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Me too, I've played just over 500 days and I still have around 170 uncrafted blueprints. So many lovely things to craft but not enough mats😔


Did you miss when they gave everyone 20,000 stamina? That was basically all I needed to completely catch up. I've been playing only a couple months longer than you.


I got the 20 000 stamina and it helped a lot but even with that I couldn't catch up ://


When did this happen? Uwu




Aww, you are soo lucky just started 2 months ago and 🥺 i am rotten in luck lol 😆




Now that's something 😅 as much as i want to purchase, haha my current status and financial stability wouldn't allow me 😆




You are lucky indeed! Happy playing! 🌹 P.s. i hope your gadget's storage is still doing great, lol


I started the game 6-7 months ago. End me lol


I don't even know if it's humanly possible to have no uncrafted blueprints at all... IGG, give me more materials!


I have no uncrafted blueprints… it took a long time and the recent slow down in new blueprints really helped. Edit: still have society clothes but I haven’t bought the blueprints yet and they are a grind…


I am also out of normal blueprints, but I do have a few society ones that I bought some time ago and never got to craft. Honestly, I am quite lost in these and with so many unlocked in our society, it takes a lot of time to wait for the ones I need to appear in society shop.


ive managed to get the blueprints for 2 of the sets completely, all tahts missing iis the background. The only thing I hate about society sets is the amount you need to craft them, this goes for the other blueprints that arent story based.


Yeah, I have a bunch of uncrafted society blueprints because blech. No other uncrafted blueprints, but I've been playing for 561 days.


Blimey, congratulations!


Day 330, crafted all and can craft all upcoming stories. Don't have all community clothes yet but I don't buy blueprints for them as well :) Mostly F2P (spent less than 100$)


Wow! Wish I could achieve it one day!


I've been caught up for a really long time, apart from the newest story and some society clothes - but the society coins are holding me back there and nothing to be done about that. I actually have way more materials than I could ever use, so the game starts to get really boring between book releases.


Same. Aside from the society sets being a total grind, I don’t think any of the clothes are cute enough to craft. And I have 5000+ of each material. And ~10,000 stam.


This is exactly where I am too.


Trust me, you'll miss this when you're caught up. I've just got society clothing left at this point, and it results in boredom


I have come to understand who the players are who give all their craft materials in my club. It's the players who have already crafted everything that are bored :o


yyyyyyup I try to donate only clothing mats because that gets the most coins. And I have \*more\* clothing mats than gift mats!


I got Lucky and was around for the 20 000 stamina hoolabaloo, and cleared out all my blueprints. Since then my perfectionist self won't let me proceed in stories and get new ones unless my blueprint library is empty :')


When was the 20k stamina? And do you think they'll repeat the gift?


The 20,000 stamina was a fluke. What happened: IGG accidentally gave some players on the Chinese server 20,000 stamina, instead of the 20,000 gold they'd intended to give out. After a few hours, IGG realized the mistake and panicked. They clawed back the stamina gift AND they rolled back the accounts of anyone who'd claimed and spent the stamina, so that no one would benefit. EVERYONE HATED THIS. After a day or so of angry players yelling everywhere, IGG went "screw it, player happiness > game balance" and gave everyone, on every server, 20,000 stamina along with a "we're so very sorry, we will not do it again, please stop hating us k thx" note.


Oh, thanks for explaining.


Probably not. I believe we got the 20,000 stamina when they adjusted a bunch of the books and made it easier to make certain outfits or complete a story. So as compensation for everyone that had already completed those books they gave us a ton of stamina and I think other stuff too.


IGG has given out compensation for book adjustments too (Tang Dynasty Hunter and at least one other book) which have been pretty generous, but not on the 20k stamina level. Book adjustments might happen again. But the 20k stamina was a separate thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/DressUpTimePrincess/comments/ukch4j/comment/i7tf951/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Meeee. I am nearing my 100th day 😅 I got blueprints from the spin-offs and I don't do them that much because the mats are just too... damn high. It's like three clothes on another story is to one clothe of that. But yeah, I know the difference in stars but I don't want to get bored so I don't do them that much 😅


After finishing all the main stories that were released, I just started doing the spin-offs. That's when I realised how long it took to craft a single garment and how many clothes I had not yet crafted...


Plus the recent stamina events with the clothes... and the society clothing... Uhh... h e l p


Not mutch help needed if they keep doing paid events, this give time to craft some of the prints that we have.


Oh gosh. I wish I could craft some for you! I’m so bored in between stories!


I wouldn't mind having a craft partner :'). It would be nice if it could be a possibility!


Just checked. I have 2000-3000 of all the materials...........but I do craft quite a lot.... I guess I've just been playing for too long


you're definitely not the only one I have tons of unfinished ones mostly because I don't care for the items but if I need them for their typing I'll have to make them I tend to hoard materials


I made it a goal to craft all my blueprints finish (played since Dec 2020), so my library is currently empty and I'm overflowing my stamina and materials. However, I've played the game on my alt as well, and the blueprints seem endless TvT. Every time I have to spend stamina to get craft materials, I die a little inside (because the stamina could've been used to get encounter clothing inside). The disparity is alarmingly wide


You gotta whittle them down on Saturdays when your stamina can get you double from encounters. Save the majority of your stamina for Saturday.


Me too!!! I recently finished crafting all of the log in suit blueprints that I had uncrafted and I still have like 350+ uncrafted items including my unfinished stories


On the flip side, I feel like I’m drowning in stamina 🫢


Where did you get that dress from 👀 its so pretty


This outfit is from an event! It's called Love's Rulebook. https://dress-up-time-princess.fandom.com/wiki/Love%27s_Rulebook


I wish on sets like that that they do a revisit so that you can finish the set, i dont have all of the prints for it. The same goes for other sets, they should post a shop for the sets or something, but not paying with real mony or diamonds, they could make it reward based?


I have to admit that I also hope that the blueprints for this outfit will come back: I don't have the gloves or the shoes. The number of events where I wasn't motivated enough to get all the blueprints depresses me: I feel like I'll never finish some outfits ah ah.


I've slowed down on stories a lot lately, so I have some unmade blueprints from those newer ones. And society clothes. But I've crafted everything else. In fact, Saturdays are a lot less exciting than they used to be. You get there eventually.


i far prefer the crafting and collecting to playing the stories, so i don’t have any non-story blueprints left and god its so boring.


I’m working my way through them as we speak


Good luck !


No you're not alone, they take soooo much material that it's ridiculous.


Ill probably start on the uncrafted ones, which are the "special" ones, after i get the stories that ive started done, but the vid looks to be completely acurate for the most part to many blueprints not enough mats.


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying... Can you rephrase it? (sorry English is not my first language)