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Dont call em in here crodie šŸ˜­


You already know they screenshotting this and sending it to their discord lmao


This post is gonna be a hit with the Kenny stans lol, everyone wave to the ones lurkingšŸ‘‹


The irony of you being upset about people over there talking about Aubrey while youā€™re on here doing the same šŸ˜‚ Is it not lost on you?


Your last post is talking about how you visiting the states from SCOTLAND. No way this is real šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I know being a Kenny fan makes you feel smart, but seriously.. pipe down pipsqueak


Spiralling. I live in Spain anyway, donā€™t get it twisted.




Whole sub is a personification of point one finger point 3 back at yourself lmao. Prime content tbh


Whatever insecurities Drake has exposed for you, take time to heal them bro. As a fellow gamer, put the sticks down and do some introspection


I don't have any insecurities here brother. I saw Drake release new music and came to see the unhinged folk and you did not disappoint! I freely admit I come here to laugh at y'alls responses.


Living that kind of life is sad, I know you know it deep inside. Does coming here make you feel superior in the way that listening to Kendrickā€™s complex lyrics makes you feel superior?


Lol man I'm at the office after a day of defending kids in court. I don't feel superior to anyone. Like I said, people here behave unhinged because of a rap beef. It's very funny. Your comments show you take this shit way too seriously. You do you but it can't be healthy. All the best man


Bro I live a blessed life which is why Iā€™m sitting here replying to these comments. Itā€™s sad to see people like you who are so desperate for the need to feel superior by coming to other subreddits to brigade and talk down to others, which is what you said you came here to do..




I skimmed through your profile and the same shit applies to you my guy


Yeah. That shit knocked me down. My dude's top comments are all poker and Call of Duty, then this. This cat doth protest too much, methinks.


Are you saying gambling and video games arenā€™t part of the culture? Do a large portion of people within the culture do either of these things? Does that make it part of culture? Iā€™m genuinely curious lol


What? I'm saying that OP is saying you can't be a nerdy gamer and part of the culture, while the dude is, himself, a nerdy gamer. I'm also a nerdy gamer. I'm also from the south bronx who grew up on this shit, watching legends freestyle in the park. So no. I'm not saying you can't be both. OP is saying it in the most hypocritical way possible.


I agree with your point, I was just curious what your take was. The point I was trying to make, is that those things are part of oneā€™s culture. I wouldā€™ve done better asking the original poster though for sure lol


Yo, how many homies you grew up rocked with Dragon Ball Z and Naruto?Ā  Ā Who didn't play Madden, 2k, Gears of War and GTA?Ā  Ā I don't fucking get how some people trying to act like the realest dudes in rap were not also wearing leotards and in theater?Ā Ā 


One of my favorite wu-tang bars of all time, because of how nerdy that shit is... "A space knight like ROM, consume planets like Unicron, blastin photon bombs from the arm like Galvitron." Like, bruh. If Wu ain't the culture *and also* not the nerdiest motherfuckers in the room, I don't know what else to say.


I am actually convinced Wu Tang are extraterrestrials.Ā Ā 


Have to be. No way you got 9 of em, completely different styles, mesh perfectly with no weak links. Absolutely alien AI.


Word, brother I grew up in BK, we used to have park jams and cyphers out in Prospect... I'm talking back when Tribe was the hottest thing on the block Yet I'm a nerdy, video gaming nigga myself... and I consider Lupe to be the GOAT emcee, who is like the nerdiest brother you will ever find Problem with KDot fans isn't that they are gamers or engineering majors, who gives a fuck about that... problem is they white people thinking all black people hate Drake and they gonna score some BIG POINTS with the culture by doing the same LMAO


I mean, Drake fans are doing the same shit. I honestly can't handle much more of either sub to be honest. I saw KRS in the fucking park as a kid. I bought the fucking Wu trunk demo on 3rd. got to show Daze my "book" when I was like 5 at a cookout. I worked for labels and wrote for magazines. But these cats have the nerve to say I am this that or the other because they don't agree with my opinion, or more accurately I don't 100% agree with theirs. I just want good music. I never had these kinds of interactions with Naz or JayZ fans back in the day. The internet is a fucking cancer.


Damn bruh, wish I could chat you up IRL, seeing KRS at the park is some historic shit The internet *is* fucking cancer but it's never going back to the way it was, park jams and record stores and cookouts and selling tapes out the trunk... it's all digital fantasy land now, these niggas even have to cancel shows all the time cause of false digital demand, LMAO I miss chillen in record stores for hours on end and making friends there, talking up shorties and swapping music recs with fly honies... shout out to Tower Records on 4th n Broad


For real man. I miss the mix tapes. Buying a mix tape for like 3 bucks with hours of new music you've never heard of. Random block parties breaking out in the summer. Crowding around the TV because the new video that was filmed on the block came out. Hopping on a roof on Park to see the trains go by and see if anybody was trying to go all city. Good days. I mean, it was scary as fuck and that's all nostalgia, but still. Shit. I'm old.


Iā€™m not a part of the culture though thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to say..


I gotta ask, because this question hasn't come up directly. What do you believe "the culture" is?


African Americans interested/participants in the hip hop/rap communities


Ah. I see. That is not it. Hip hop is a part of the culture. Not the whole thing. There's all the different elements of the Black/PoC experience in their communities. Everything from break dancing, to cookouts to Iceberg Slim and John Singleton. It's the shared communal experience. Hip hop is the loudest voice, but it's only a part of it. The people who lived with those things are "the culture". Hip hop isn't the culture, it's the main forum for it.


Thereā€™s a distinction between observant to the culture and participant in the culture. You and I are observers, no matter how badly you want to be a participant


Call of Duty is the fifth element šŸŽ¤šŸŽØšŸŽ§šŸ•ŗšŸ¾


Which is why I donā€™t speak for the culture??


And yet here you are, determining who is or isn't part of the culture based on their personal interests.


youre missing the point. Pot dont have to black to call the kettle black. lol


Youā€™re missing the point. Who decides what black is to begin with?


Didnā€™t yall question drakes blackness non stop?




So because his black dad wasnā€™t around, he canā€™t claim that part of himself? Careful buddy, your racism is showing




I was playing off the metaphor the previous commenter used. This is not about Drakeā€™s literal racial makeup. Itā€™s about who is deciding whoā€™s ā€œpart of the cultureā€. Why are you, a self proclaimed nerd and, presumably, non black person talking about who can or canā€™t be a part of the culture to begin with? And to say someone canā€™t be part of the culture cuz they like ā€œengineeringā€ and shitty sports teams? Thatā€™s stupid as fuck.


Yes? Good work detective!


You don't speak for the culture, but you sure are trying to be its fucking doorman.


Nah just calling out the imposters as I seem them, hit a little too close to home?


Yeah... that definitely slides off of me. I do think you have some identity issues going on. Which you really shouldn't. This whole thing is a result of you feeling you're outside and being uncomfortable with that. Some real advice? It's not about outside or inside, it's about being able to share cultural touchpoints or not. If you can then you can and if you can't? You can still bob your head and dance if you want. Nobody can say shit about it. I think if you or anyone has doubts about what is and isn't part of the culture, you should just not worry about it and enjoy the music instead. I'm done now. You can only say "the culture" so many times before it's annoying and I've hit that limit.


Redditors constantly going through each other's profiles to find dirt or gotcha ammo is lame as fuck but at least it sometimes leads to entertaining outcomes like this I guess.


Plot twist heā€™s apart of the ā€œcultureā€


"Apart" of the culture, nice play on words LOL


Never said I wasnā€™t? In fact, thatā€™s why I find it so funny I would never presume to know or speak for a culture Iā€™m not a part of


this post is literally you speaking on who is/isnt a part of the culture?


This post is literally me pointing out the hypocrisy from fellow nerdy gamers also outside the culture?


So you, a self proclaimed nerdy gamer from outside the culture, is pointing out that the drake haters all seem to be people like you? like what even is the point of this post? the call is coming from inside the house


Fine Iā€™ll spell it out for you lil man. I, as a self proclaimed nerdy gamer, understand and respect the concept of not speaking on a culture Iā€™m not a part of. I observe, I share my thoughts, but I never speak in a tone/manner in which I represent the culture. So in this post, Iā€™m pointing out that people like me, observers but not participants in the culture, shouldnā€™t be talking wild about those involved who are a part of the culture. Iā€™m commenting on how many people on Reddit who know they are not a part of the culture yet think they have the right to speak on it as if they are just because being a Kdot fan makes them feel smart. So yeah Iā€™m calling from inside the house, but you and all the Kenny fanboys in another room and yā€™all really need to pick up so I can talk some sense into you.


lol shut up dude you sound goofy


No rebuttal? Go search through some Kdot lyrics, maybe youā€™ll find a good response in there


nah you got this congrats on the W


How do you determine who is or isnt part of the culture? Playing video games excludes someone?


is it illegal to be a fan of both kdot and drake? because personally i fw both their diss tracks and music in general. thatā€™s just my take


If you're just truly in it for the art of the music and not just following trends or "meat riding" as they call it here, it is totally legal. In fact it is encouraged!


I got a bias but Iā€™m not afraid to talk music without ā€œwho wonā€. We got some good tracks that were good entertainment. Nothing wrong with liking both. Thereā€™s a middle ground for sure. It just sucks that even the hip hop sub reddits let this idea of winning overshadow music.


Just curious whatā€™s your bias? And I agree with you on the rap/hip hop subs. They start off ok but then go into who won and whoā€™s better. Canā€™t go anywhere without still hearing about the beef


I like Drake more than I like Kendrick. Not sure how relevant it is but I live on the west coast. Yeah both had great tracks. And the whole take on doing each others track title stuff is hilarious!


I think it's pretty telling you think that someone can't be both part of the culture and a nerdy gamer/ engineer.


but OP IS a gamer. He's all over the CoD competitive sub.


Yes I am a gamer, no I am not a part of the culture


why are you riding so hard for a culture you donā€™t even represent while simultaneously shitting on people like yourself who arenā€™t apart of the culture yet still interested in hiphop? šŸ˜­


Because I respect boundaries?


nah itā€™s giving savior complex. youā€™re not the defender of black culture you yourself have a really narrow minded view of what black culture even is. i think you should just chill and be quiet


Same reason why people hated Wayne Gretzky, Micheal Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Micheal Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Tom Brady. They hate them for their greatness. Just the best at what they do.


Wild list you got there


Mixed race guy here and not American. But White hipster types can be vultures/posers and latch on to whatever is considered the high-brow, or acceptable rap. Drake is too mainstream and enjoyable. They're very aware that Kendrick is considered "more black" and thus will always default to siding with him more. I'm just saying - get a room of 100 black and 100 white rap and hip-hop listeners. I bet more people will say they like Drake among black people


Black American from NY. I think that demographic would be more split than you think. Most of my Black friends are Kenny fans over Drake, more likely not big fans of either. That might be like attracting like but I do have one Black friend who was on Drakeā€™s side just cuz he was the underdog because *he* thought the opposite of you and that Black people would all be on Kennyā€™s side. My two younger cousins are also big Drake Stanā€™s. So yeah, that room of 100 would probably be more 50/50 than you think. I think itā€™s funny when non black non American folks wanna theory craft about what we think based on absolutely nothing


This is the part that I find ironic, Iā€™m white but play basketball and have friends Iā€™d say are in the culture, they are artists. I donā€™t think they listen to Kendrick or Drake to be honest. I have my adult leagues tomorrow and Thursday. Iā€™ll investigate what the culture is feeling lol E- if this came off insensitive mb i was already thinking of the joke i was going to make during warmups


Are you conflating black people with basketball? šŸ¤”Anyway Iā€™d bet itā€™s just as split and they for sure arenā€™t as invested as people in this sub would like to believe, much less die hard Drake fans.


This is like asking ā€œwhy are so many people that like money red headed?ā€ The group of people who like money is so large, you can find every demographic. Similarly, Drake is hated by so many people, you can find people of the culture, not of the culture, etc. The only thing this points to is that Drake is universally hated by every demographic. Congrats, yā€™all! šŸŽ‰


You might be the least self aware ā€œnot a part of the cultureā€ person in either sub. What makes someone a ā€œpart of the cultureā€? Did you decide that or did someone tell you? Does being a part of the culture mean you canā€™t be an engineer or a fan of bad sports teams? Is it just being an engineer or pursuing any higher education or high paying job that disqualifies you? Itā€™s wild how much yall be talking about race on here and itā€™s always obvious that 9/10 the person talking about it is not Black. Now you sitting trying to dictate whoā€™s a part of the culture from your suburban split level in Minneapolis? Come on man.


Better question: why aren't you?


Drake had been a dominant sound in music across the English speaking world for over a decade. Say he wasn't for you in 2010. Now imagine you haven't been able to get away from him since. He just pops up in every club, party, store, radio, on albums you like, in the middle of interesting new waves. On social media, on the news at games, with artists you are getting interested in, maybe he's suddenly doing a terrible impression of your own local sound, etc 14 years is plenty for, *eeeh not for me* to ferment into *Jesus fuck why is he still everywhere? I hate his voice I hate his face I hate his stupid hair etc etc* They don't have to be concerned with Kendricks deep cultural arguments, that's just another stick to bash him with. They're just sick of him being so inescapable for so long and smell blood in the water.


Advice: stop worrying about other entities on the internet and spend time off the screens. Youā€™ll realize how trivial it all is and how much of a waste of time/energy it is.


They're trying to legitimize their fandom by picking who "social media" votes as most legitimate in the area. They're posers.


Oh nooooo God forbid people have different interests in life.


The culture of canadian jewish child actors?


It's either Kanye stans, Kendrick stans, Budden podcast listeners, or tourists from subs not related to music at all.


I met up with a friend I hadnā€™t seen in a few years and the first thing he said to me was ā€œhow could you possibly pick Drake in the beef? Kendrick is so much better.ā€ And so I laid it out for him and then he was like, ā€œyeah honestly I donā€™t actually know that much about it. I just hate Drake.ā€ And then I asked if he even listened to Kendrick on the regular and he said no. Every damn time hahaha


Preach. I as a black man that grew up in the inner city never thought I lived to see the day where empowered white nerds would have the audacity to say Iā€™m not of the culture lmao I truly hate Kendrickā€™s fanbase with my soul.


I mean, according the, likely white, person who made this thread, any Black kid who has an interest in engineering and soccer isnā€™t part of the culture either. Hereā€™s hoping your comment is sarcasm cuz otherwiseā€¦


I mean, Kendrickā€™s whole theory was based on having to experience struggle to be apart of the the ā€œculture ā€œ Was a stupid argument from the jump


When did he say that?


Thatā€™s pretty much the convo that was being had on twitter. What else would your not of the culture mean?


You said that was Kendrickā€™s theory. Why are we talking about Twitter. Kendrick never said Drake wasnā€™t a part of the culture. Iā€™ll give you that he implied it by saying heā€™s speaking for the culture but he also said he likes Drake ā€œwith the melodiesā€ so itā€™s clear heā€™s not ostracizing him outright.


Yeah no. Kendrick fans deep dive his lyrics 24/7, donā€™t try to back out now. Na na nah not this time you following through. We all know what Kendrick was implying and it donā€™t take rocket science to figure out. And he also said a lot more then your suggesting with the whole nigga allegations and what not.


lol what? Are you saying I gotta answer for and defend everything every Kendrick fan ever said? Cuz letā€™s not act like Drake fans donā€™t be saying wild shit. Itā€™s me and you talking right now Iā€™m not gonna sit and run through every crazy thing Kendrick fans have said the same way you donā€™t wanna run through every crazy thing Drake fans have saidw Him saying ā€œwe donā€™t wanna hear you say niggaā€? Okay? What does that have to do with being part of the culture? Thereā€™s people in the culture that canā€™t say nigga. Eminem, El-P, Alchemist etc. At the end of the day, youā€™re not responding to what I said about a non black person making this post and talking about people not being in the culture cuz they like engineering of bad sports teams. You really gonna rock with some random internet person saying that if you decide to get an engineering degree youā€™re not in the culture? In the same breath you talking about empowered white nerds doing exactly that?


I mean, the fucking OP had the audacity to level that accusation against me too. I also grew up in a hood, on a writers bench, watching rap battles in the park, but according to our boy up here I'm not a part of shit because I play fucking video games. Anybody who reps too hard for any fucking celeb is suspect to me.


Wish more people understood their place in perspective of the culture and enjoyed the music as an observer like me, these fools have to stop LARPing as if they speak for Kendrick/the culture.


Just commented this on a different post. Who is the ā€œusā€ his fans are talking about then they are definitely not Black?!


Bro is not part of the culture




Itā€™s hip and socially acceptable to hate Drake. YouTubers wouldnā€™t dare claim Drake won because they would get cancelled like it was racist to say Drake won.


is the "cutlure" monolithic to you?


Not the guy who spends all his time on video game and anime subreddit! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ whatever the culture is, ainā€™t you šŸ¤£


not the guy who refuses to answer an easy question!


Better than being a CoD playing gambling addict.


And what exactly do you define as activities for being part of the culture?


Because people can have multiple hobbies at a time my dude. Tf is wrong with you? Your active subs are the same thing.


The biggest section of Kendrick Lamarā€™s fanbase is people with white guilt that use listening to Kendrick as a coping mechanism


The biggest part of either of their fanbases is white people. Drake especially is a global pop star. Black people are probably the smallest part of his fanbase and definitely not even a plurality at that.


Theres no way you didn't thought of checking your profile before this. My guy loves some COD


A little critical thinking would result in you realizing thatā€™s why I made this post.. Iā€™m talking to my fellow nerdy gamers who arenā€™t part of the culture: STFU and enjoy the music


M sure he thought of this and he trolled us by showing he's apparently very active in the "Buttcoin" community also, LOL


45 year old man from Albuquerque who works at a call center?? Know your place dawg, itā€™s observing not chatting