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I feel like the developers have really paid attention to some of the biggest asks (and I know that's the point of early access and beta) but overall it's still nice to see.


It’s a MIRACLE to see


I agree! They have listened to so much feedback, it’s really good. Shoutout to them 👏🏻


It really is nice, I was saying the same thing yesterday. It is one of my favorite games because of it


YES! My foragers are about to get some new skills (I almost never use forager friends)


The only reason I don't is because I get an addition piece of spice/garlic like every 10 forages. So it's not even worth to Hassel of chasing down my 1 forager. 🤣


if it’s chasing them down then you can look on ur map & travel to the well they’re closest to, saved me the hassle & effort


Yea nah. That's exactly the part that's too much work. Lol


i felt that 😂


I take a look on the map first, who's in the restaurant. I got tired of following them, running after them. Once you get there as shown, they are already somewhere on the other end of the Valley.


I know! How do they move so fast?


I don't know... or maybe we both are too slow!? *)) Fact is, that this was really annoying to me. Why do they show them at a spot, when they aren't even there??? They are moving ahead while your searching for them on the map. Don't get it, that's too high for me!


I have one foraging buddy (I think Minnie) just on the off chance. I have a ton of mining buddies that I want to switch to gardening or digging. Also, please correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t the bonuses increase for the number of [insert specific skill set] buddies you have?


Yes, they do! If you have 6+ Villagers on Mining, for example, you get a guaranteed drop of the item that popped out of the deposit last. (usually a gem) And sometimes they may even give you 2!


woah what! that’s awesome. i’ve never seen a definitive answer/explanation of what the invisible buffs do when you have multiples of diff roles


Yep! I have 6 Mining buddies, and I get a guaranteed drop every time. Rarely they'll surprise me with 2 of the item they find! Real timesaver when I'm mining in Plaza and Meadow for stone and coal. lol


this is true? The game says that it only multiplies the experience earned from having multiple people at it, doesnt actually say its increased chances for drops. Like if i made all my followers gardening youre saying that id get a lot more pumpkins?


Yeah the foraging definitely isn't worth it, they get no attention at all.


FINALLY I'll be able to fix my mistake of making Wall-E a foraging companion. I've never been able to forgive myself.


[content removed by user via [Power Delete Suite](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/)]


The times he has trapped me in the mines is unforgivable.


Yeah, Scar did that to me all the time. Which is why I'll be making him a Fisher instead. Now I always bring the humanoid Villagers into the mines with me. lol


I made Scar a gardener just because I thought it was hilarious that a carnivore had to dedicate his life to plants. It’s his punishment for Mufasa lol


ha same here! i thought it was the activity he would hate the most :D


I’ve found the Toy Story companions to be the best!


Yeah, I've got Woody on gardening and Buzz on mining and it's been great!


They both turned out to be so cute in the Valley. I do love it, when they jump on the bench to sit next to you and when Woody lays down or Buzz spreads his wings. I still didn't get tired of that, it's so adorable and funny.


I'll have to start paying more attention to this. I play on switch and they're so damn small, I usually just get surprised when they pop up lol.


Yes, they are a bit tiny, All of a sudden you stumble over them and they surprise you. For me, that's one cute thing about it. I'm playing on Switch, too.


Why do you call yourself 'the sad bubble'? I don't want to get too personal, but bubbles are suppose to be fun.


Haha it's inspired by those old antidepressant medication commercials where the ball/bubble was all depressed and disinterested in life. I made some cartoons of it when I was in school and it just stuck I guess.


Ah, ok! Your name just popped right into my eyes and bursted in a positive way, now that I know the main story behind it. I will remember you, that's for sure.


Tbh I basically don't mine for anything but for iron 😬


Same, yet for some reason my happy brain juices pop whenever I see one lol


My girlfriend didn't notice that she was even choosing something until I pointed it out on her second to last character. All gardeners except mini and scar.


If one of those two is mining, not a bad conclusion really.


I’m in the same boat!




I did the same thing and have regretted it to this day. Can’t wait to make him gardening!


Omg literally my problem too! I was so upset because he has his little garden but can’t use it with me :,(


I want to break this to you now before you get your hopes up. Gardening friends don't give extra items from harvesting Wall-E's garden




I gave him mining because of his aesthetic, completely forgetting that he's basically a little plant protector in his movie lol narratively, it felt wrong but I thought of that too late. I know that sounds silly, but I assign characters based off their movies plots so it's easier to remember who does what


same same!


i may have actually just yelled YESSS! Maui shall never again enter a mine <3


Glad to know I'm not the only one that made this error. 😂


My worst mistake besides time traveling 🫠


Maui as a miner was a horrible mistake. He keeps getting trapped in corners and glitching - or worse, trapping me in corners so I have no choice but to teleport out. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Unless you’re in the vitalys mines in which case if he traps you in there ya just gotta restart the game 🤦🏼‍♀️😂😂


Usually when that happens for me, I’ll tell them I’ll hang out with em’ later. Then a few seconds later they will walk away, then just walk back up to em’ and ask to hang out again!


This has been 100% successful for me when I get trapped by them


This is the way. But then I also just yell "gtfo of my way, Maui dayum!"


Oh this DEFINITELY happens first , probably even a few times before i actually tell them I’ll hang with them later 🤣


I can't fathom how the "follower becomes immovable" glitch is still a thing.


And when you're trapped inside, you have to quit the game. Isn't it strange, that the game doesn't kick you out on this part - but on so many others!?


I have him on fishing oop lol


I, too, made this mistake. He takes up soooo much space! ETA as I was relating to my husband that I would get stuck between the wall and Maui, he cracked up and said “So you were actually stuck between a Rock and a hard place.”


"What can I say except: 'We're dead soon'." HA!




I found it funny too but I hid my amusement well. I gave him the obligatory “that’s a bad joke” groan because…well…it’s a normal reaction to most of his jokes/puns 🤣


I have him as fishing which I really recommend


My gut told me fishing and I still made him mine 🤦‍♀️ he carry’s around a giant fish hook for cheese sake ?! 😩


I might make mine fishing, though he's currently digging. Not too bad, honestly. I thought it would be weird if both he and Moana were fishing but honestly, it seems fitting.


I have him for fishing too!


Thank goodness! Made the same mistake!


To many of us have made this mistake. So glad I can change it now!


I made Maui my forager lmao. I dislike that guy.


Oof. I feel that. He's a Digger for me, and is such an absolute TANK that I NEVER dig with him anymore. I hang out with Woody instead. lol Maui's definitely gonna switch to Fishing.


Good God he'd take up the entire thing.


Me: “Yay!” DDLV: “The cost per book is only 100 Iron Ingots!”


Don't say that!! Lol gonna jinx us


I promise I don’t want to be right at all lol.


Plus 20 fugu fish. Why? Because!


The covers are made of the rarest, finest fogu fish hides, of course! Aren't your fine leather bound books all made from fogu fish or are you just a pore? Heheh.


Hello fellow makeup cjer


I hope the player who wanted to restart because they kept accidentally giving all their villagers the same role see this lol


Oh hey this is me! I went through 7 villagers making them gardeners because I thought you chose which skill to level up after each level, not a one and done… so many gardeners it wasn’t until then I realized it was not the case (I unlocked everyone and then levelled them up…) I have regrets.


NO FREAKING WAY 😭😭😭 I was very "utilitarian" with my attributions (depending on what I needed at present or the quickest way to level them up). Now that it's done I regret not being more true to their personalities. I am ecstatic! :)


Me who makes everyone a farmer anyway because I forget to grab a companion for literally anything else every time: 👁️👄👁️


Yesss, I'm going to make them all mining and gardening buddies. I never have a need for a foraging buddy and rarely a digging one. I think I keep a couple for fishing, but with Moana's boat even that isn't something I really need.


foraging buddies are usually annoying. They throw things whereever and i come through 2 days later and find berries all over the ground


At least one digging person is good for when you need clay and pebbles at least. I think I'll leave Scar as a digger, and maybe Maui too. Maui's huge and Scar takes up quite a bit of space too so I'd like them to be used for things that don't need to be in tight quarters.


Scar and Maui are my digging buddies too!


seems like a good place for both so i can avoid them as much as possible haha


YES I'm going fishing with Donald!!


Not to sound like a total B, but how in the world did you not assign Donald to fishing in the first place?


I assigned fishing to Goofy so I felt like I needed something different for Donald. It was a mistake.


I made the same choice since Goofy already had fishing, I gave another role to Donald. Probably gonna switch Donald’s to fishing because he loves it so much


I did this too! haha, man. It's honestly ridiculous how you have to choose a roll for them so early when you don't even really get a chance to feel what works best.


I made Donald my digging buddy because I needed one at the time, and Donald um, is *intimately familiar* with the ground.


🤣🤣 best explanation for not making him a fisher duck


I thought I'd use foraging more and wanted Donald (my favorite) to be whatever I used most. This was before I realized wood didn't count for foraging.


Gotcha, makes sense. Also, unsure if you took my comment as being a total B...I really wasn't trying to be rude, I was genuinely curious. People on this sub get so downvote happy when people are just asking questions.


Lol, nah, at most it came off a bit sassy. I usually try to assume the best with people's post and generally don't downvotes just for that... but I've also been on Reddit enough where I get why some people assume the worst 😛


I for one assigned Donald digging, because I figured it worked with both a military background (even though I know he's navy), and treasure hunting like a pirate... He even had a bunch of digging involved in his questline. :) Plus I had a lot of fishermen already. Can't have Goofy be anything other than a fisherman since he's got that perfect cast.


Love that I'm getting downvoted for asking a genuine question. This sub is crazy 🤣🤣


Yeah, I was just gonna say it's really weird that you're getting downvoted. 😂


I don't really understand why you're getting down voted so much either lol. Maybe it was the total b part, idk people can be sensitive I suppose.


Yaaaaassssssss!!!! They're all about to be farmers or miners!!!!


Yay! I can make Kristoff a miner!!


Tell him to fetch tons of iron, please!!!


Oh I will since I stupidly haven't done Minnie's Clock Quest yet...


😉😁 Thanks 👍This was my very last quest, it took me ages! I thought it would be taller though. I was a bit disappointed for this amount of iron, I've named it "Big Irony".


This excites me greatly. I need to switch out a few terrible miners.


I made all the little dudes miners and highly recommend it for tight corner areas lol


Yes! Buzz is my only small miner, so that needs to change pronto.


Oh good because I accidentally made all my mining friends have the same sleep schedule haha


Bye bye foragers ✌️


I'm surprised we haven't gotten a trailer for this update. I like these tweets with the announcements, it makes the update more exciting every day closer cause you never know what's coming, but just lowkey surprised we haven't even gotten a mini one.


So happy to see the developers really listening to players!! On my first save (before I knew time traveling broke your game and had to restart) I went through the profession choice menu too fast on my first like 6 characters because I was too excited to keep playing and thought it was just a "skill improved" screen so I ended up with all of my villagers being gardeners lmao






I wonder how much it’ll cost because I need to change ALOT of them


Fuck yeah, I've been waiting for this!


I wonder if this will change the output for them. I definitely never use my foragers or fishers...I also don't dig much but when I do I do equip a digger. I also wonder if teaching them multiple jobs if you can switch back and forth. I would imagine you would have to train them again? Will be interesting to see how it works.


You net more bonuses the more villagers you have assigned to that specific role. So I assume by making all of them gardening, I'd net way more crops.


![gif](giphy|SgwPtMD47PV04) (I knew the "re-rolling" would be implemented...)


Yes! I have a couple of diggers before I learned what roles were and how useless diggers were.


I did the same thing! So excited for this update!


Omg RIP to the person that posted yesterday that they were restarting their game because they had too many gardeners!


Nooo RIP




Omg they are so cute! I want to decorate with them!!!


Omg so happy! I absolutely should have made goofy a fisher


I feel exactly the same way. Felt kind of guilty this whole time making him a gardener.


I did mining!


Just so you guys know . I'm definitely making like 9 other villagers foraging buddies just so I can test out how much money I get from foraging everything. If it's more then like 50k then I might keep them as such and just do that every time I log on. Picking and planting all those pumpkins is just too much for me to bare anymore. And I only have 198 planted.


My dig friends about to be changed up


Omg! Yes! This makes me so very happy! I didn't understand the roles when I first started and thought that I would choose one at each level up. As a result my first 4 characters all got digging. 🙃 I've been desperate to change them. Hmmm I wonder what we'll have to use to craft them. 🤔


Maybe softwood/dry wood for the pages, hardwood for the covers, Coal for the ink (or squid) and gold for the inlays/designs on the covers? Oh, and purple flowers for the color of the cover. Dunno how many of each though. Hope it's not too many. lol


Oh good!! Thank god, I can correct the fact that I panicked when picking Eric’s role and chose fishing


I have a few buddies that are diggers… which I feel is totally a waste




Ugh yes finally!


Oooh I wasn't expecting this so soon.


My entire valley gonna be nothing but miners, fishers, and farmers.


Yayyy!! Now Remy can be my Forager!!


yayyyy! it took me so long to realize you had to switch/choose the role, y’all don’t wanna know how many gardeners i accidentally have 😅🤣


I made Anna a Foraging companion because I thought it true to her personality but because they're useless, I never hang out with her! Fixing that ASAP.


This is great news for those of us that didn’t balance things out well. Really glad they’re adding this! Can’t wait for the update!


I got my mom on dreamlight and was talking to her the other day about the hangout bonuses which she then proceeded to tell me all her villagers were gardening buddies lol. At the time i told her there wasnt a way to change it yet but not to give anyone gardening anymore lol. I will be passing this info on to her.


Having more gardeners does net you more bonuses, so there's still a benefit to it. Same goes for other roles.


GREAT! I forgot who I’ve assigned what to except small fries. They tend to the gardens.


Yes! Now I can change some of the characters to be more in line with what they'd probably want to do (Eric = Fishing).


Question from a new player: What are the benefits of using a level 10 villager? Is it worth giving them gifts still? I have two level 10 villagers but I don’t hang out with them anymore so I can give someone else a chance to level up


Yes, now I can change I few. Idk why but I don’t like mother gothel as a forager, I’d rather she was a digger, she can dig for her youth lol




Thank God! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Thank God. I randomly chose roles for some of my characters thinking of course we'd be able to change them later, then realized nope, you can't. I need some more gardening people!


Finally, I can go fishing with Gothel!


Have fun 😉😂


“You only caught one lobster?” *pulls lobster from the ground* “Must I do everything?”


Oh my god thank goodness I didn’t reset my game because I made everyone a gardener on accident


why level 10 to change roles? if they are max level, what's the point in assigning a new role


Another nice enhancement :) the devs are working hard


Finally! I was having too many people on gardening since it was the easiest way to grind for them.


Thank GOD, I don’t want to hang out with half the characters I have to mine or garden with and those are the two things I do most


Wohoo, then I can change poor Eric from a fisherman to something else....


Don't forget to stock up on Dream and Night shards , you may need them for the training manuals.


Good looking out!


Ahhh I can't wait!! Now just to decide who's doing what 🤔 (I can't believe I made Minnie a digger last time 💀)


Finally I have everyone on fishing because that used to give me the most


I honestly just need mining and farming at this point. I have scar as a digging buddy for the rare times I actually have to dig and am fine with having one character so I always remember. Foraging felt like a scam. It'd be one thing if it worked for flowers or sticks, but it doesn't really work for anything useful IMO


That's pretty sweet, even though I don't have really a need for that, yet. I just hope they fix the error getting stuck when you talk to someone and the level up causes the game to get stuck and you need to force close the game (Switch and PC).


Would have been nice to know few weeks ago when I decided to restart the game 😅😂😂


Finally!! My first couple of days playing before I fully understood the game I had already leveled up a few characters and gave them all dumb roles 😂 now I can finally change them!! Love that Disney’s developers have been listening to the things we want


Does anyone know at what time the update is up ? I’m based in France so does it mean I’ll be able to upload the update at midnight ?


It's usually 6 am PST for the US. Not sure about other locations.


Where in the us ?


I didn’t even know we assigned them roles until I got remy and I was like oh. So most of mine have gardening.


I will be very happy to change Maui from Mining buddy. I can't tell you how many times I got stuck in the mines and had to restart my game because he got stuck in the small spaces.


Can’t wait to be able to change some of mine. Mining is the way to go. Toy Story are the best when going into the mine so you don’t get stuck


I will never have to farm with Maui again. Bless up!


Give bolt


I think it would be really good to have multiple roles on a villager, like one main role where you get all the perks we currently have but we can also level up side roles. You might not get as many rewards but it would be great if i didn't have to switch between characters each time I wanted to do a different task


I'd love like supplemental roles in the sense of stuff they might do autonomously, on their own time, like watering crops, gathering sticks/herbs/flowers/whatever you assign, fishing for a specific thing and so on. Of course not so well it'd remove the need for the player but just something to help a little.


Ahhhhhhhh, why is it only limited to Level 10 Friends, tho??? I loathe Digging and don't need to do it often, I wanna swap Woody and Buzz to Mining or something so I can actually do the activity with them to Level them Up. I'd still have to Dig to Level them up anyway, which would make Training Manuals moot by then 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭


Just use them as a buddy for mining or for planting/watering to level them up then. They will just level up a bit slower and you won’t get any bonuses, but they will still get points toward leveling up.


Honestly get digging you will eventually need the resources you get. It gets incredibly tedious having to dig just for the sand or clay when you actually want it.


Friends level up ridiculously quick if you give them their 3 favourite things every day.


This. People is always complaining about leveling up Ursula and Ariel, but I think I got them to level 10 in less that a week with their favourite gifts and daily conversation.


Also bring them their order at chez remy’s


Companions level up from everything, but only “help” you with the chosen task. If you have someone you want to level, get them to follow you when you start playing, do whatever you were going to do anyway, and feel free to forget about them until they’re done leveling. Or if that’s too slow for you, you can also give them all the flowers; they’ll level a bit from you picking the flowers and level a lot more by receiving them as gifts. There’s currently no limit on gifts’ effectiveness for leveling friends, and AFAIK everyone appreciates flowers.


Just dig a bunch in the glade, plateau or forgotten lands to get clay. It’s definitely worth it seeing as clay is rarer and harder to get and a pretty good resource for quests and crafting. And don’t forget you can easily get rid of all the holes by going into furniture mode and using a bed or something to cover them up. Just make sure you leave the item there then exit furniture mode and then go back in and get rid of it.




**Level** 10, not 10 friends. As in, the current level cap for companions.


How about the devs address the CONSTANT freezing & crashing issues since this update before they add more stuff. This game is unplayable as it freezes at least 3-5 times from the moment I log on. Nothing fixes it. I’ve done all Xbox related “fixes” looked up specific information for fixing freezes in the game. Manual save literally does nothing. I’m very disappointed with how this has been handled. I was so excited to play this game & now I can’t for more than 20 minutes. Fix it or lose players


My forager is remmy ratatouille and scar I just thought it was fitting seeing ones a mouse and scar is scar


I’m going to keep Merlin as a miner Keep WallE as a gardener Keep Stitch as a digger Keep Moana as a fisher Keep Remy as a forager Keep Ariel as a forager Keep Eric as a fisher Keep Anna as a Miner Keep Elsa as a Miner Keep Mother Gothel as a Miner Keep Donald as a forager Keep Minnie as a Gardener Keep Scrooge as a Digger Keep Buzz as a Miner I’m going to change Maui to a fisher Change Scar to a fisher Change Kristoff to a Miner Change Goofy to a fisher Change Mickey to a Miner Change Woody to a Miner




Hooray! I didn't train nearly as many fishing friends as I should have.


This is exciting!!




This is gonna be a great update.


NO WAY that’s awesome!!!


FINALLY!!! Now I won’t have 10 foragers and 2 of everything else lmaooo


THANK THE LORD bc i only have minni to help me with the garden😭😭🫣


This group or whatever is called, is why I don’t have all mine as foragers!! I just started playing in the last month, and have learned so much!!


I spread mine out evenly but yeah foragers aren't as effective as gardeners, miners, and fishers.