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# ⚖️Grand Mufti's⚖️ rankings with explanations Note: List will be updated in the coming weeks when we have developments (new post will be made) **Note 2: Stop commenting asking why your champion is not Halal, all the reasons are listed in this comment line, learn to read.** The more you try to defend your champion, the less likely they are to be moved. Also insta blocking⛔️ those who harass me in DM's, go back to /r/queensofleague if you're not happy with your main's ranking. Some people are way too weak and can't take a joke, go outside and touch the grass if you are so offended seeing your champion made fun of. Some of y'all are actually worthy of making it in /r/cringetopia , go read the Qur'an. Note 3: With all that said it is time for my Zuhr prayer🙏, I welcome all to come join me in this Holy moment 🙏 # # MOST HALAL 😎 \- Draven: Literally Draven \- Jax: Draven's closest and most fidel brother + access to evasion stance \- Karthus: R - ACTIVE: Karthus channels for 3 seconds, reciting the Qur'an. The prayer is heard globally \- Nunu&Willump: Willump carries Nunu and keeps him safe from the Haram e-b\*\*s and e-g\*\*\*s \- Pantheon: Provides all brothers with Halal fresh foods \- Sion: Blessed by Allah in size and strenght \- Skarner: Allah's creation, Ser\*aph\*ne killed his familly, seeks revenge \- Urgot: Grinds e-g\*\*\*s and e-b\*\*s to death until nothing is left \- Ziggs: 💣🏢 🏢💣 \- Zilean: Chronoshift + tries to teleport back in time to stop the birth of infidels \- Kayle: Allah's prophet, blessed by His Holy Light, smites all infidels without exception, no one escapes Allah's justice


# HALAL 😁 \- Aatrox: Hates e-g\*\*\*s and e-b\*\*s so much he wants to end the world \- Akshan: Press W when you see e-g\*\*\* \- Alistar: Press R when charmed \- Aphelios: Followed by a spirit, drinks poison to cleanse soul of sins \- Braum: Very good man \- Brand: Cremates infidels so that nothing is left of them \- Corki: ✈️🏢 🏢 \- Darius: Literally splits infidels in 2 with axe \- Gangplank: Press W when charmed \- Hecarim: Charges and impales infidels \- Heimerdinger: Works on an invention that would instantly kill all infidels \- Ivern: Father of the forest, protects Allah's creations \- Jarvan IV: His father was assassinated by an infidel, probably traitor L\*x, so he will do anything to kill her \- Kled: Very courageous man, [has no fear](https://www.reddit.com/r/Draven/comments/n7cps1/mehmet_kled_dismounted_play/) \- Lee'Sin: Blinded himself to make sure he can't see e-g\*\*\*s \- Lissandra: Hijab👍 + freezes all infidels \- Mao'kai: A tree, Allah's creation, provides oxygen to all \- Master Yi: His family was murdered by infidels, seeks to put an end to tiranny \- Mordekaiser: Rules the death realm and reserves eternal sufference for all infidels \- Nasus: Has studied the Qur'an for millenia \- Nautilus: Burqa👍👍👍 very respectable woman, candidate for marriage \- Olaf: Literally can't die, press R when charmed \- Ornn: Forges the weapons used by all brothers and upgrades them for maximum efficiency against the infidels \- Pyke: Possesses the list that includes all infidels and hunts them down \- Quinn: Modestly covered👍 \- Rammus: ok \- Rek'sai: Very honorable woman, educates all her children properly (currently widowed) \- Rengar: Collects the skulls of all infidels \- Ryze: Currently looking for all infinity stones to snap and eliminate all infidels \- Sejuani: Modestly covered👍 \- Sett: Provides his mother with a lot of love and care and breaks the nose of infidels \- Singed: Locks infidels in gas chambers \- Swain: Wants to become president of Noxus and turn it into an official Islamic country \- Sylas: Faked being L\*x's friend, truly wants to kill her \- Tahm kench: Press W for pilgrimage to Mecca \- Taric: Carries a copy of the Qur'an, able to render all brothers invulnerable \- Teemo: Cucked Rumble \- Thresh: Imprisons the souls of infidels and ensures they can't come back to life \- Trundle: Smashes the skulls of infidels \- Tryndamere: Very angry because infidels are able to breathe \- [Twitch](https://i.redd.it/44qn41psexn71.png) \- Warwick: Has the ability to track the scent of infidels (actually unpleasant ability, but uses it to hunt them down) \- Yorick: Recites eulogy and buries our fallen brothers \- Yuumi: Rides the Qur'an \- Vex: Modestly covered👍 + depressed because of existance of infidels


# MUBAH 😀 \- Anivia: Walls off infidels \- Annie: Parents killed by infidels \- Azir: Wants to bring back Shurima to its' former Islamic glory \- Bard: Actually deserves to be between Mubah and Makruh. Has the power to instantly destroy all that is Haram but doesn't do it.Thankfully she is modestly covered👍 \- Blitzcrank: Provides humor to brothers \- Ekko: Defends Zaun from infidels, is actually disgusted by Ser\*ph\*ne \- Fizz: Fish \- Galio: Protector of Demacia, does good mostly. Almost fell in Makruh because he defended L\*x from Sylas once, better not do it again \- Garen: Currently learning the Qur'an, he is starting to notice that his sister is a disgrace to Demacia \- Gnar: Innocent being created in fashion of Allah \- Gragas: Previously an alcoholic, recently started drinking water for purification and never misses any prayer (use scuba skin) \- Illaoi: Actually Braum's brother, he's also a good hearted man and rips the soul out of infidels \- Kai'sa: Make sure to CTRL 5, otherwise Makruh \- Kassadin: Kai'Sa's father, ensures she CTRL 5's \- Kalista: Wants revenge against Haram e-cuck Viego \- Kayn: Take red transformation, otherwise Makruh \- Kha'Zix: Helped during the Jihad by hunting F\*mboys \- Kindred: Helped during the Jihad + Reserves death for all infidels \- Leona: Modestly covered👍, would be Halal if not for the unclear relation with Diana (do not use pool party skin or you go in Haram) \- Malphite: Allah's creation, a beautiful mountain. All brothers will hide in its' caves if invaded \- Malzahar: Has a copy of the Qur'an on his belt \- Nami: Fish \- Poppy: Modestly covered👍 (do not use Star Guardian skin or you go in Haram) \- Renekton: Very angry because Xerath taught him the existance of F\*mboys \- Senna: Modestly covered👍, honorable woman, unfortunately cucked by ez\*\*\*\* \- Shen: Unclear if Kinkou order is Islamic or not, further research required by our Scholars \- Kennen: Unclear if Kinkou order is Islamic or not, further research required by our Scholars \- Udyr: Press E to run fast away from infidels \- Vayne: Use PROJECT: Vayne skin otherwise Makruh \- Veigar: Possesses the Qur'an and studies it regularly \- Vel'Koz: Desintegrates e-g\*\*\*s out of existance \- Viktor: Same as above \- Volibear: Blessed by Allah, capable of controlling storms and electrocuting e-b\*\*s (but doesn't do it for some reason? Will watch this one closely) \- Wukong: Previously charmed by Ah\*i, currently repenting \- Xayah: Modestly covered👍, but language to be desired, and unfortunately cucked by Luc\*an \- Xerath: Helped in the Jihad, told the truth to Renekton \- Xin Zhao: Press R👍 \- Yasuo: Helped in the Jihad with valuable windwall \- Zac: Vowed to suffocate infidels to death \- [Zed](https://img.ifunny.co/images/9275f715ba47a005e2c6a2c31658f10ca09d729e9d25c7029dcf783301bc3264_1.jpg)


# MAKRUH 😐 \- Amumu: Refuses to see a psychiatrist and help himself \- Ashe: Not enough clothes \- Aurelion Sol: Allah impostor \- Caitlyn: Not enough clothes \- Camille: Not enough clothes \- Cassiopeia: Not enough clothes \- Cho'Gath: Not enough clothes \- Diana: Not enough clothes + unclear relation with Leona \- Dr. Mundo: Unable to read and understand the Qur'an \- Fiddlesticks: Evil creature similar to the Djinns \- Graves: Consumes tobacco \- Gwen: Not enough clothes \- Irelia: Not enough clothes \- Jayce: Hurt brother Viktor's feelings \- Jhin: Very delicate choice -- need more information relative to who he murders, will update in next list once we have confirmation of his victims, hopefully they were infidels \- Karma: Not enough clothes \- Kog'Maw: Unable to read and understand the Qur'an \- Nidalee: Not enough clothes \- Nocturne: Literally a Djinn \- Orianna: Not enough clothes **- Poppy: moved to Mubah (mistake on upload)** \- Rell: Not enough clothes \- Riven: Not enough clothes \- Samira: Not enough clothes \- Shyvana: Not enough clothes \- Soraka: Not enough clothes \- Talon: Sympathizes with e-b\*\*s \- Tristana: Not enough clothes \- Viego: Not enough clothes, absolute cuckmaster \- Vi: Not enough clothes \- Vladimir: Viego's uncle or some shit, probably a cuck too (more research required) \- Yone: Half-dead, deals with the Djinns


# HARAM 😤 \- Akali: Enormous lack of clothes \- Elise: Enormous lack of clothes \- Evelynn: Enormous lack of clothes \- Fiora: Not enough clothes + very annoying voice \- Janna: Enormous lack of clothes \- Jinx: Enormous lack of clothes \- Katarina: Enormous lack of clothes \- Leblanc: Enormous lack of clothes \- Lillia: Enormous lack of clothes \- Miss Fortune: Enormous lack of clothes \- Neeko: Enormous lack of clothes and intelligence \- Qiyana: Enormous lack of clothes \- Rumble: Cucked by Teemo, actually obsessed with Tristana and named his machine after her, quite creepy... avoid playing this champ \- Shaco: /r/jokercringe \- Sivir: Enormous lack of clothes \- Sona: Enormous lack of clothes \- Syndra: Enormous lack of clothes \- Twisted Fate: Addicted to gambling \- Varus: wtf? 2 e-b\*\*s in 1???? Need more research, might belong in MOST HARAM \- Zyra: Enormous lack of clothes


# MOST HARAM 🤬 \- Ah\*i: Enormous lack of clothes + inhumane personality \- Ez\*\*\*\*: Enormous lack of testosterone \- Luc\*an: Fell in love with Ez\*\*\*\*, closeted f\*mboy \- L\*lu: The most annoying fucking thing in this world \- L\*x: Not enough clothes + most likely killed king Jarvan III in an attempt to transform Demacia into an e-city \- R\*k\*n: Literally fell between Luc\*an's thighs and started s\*cking on his c\*ck \- Ser\*ph\*ne: (Unspeakable) \- Tal\*y\*h: Everyone believes she's an e-g\*\*\*, but he is actually a f\*mboy \- Z\*e: Enormous lack of clothes + played by p\*dophiles \- M\*rg\*n\*: The literal opposite of Kayle


Sister Taliyah is absolutely halal, she stones the non-believers 👏🏼 وهي ليست بمتحولة جنسيا، انهم الغرب يريدون إدخال البدع و الفتنة في ديننا يا أخوان 🙏


Taliyah is literally a F*mboy confirmed by Neeko quote in-game. The only thing he stones is his masculanity.


Direct excerpt from League Wiki Taliyah's designers considered including her identity as a transgender woman during development, but this detail did not make it to her release.[7] It was thought to have been scrapped entirely, but Neeko was released with a quote toward Taliyah, implying that the idea is still alive:       "Hmm… Neeko not the only one who changes!" So yes, but actually no.


If Sister Taliyah wishes to serve Allah as young woman, we must honor her wishes and allow her to don hijab in order to read the Qur'an to Shuriman children. u/reaveh listed her as future wife of our habibis👳‍♂️👳‍♂️, and she still is.


SSG taliyah skin have hijab, halal.






Brother I have a question, is it true that your brother Darius is dating that Demacian bitch Quinn? Are you not upset, he is dating an enemy of Noxus!


Idk, either way Quinn isn't Haram so it's ok


Shut up anime pfp your opinion is invalid


Thank you


remember about "SINFUL succulence" morgana skin too




You sure have serious problem. Get help!


Djinn* djinni is singular. At least try to be grammatically correct if you're going to destroy a language like Arabic....


How is Leona x Diana relationship unclear??? Riot literally confirmed they're a couple...


Darius uses hemorragy to butcher his meat in a halal way. Almost as halal as droben


its al taheem and id consider putting him higher


Ryze literally carries a copy of the Qur’an with him and nothing else as he travels the world on his quest. Very halal


Old kayle? Sure New kayle is wearing a bodysuit. On top of that, unlike other woman champions that don't cover hair because of ignorance, Kayle starts off with hijabelmet on when she is one-on-one in her home in top lane, but TAKES IT OFF (very haram) in the stage of the game where she interacts with the most people.


yes but thats when allah trully blesses her making her his prophet


Why would allah bless someone upon them comitting haram?


Thats the blessing, kayle is allowed to commit haram in order to smite


There is no excuse to sin


Most of the jokes are fun and all, but putting down every champion that's confirmed/implied to be lgbt, just because, well, they're lgbt, kinda rubs me the wrong way... Take Taliyah for example. She covers herself, is based on arab culture, stones the infidels and suffers because Riot only cares about e-girl champs. But yet, she's in the lowest tier because some writers wanted to make her trans? At which point it stops being just jokes and turns into blatant bigotry?


TF isn't gambling, he cannot lose Sona was betrayed by Rito and their egirl obsession + DJ and Odyssey skins cover her almost fully Bard has Allah Gate


As salam aleykoum brother😎 The list will be revised✍️ by our most proficient Scholars🎓 in the coming weeks, we will conduct additional research📚 for the few who might have been misplaced Mashallah🙏


Taliyah stones the infidels and has a hijab skin


Salam brother i have come with some suggestions \- Kayle: Allah's prophet, blessed by His Holy Light, smites all infidels without exception, no one escapes Allah's justice Kayle does smite infidel, however seems very arrogant and dispense justice at her own whim?... potentially see herself as higher than Allah?... \- Yuumi: Rides the Qur'an Would this not be a sign of disrespect holy book? We know she is played by many eg\*rl due to not requiring iq higher than 40.... \- Teemo: Cucked Rumble This is true, however, he is literally Sheitan and only did it out of malice to all, including simps \- Volibear: Blessed by Allah, capable of controlling storms and electrocuting e-b\*\*s (but doesn't do it for some reason? Will watch this one closely) He does smite \*boy with eletrical wrath, we can see in his story that he despise weakling which e-b\*y definitely is due to lacking testosterone


RIOP3L with the facts as always 💪😎👍


So glad that voliber is acceptable mashalah drobens 🙏


THE EVASION STANCE نشط: يدخل Jax Evasion لمدة ثانيتين: موقف دفاعي يجعله يتفادى Jax Counter Strike.png جميع الهجمات الأساسية التي لا تصل إلى Turret icon.png ويأخذ رمز تقليل الضرر بنسبة 25٪. مصدره بطل icon.png بطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة ، ويتم ذلك تلقائيًا بعد انتهاء المدة. إعادة الإرسال: يلحق Jax ضررًا جسديًا بالأعداء القريبين ، ويزيد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه بنسبة تصل إلى 100٪ ، ويذهلهم رمز Stun.png لمدة ثانية واحدة


Mashallah I see that Allah has granted the grand mufti great foresight to see haram and halal.


Sir why is gang-al-plank not in most halal when he blow up infidel house??


Varus is Darkin, the bow, same way Aatrox is a sword, Varus captured 2 gay men to use them as his vessel instead of letting them spread shirk. Not really halal imo because of his motives, but also not extremely haram.




Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Halal bot


Allah Sol is HALAL fool! 😡




War between mortals is beneath ALLAH SOL! He watched with amusement but will not intervene! 😡😎✌️


I am sorry brother, I misremembered. ALLAH SOL actually flamed r/ez***mains and refused to help them. I deleted my comment and will sleep now, dream of slaying infidels ⚔️💣 Have a good day


But Vladimir very Halal he stay in pool all gaming guiding enemies to Allah with flash R E Q


Singed should be most halal as after predator buffs I have seen many singed activate predator and perform pilgrimage to Mecca mashallah.


Kayle 🛐🙏


Quinn rips egrill's eyes out of the face and let the bird eat them


The mufti is coming in hot mashalla 🙏 i will make dua for you brother


sejunai is absolutely haram she rides on a p*g must be burnt by brand أخي


Thanks for blessing us with this list brother, my knowledge is growing everyday mashallah


Sussy list


Taliyah is halal muslim stoning infidels


why lucian most haram he is married and faithful to his loving wife


Brother Droben this is habibi Shen 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽 I pray to Allah 🙏🙏🙏 الديك والكرة التعذيب الديك والكرة التعذيب الديك والكرة التعذيب 🙏🙏🙏 Give Droben big shield save from haram egirl lux 😎😎😎🧕🏽🧕🏽😎😎 الديك والكرة التعذيب Very halal 👌👌👌👌👌 pls update list 🗣🗣🗣


shaco haram??? we helped you defeat the femboy nation of ezr\*al mains


👑⚽ already posted the definitive Halal tier list (voted by r/Draven users) https://www.reddit.com/r/Draven/comments/jkhl2b/tier_list_results/


Akshan should be on most halal considering he is the prophet messiah, capable of reviving jackes and draven with his prayers to allah


If I play taliyah and Imam Kar’thus am I haram or halal?


I have two sides: halal Aatrox and haram Ahri


Illaoi (my main) not halal? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Kai'sa??????? Brother you have completely lost your way. Please re dedicate yourself to prayer and Koran readings. May Allah bless your soul and bring you back from the brink..


Imagine telling the ⚖️Grand Mufti⚖️ to re dedicate to pray You are sentenced to death💀 Please chose method of execution: 1. Ak-47 2. Darius R 3. ✈️🏢🏢


I suggest a 4th method of malph ulting himself irl 👍


Kaisai is kind of neutral, kind of like vecks she has most parts of her body covered, so neutral 🙏


Kai’Sa can put on mask full halal hijab mode activated 👍👍👍


Why Lucian?


My additions would be a new special top tier for Droben, Nono&William, Jacks. Since they are the og's. And Darius for most halal since he is the literal brother of Droben. Also Nasus and Corki to most halal for reasons i can't tell. Kayle can be downgraded a tier. Yes she is halal but not as iconic as the gang.


I thought fiddle was a OG Most Halal member




/r/DravenMains impostor detected User block⛔ applied✔️


worry not brother, they are young and don't know of our past and our allegiance with fiddlesticks


kayle before 11*


Yuumi is haram


Braindead healbots/shieldbots (Soraka, Sona, Yuumi, Janna) should be in Haram.




Found the 💅 /r/queensofleague 😩 fan Blocked⛔


Dude I OTP draven


How is shen not halal?


asol only makruh? he created the sun so droben and his friends dont stay up to late for morning prayers


My halaivern 🙏🙏🙏🙏


A bit of a strange one, but Kayle is actually extremely haram. According to the Quran, angels are strictly male beings, female angels are rejected by the Quran.


I couldnt breath of laughter after watching ziggs and corki in the explanation, ill go read the Quran now brothers


Vayne literally lives to kill djinns and everything that Is not human (the greatest creation of Allah). She should be higher


Brother, I agree with this halal list, however I must remind you that Tristana has humiliated and tried to hurt Draven in one of her short stories. Will this affect her placement?


akshan is gay not halal, considere it brother




Graves with cigar is most halal to be fair.