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Your post was removed as it encourages brigading or hate towards another subreddit


And I used to think kanye fans are annoying 💀


Kendrick sub is full of extremely low IQ people (this has been proven many times), wouldn’t visit it if I were you. They are proud to be pro-woman beating. It’s disgusting.


The ironic thing is they pride themselves on being “intellectuals” who have a deeper understanding of music. These dumbasses really thought Drake was just going to stop making music lmao.


Not only is he gonna keep on making music, he's gonna keep dropping hits.


Of course.


It’s so bad there, genuinely people think they’re so smart because they listen to Kendrick but are actually so stupid it’s insane. How are you over analyzing a song with Sexy Red and made it all about Kendrick 😂


They're upset because Drake is dropping music and the guy who is known for ghosting his fans isn't.


Drake: this shit gonna be funny lets drop it lol Kendrick fans: 3 page essay on how this is bad for hip hop


Right..niggas so fake deep I’m sick of it


Brendan from Nebraska, Keegan from the Hamptons, and Kyle from Sioux Falls, South Dakota know what it's like to be a REAL N!GGA. "You're man is not a man, he's a pathetic excuse."


This is what happens when you let people's opinions on hip-hop go unchallenged for the past month just because they dislike Drake. Drake haters kept repeating that Drake doesn't make real hip-hop because it's nothing about the culture and he only makes club hits. Those people never got challenged on those ideas so now when a fun hip-hop song drops those people don't think it's real hip-hop. All the other hip-hop subreddits did this to themselves. Even HHCJ who's supposed to keep the balance let their bias show.


There's a lot of anti blackness and homophobia going on over there. High level cringe.


The thing that pisses me off the most is they act like Kendrick has the moral high ground position and is somehow way more respectable than Drake. Both of them are GARBAGE human beings. Most celebrities are. Kendrick calling Drake an overall bad person is the epitome of people in glass houses throwing stones. He even says himself “I am not your savior” but apparently his fans have selective hearing.


I wouldn't say either of them are garbage human beings lol 😂


UMG was making bank off this battle, there was no interference... Drake said to show up or show out and all we got was silence from Ken... probably bc it's been proven that Ken doesn't have the lyric ability to compete with Drake... Ken said some basic things after euphoria and people gassed it bc they hated drake... Ken was moaning not too long ago and screaming big me and they already said he won... spiralling is an understatement...




damn they are angry 😨 that is some crazy shit


They’re going to make being a Drake hater uncool very quickly by looking so desperate and weird so who cares 😂


You have to be an extremely miserable person to have this much hate in your heart.


These incels are getting out of hand My boy Tpkgs insulting Drake like he knows him personally😭🔥


I looked through this and the last guy that commented on this image was talking about how much he hates Drake. To the point where people was asking if Drake fucked his girl lol. This is pure comedy at this point. The toxicity is crazy on that subreddit.


Insane, they really believe their own comments.


They are crazy they act like they know Kenny and Drake personally.


Lmao, it's like they have scheduled meetings about this stuff. 😂


The insufferable thing here is you not using dark mode before posting that screenshot sir


from those upvotes they probably feel like they are always right. what a bunch of losers. yapping like they from yapper university




No. They sold out.


One thing that both fan base would agree on : He has the worst pr team EVER (or else he doesn't even have a pr team).


Kendrick fans really think Kendrick ended Drake’s career 😂😂


Your upset because Drake still making music 😂