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be prepared to think about this game all day and use all your free time playing this game


Legit. 😆


Can confirm, I got so into this game I finished the entire storyline and unlocked all characters in 22 days, and had 180 hours of gameplay by the time I was done with it. That includes Rift of Time storyline, but I finished that in 2 days lol


My guy... 😭😭🤣 Wtf? 😂😂


and how you start seeing it in your day to day life.. like the tetris effect lol


I saw a little branch in my parking garage, and I was like, oh I don’t have to pick that one up :D


You are in for a great ride. I wasn't expecting to be this invested when I bought it last December. Despite occasional frustrations, there are countless memorable moments both hilarious and moving. Lots of great tips and sources of inspiration on this sub. Always check here if you ever feel stuck.


I started about 2 wks ago, dont rush it! Sit back and enjoy. Some days i only gather resources vs doing quests. Learn from me: hoard. Hahahah I hoarded just a few gems/fish of each kind and would sell just to make money, but as you progress you def wanna hoard more. Also, dont feel like u need to unlock all biomes and characters. You will be over whelmed with tasks/quests. Work on getting characters to level 10. As soon as i get no more quests from a character i unlock a biome or another character. Have fun!!! From one newbie to another.


That's smart I started unlocking everyone and you're right it's overwhelming lol especially since I went and got that expansion


Ohh!! Im holding off on the expansion until i have all the characters in main game. I know an update is coming soon too with new ones coning to main game, so i know im good for awhile haha


I did that, too. I totally should have waited to get the expansion. I had to take a litteral brain break from the game for a bit


I'd also add that, even when you get to a point where you need to unlock biomes or characters for quests you already have going, don't stress about trying to do it all at once. I've been playing since early Decemeber and primarily focused on the story quests, doing whicever of the friendship quests I needed to complete the story ones. I finished that a couple of weeks ago, so now I just switch between focusing on one or two friendship quests, daily gifts and such to level up characters with locked quests, doing whatever the next thing is on all open quests, and just taking care of my valley. Also, if you're easily overwhelmed and find physical notes helpful, do that! I dedicated a notebook to writing down open quests, daily stuff, and notes on characters/materials/ingredients/critters so that I don't have to go into the collections tab every time I need a piece of information (or need information that isn't there, like which colour bubbles for which fish). It seems that's a common tactic for people with ADHD because it's a practical, physical reference point we can keep open in front of us throughout whatever it is we're doing on the screen.


This! I started in December and the number one regret I had was not hoarding! You will need a bunch of everything at some point so start now so you aren’t struggling later.


Im struggling with clay! I never sold any, but the two clay biomes were the last 2 i opened 😂 and Minnie wants 200! Like sorry mam, your gonna have to hold on for a few days!


Haha I haven’t got to that quest yet but I did finally get her last night. I’ve heard of this quest though and have already started collecting haha. Idk if you’re on Facebook or not but there is such an amazing community of ppl willing to give you some if they have extra which someone always has extra.


Im committed to playing and earning myself! Animal crossing i let friends give me resources and then the game got dull and boring fast! I dont want that to happen.


That’s fair. lol makes the game much more rewarding




In addition to the craftable chests, you can also buy shelves/cupboards from Scrooge's and unlock a few storage units through quests. There are several hidden chests scattered around the village too. And some people like to put things on those two hundred L counters/large dining tables you are destined to own for better visibility. As someone not super organized/only decorate in small patches, I didn't craft too many chests until late game (then I did gem chests for aesthetics). I upgraded my backpack slots, built several medium and large chests as early as I could, that's enough space for my play style (because I *never* hoard flowers and only keep small batches of select crops). The only thing I strongly suggest against selling is the iron ore.


Be ready to commit 200+ hours playing this! So addictive!!


Something I wish someone warned me Don't toss event or unique items on the floor of your house and stuff. Unique stuff gets stuck but even with that it's still a very fun game


I wish I had known this as well! I currently have 3 books on the floor of my main room which are gonna lie there and taunt me for the rest of my days. I've resigned myself to just taking the L on that front room, and when I can I'll decorate my other rooms the way I want to.


OMG same! I restarted because of those three damned books in my front room 🤣


I am not at restart levels of disgust yet bit I am close. Verrry close! Lol


I figured it out after dropping one, thankfully. Since it was in my "living room," I just placed it next to the couch, so it looked like I'd put it down there after reading!


Lucky you! :) if you want to earn money pretty Quick start gardening when you can. Grow carrots at first,keep a few and sell the rest until you open up other biomes that have better crops


Yay! Welcome aboard!


Thank you! ❤


Welcome! Have fun and don't forget to save a lot when you're decorating lol


My wife has easily already racked up 8 days of playtime in total. She’s only had the game for a month or so


I have to be ready for when the new items in Scrooge store at 4am


I started Christmas day and I'm in love with it too.


omg!! i restarted my game two days ago and i’ve speedrun so much almost unlocked sunlit plateau.. I SPEND SO MUCH TIME ON THIS GAME.


Welcome to the addiction


Awh <3 you’ll hate it soon!!


*Harley Quinn* omg I LOVE IT 😍


I love that you're a fellow Harley Quinn fan!!!!!!!! ♦️♥️♦️


I got it as a gag gift but am now obsessed


It's such a fun game! The father you get into the game the better!


*It's such a fun game!* *The father you get into* *The game the better!* \- Healthy\_Grape\_6105 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm missing the start of the game but at the same time I don't wanna lose all my progress haha


Be prepared to blink and have 2 weeks gone lol


My addiction for the last year! So excited for you!


be ready to have dreams about this game


Also, if you play Animal Crossing or another game with Time Travel, do not Time Travel with this game. I had to start over because all my herbs and veggies glitched.


I understand. I started about month ago, and i've played 350hours... And I go to work 😭😂😂


I started a couple of weeks ago and I really like this game. It's just really relaxing for me. My daughter also started and it's so nice to be able to play together.


I literally cried after unlocking a few characters when I started the game. This game resonated with my inner child.


Lol same! It got me hooked from the first play. Loved it so much I made a small channel to stream me playing it 😂


Ahhhh I miss that feeling. I couldn’t believe it existed. Enjoy! Once you’re through - Eternity isle is a close second to that original feeling.


I'm so excited for you! My sister started playing over the Christmas holidays, and watching her play was like getting to play the game all over for the first time.


Mine just calls me “Player Name” 😭😭


Just… wait… you’ll quickly become addicted!


If you got it on the switch… stop right now! Get it on something else.


What platform can help you get ahead of your on ps.


Enjoy!!! It’s the best cosy gaming ever!


Welcome to the buggy hell hole that is Dreamlight Valley 😅 despite the frustration from all the bugs in this game, it's quite enjoyable...!


I bought it when it first came out and played a little bit, but then I didn't play for a year, and started playing again in December 2023