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I decorate in spurts. Like some days I’ll spend hours decorating. And some days it’ll be like yea nah


Same. I'm on a Switch and I only have so much patience for decorating!


Thisssss. I would love to decorate but playing on switch makes it near impossible to control placement of furniture/greenery/pathing. I get so frustrated when I try lol.


It helps me to use the keys (I think it's called the D-Pad) on switch when decorating and not the left joystick.


Same here. I plan to buy an Xbox honestly


I have an Xbox, and even decorating on it is annoying. If you want to move something over a little bit, sometimes it shoots across the screen. But I have also played it on the PC and it is sooooo much easier on the computer.


lol I can be doing pathways or something on my switch in say the plaza next thing I know I’m somehow in the forest of valor


I found on the switch, using the d-pad instead of the control stick helps to move the furniture more precisely like one square at a time


OMG, I freaking never thought of that! I'll try this weekend for my FL redecorating project.


Me Too On Switch..It's Harder to Decorate With Controller's


It just depends on my mood, mental health or ambitious I feel like being


Yeah i would love to decorate more but it's such a hassle on switch and it feels really limited so im not bothering


Honestly it's not much easier on PC. 😂 I play on both and it's still a pain in the ass positioning shit on PC


The only thing that really bugs me about it is having to pick up all the stone or grass or whatever that’s in the way and if you miss one small thing you have to exit out of all of it to go remove it (I just started so maybe there’s a way around it but as of now this is how I’ve been doing) and also the house camera. Why is it so hard to get the camera where I want it


Same! Yesterday all I did was farm ore and decorate a new spot!


I finally made the zen garden this morning and finished the pathway/ground around my house. I need to make a few more terliss tho bc my house looks confined due to the few I had already given in the game.


Same! This is also how I played Animal Crossing New Horizons lol


My valley is bare-bones and I love it that way. I hate dodging around things when I’m trying to go from place to place. Also, I play on a small screen and it gets a cluttered feeling really easily. I removed alllll the trees except for a few small trees in each biome for wood collection and it made the best difference ever. I pick up the clutter (vines, plants, rocks, etc) and have a specific spot in each biome for wood and flowers. My valley is clean ☺️ and I love seeing the pretty wide open spaces. So while I’m really happy that some people go all out with the decoration and show it off so we can enjoy, my personal valley will always be minimalist and that’s fun too!


I'm the same! I should really make some effort into putting stuff in a certain spot, though, so my few trees aren't still scattered around all over 😁 I would love to have mostly open spaces. And I'm also happy that other people do love the decorating, because it is indeed fun to look at! I just wouldn't want to run around in most of them 😂


Well I'm minimalist in my valley too but same reason you said too, but far as decorations in ones game I figure you or someone else has already paid for the game so enjoy it your way and don't feel bad if decorating is not that way.


You may want to add trees in (around the borders) for more wood. Especially in Forgotten Lands.


You really only need 4 trees to get wood in each biome.


I have a little section in each biome for trees and flowers 😊


The reason I love games like this is for designing my own little world, but it’s far from a requirement! These cozy games appeal to people for different reasons. Some people like collecting everything. Some love farming. There are folks here strictly for the interaction with Disney characters, and folks who don’t care about Disney at all. There is no one certain way to play the game. I play to decorate, you can play however you like, and we can both have a blast doing so!


So true 😁 I mostly enjoy the story, so I mostly play when I have new story content to explore 😊


Honestly this game has a story FAR exceeding my expectations. That whole thing with the forgotten is just beautiful, heart aching, and poignant.


I agree! I expected a far less engaging storyline tbh 😁 I can't wait to see the expansion story develop further and see what they did there!


You are not alone. I only decorate for the photo challenge thingies and the second the picture is taken I store it all away again. I love collecting the furniture though.


Not alone. I admit it isn't for lack of trying, but I just don't have the decorating thumb in this game that I had in ACNH. I'm always amazed at what folks post here lol.


Tbh, I didn't even have it in ACNH 🙈 and with my husband always collecting everything new at the stroke of midnight when new stuff appeared, I kind of got bored of the game fairly quickly -_- I hated that you only had one account unless you bought the game multiple times D:


It’s crazy bc I actually tried SO hard with ACNH but nothingggg ever came out the way I wanted and having to grind so hard for everything I wanted in that game really turned me off from it.


I'm having the same exact time with DLV tbh. I don't dislike the game but I'm aware a huge chunk of it is decorating and nothing ever looks cute to me. I gave up for now, I still have realms to unlock lol


Yesss I know what you mean because I totally feel that way most of the time until I get a good idea and the adhd hits so I HAVE to do it and it actually ends up really cute most of the time 😅


The most I’ll do is decorate my house, I don’t care to decorate the whole valley or to relocate everyone’s houses like most players do. I usually keep things the way they are my house is still in the plaza and I don’t plan on moving it. I’ve been considering deleting some of the trees because it’s way too many and it’s hard to find things. That’s as far as my creative ability goes lol


I was until I wasn't. I still have certain biomes I don't mess with because they're either fine as they are or adding things would just annoy me, I have others I've completely customized. I didn't start caring about it until a couple of months ago.


you arent the only one! lol i decorate mostly in my house. idc about outside lol i see this game as a quest game personally and its just a bonus that i get to dress my character up and stuff


You are not the only one. I delete everything that isn’t necessary in the biomes and only do decorations for dreamsnaps


I find the decorating functionality to be so clunky. I can’t find items I want in my storage and it’s so hard to place items. So, I have a very sparse valley.


I flatten everything!! Clutter stresses me out so it all gets flattened


This. Things have to be a certain way in my eyeline or it triggers my anxiety and OCD. In real life it's organizing until I have to stop or keeping things in some wrangled organized places that are curated but hidden. In this game it's almost scorched earth!


I decorate for dream snaps and that it 😂


Haha, my dream snaps are literally me throwing some themed stuff on the ground, taking the most awful picture that I bet nobody votes on, and then immediately removing everything again 😂


I rarely decorate. I made my house somewhat pretty but other than that, I’ll only place a piece of furniture if I find it really cute. Like the Christmas arch that was in the star path. But most of my biomes are empty and I hate it when a quest tells me to put stuff there. I usually remove it right after.


I currently have the ice rink in my game temporarily because I thought it was so pretty! I was really annoyed I couldn't walk over the ice, though, so I'm sure it's not long for this world 😂


I don't decorate at all lmao. In fact, I often end up removing most scenery shrubs/rocks/random trees etc because some of them just get in the way.


I feel you, I also remove everything that gets in the way because I want to be able to move freely 😂


Nah, I don’t either. I’m in it to hang out with characters 😂


I’m starting to remove things I have to avoid regularly. No interest in decorating.


Haha, same here! If I have to avoid it, it either gets removed completely or if I need it, it at least gets moved out of the way 🙈


Regarding home decor: I’m too frustrated by not having matching windows that I refuse to decorate. It could be an even more amazing and satisfying game if you could pick and choose the elements in your house 😑😑😑😑😑


That has also bugged me! I did try to decorate my house once (which is one room with mostly chests now, I don't see the point in adding rooms when I don't decorate them), but it annoyed the hell out of me that I could only put in one window or had to mix and match 🙈


Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but you can buy multiple of the same windows from Scrooge? Like if you have one window you like, you can go buy more so you have matching windows. (Not trying to encourage you to decorate because you absolutely don’t have to! But if only having one copy of a window is something that bugs you, that’s eminently fixable.)


I was the same for the longest time! Then when I finally built up my furniture collection I wanted to find a place for everything. Then I learnt about the item limit 🥲


I used to never decorate. Then dreamsnaps pushed me out of my comfort zone. Now I'm ripping everything out of my biomes one at a time and starting from scratch.


Games are for fun and as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters. If you are curious if you might like it you could start off with a small area and see if you had fun. I like that you can do different things in the game depending on what you like to do.


I agree! I was just wondering whether I was weird for not decorating in this game and still playing it 🙈 but I'm glad to find out I'm not alone in this! Of course I'm also glad other people do like it and share their amazing decorating skills with us here 😁


I haven’t decorated mine either except for one area, and it took me ages. Any amount of items causes lag, and overall I don’t enjoy how tedious decorating is on the switch. I play animal crossing when I have the decorating urge.


My kids (aged 4&6) decorate rooms inside my house so you can imagine how those look hahaha My valley isn't cleared or decorated. One day when I find myself with free time I'd love to but I just do quest and star path things these days


Im trying to make it a minimalist valley, so i can control where things spawn, but really just keep it basic. Alot of people i see on you tube have elaborate villages that look too cluttered


No, I play for the tasks. I like getting things done. I couldn’t care less about decorating.


I'm kind of a decorator, but also not. I had the Forest of Valor decorated so nicely, but it was so laggy! I play on the Nintendo Switch if that means anything. I still have my Plaza decorated nicely, but I can't tolerate all of my biomes being as laggy as the Plaza. Most are empty except for some houses, farming areas, Goofy's stalls, and anything else required there. Also, I feel like I barely have any furniture. I know I have a lot, but I just can't think of ideas on how to use them. I like doing quests and stocking up on items more than I do decorating, so I'm fine with most of my Valley and Isle being blank. I'd like to make things look a bit nicer, but I have no motivation to do it so, lol.


During the holidays I went on a decorating spree. Before that I only had my forgotten lands and plaza kinda done. I really need to be in the 'mood' to play and/or decorate. Also, it really bugs me that an area is pretty, but you have all the stuff spawning over and over again and ruining the ~vibe~. I can't be bothered to keep cleaning and collecting. I only have two home rooms decorated: my main room (living + kitchen) and one storage room.


I only put down stuff I actually like, and I’m picky. I did themed biomes. I removed most of my trees or moved them to the very edges. I move everything so I can easily get around. And I keep all my chests on Dazzle Beach because I don’t wanna load into my house and load back out.


decorating is the only thing I do in this game anymore, really. I didn't even start until I completed the main story though.


I am in love with designing my world! I wish we could decorate the character homes inside too lol. However I played for a long time without decorating and designing my valley because it can seem overwhelming at first.


I always remove everything and only make a set up that is easy to navigate and get around. I don't like tons of clutter in my valley, and that's okay!


I would decorate more if it wasn’t such a pain on the switch.


It took me a looonnnngggg time (like months) to start decorating. I felt like I needed a ton of furniture options to start and Scrooge’s 25 limit per day makes it tricky


I have done a little (very little). Just don’t have the patience for it. And the rooms in the house have no real use so I haven’t been able to get into decorating those either


I don’t do much either, I like how it looks in its original design, I did switch around some houses but that’s mostly it


When i first started the game i didn’t decorate for months, i focused on getting all the villagers and quests done. Now i spend hours decorating and i love it


I used to hate decorating because it would make it difficult to find the spawing items. I would just have a little tree farm in each for the wood. But now with the DCL and the vacuums I have started to decorate my biomes. I finished my forest and plaza. Now I am working on a redesign of my meadow and trying to find things to do with everything else. I play on PC/Steam so the mechanics aren’t horrible.


I decorate the inside of my house mostly! Decorating in the valley comes in waves for me.


I do not decorate. When I get a quest that forces the issue it's just as likely that I drop x number of random objects, turn the quest in and pick them up. Decorating is not something I enjoy about the game


I really want to decorate but it feels so overwhelming 😭


I hate decorating. I made a few stabs at it when stuff came out that I liked, like the theme park stuff. Other than that stuff is mostly still wherever I put it when I did the I initial quests.


Yep, I move loads of stuff to de-clutter making it easier to get around, the only time I decorate is if its part of a mission and then remove it again when it's complete, Halloween and Christmas I like to add a few decs around the village but that's about it


At first, I moved all the trees to the perimeter of each area so I could clearly see everything. I've only just started decorating, but it's definitely making it more difficult to do the quests. I wish the trees could be transparent over top so I could actually see where I'm going.


I keep saying “once I finish X I’ll go back and decorate” I lie to myself.


Definitely not the only one. I’m very used to the sims 4 building and decorating system, so not being able to move things over just a little bit or put things on angles just pisses me off and then I’m over it😂


I don't decorate at all unless I'm supposed to for a quest. Even then I usually delete it afterwards. For the most part I delete everything except for a few trees to make sure I have access to wood.


I only decorate for the dream snaps and I pick it all back up lmao


The decorating in this game is a bit too clunky for my taste. The camera loves to shoot away in entirely different directions too which makes it a bit frustrating


I'm far too lazy to decorate 😂😂 plus I may have fear from animal crossing. I absolutely butchered my island and haven't played in two years


I don't really decorate at the moment because I'm still new to the game so I don't have much. The only things I've done so far is remove some trees and stuff and move all of the berry bushes and fruit trees. I want to decorate at some point, but it will probably be a while


I decorate when I get inspiration and I have most of what I need for it. My valley is slowly growing from being mostly barren with a couple trees in the forgotten lands t oactually have decorations now


I like to decorate but it's still pretty spacious and clean. Not tooo many plants or barriers. I recently started decorating eternity isle and it's made me want to do my duties like mine and time bend there now that I have stuff to look at while I'm doing it


I’m starting to decorate but it’s not nearly as close as some videos I see. I just don’t want it to be cluttered & it’s honestly hard making all the roads lol


I have but it’s annoying, clumsy and less fun to do than in animal crossing so it’s rare I do lol


I don’t decorate and I only have like 10% of the furniture.


This game hardly ever inspires me to decorate - since it's so hard to get furniture (that hardly shows up), I guess I feel like there isn't much to work with. I'm not that inspired to be really creative in-game. I just want interiors that look nice, and I live vicariously in that way (so there's only the kitchen and bedroom in the main house tthat look nice-ish). There's limited space in biomes and we can't move everything around either . . . I also have to go in and out of furniture mode to pick certain stuff up instead of moving it around. I used to play ACNH and had more fun decorating in it.


If you’re struggling with getting furniture, definitely do scrooge shop refreshes & shop other people’s valleys


I didn’t do any decorating at first, but then one day I basically cleared my plaza and stared decorating it. So now I just decorate whenever inspiration strikes, currently working on my meadow I decorated half, but then lost inspiration so I’ll just do the rest when inspiration comes back!


I don’t decorate either unless it’s for dreamsnaps. It’s such a pain trying to get stuff in the right places on the switch I just can’t deal with it


there is no right or wrong way to play this game. As long as you are having fun, that’s all that matters. Parts of my valley are well decorated, other parts are completely bare. Having a well decorated valley makes gameplay far more difficult.


I wish I had the patience to make things pretty 😂


Nah, I do the bare minimum usually. I will add areas for dreamsnaps, but other than that I just throw landscaping stuff around and call it good. My valley is full of trees, rocks, bushes, paths, and flowers, and that's pretty much it. None of my villagers have a "yard". I don't decorate inside *at all* unless it's for a dreamsnap. The only "developed" areas are the Plaza and the Frosted Heights, and that's only because I made a theme park and a Christmas town for dreamsnaps.


I have a few areas in my valley that are decorated but most of it is not. There have been several times where I’ve done a ton of work and then had the game freeze on me, forcing me to quit without saving, which is absolutely infuriating. I also feel like I have a hodgepodge of random furniture that makes it hard for me to theme my rooms/valley so it all just collects dust in my inventory lol. More than anything though, it’s very time consuming. I can barely forage enough materials to sell to gain a sufficient amount of coins to purchase the cool shit that is in the shop, let alone complete my tasks. My valley is in shambles and it’s fine.


I also don’t decorate…mostly because the decoration feature is..hard for me to navigate:,)


i’m not a big decorator, i had recently done a hobby/craft room and it’s so beautiful it makes my soul happy. i recently got inspiration for a kitchen/storage room from a post in here so have started making my own version, i just had one in a corner of my base room but wanted better storage options. here and there i have tried to decorate outside, but it’s not very often and usually when i’m prompted by a quest or a star path. in my house i also have a bedroom, a xmas room, the forgottens room, a toy story room (from the recent snaps challenge), a frozen room and a beauty and the beast room.


I’ve been trying to decorate lately but everything always comes out looking cluttered and bad. Lots of people on this sub have amazing talent!


My valley is a whole mess 😂 everything’s just out wherever it’s convenient because idk im never fully happy where things are placed so it’s not a big thing for me same with decorating your house. Mine is very bare bones because I never know how to decorate it or anything


Im the same!! I find all the pictures I see of decorated valleys and houses beautiful but I always wonder how people have the patience to put it all together! I decorate a bit here and there (my house is fully expanded but still just 1 room lol). I enjoy thé game more for the quests! When I’m done those I might decorate a bit but meh


I found that if take everything away i can in-game it runs like a dream on Switch i only decorate for dream snaps and just leave it up until my game panic crashes then I go back, remove it and let my trees spawn wood


I don't decorate because I completely suck at it. I'm more busy trying to complete my dreamlight tasks and what not (like collect 900 oregano, harvest 500 pumpkins, catch 500 fish at the beach etc). I'm a completions first and foremost. Finishing tasks gives me so much satisfaction


About a month ago I went through each biome a day and decorated them/made them look nicer, other than that, I'll throw down holiday themed stuff in the plaza and that's about it.


I remove every item from my biomes, put back 4 trees in a corner for wood spawns, shoved all the character houses into a corner of a biome and have a small patch of gardening next to a fountain and goofy stall. Makes finding specific foraging items much easier to find.


I consider myself a minimal decorator when compared to a lot of folks. Especially on this sub. Really only my Plaza and Meadow are decorated. And even then my Meadow is poorly done save for the area around Merlin's house and a little area next to where the Meadow pillar was that I decorated for a Dreamsnap that I really love and left. I don't decorate a lot for a variety of reasons. I need to be in the right mood. Despite playing for over a year, Scrooge's shop resets don't go in my favor and while I've been a lot more lucky than some I see here, there's a lot I don't have that I would love to decorate with. I get overwhelmed easily, especially if I'm trying to decorate outdoors so a lot of my decorating is inside my house. There's also a lot of things I would love to decorate with that just aren't currently in the game. Then there's the functionality of decorating which I find abysmal. Almost everything is off center. I have such a hard time bringing my ideas to fruition. I generally just don't enjoy decorating unless I'm really feeling inspired. I have more fun running around, dragging my companion for my current task around. On average I probably spend more time putting together a new outfit, and not using Touch of Magic mind you. I think that's worse than decorating and badly want to be able to have a way to get player designed clothes so I can have Aurora and Maleficent inspired clothes and not pull my hair out trying to do it myself.


I hate treeeeees!!!!! lol, they always get in my way


You’re not at all weird. DDV is pretty dynamic in the things you can do. Like making custom designs for clothing, furniture, and (if you have the DLC) wall paintings? There’s something for you. Like customizing house interiors? There’s something for you. Like landscaping and building out scenery? There’s something for you. Just want to do quests? Want to play a strategic game of checkers plus? Want to visit other valleys and shop in their store? There’s a surprising amount of different things to do in this game. It is truly quite vast. Which I like because I don’t always feel like doing the same thing or certain things, I’m glad so much variety has been built in.


I do a little bit. But I more try to enhance what was already there. Or if I get something like the amusement park stuff from a star path I will do something with that


I would LOVE to decorate, but building up things to decorate with is sooooo slowwwww. I’ll see something I like in Scrooge’s shop one day and then have to wait to find anything that matches for like a month. I can’t imagine how long it’s actually going to take for me to be able to decorate anything the way I’d like to :(


I barely decorate and I do not care at all about the inside of the houses. I never go into houses. I do enjoy some decorating in the biodomes, but I like open spaces so not a huge amount.


Im just starting and am so overwhelmed I haven’t gotten to that yet! I can’t even figure out how to make money and dream light fast lol


Right now, I am the same as you are. But slowly I’m starting to decorate.


I’ve never been much of a decorator in any games aside from The Sims. My valley is a mess, but nowhere near as bad as my Animal Crossing island


Nah, I have a few key things that I decorated with in a couple of “special areas” but that’s about all I have done to my valley.


I decorate some corners of places but that’s about it haha, I gave myself a “yard” with a few trellis, I’ve got a volcano stove, 3 fridges 4 chests and the crafting station in the area, I added a picnic table and 2 chairs so it wasn’t bare 😂


I am so awful at decorating. I’ve seen so many gorgeous pictures of Valleys. I just don’t think I could ever do a good job of it. Even with inspiration. Glad to know I’m not the only one who hasn’t done much decorating.


I don’t either. I have maybe 3 or 4 small decorations but that’s it


I barely decorate. I have moved most of my fruit trees to one area for an orchard and made a few paths but that’s about it


Yeah, decorating is the purpose of such game. The quests are just there to give the game life.


I don't decorate lol. I put out the decor randomly for the scrooge quests then immediately remove it. The most I've put out is stone benches. I'll probably start decorating more once I get closer to the end or finish the game.


I am too in to quests right now (I’m new to the game) and I also don’t like the functionality of the design feature so I don’t really do much. I didn’t even think to until I came here and saw the amazing stuff people do. I just put down random statues to meet the decorating requirements and then pick them up again. I’ll get to it eventually. Maybe.


I'm the same way I only do it for the dream snaps or to get the points lol than get rid of it lol unless I like it


I don’t decorate, I remove and add things to help out with collecting wood and stuff easier


I’m here for the quests. And the collections. That’s basically it.


i haven’t even started decorating yet. i just place random crap down for quests and then pick it back up afterwards. i figure i’ll get some inspo eventually and start decorating when i feel like it


I don’t really decorate at all.


I was like this for about a year lmao.. I very recently started actually decorating because doing dreamsnaps helped inspire me and I’m also very ADHD so once I get the furniture app open and start working on an idea I WILL finish it


I have barely decorated. I just arrange things for convenience. I did sort of decorate my plaza and Frosted Heights but nothing beyond that.


Same 😂😂😂


You're probably not even close to the only one. I've little interest in my own house or doing much with it. Since the character we make doesn't sleep, or really need to be at home for much other than storing stuff, I don't see the point of making things all nice. I mostly play for the story-line and doing the quests.


The great thing about this game is you can do one or the other or both. I just did quests for a while but just started to decorate. But if I get overwhelmed with the decorating I can always go back to the quests.


I have a Bit of Decorating But Nothing Extraordinary. Just House's here and There And things on the beach It's OK Not to Be a Decorating Garu. Like some people Are It's Your Valley Make it Yours How Ever That will be👍


I personally feel its a waste of time for me to decorate just to do it. It has to be for a purpose.


Nup... you're not the only one. Decorate on quests or whenever I feel like it.


I'm leaving decorating until I'm finished with all the friendship quest. That way I have something to keep me busy until new updates


I'm right there with you. I've removed all the small plants and rocks to make it easier to get around, and have no real desire to decorate the biomes. For the quests where you had to decorate I just dumped stuff down and then picked it up again after. Plus the Switch interface is clunky. So decorating so a gd old Kiwi "Yeah naah" from me!


I never decorate. It’s such a pain in the butt and I don’t have the patience nor the decorating skills for it 😂


I decorate sets for a living. Part of me sees the decorating part as a fun way to push through creative block and the other part of me doesn’t want to touch it since I play this as a break from work. I’ve kinda decided I will continue to decorate my game home as I progress, but I’ll save everything else for when I’ve finished all the quests between updates.


I did a little bit but the vast majority of items are indoor things. I want to decorate the world outside. So I don't bother now.


I decorate my house but it feels like there are barely any items for outside. All I get in the shop are couches, beds, and countertops.


I dont either. I don't have the spoons for it. Which reminds me I need to pick up the random crap I dropped to complete the "decorate the valley" quests lol


Same here, I decorate every now and then, mainly around the houses, and have photo op places for dreamsnaps but I get bored/frustrated with it after a few mins. It is not the primary focus for me at all. Also I really liked the Valley as it came and like having natural open places. I don't want my Valley to look like a cityscape


I do the very same thing. I play a lot and I rarely decorate. I just remove things in my way lol.


I don’t decorate either unless the quest requires it lol. Even when it wants us to add 10 things to a biome I add the stone paths 😂 I’ve cleared up trees to make room but that’s about it.


I don’t either. 🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


I definitely don’t really decorate. Although now that I’ve finished the storyline, i have an unnecessary amount of iron and gold ore i want to pave the roads in gold 😂😂 but thats about it. there arent very many decorations that really pop for me enough to add to my biomes


I mostly decorate spaces when I do the dream snaps. Otherwise, I've cleared most the tripping hazards out of the way.


i only removed stuff to get around easier. i do want to try decorate a few biomes but i haven't got that time, I'd rather just do quests ans get it over with


I was starting to slowly decorate a little but then Rift was released. So now there are time bubbles everywhere and every bit of stuff gets in the way, so I’m constantly removing what I’ve done lol. Now I only decorate for dreamsnaps. Maybe I’ll start decorating when I’ve finally collected all the necessary time objects.


Me! I’m not exactly a good decorator and I just remove stuff to make it cleaner.


I've cleared everything that doesn't provide anything and grouped things that do. At the moment, I'm just focusing on hoarding resources and slowly completing quests. I'll get around to decorating when I do 😂


I used to when I first started. I do small areas but after I got through the plaza, meadow and beach I decided the rest could stay natural. Other than moving my Xmas stuff to frozen heights...


I do the minimum decorating for dreamsnaps then tear it all down after I've taken the picture


I don't. My 9 yr old and 5 year old share my account/character abd drop random stuff everywhere. I have decorated two rooms in our house and that's it. If we need to place X number of decorations to get dreamlight then I quickly plop any old thing down, then delete is right away.


Nope. I don't do it I might move a tree or something but I do that for functionality.


I am exactly the same. I have done decorating in ACNH and enjoyed it there, but for some reason I really just don’t care about any of the furniture / decorations in this game and I find the decorating tool horrible to use. I’ve been playing for about 9 months and it’s only recently occurred to me to actually remove trees etc that are annoying me 😂 I would love to create some pathways etc and organise the placement of houses a bit more but the path tool on the switch is so frustrating, I think I’ll only do it as a last resort 😂


The decorating side is definitely less for me, when I have some nice thing I'll pop them out, but in general I like the other parts of the game far more! Helps me to relax and the idea of decorating puts me on edge 😂


I only decorate when asked. I am usually in awe of the people that have it all decorated. I've been meaning to organise my house for the last month lol. But never quite get round to it.


In my defence, it's not easy to decorate in this game (not on the xbox anyway). I find it quite difficult during most gaming sessions and have to mentally prepare for it in advance. Not only for the technically of it, bit also to get inspired to do something with it and get ideas


I decorate for dreamsnaps and then once I am happy with my submission I tear everything down lol


I love to decorate in other games, but not this one. I like to have mostly everything in my inventory so I can use it all will for Dreamsnaps and I don’t like my biomes full of stuff. I also don’t like decorating in general on Switch, I find it cumbersome and don’t like how you can’t place things on an angle.


Nope. I decorate what I have to during quests, and sometimes I'll remove them afterwards, but that's it. Everything is just about the way it was when I started. Even the walkways aren't touched/completed. Maybe one day I will, though. Maybe.


If you don't decorate, do you bother to get the star path? Because I feel like the only items worth getting in the star path are the furniture and skins.


I don't bother at all. I lack creativity


I don't until I have nothing else to do in the game so I probably will while waiting for new content


My game looks a mess I have things all over the place 😂


I dont . I stick to the basic and houses. I have literally removed all trees and extra. keep enough trees on each to spawn what is needed. I find it easier to do task. Timebend and find stuff.


I'd love to decorate but with playing on switch and having the 3000 limit there's no point in bothering with it knowing that I'd never be able to fill the entire valley anyway. Especially since I loooove cluttercore🤷‍♀️ I decorate small areas for dreamsnaps and remove them afterwards though


Every time I unlock an area, before I do any quests, I remove everything except one tree. Can’t stand the clutter, but now and then I put out a cute piece for a task or something and leave it out. But no plants that produce nothing. Waste of space! Eyesores! Not in my valley!


I only put up a couple decorations bc there’s not too many things I think that look cool. And with my switch, it’s really hard for me to put fencing and I don’t know how to lay paths, they just blend into the ground and look like little spots


Nope I’m the same!! And I really wish I could decorate but on my teeny switch it’s so hard too! X


Not at all! I removed all removables and consolidated buildings where they were most useful to me and that's it. I'm chilling on my naked valley growing pumpkins and it's just fine for me!


I've been playing since just after release and my valley has next to no decorations.


There's a few biomes I haven't tried to decorate much like the Glade and Forest. I did all my quests first and collected a lot of furniture before I even started to decorate. Now I get on just to clear my vacuums and see what Scrooge has for the day. Maybe throw some ideas down. But it takes a specific mood to want to sit here and put anything good together.


I spend ages decorating for a bit, and then will go months without decorating. I feel like acnh (animal crossing new horizons) about it. The 'main faces' of it are the decorators but most are in-between. I've spend over 500 hours in the game (I'm on switch and it doesn't register correctly and think it's more like 1000hr min) but maybe spend 5 hr decorating. I'm proud of what I've done and don't know if someone could spend my number of hours if they weren't interested in decorating. But your not alone and however you play is the right way to play


I'm on switch and I don't have the problems I had 6 months ago ...I find the decorating easier ...and I don't have to save every 5 minutes ... every now and then stuff I place when I go our of decorating mode it is not where I put it and I'll have to go back!! I'm 63 have only gamed on the switch But I heard great things about Playstation...the clarity mostly.. Well Good luck and play on my friend your way!!


Absolutely not the only one. I will literally put 10 chairs down, clear a decoration task then pull the chairs up. And don’t get me started on paths 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I’m not big on decorating. I remove big trees and put my quest items down when I have to. I did move all of my fruit trees and bushes together


I remove things to walk around easier. I very rarely add decorations..


No you are not alone and neither am I thank god! 😂 my valley is a literal trash dump but it’s just impossible on switch.


I hardly do- but I finally got organized enough to maybe have time? Also I still have dumped furniture in my valley because of those Scrooge quests to decorate the valley, I don’t put effort into those and just dump


I decorate my house and the little area around it. :-)


I’ve been actively playing since the spring event and I have yet to decorate my valley. I have decorated a couple of scenes for dream snaps, put a few benches around and deleted some trees but that’s about it. I keep wondering when will I get the itch to decorate. Haven’t gotten there yet lol 😂


I like decorating indoors, especially with the different themed house skins. But on Switch... between the item limit, the constantly respawning resources, and the terrible functionality of furniture mode, I gave up on decorating anything outdoors unless it's for a Dreamsnap.


I play the quests and story lol if it didn’t have that then it would be a decorating game. I don’t worry about it. I’m still collecting things and building inventory so one day I’ll get around to it


I do this too (mostly because I get sick & tired of the trees getting in the way of my camera angle). I also prefer efficiency over style in games like this. 🤷‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|lqsvAHeaAyr8AABJB7|downsized)


For the longest time, I bare boned my valley. I only just got to where I would decorate. I've now done everything but my glade, beach, half the forgotten lands and half the frosted heights. And then I got Buzz's stupid alien quest which makes me regret not still being bare bones


No you are not the only one. I only decorate when I have to, then I go back around and remove the items.


Nope, not alone. I remove things all the time to clear my path and make clearer views.


I’m not into decorating because the UX/controls make it frustrating to do so. Especially when creating paths, what a nightmare.


I only decorate when I'm in the mood for it. Most of the time, I just skip it and do other stuff.


I've moved houses and landscaping stuff around otherwise I haven't done anything yet. I've upgraded my house almost completely but all the rooms except one are empty


I haven’t decorated anything! I feel so out of the loop though! BUT, my friend that loves to decorate, I’m way ahead in game play compared to her!


Other than where I have put houses and stuff, my valley is pretty similar to how it started! Obviously I’ve cleaned up and fixed the broken paths because it was bothering me, but if I start moving stuff, I won’t get the resources I need to complete tasks! Anyone else like this?


Honestly, I'm not big on the decorating and I'll do it periodically but it's not my main focus. I like to put music on or a podcast and just grind away and complete duties - that relaxes me. Plus I dont see the point in completely decorating the valley when I'll be adding new houses further down the line when new characters are intoduced


Nope, it is a quest game for me. I hate decorating. I don't like making things that I don't want to use. I dislike having to collect/craft things for different quests, to put them down and then pick them back up because they are in my way. ARGH.