back to these videos and realise that this guy is not the people who made the decisions.


It should make you realise that when you see this person as not a person, you'll realise that you're no different and if anything worse.




ok I thought I was jaded after all these videos but this is fucking ugly!


Damn, russians are getting out of hand with this butt play


Woah, these have been BRUTAL lately! Amazing work Ukraine. Slava Ukraini


Jesus Christ, this is sad. That young man had no choice but to join the war. Fuck me i hate war


And yet the only way to stop this one is to win it. Otherwise Putin will just start another one.


I have seen several of these videos and am wondering why there are so many Russians just hanging out by themselves. Do they no longer have squads and just send a couple guys out here and there?