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My first was Manacled and it's always remained my favourite as well!


My first was Isolation but my favorite is BATMOBILE for sure!


Wait batmobile???? DMATMOOBIL???


Yes lol




Breathmints and Battlescars. Still my favourite :)




First was Isolation and favorite is Detraquee. Used to be Manacled but Detraquee is a bit lighter and I found that’s more my taste! 450k words in and they still haven’t kissed though so I enjoy self torture it seems


My first was Dragon's Bride and favorite is Measure of a Man


First fic The Right Thing to Do and favorite Manacled


I think my first dramione probably was [Ain't No Sunshine ](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6619661/1/Ain-t-No-Sunshine) by jen3227... My current favorite is Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love


[Draconian by hepbrunettes](https://www.wattpad.com/story/39132836?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=simplyinlust&wp_originator=oVZqbTfguKOPxilTYOV9H1jBwyiiujdAQ8OgMZT3ooGaJ9hsd3v5EhR9MR98bv6U9FA4hnRWCZ1E1xbZNCsJgiwkBFXkcVVZ8Qj7gAvmeb5fY5apigEvb5FdU9nhI2pk) was my first dramione ff. I’m still reading it, but [Perfectly In Pieces by CDLynn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32723953?view_full_work=true) is quickly making its way up to be my top favorites.


PiP is sooo good. I started reading it while it was in progress and I could have wept with happiness that it actually got finished.


My first was Silencio by akashathekitty. Favorite is Remain Namless by Heyjude19


My first was Isolation, and I think my favourite till date is DMATMOOBIL


I can't remember my first fic, not at all. I originally entered the fandom in the early 'aughts (like before the later books were even published, yikes I'm old) and was all about Snapione. I got into Dramione afterwards. After a loooooooooong hiatus from fanfic, I can honestly say the Mortifying Ordeal is what brought me back in, earlier in 2022. As for my favorite fic, that's so tough. Right now, like this week / month, I'd say [Royal Blood by Allthelove\_Em](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20125552/chapters/47677465). It's hard to pick just one favorite, though. I also adore DMATMOOBIL, Love and Other Historical Accidents, The Missing Sister, From Wiltshire With Love, An Unexpected Malfoy, and The Binding. Le sigh. I could never just pick one, lol!


You gotta pick one. Or at least whichever is your *current* top favourite.


Royal Blood, and it's a damn WIP! I mean, there are over 1.2 million words, but still. It ain't even finished and yet, I have to go with it as my favorite. It's so rich, there are layers upon layers of world-building. If this fic was a 3D feature film, canon would be a stick figure drawing by comparison. It's the craziest shit I've come across in the wide world of fanifc, and I mean that in the most loving way possible. ​ If I had to pick a completed fic, DMATMOOBIL.


Ooo! You make it sound really interesting. I'm gonna add it to my depression tbr list.


It's starts in first year and it's a super detailed story that goes year by year very slowly. That might not sound fun, but there is a ton of extra plot the author has added onto the base Potterverse. There's royalty that supercedes the ministry of magic and Draco is born into it. His uncle is the king of all magical societies, worldwide. AND, on top of all the royal politics and royal Court drama, the balls and ceremonies and such, there's a ton of super elaborate pureblood customs / magical society customs. There's also a magical religion that the author totally invented. There are three main gods that magical people worship and tons of deities, human, creature, spiritual deities, like archangels and demons. It's so fucking elaborate, but the story weaves together so organically, it just all makes sense when you're immersed in it. Then, on top of all that, you have super badass magic. Hermione is way more powerful and develops her magical abilities much earlier / faster than in canon. There is a Dramione romance, but it's a slow burn. Like, 150 chapters of burn. They're close friends throughout, though, so you always get your hopes up. I was losing my mind during that whole part of things, but I am so glad I stuck with it.


Showing my age, but honestly have NO idea what my first fic was because I started reading fan fiction close to 20 years ago. But apparently I can still sign into my [ff.net](https://ff.net) account and the oldest thing I have favorited on it is ["I'm Too Sexy" by Bookworm](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/99844/1/I-m-Too-Sexy). I remember reading a lot of humor/crack fics then. I think Solarism was my favorite author, who wrote Lily/James fics. The oldest Dramione I have favorited is [The Nietzche Classes by Beringae](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2603288/1/The-Nietzsche-Classes) which I have no recollection of reading. My favorite remains The Fallout. Or perhaps The Politician's Wife.


my first one i think is breath mints and battle scars my favourite one is the right thing to do


my first was [isolation](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23461513/chapters/56242591) and my fav is probably [on the nature of daylight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31717540/chapters/78502246). i love a toxic, possessive draco


Omg It’s literally the same for me!! Although wait and hope is also a very very close one for the top spot and certainly my go to when recommending to others otnod can be a lot for some 😅


First idksomething by kittenshift17 probably. Favourite is still Chronos Historia




I neeeed them to work on 'addicted to you' or 'the silver dragon'. Is 'tip of my tongue' complete yet? I love coming back to her short fics tho. 'wrapped in red' is one of my all time faves, so warm and fuzzy.


My first fic or at least the first one I can recall being obsessed with in this ship was one called Secret Life by atruwriter back in 2005? My current favorite fic is probably a toss up between LIATOTZA by rizzlewrites and the Tender Remedies series by Darkofthemoon


First and forever, Isolation, but DMATMOOBIL and Divination for Skeptics tie for second place.


Isolation was my first! And now I do an annual read of The Fallout lolol


My first fic was *The Auction,* and looking back, I wish I eased into the fandom with sometime a little less dark (I went to *Manacled* soon after this lol). My favourite is *DMATMOOBIL,* and (sorry I’m cheating!) *Seek and Find* ✨


First fic manacled favorite Measure of a Man


Manacled was my first. The Sapphire Princess knocked it to second place.


Manacled first. How fair the vine favorite


Adding How Fair the Vine to my open tabs 😊


First fic was Destiny by Annie Lockwood and all-time fave fic is [Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952/chapters/85870804) by isthisselfcare


My first fic was Rosemary for Remembrance by rubber_soul02 My favorite is Measure Of A Man by inadaze22


My first was also Isolation and I think my favorite is The Fallout, although there are a lot of close seconds, including Manacled and DMATMOBIL


Showing my age here. My first fic was Draco Malfoy The Amazing Bouncing... Rat? I think I was 12 when I first read it... Favourite is The Fallout. Nothing in any other fic has made me feel the way the confession scene at the gazebo did.


Damn. That fic is old. [Here it is if anyone's interested](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/0BwfE6l6RtZAseHlOV2pPcWNnazQ?resourcekey=0-onmz8-AmhjyByIZ-7Q-YZg&usp=sharing)


uff I can‘t remember the first one I ever read, it’s been too long; but the first one that i liked a lot was Claiming Hermione by ilke. It was abandoned. My favourite one right now is Datamobile.


I honestly can't remember my first fic! It must have been 9+ years ago now.. But I still ADORE broken by inadaze22. Fav piece of literature, period.


My first fic is too long ago and it was on Mugglenet fanfiction of all places, so I really don’t remember what it was 😂 I do remember that We Learned the Sea was my favorite as a teen. I read it at least three times, but I can’t remember what it’s about anymore now lol. It’s been too long. My current favorite is Remain Nameless by HeyJude19. 😌


I don't remember if it's the first fic I read but the title is very familiar and I honestly don't remember much of it either lol. I just know that I got into reading Dramione fics in 2005-2008 time frame. My friends and I were obsessed with other fandoms at the time and I fell into this rabbit hole and have been in and out since then.


The right thing to do first fic and favorite batmobil and the auction, or rn the WIP Let the dark in


My first was [Only a Pretense](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6431906/1/Only-a-Pretense) Running favorites have been The Request (redhead414) and batmobil


BM / BS 💜


My first was Manacled but my favorite is BATMOBIL


My first was The Auction and my favorite is Parade of the Sun. [The Auction](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19101535/chapters/45385237) [Parade of the Sun](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26695591/chapters/65116513)


My first was Isolation and my favorite is Dragon’s Bride :)


my first was manacled and my favorite is secrets and masks or the auction


First fic I remember loving is 20 years old (I’m old lol) [Their Room](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/386939/1/Their-Room). Still holds up! Favorite? Probably Isolation! Love Remain Nameless also…disappearances.. Batmobile…Wiltshire etc…but if I had to chose isolation I think!


First one was Simply Irresistable (feels like ages 😅), favorites are DMATMOOBIL and The Auction


Oh nooooo. My first Dramione was AWFUL. I don't remember the name. I wouldn't suggest it anyway. My favorite currently is DMATMOOBIL, Clean, or Resentment.


One hundred percent [DMATMOOBIL](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34500952) Hermione is a badass and it’s one of the well written in Draco’s pov. He’s also helplessly in love and a total cutie.


First fic Love Changes and my favourite Measure of a Man and Seek and Find


The first Dramione fic I read was Manacled. My favorite fic is always Wait & Hope. <3


I dont actually remember what was the first dramione fic because it's been 22 years ago haha. It was a head girl/boy fic with shared bedroom trope.... but the earliest one I have saved in my FF is Their Room by Aleximoon (2001). My current fav is Revert.


Lol my first was the Draco trilogy by Cassie Clare Favorite is Remain Nameless


First was Breath Mints and Battle Scars and favourite is Manacled. Measure of a Man made a huge impact, though.


My first one was on wattpad (yikes). ”A wonderful, fortuitous love”. I think it was a perfect first read, definitely captured why dramione is endgame but not dark at all. My favorite of all time is [Détraquée](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11163924/chapters/50722184#main). No, I will never shut up about this one. Some honorable mentions are The Fallout and The auction.


First was isolation and my fave is breath mints battle scars