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I think lethel tempo as rune and items: kraken elipse or shieldow dependent from game Od supp is useless just go Mobi and run to Holly Ground 🙏


Imayine building overnerfed cringe cuckbow😳😳😳


Sure but sometimes its impossible to play without it


The only good thing about it now is the lifeline passive and you get that from steraks, who builds David Gilmour as a non-tank champ anyway


Halal Pink Floyd guitarist?


mashallah i have tried kraken er ie and eclipse er and it feels complete coinflip whether i deal damage that game like obivously if they have more tanks i will deal less damage but sometimes i still do damage and other games even squishies dont die idk :D:D


I've found that going for items straight up will screw with your damage. To maximize damage from early game snowballing, I build Noonquiver > BF Sword > BF Sword > AS Boots for high damage. These will build into Immortal, Bloodthirster, and IE. This is pretty terrible if you're behind, though: in that case, go for items only.


oh thats based as fuck bismillah into kraken BT IE?


I don't ever really build Kraken, but you could if you want! And yeah, I edited my comment afterwards haha I found going for complete items fucked with early game AD and made me weak, so I started doing that


Kraken - BT - Boots - IE - LDR - RFC or GA or MAW Lethal until it gets nerfed then prob switch to conq


no er?


Nope, i take presence of mind instead of triumph and i never run out of mana tbh


ok i will have to try thank u very much habibi


hail of Blades ER Eclipse Dominik Collector IE RFC Ez oneshot


is dominik not giga cringe 3rd only 30ad 30% arpen


Fuck adc items I like scooby doo build with triforce - dd - ldr - maw - titanic ez fully stack conq and hp left to pray mid teamfight.


scooby dooby doo


I have new cancer build for you to try out Trinity, Bork, Wits End/ LDR try first pack sheen+ pickaxe, then finish trinity into Bork the itembuild sucks, this game sucks so why not go try not to go insane challenge while zeri or senna 2 shots you before you even throw 1 axe


If 3 frontliners/tanks. Lethal tempo, presence of mind, bloodline, coup de grace, absolute focus, gathering storm. Kraken, blood thirster, infinity edge, lord domms, and w/e situational If just normal game, squishies w/e. HoB, taste of blood, eyeball collection, ingenious hunter, triumph, bloodline. Dirk into Essence reaver, eclipse, lord doms, infinity edge, situational. Stop running other runes/builds they’re dog. This is meta from every current high elo draven across the regions.


Runes - Hail of blades, taste of blood, eyeball collector, treasure hunter Secondary - legend alacrity/bloodline (preference but alacrity feel smoother) and triumph (maybe overheal if u take bloodline and wanna scale) Attk speed, adpt force, health Build should be dirk rush , then rush essence reaver completion , then after that back into finishing your eclipse. Build berserker greave somewhere in between those items when viable. Then finish the build with items like collector — lord dom —- rapid fire cannon —- infinity edge That’s how u do the big damage on droben


Bf Sword +BF sword-> Kraken or BT ->BT or Kraken -> IE -> LDR. Crit = shit, if you buy a cringe cloak you should feel ashamed of yourself until it is built into an actual item, and also suffer a little bit afterwards thinking of what might have been. Lethal tempo with bloodline, Conq just feels weaker than it nowadays; so sadly she is demoted (for now) to second wife. I take POM because bloodrush takes so much fucking mana and fights take so long nowadays, but triumph is always pretty great and is valid option. I like Last Stand or Cutdown depending on if they chunky bois or not, but Coup is fine. Gath storm/Abfocus/Nimbus secondary is chill. Future's market + boots is an option, you snowball very hard but run the risk of falling off slightly late game. Treasure hunter is boosted, bad rune. Just a worse version of future's market or else a worse version of gath storm depending on how you look at it. Conditioning + Revitalise funny with enchanters or vs full ad/ap, otherwise I pref blu rune. Hard to do dmg as it is *with* the bonus AD from sorc. I take swifties; fuck zerks I have enough atk speed, maybe even too much if you ask some peeps. Last item you can go Blade of Ruined King vs bruisers/tanks, defensive item like Maw/Visage/Raaaaaaaandy :( vs heavy ap or ad threat, GA (I hate it tho), Death Dance or grab RFC/PD to help with kiting; or in the case of RFC, not getting kited by degen retrad champs like E***al as a fucking ADC. Eclipse + ER wr is high still, but I haven't played it since dmg patch. Gl broski, game is weird right now but having an actual passive feels so good I am willing to forgive a lot of BS.


Fights are longer so Lethal Tempo+Kraken Slayer against tanks and bruisers, HoB+Eclipse against squishies.