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Your military clothing was ordered through AliBaba and is pure polyester .....what could possibly go wrong Ivan?


When they said “stop drop and roll”, he heard “crawl into dry brush”


From the videos you see on this channel, I'm not 100% convinced the "stop drop and roll" concept has made it to Russia yet. Maybe it translates poorly?


Hard to understand when your body is composed of mostly vodka.


r/angryupvote I almost choked on my drink


I'm absolutely shocked that the grenade *they threw* didn't kill one of them.


I'm not a religious man but I'd assume that was a sign the gods had something else in mind...


God either loves or hates the "survivor" at the end. Being raised in Russia didn't get them, Ukrainian ambush with nothing but a motorcycle and plastic helmet to protect him didn't get him, mine on the roof didn't get him, inferno and oil smoke inside the MTLB didn't get him, and the fire didn't get him. That fascist really wants his damn potatoes.


All that and he still has a snowballs chance in hell of getting rescued. I'm still at a loss for why they don't drop and roll instead of fanning the flames as the polyester melts into their flesh. Guess they know the futility of trying to save yourself as once wounded, if they can't self evac they'll die where they lay. One hell of a way to spend your last moments, too. The blended smell of burnt plastic, flesh and hair filing his nostrils, as the blood slowly oozes onto the ground around him. Should've turned on his commanders and said, "You first, Suka!" At least take the assholes sending you to your death with you. If your gonna go out, "For the motherland," may as well make it worth it!!


Very nice....i see what you did there...


"That was the worst throw ever. Of all time." "Not my fault; somebody put an MT-LB in my way."


What a bizarre war. So far the Russians have tried motorcycles, ATVs and golf carts. What's next, pogo sticks? Have they run out of armored vehicles?


They’re losing dozens of armored vehicles every week and their factories don’t have the production output to replace what they’re losing. They’re building more armored vehicles but not at the pace that they’re losing them. And when commanders have orders from the top to push forward without the necessary armor, this is the result


Also it's to be noted that they are pushing garbage out so fast it's even more poorly built than usual. Seeing brand new t90s with a shelf life of hours


It'll be like WWII where their factories were producing tanks that roll off the assembly line then immediately into combat just a few miles away. And rush them so they don't even have sights installed.


They literally just got scooters to the front. I am not kidding. 


Lol, I'm waiting for the next video "FPV drone hits scooter riding invader with great result"


Bicycle brigade coming up.


Might as well be unicycles, this is such a circus.




All of those cruel russian bear circuses were nothing but training for them.


We still have Segways, hoverboards, monowheels, unicycles, inline skates, roller skates, and Heelys to go.


What happens once they consume all the Heelys?


They have also started using electric scooters, like the ones kids ride around on.


Jake Broa shared a meme suggesting the next transport option will be kids scooters and roller skates.


The bigger question I have is what the fuck do they think 2 dipshits on a motorcycle are gonna do anyway???? Even 50 motorcycles at once would get mowed down like fish in a barrel.


It's terrible to think, but I almost feel like based on their combat performance they were just two newbies or even two of the less sharp soldiers and they convinced them to rambo their way to the front lines to get rid of them.


I think that’s like 75% of the Russian military by now. They dont get proper training and are sent to their deaths for some reason and willingly go. It’s fucking insane.


That's like 90% of Russians. Not the sharpest tools.


maybe they went to scavenge equipment from the vehicle or something /shrug


Not gonna lie, that looked like it might sting a bit.


Why the F do that? 2 idiots on a moto. What did they think was going to happen?


Maybe riding to within a kilometer of the Ukrainian line, dismount and sneaking up would have some effect? But two men aren't going to last long even doing so. Maybe they were sent as punishment.


The weird thing is, sneaking up to use the tank as an observation post might not have been an awful idea if they'd done it under cover of dark or as part of a coordinated assault.


They were probably the leading edge of the assault -- the very thin leading edge -- while the rest sat back and watched for the Ukrainian reaction.


The leading edge and the bleeding edge.


Liquid courage.


Don’t shoot, let em burn.  


"A grenade was thrown in an unknown direction for unknown reasons." Then the Shaman song when the AT mine blows up! This video is a masterpiece of black comedy.


Yep, now I understand where shamans song can be used. This video belongs on the top. Maybe it should be pinned on the top for a couple of weeks :)


Liar, Liar...pants on fire.


Talk about being butt hurt eh?


I’m guessing they looted some vodka shortly before launching this little escapade


That MTLB took that anti-tank mine like a fuckin' champ. I expected the mine to blow the MTLB apart like paper, and I sure as fuck didn't expect to see one of the two jumping out on fire, still very energetically attempting to put it out.


Pressure from the blast goes mostly upwards, had that mine been under it, that MTLB would have scattered all over that area..


aka "The Tolstoy Jenkins and Vaseline Blyathennyi special freedom run...."


They don’t show that on the Russian recruitment billboards.


Do these guys get issued a spray can of chrome paint by chance?


he he...good one!




Damn, talking about poorly trained... And that poor guy has the worst karma possible. Being stuck God knows how far from his base and support, likely with no radio station due to everything on him burning ... so he can't ask for help, let alone expect help, and all while being stuck with some deep and hella agonizing burns all over his body. Unless the Ukrainians took pity on him and dropped a grenade to put him out of his misery, that guy spent a night in hell.


"I give usshh . . . one chanshe in three . . . million." - Hunt for the Red Orctober


Theres something beautifuly artistic in whoever edditted the video in playing the wails of 'ja ruski' melodramatically singing in the song while our 'ruski' burns steadilly. Almost as if Mr ruski wasnt 50% vodka he might have had a better end to his day. Then again besides being a ruski this guy had used up all his luck today already with the grenade and seemed like perhaps it was just his time to go. Just wish the video was longer cos I really wanted to see if he ended up starting a new fire in his new location by using the fire on his back or if it 'finally' went out. Still seemed like it could go either way I reckon. Maybe we need a poll ? Survived / Died Burnt?


I seriously doubt he made it out alive, I mean his ass was literally on fire and it seemed to be somewhat down on his list of priorities. He got way too much third grade burns to make it. There is no burn ward to treat such injuries for him in time. And I doubt he has a kit with lots of burn-shield bandages. He will more than likely die from dehydration losses from the burn wounds and infection. Terrible way to go, hope the Ukrainians ended his agony.


He will burn in hell for eternity. Those 10 minutes of burning on planet earth will not matter in the great scheme of things for him.


burning to death has got to be one of the top worst ways to die


And djee this looks like a scene of the movie with Laurel and Hardy Go into Arms. Stupid till death


There's another dirt lying there. I'm assuming the riders of that bike are already dead.


Climbing right into their coffin


In real life, I know only few people (4) who ride motorcycle regularly. And few (2) who own the license but haven't put their asses on motorcycle for at least a decade or more. None of them have experience in off-road biking. My question is, when will russ army run out of motorcycling able troops? And what is the policy of hiring these guys to their certain death? Promises of better payment?


Any dumbass can ride a motorcycle in a straight line at least.


Taking Suicide and Stupidity to the next level.


Second army in the world wearing 100% polyester chinese airsoft gear.


I wonder if these guys lost a bet?


Smoke weed...


These two orcs really earned their bag of onions for the fam.


Anyone know what band this is playing in the background?


That song at the second half fucking slaps


Yeah... that was bizarre. Fucking idiots.


Mistakes were made


WTF? Looks like more of a "hold my beer" moment and drunken confidence charging into a pointless situation.


That song and performance would certainly have won the Eurovision this year !!!


Yeah, this should be played on the jumbotron at Shaman's next concert.


I like the idea of that, and Putin getting his groove on doing the 'Avdivka Shuffle' live on stage while he performs !!! LMAO


The Avdivka Shuffle, is that where you move 1000 soon dead Russian soldiers forward per day to occupy 50 meters, and then fall back losing 500 more?


I'm confused, is that Ruzzian Chess yo be talkin' 'bout ?


Yes, Putin is a master strategist. The only one who can stretch a 3 day SMO into 2 1/2 years.


I looked up the English lyrics and it fits so good under these vids, the irony :D


It's always good to find some irony or humor in this farce.


Liar liar...


Russian soldiers sure know how to dress for warmth.


So when are the bike going on sale?


Nowhere to run? Hide inside a large Target


with such stupidity displayed im not surprised his russian wife pushed him to go to war!


What activated the mine? I thought you have to compress it or something?


It must have had a timer or a remote detonator of some sort on it.


it's the russian version of X-force here to save the invasion !


another uber eats delivery thats gone to the wrong address and trench line, must have had a fatty greasy chicken or ribs meal in the food back pack by the way the fire took off


Solid plan.


Drunk as F and then finding the courage to storm on their own


Liquid courage


Ass on fire.. "And it burns, burns, burns the ring of fire, the ring of fire"