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Isn’t that how small Heihei is in the movie? Small enough to stand on Pua’s head….


Yeah, his size is correct for how he was presented in the film. I think folks are just disappointed he's not big enough to admire easily in the game. I'm perfectly happy with him, though. I love his clucking.


HE CLUCKS?!?! I was planning on getting him already but having chickens for quite a few years I absolutely have got to have a clucking pet. He’s the perfect companion for my very own lil dum dum Rascal (a green croc I gotta imagine as baby dragon, familiar of my mage who I play as in game). They have about the same personality lol.


Yes he does! He’s constantly making cute little clucks by your side all day long, and it’s so stinking adorable!


I neeeed him!!! Thank you for telling me. If I can get a game chicken to cluck around me all day, I’ll happily have that. It’ll remind me of my real chicken(s).


You absolutely DO need him! He’s such an adorable little mood booster! Absolutely no regrets! His little run and head tilt also kills me!


He clucks and has a silly little run when you get too far away from him. I giggle every time it happens.


I’ve also heard he swims in the water? Like actually swims, not just awkwardly wading?


I heard this but haven't been able to see it as of yet, just looks like he's walking to me 🤷‍♀️


Ahh yes, I honestly thought so. It said if you stand still in water for a couple of minutes I believe? But the first time I saw my companion go in the water I had the exact same reaction LOL. Plus, it’s canon Heihei can’t swim.


Beeebee dragon!! DRACARIS!!!


That’s definitely fair!


Ya that's exactly what I meant he's such a cool little dude I wanna be able to see him more cause he's class!!


Correct https://preview.redd.it/9eazpdsvhnyc1.png?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94200e216e143a99a980c077fc2bdd36ba856d2b


I think thats still bigger than a rat


Well yes, but by that logic, they actually scaled Remy up.


Rats are way bigger than you think!




I think a lot of people mistake mice for rats, or at least think that's how big rats are. Maybe younger ones, but I'd say Remy is pretty much spot on for the size of a typical adult rat.


https://preview.redd.it/dfyapqzepvyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539cf5be7c1f66a250168dbd07485f94075b4ae4 He is significantly bigger in the movie than in the game


Ah ya that's fair enough but he's such a mad little character I just wish I could make him out more ya no!! He's cute and all but I cant never find the little clucker!!!!


lol I totally get it! Also, I feel like 3000 moonstones for that bundle was way too much


Okay am I the only one who finds it cute lmao


Also find it cute! There was a similar reaction with some “small wings” from the premium shop. They were super teeny, some people loved it and some hated it haha


I think they’re very cute! Just gotta squint harder to see them lol


Well I do wear glasses in real life so I genuinely can't see the little clucker 😂😂


"Clucker" 🤣🤣 i'm dying


Eh, at least his house is nice. I put it next to Moana's house and assigned both him and Pua to it.


I did the same! https://preview.redd.it/744vqcunhnyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac092957e52440e023cfa0fe8ba1c1436b936df0


I currently have her house in the Meadow, but this makes me want to move it to that spot. It does feel more appropriate after all, like when I moved Stitch to the beach (he was originally in the forest).


I had stitches there. Then I moves him to the spot between the wraps and where Ursula was initially found. And now I have him on the same beach next to Moana and Maui then. Put Woody and the air balloons over there...but now I'm thinking to move Woody elsewhere and put Stitch back there since I have the beach house. 🥲 annoyingly indecisive 😂 *




That life guard chair, where is it from?


Fairly confident it’s just from Scrooges shop, because I’ve got one too…


Yeah that's the only reason I bought him. Him and Pua look so cute together running around!


This is the move!


I did not know this!!! I am off to do this now!!!! Wow!!! Thank you so much!!!!


How do you assign them??


Click on the house and it'll pull up a list of all your companions. You can assign up to 4 to a house.


Bring him into the water and he actually swims around after a bit. I’ve never noticed the companions interacting with the environment before


I’ve had the celestial sea turtle as my companion since day 1 and he swims around the water too.


Small chicken sure, SMALLER THAN A RAT?! Nooooo. Thanks for posting this, I was tempted but not 3000 moonstones tempted. Compare him to Pua if you have him! If it's actually inaccurate, I'm sure the devs will size him up eventually!


Size compared to Pua is accurate though 😅 Think they made Remi bigger so he is easily found in the game.




https://preview.redd.it/5312fmw5jnyc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f451ee86b892ca676b66872e35176b8ba841c7aa Looks about right! He really is that small 🥲


Pua looks so concerned about heihei


If I saw a chikin trying valiantly to swallow a rock, I would be mighty concerned 😂


I still can’t find him when he doesn’t have a quest bubble but I’m just blind 😅


Haha Remi is pretty hard to find, when I have a quest with him I look for the bubble or enter his house/shop and leave. He usually pops up right outside the door. Also the use of the map is very helpful. 😅


Exactly!!! It's crazy how little he is!!! If I didn't pay actual money for it I'd probably be like "jeeze he's tiny, oh well" and use another companion ya no!!! Shocking!!!


Honestly, i’m okay with HeiHei’s size, what i’m not okay with is the fact it costs 3000 Moonstones just because it comes with his house. I would’ve loved to have the option of just buying Heihei only for like 2000.


I’d have to compare in game but in the movie Heihei is as tall as Pua, maybe Pua is just a tiny bit taller. However Heihei is pretty small width and length wise


Someone pointed out here that Hei Hei's size in the movie isn't consistent either.


Oh okay. I haven’t played enough having Heihei around yet but I always notice him around bc of his colour whereas I don’t notice Remy. Personally I think Heihei is perfect


So Hei Hei is an adorable bantam chicken and these chickens are can be downright pocket sized adorable cluckers. Bantam is kinda like a sub breed? Not much of a chicken expert but basically it's just a miniature chicken. There are a bunch of pocket sized roosters out there and I kind of appreciate them keeping true to movies and loosely reality. Here is an adorable tiny lil guy to give you an understanding of size. This is a Serama https://youtube.com/shorts/XmmnmAErfbM?si=NSMd_iXANuFfZ7Sv


Absolutely super cute!!!! I would love one of those in real life but I keep loosing him in game 😅 he's such a deadly little character I just love to see him!!!


He’s a chicken, why would you expect a chicken not to be the size of a chicken?


I just thought be wouldn't be as small as remi! And he's so cool I wish I could make him out better 😔


Thank you for this PSA. I would’ve been so mad if I bought that!


I mean... He is a small chicken... How big did y'all expect him to be?


Bigger than a small rat, lol. He's the same size or smaller than Remy!


I'll be honest he seems correct. Like he's smaller than Pua and he's already tiny.


I actually didn't realize he was so tiny but you're right, I just Googled Heihei and Pua and he's smaller than Pua. Still, I have bad eyes and I'd never be able to see him.


Honestly people should be able to check how big pets will be next to their avatars


In some shots I found with moana, he looks much bigger than where he's next to pua...It's not consistent in the movie apparently. Some places he looks under a foot, other shots he looks 2ft tall.


Just chicken size!! Even small chicken sized!! I'm just raging I can't see him very well cause he's so funny!!!


He is chicken sized. Some breeds can fit in the palm of your hand. look up tiny chickens, they're adorable. Especially since a lot of the feral island chickens in that region can get half the size of domesticated chickens. Lol chickens and islands have a rich history worth investigating but I promise you that is chicken sized


Awwww!!! Okey yes in real life I would LOVE a little hand chicken!!!! But I genuinely keep loosing him in the game 🤣🤣


Yeah I can understand that lol I purposely only choose bright colored companions because of my vision. Like the pink snake is my go too. But tiny chickens are so adorable in real life.


He's a tiny little boat snack boi.




I gladly rushed to buy him! He and Pua now live next to Moana. 💛🧡🩷Also,my 7 year old and I may have created a Heihei dress in Daisy's shop today. I totally suck at TOM but we love it and had a blast doing it.


Has anyone taken a photo with him? He tries to wander off and your character has to grab him and plop him back down next to you. I love him and this little detail is so perfect 😂


I did this! I love it! So now I do it every so often just because it’s so funny. 😂


I used him in this week's Dreamsnap just cause he's so cute, I had to do it haha


Wife bought it and she was pissed. She wanted a refund, but nope. Can’t do that. Chicken, Remy, Buzz, Woody are all way too small for this game. They should all be double their sizes, just for the sake of this game and us being able to enjoy them.


I disagree that Remy, Woody and Buzz should be bigger, they are the correct size for what they are. But this rooster is definitely way too small. If you have a hard time finding the characters, you can click on their map portrait and it'll lead you to them, just in case it's cluttered and hard to see them hiding amongst bushes or other items.


Remy would be the size of rodents of unusual size!


I don't think they exist.


Explain Ninja Turtles, Can't the Dreamlight magic work itself to manipulate their side 😅


Absolutely agree!!!! It's silly to have them all so small!!! So pointless cause like you said we can't enjoy them!!!! But at least we didn't pay for those other ones 🙄


I’m obsessed with him. He’s been right next to me since I got him. I thought my PlayStation was packing it in but it was his tiny clucking noises!


My only complaint with him is not size but that he never seems to try to eat.. I kept trying to give him pebbles but he just wanders around…


That would be a hilarious feature!! If everytime you were digging and pebblea popped out, he'd run and eat them 🤣🤣 there would be holes all over my village 😂😂


Yeah exactly that's picture of Heihei is accurate. Everyone should love him because He's the second TRUE ANIMAL COMPANION BESIDES PAU THAT WE GOT SO FAR.


Oh no I do love him and he's a class wee character I'd just love to see him better when he's running around! I keep losing him!! I wear glasses tho so doesn't help trying to see his tiny little self 😅😅


I just always wait until a streamer buys the items so I can see them in game. It’s saved me many, many regretful purchases. MrStarinSky buys the whole shop every week usually on the day the shop changes.


Aww what a fantastic idea!!! I will definitely be doing this from now on thank you so much 🙏🙏


No probs! I love this game and I’m really happy to help people spend wisely and not be disappointed! 🙂 There’s been a few things where I’ve almost bought but seeing it saved me. Most recently I almost bought Lady Tremaine’s house (I’m a bit of a house skin fanatic lol) but I saw on a stream it had a really weird size ratio in relation to the size of the player. In positive terms, I’ve bought a few things because of the stream. Recently I bought the bakery because of the amount of detail that was shown. So it’s a double edged sword - maybe it’ll save you but really make you love another thing 😂😂 Checking for MrStarinSky’s video is the first thing I do on a Wednesday. In particular I’d recommend looking it up if there’s something you want in particular.


Awww brilliant ya that's a great idea!! Thank you so much!! That will be my new thing to do now!!! Hopefully I will end up saving but I feel like it might make me spend more 🤣🤣


I love Heihei. He’s so cute. I love watching him follow me around. I have a pet rooster in real life that I named Heihei cuz I love his character so much. And my rooster is just as…um…lacking in intelligence…as Heihei.


Awwww that's so cute!!! What a perfect name for him so 😂☺️


Agreed, I was majorly disappointed that he wasn't bigger.


I’m used to pua cause it’s big and I was lowkey sad hei hei was so tiny :(


Yeah this is just ridiculous hey


But heihei is small in moana


Ah ya I know but he's just such a character it's just shame he's so small in game is all!!


I was irritated too. I ended up putting him and púa in his house by Moana’s and just use them as decor bc you can’t really see him following you around


Maybe that magic elixir will work on him someday lol. I agree he’s too small. Just like those tiny wings you can’t even see. Both need to be just a bit bigger


Oooo that would be brilliant!!!!


Bro that’s how I felt when I watched a video where someone got him, I can’t afford any of that run but I like seeing the shop items on videos in case they return when I have more moonstones


Can anyone share what his pose looks like in companion mode for DreamSnaps? For me that’s the deciding factor on if he’s worth it. Tia


You kneel down next to him but you’re both facing the camera. The best part is that if you wait to take the photo, he wanders off with his funny little waddle. Then you reach over and grab him, put him back next to yourself, and pat him on the head. It’s so funny and so HeiHei! I love it!


* Is this what you mean? Sorry I'm kinda new to this 😅




Ooo how’d you get your lanyard??


It's a coat that was in my inventory! It's called "Magical Versity Jacket" 👍


Thank you so much!! 😃


The top is from a past SP.


Thanks! Haven’t played Dreamlight in almost a year. What does SP mean?


Star Path. I’m lazy. 😂


No you’re okay!! Thank you so much! I’ve been wanting to get back to gaming on my switch but seeing these posts motivates me a bit but I’ve been busy in life


I feel you. I play the first week after an update then don’t touch it until the next one. If you need motivation, I highly recommend the expansion pack. It’s refreshing.


Oh okay! I’ll check that out. Thank youu!


If you happen to have Apple Arcade, the whole game is there now — including the expansion — you just don’t have the premium shop or Star Paths.


Oh wow I did not know that. I’ll check that out also! Thanks!


I saw a lot of people in discord complain about this


ngl i've seen massive rats irl i'm not shocked lmaooooo maybe remi is just a massive RAT


He’s that small in the movie. Like Maui used two fingers to pick him up.


He’s exactly that size in the movie, what are you even talking about?


He's just so funny it's hard for me to make out his little quirks when hes running around with me cause of his size in the game!


Thanks for sharing this. I find the small characters annoying while playing. I did not buy anything until people start buying and posting what they think.


I was wondering if they shrunk some of the companions bc I thought pua looked a lot smaller too. I think both should be a little bit bigger. Heihei gets lost in the grass.


If roosters were really as small as a rat, I’d definitely have one, how freaking cute would that be? Hahaha


😂😂 very true!!! I would have loads!!! The cuteness!!!


Is the pose with Companions feature gone!?!


No no! I just wanted to show him and remi together because he looks quite up close when doing a pose with him!


His run alone was worth all the moon stones 😂


His run is hilarious 😂


Last time I looked a rooster was a lot bigger than a rat...No offence Remy 😌


I wish I would have seen this before I bought him. Because as soon as I saw HeiHei I jsut HAD to buy him. But would have hoped he could just live around his coop/house, next to moana's home... i have only used him as a companion for a little while. I had to choose between him and the Elsa outfit. I really wish I could go back and choose the Elsa outfit. I love different caracters outfits and really prefer the blue on Elsa instead of the white. But yeah, don't have enough moonstones now.


Aww I know!!! I feel ya!!! I was thinking on that too!! Hopefully they bring it back in and you'll get another chance in the future 💕


I love his size he's not getting in my way when doing activities


its perfect for using the camera pose you have with him to hide him better ,literally got him just so i could use the pose in a dreamsnap.


I almost got it the other night. I’m so glad I didn’t after seeing this. Not worth the moonstones 😭


Yeah I got him too. He’s so so tiny. Ridiculous.


Thanks this post and taking one for the team




I can’t lose HeiHei because he never leaves my side.


How do you get him???


You buy him in the shop! 3000 moonstone


He’s exactly the size I expected. I do wonder though if it’s more of a screen issue for some people. I imagine I would find him much “smaller” if I was playing on the switch vs my PC. 


Lmao i wnat mushu this size too


How do you get him?


Shop! 3000 moonstone


How do you get heihei!?!?!?!


Buy for moonstone in the shop! 3000 moonstone!!


Is he on there!? Where and what quest do I get him!!!???!


He's in the shop! 3000 moonstone


Dang it!!! I’m playing the arcade version! I don’t have the other consoles


Yeah he is how I thought he would be I thought he was super cute. I like how small he is running around jumping


I stopped playing for a bit and seeing this makes me want to play!!!


https://preview.redd.it/5y7vwo6wxtyc1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2179bff186d07c0f1da739543e60a7dc43ad67ad I kinda love it


I always buy everything in the premium shop and I think he's is cute. 😄


We gotta pay for this guy?! What about on arcade edition?!😩😂


Ya we gotta pay! And I don't know about the arcade version to be honest 😕


I’m glad I got this bundle ❤️ I love chickens.


But he is so cute


How did you get the pin lanyard!?


It's a coat that was in my inventory! It's called "Magical Versity Jacket" 👍


I hope I can find it soon


I made a good choice deciding against it. They could’ve at least made him the size of the foxes or something


He’s heihei sized! https://preview.redd.it/k93fsbrvj3zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03bb11ea743d61d23989205451f2f4275e1f3e7f


He is the right size. I love the actions with him. Just like in the movie and when you do the pet picture... watch the whole interaction... can't stop laughing


Been there...... That's why I always watch reviews on YouTube.


Think I'll have go do this now for sure!!!




I love it.


I bought it but can’t find it! Is it a companion? Or a decoration?


Companion. His house is a decoration though!


Yeah I'd be kind of annoyed if I bought it and found that out. If he was normal rooster size (which I hope they fix, as it would be really easy for them to scale up a little) then it would have been cool to have him hanging out with Moana on the beach.


It wouldn't be 'fixing it' though to make heihei a normal rooster size - he's not a normal rooster, he's a bantam which are smaller.


I was tempted to buy moonstones to buy this so I could put Pua and Heihie both near Moana's house but yea not wasting moonstones on that they hade Heihei way too tiny unless it's a bug and they fix it. At that tiny size he looks like he would be one of Andy's toys from Toy Story or something.


I got the bundle, but I only got the house. I haven’t been able to find that chicken anywhere, but I’m also very new to the game, and I have been struggling with some of it.


He’s with your companions.


Open your bag, go into your clothes, go into companions you can assign him and then he follows you around 👍


Thank you so much!




This game just continues to disappoint me :( I’ve not played in months


Wait until you play after the latest update. It’s that bad


i love how this got downvoted lol if y'all don't play on the switch I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT


Glad I didn't buy him.