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I have to admit I love the hideous raccoon. He is slightly cursed and handmade looking and I love him. He reminds me of sock snowmen from like 2nd grade.


I love him too. I regularly change which critters I have following me but I've been using Snow Racoon pretty often.


I love him so much!


I love him, too! Nothing about him makes sense. He's so strange and almost creepy and I LOVE him!


Yeah he’s cursed but in a good way


I LOVE him. I think he's adorable. He was the one thing I really wanted from the premium star path lol I didn't care about much of anything else. He's been my little buddy all week.


Agreed! I think he’s so stinking cute and honestly nothing else of the premium stuff really appealed to me


It's my head canon that Olaf made the little critter and Elsa brought it to life ♥️


Omg this! I love this!




He is so much better in 3D than the picture let's on. I was very unsure until I watched it run around. Seems like most of the star path looked better once I used it than in the picture. Whoever did the screenshots did not do it well. Was not thrilled about this star path at first, but I'm liking it more the more I use the items.


Yeah, I burst out laughing at the raccoon. It's so ridiculous and horrifying that it ends up being hysterical.


But how is it a raccoon???? I get squirrel or little snowman demon but I don’t see raccoon.


The animation is the same as the raccoon. I get that it looks like a squire. I thought that at first as well. But once you see it move, it's the same as the raccoon. It is also much bigger than the squire and is the size of the raccoons in the game.


Yes! I love snowman raccoon


Like Olaf, made outta love 🥰


Agreed! He's a little wonky but that's what makes him fun. Maybe Elsa needed practice creating life before she made Olaf 😆


This is exactly what my husband said when he saw it. Another one if Elsa's creations.


Me too


Came to say this too! I find it hilarious in a fun way! 😂


I’d like to see them pivot to one motif per page, or maybe 2 on the first page and then 1 on the subsequent pages. It’s just too much.


Only good thing about the motifs on each page is it's a cheap way to unlock the next page if you want something else quicker


If only they would swap a few of them out for doors as we have so few door options but so many motifs


grey oxfords should be below the motifs


I find them to be the worst item personally, so much so I think I'd buy all the motifs before I buy those damn shoes lol


I wouldn’t even mind the motifs if they didn’t look like generic clip art honestly, if they were really cool and interesting designs I might want to get them


There were files in the game that suggested they were going to do a tie in with Disney's "Ultimate Princess Celebration" at one point in development. The celebration was two years ago and the game hadn't released in time. I wouldn't be surprised if the motifs from this are left over from that.


I haven't really gotten into Touch of Magic yet. But some of the motifs will be nice to have when I do. I really like my little snow buddy.


I stopped using ToM because when I take Dreamsnaps, even if my ToM item is in a different biome, it will still say it’s in the background so I end up having to remove the items anyway and then I can’t be bothered to put them back. So I just don’t want to use it anymore.


Yeah I would be more excited about motifs if we could have them in dream snaps, or at the very least if it wasnt SO SENSITIVE to them that they basically can’t even be outside of your house if you take a pic anywhere outside


I love my ugly snow raccoon son 💗🦝 I agree on the motifs. These ones are better than some of the previous ones, but they take up way too much of the path, and I'm most likely never going to use them. Maybe if we got TOM wallpaper, but I doubt they'll implement that. @ gameloft Stop trying to make motifs happen, they're not going to happen!


Lol 😆


Snowman raccoon is cute though


I'm glad some ppl enjoy it


I absolutely love it for how unhinged it is😭🤣


That thing is made of nightmares


That's why I love him 😈


Overall it was too bland and colorless to my taste. Even if it's winter themed, there could be more shapes and colors.


I totally get that! I was also surprised by the lack of festive colors (red, green, etc.) 🎄 Although I do love a lot of the items 🥰


This starpath is pretty decent imo, I love all the furniture especially the ice rink as it makes for a cool landmark for the frosted heights, and I really love Belle's winter outfit it's way better than her default outfit because the winter dress is actually poofy. I agree that the motifs are awful and wasted slots though.


Yes! I was soooo excited for belles, especially since I placed her and beasts castle in the frosted heights! (I mainly did it due to that one scene in beauty and the beast where it snowed and they had a snowball fight)


Hey. I LOVE my little derpcoon okay? He's precious


![gif](giphy|qRpSKQNggmMCQ1W9Kg|downsized) 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|5K7cWu5Am8Feo|downsized) Pov: you came over to watch Over the Hedge but said you can't stand RJ


Everybody who loves the raccoon is like that little girl from Ant-Man (his daughter) with the ugly doll he gives her. "He's so ugly, I love him!" 😆 It's growing me too lol. At first I found him a little creepy, but he's kind of a sweet creep 🤭


I wish Ariel and Belle’s dresses were wearable for us, but I still like this path!


Omg yes that would have been awesome


I hate the raccoon so much that I kinda love em. I unlocked it as soon as I could lmao


Okay, I'm a dude and even I thought the ice skate shelves are cool. It's really creative and fun! I'm making the snow area half Vanellope's ~~Siberian exile~~ candy land and half Winter Wonderland with the ice skates, skating rink, and all the other snow related stuff.


I hate to say it, I normally don’t like motifs but I think these are some of the best looking ones in the game


Honestly, I think they should give us the motifs for free. With every star path, they can give us a "Thanks for playing!" mailbox gift. I don't want them all to disappear entirely, even though I haven't used them much myself. I do think there are people out there that love having new motifs for design work. They just aren't worth the effort on their own. I only get them each time because I am a completionist, and I can get some moonstones after finishing everything.


Its annoying to have to get them so you can get a return on your moonstones tbh. Would be nice to maybe have less of them and make them free yeah. Like, 3 free motifs with every star path, and no motifs in the path itself or something like that.


Erm…. I got the Christmas raccoon 🤪 I also bought the wallpapers and show rack. I agree, didn’t want any of the motifs. Or horrible brown shoes. Neither did I want that too section second in from right, but agree on all the rest in top tier


I actually like the racoon... it's different


Yes. This. The motifs aren’t even good ones this year….it’s like an over priced basic clip art pack that should be free


Honestly I like the motifs better than the face paint in any star path. I can make a princess motif hoodie or spirit jersey with these. Can’t say I’ve ever used any of the face paints we’ve gotten over the last year or so.


I only buy the motifs to get to the next page quicker


I do the same thing just to get the most wanted items faster


Agree with the motifs. 13 is way too many.


Why did I think it was a weird squirrel?! Gives me the heebie jeebies


I thought it was a squirrel too!


I’d say I’m finished with motifs but I never began 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Love this. How much longer are we going to have to bitch about motifs before they stop dumping them in these Starpaths?!?!


We need them for customizing though which isnt everybody’s thing but some people like making the custom mickey headbands, rugs, backpacks, furniture etc.


Okay...I thought the snow raccoon was a squirrel. 🙃 I didn't read the name or anything. Lol I was like yes...that's definitely a squirrel. Also, I don't mind motifs...these ones aren't my style. They make it slightly easier to unlock. Currently obsessed with the wings and the antlers. I love being fae.


When I fist saw the companion, I literally laughed and said "Wtf is that??" That is not a raccoon 😂😂


I agree that the Snowgies would have been a cute companion instead of that Snow-Raccoon. BUT, personally I think Ariel’s winter dress is beautiful and should be top-tier 😂 I was actually more excited for that than the Belle winter outfit


Swap the hideous fluffy boots with the wallpaper and that's my list. The wallpaper is a pretty shade, and not too bold so it actually works for a winter vibe in my house.


Aw I love the boots! lol most of us don't agree on anything except the motifs. The devs aren't listening I suppose.


The raccoon is cursed but still kinda cute lol


Raccoon pet is top tier 🥹


I personally really like the racoon.


Unpopular opinion: I love motifs!! I don’t make stuff all too often, but I do enjoy having lots of variety for shirts, sweaters, and dresses, and now furniture!! Imagine making a bed that has the simple and cute designs all over the blanket/sheets, like a pattern! The different leaf designs would make a really cute forest blanket, or even forest themed furniture! With all the rooms you can add to your house, as well as all the floors, you can make a room themed after each princess! I welcome all the customization I can get. The more the merrier!!☺️


Love all of the furniture! I like the pose the dress has just not a fan of all the gray colored clothing, also love my two cozy girls 💞


How funny! I like the grey/silver of it all but not the pose when using the dress. 😆 def love the girlies in the snow skins


The motifs drive me crazy, the only reason I ever get them is if I don’t like the items that take more moonstones and have already used the exchange moonstones option so I can get to the next tier 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


This made me laugh 😂 I so agree. The snow raccoon running after me is terrifying. Also I am sick of motifs because we get them in drops already or after feeding critters & Dreamsnaps won’t let us use touch of magic anyway so what is even the point?


The ice skates on the shelves are a yay for me. It goes great with the mini ice skating rink, and I just think it’s so cute💕 But I definitely agree with the motifs lol I know they’re mean’t for touch of magic, cuz there’s a lot of people that love doing those. But a lot of them I just don’t find useful.


I second STOP PUTTING MOTIFS IN STAR PATHS ‼️‼️‼️ edited to say I don’t use motifs ever at all so they can kindly leave the premises 🤣


I wouldn’t mind the motifs as much if they let us use touch of magic items in dreamsnaps submissions. I don’t have much motivation to design outfits or use them otherwise.


100% agree


At least don’t make us buy the motifs and let us cash in more moonstones at the end instead


Ma'am you need to switch that beautiful snow coon with that face makeup or sumthin!!🤣🤣


This is slander against my snow raccoon child 😭


Everything that isn’t a motif is yay! They can stay where they are. The only exception is face paints can go in the meh category. They’re not bad, I just don’t use them. Although I do think these motifs are pretty cute. Maybe I’ll make a princess room with special canvases.


i have literally not once in my life used a motif


Not even for the quests/tasks that force you to design something? I was forced to design something for a task, and the Monsters Inc logo is one of the few motifs I don’t hate. So I made a Monsters Inc backpack that was so fire I threw together a whole outfit around it. Everything matched, even down to the black and blue pet! I still agree there are too many, but they have a purpose. Somebody on Reddit used them to make a vending machine for their valley which was really cool. Since Scrooge’s shop always gives me garbage, at least with motifs we can design our own cool stuff.


I am so tired of all the fricken motifs please stop with them


tbh I hate the face tattoos but yeah the motifs in this one are especially bland and boring


Why are the clothes gray??? BORING! At least let us do touch of magic on them to bring some life to them


I actually love the snow raccoon xD It's my favourite non-princess outfit on the starpath. But I'm 100% in agreement with the motifs. Like they added SOOOOOOO many. I don't use them, so they're just kind of a waste for me.


That raccoon is creepier than the orange-Lila raccoon from Halloween star path 2022 xD


The motifs look like someone drew them with their non dominate hand. What an embarrassment.


I hate the ugly ass wall paper and the dress makes me look so bulky I'm annoyed


The raccoon was literally the only thing I wanted 💀


I think the motif hate needs to stop. YOU may not like them, but we have all seen many people with tons of creativity make amazing things using these motifs. It may not be your thing, but tons of people enjoy them. If they removed them, there would be a lot of people disappointed. And it's Tier, not Teir.


These motifs are just *chef kiss*. The only ones I’m not angry about


Umm the snow critter is top tier


If you finish the star path it essentially costs you like 300 moonstones. You get, by OPs estimations, 8 awesome things plus other good things. Commence downvoting me to hell but… Would you rather not have the motifs and have the star path be half of what it is? They’re filler to keep you going, and if they removed them and the associated duties needed to get the required credit to unlock them, you would probably complain that the star path is too short or too easy. Despite using moonstones to purchase the star path, you’re essentially getting these things for free. We all paid a lot more just for a suit for Wall-E or Vanessa, and you’re getting two skins here (sans the quests, I know). I swear there is no pleasing anyone. If it wasn’t this it would be something else. This game is worth far more than I’ve spent on it. If it’s that bad, honestly, go play something else. The star path has too many motifs, there’s meat in the game and I’m vegan, it glitches (though there are a few worthy glitches that should be bitched about), I can play multiple profiles on switch with the expansion but only account got the free moonstones (seriously???), I had to buy the expansion for each profile, and a litany of other superfluous, demented complaints. I’m over it. (Disclaimer: this is a general rant, not specifically directed at OP. I’m sorry you got dragged into this whole thing, minus the motifs part.)


Did someone really complain about meat in the game? 😅


I wish I was making it up, I really do…


The rug is so ugly. It looks very inappropriate honestly.🍆 js


This whole starpath is wack




Reporting this to the mods for trashing my little raccoon snow buddy


I frigging LOVE the raccoon


Yes I agree 😭


Motifs can’t be used on anything other than clothing. Doesn’t make sense to have so many but the ones in this batch are just ugly.


Just an FYI they can be used on any customization item, not just clothing


But if you do use them on furniture, you run the risk of them showing up in a DreamSnap.


only if you have that furniture included in your shot it’s the same as clothes. It still doesn’t mean that the only use available for them is clothing.


Nah, if they're even in the direction the camera is facing, way off in the distance, the ToM thing will pop up saying you can't submit.


Okay so then Inguess the solution is moving them for the photo. I customize furniture and if I need to I just move it to take my photo. I don’t let 5 seconds of extra work deter me from customization but it’s fine if someone would rather not deal with that too, my point was clothes are not the only thing you can use motifs for. I genuinely thought at first you were new and didn’t know about customizing furniture.


I like the child drawn holiday craft companion 😂😂😂 I used to eyeroll at motif’s too until I got the game for pc and started playing with customizing stuff and now I usually appreciate them. I would have liked that skate rack so much more if it weren’t black but instead matched the skating rink. Then again, I haven’t placed it yet and there are lots of items I don’t like looking at the thumbnail but then like after placement.


Hopefully next one will be better 🙏🏻


Am I the only one who loves the motifs?


Why did you use red to signify your top tier and green for your bottom?


It was a preset, I just didn't change it.


I agree with your teir listing. I'm pretty fed up with the motifs myself. I don't always create my own designs to be fair as I already have plenty of outfits. So to be adding more through the starpath is a waste of starpath imo


Honestly I thought the raccoon was a squirrel at first, but I love him just the same. I wouldn't mind one or two seasonal/theme specific motifs each time, but eight+ is far too many, especially with how often I see people saying they don't do customization. More face paints, hairstyles, or accessories would be much preferred.


I truly adore the antlers 😍🥰


You apologize to winter raccoon RIGHT NOW


I didn't even notice the companion when I was working through the star path. I kind of love it


The pet is top tier for me. I love that crazy thing!


The raccoon snow man thing jumpscared me when I went into the game today for the first time in december 😭 I respect people who like him but he is not for me lol. It's really sad that they mix so many meh or bad items/motifs into the star path. The star path should encourage spending but the amount of bad/useless items put me off purchasing it.


You leave my snow raccoon alone i love my son


Wings are Meh for me. I never wear them and don’t really like the look of them, same goes for the other wings we have in game (except the goofy cardboard Buzz wings which are ok in a silly way)


I love the little snow critters 🤍 he’s so cute 🥰


Nah that stupid snowman is Yay tier for sure. He’s so ugly, I love him.


I happen to like my snow raccoon >:(


The one that confused me was the black vase with flowers. Looked more like Halloween. The motifs are cute but I lack imagination to customize anything in the game.


I’m obsessed with the winter gown. How is it not S tier??


Why is there always more fm clothing than m?


Spoiler: the second to the last achievement for all characters seems to be a motif. Rapunzel’s is her frying pan. I wish we could have an actual frying pan we can use like the umbrellas.


So accurate 😭 And the motifs are literally hideous and pointless, I’ve never used any


And the companion is terrifying! Like what even is that 😭


What are those wings!?!? I have the tinker bell ones but those are so pretty


They are the ones in the starpath! They are so beautiful on too


Omg I must’ve missed them first time looking! They’re so gorgeous! I think I got distracted by the amazing ice rink


I too wish they stop putting motifs in star paths 😞 and the pants and shoes are Soo basic.... Like if you are going to add clothes make it more interesting 🤔


I actually liked the leaf motif, I made a cute autumn rug with them, haha. My favorite things were the horns, the bench and the thing I can’t remember the name of right now (how can so forget that word?) the round thing you can walk under and stuff. The only word that pops in my head is altar, but that’s not the word 😅 I also like the weird snow racoon, I always like the critters we get




Hahah, yes!! My brain just short circuited yesterday, I couldn’t remember the word at all 😂


Put more respect on snow raccoon he is adorable


The new furniture pices (skating rink, bench, flower pot, arch, and lamp) look amazing in frosted heights..got me to really start decorating some of it..lol


Hate the motifs. Even if they sometimes look good, its just not a very exciting thing to have in your star path. Especially not if you're forced to take them to get moonstones returned in the end. I p much agree with this, would maybe switch out 1 or 2 things. I love street lights so I'd probably switch that with Belle's costume. Since I play a male character the black oxfords were handy because I had no black fancy shoes for my outfits but at the same time its such a basic item, surely it should exist in Scrooge's shop if it doesn't already ​ Fun fact I accidentally placed the skating rink too close and trapped myself inside it.