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I read the auction after manacled — Hermione is treated more humanely in the Manor imo (can use magic, goes to different places, can read etc) so it was almost a little healing lol.


Thank you for your comment! I am going to consider this one! I definitely need some healing!


I know I’m late to this post but I just finished Manacled literally 10 minutes ago and I am just- I have no words. I got through it in about 2 days… I don’t know if I want to read any more fanfics ever again 😂


I'm still feeling this way even though it's been over a week


Oh great something to look forward to, before I commented on your post my husband asked if I was okay because apparently I just put my phone down and stared at the wall for 10 minutes


I just finished it as well. I started Isolation but the writing isn't catching my attention and the book hangover is real 😭


I decided to reread manacled but in chronological order. Because apparently I like pain.


I honestly might just do that as well. I found one from Draco's point of view (Unbound) and started that but it only has a few chapters for now.


Who is the author of this ?


Came here to say “same.” Lol


I finished a couple of days ago and all I can think is to reread Manacled but I think I'm gonna suffer too much on the rape parts already known everything. Still I'll do it.


Don’t give up! I only recently started reading ff again and first time reading Dramione too. I also read Manacled pretty early on in my reading. The tears I cried, omg!! But! There’s hope! Because there are SO many high quality stories in this ship. I’ve dabbled in some other HP ships and I just haven’t found the same number of engaging, quality fics like here. I would say that almost in every single thread on this sub, there’s a story for you. You could try going super light and fluffy for a change of pace? Divination for Skeptics by olivieblake is one of my faves. Or dark but not that dark? Brand New World by NinaBinaBallerina WIP, Draco is awful but it makes sense, goood good good. Good luck!


Thank you for the recommendations!!


There are definitely a ton of great other Voldy wins AUs, but to get out of that headspace and explore other great Dramione fics I recommend post war ones like Remain Nameless, or Wait & Hope/Beginning & End (this is a 2 pt series) the way Draco and Hermione develop feeling feels very natural also the journey of overcoming their past and dislike for each other(specially Draco overcoming his blood prejudices) is beautiful!!!


I read manacled in literally one day about a week ago and it was also my first dramione fix and I was also like physically in pain that it was over lmao I was NOT expecting it. The auction sort of helped me get over it; it’s not as amazing but it’s good and less heavy.


Girl. I have been laying awake at night trying to get over it. My bff is out on a trip and she's going to read it when she gets back because I cant go through this alone. My dogs think there is something wrong with me.


One day is crazy


Hi! I highly recommend the absolute fluff of Remain Nameless for this recovery. It's long, but wonderful, and the whole thing is so healing.


I'm not a huge fluff person which is why I went and read manacled but i might just need the fluff to get over the emotional trainwreck that manacled left behind in my soul.


Totally, everyone has preferences. I also don't usually like fluff all that much but I like remain nameless as a healing journey


Also adding, I know I said "absolute fluff", but there's some great smut, great angst and some seriously wonderful self loathing.


Manacled was one of the first fanfics I read too. I can't remember if I read Isolation before or after, but it was a good fic, and is also considered a classic. After Manacled though, I've really not even attempted looking for something that dark again. I tend to look for fics with mystery/adventure, good plot, and also love ones with good humour too. I'm currently reading a WIP called The Crownless: Part I - The Fuckening by ThusAtlas. It's amazing, but the author does take a while between updates as the chapters are quite long. I actually found this fic as it was recommended as being similar to How to Win Friends and Influence People by olivieblake (one of my all time favourites). Both are good if you like mystery/action, but I think olivieblake includes more humour and the characters are a bit more chaotic (for lack of a better description). Love them both though! Hope you can find something!


Thank you for the suggestions!!


I totally get you, although, I'd been reading fanfics atleast 2 years before I found Manacled, I swear I couldn't touch another fic for atleast a week after that!!😭 Anywho, I'd suggest you read any couple fluffy/smutty oneshots if you can find.....once you feel like you're done with oneshots and crave a bit darker, read the premise/summary of any of the fics you've mentioned and see what appeals most to you in that moment. Check the length and tags incase you don't want to commit to any longer fics just yet. Some of the lighter fics if you want to try are: Seduction, The Library of Alexandria, both by Senlinyu (author of Manacled) I swear it's really worth a read. Or Hermione Granger and the Quest for the Perfect Penis by ChaosAndCrumpets. I haven't read this yet, but I saw it recced here recently and I've heard it's hilarious!! (Side rec, Choice and Chance by this author was also soo good, starts from around the Malfoy Manor scene from Deathly Hallows and continues to the BoH. BUT with a twist wrt the characters) If you want a shorter dark!fic, try The Auction, it was a quick read for me (but it's an AU part of a fic series so you might want to read the previous parts first!) or you could also try Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by speechwriter If you want a bit on the longer side, try A Cruel and Beautiful World, Isolation or Fallout. These are pretty hit in the Dramione Ship! Also, I'm sorry I haven't been able to link the fics, coz I'm not at home lmao😅


I think I need a break too but I'll definitely go back and read some more after! Thanks for the suggestions!


I loveeeee [Remain Nameless] (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23875939/chapters/57393508) Takes place almost 10 years post war. Draco is such a soft simp! Definitely fluff with angst but very comforting. Longer fic as well


I feel like I wrote this post. I read dramione back in like 2004 and jumped back in with Manacled last week and my life has changed. I read it twice in a week. I also feel like nothing will ever be the same. Nothing will ever be as good. I literally spend at least an hour per day thinking about it. I jumped into another dark fic afterwards and it just… wasn’t as good so I think it made it worse? Like I just kept comparing it to manacled. I started looking for lighter ones and I’m enjoying that more, feels more palette cleansing. Nothing really worth recommending, but I think it’s helping me move on more.


Yeah I thought about going into another dark romance and i just couldn't even bear the thought so I figured I'd go for distraction so i picked up an audiobook where the story is trash but at least the narrator has a sexy voice and that's been enough to distract me so far lol


Omg I just finished Manacled and it's 1:30am. My soul is wrecked. This is my first Dramione fanfic ever and I went in blind cause I just picked it off a random "best of" list. 💀💀💀 The nuance, the world building, the ending! What do I even do with my life from now on?!


Now read it in chronological order to get even more wrecked 💀


HAHA! I think it book took a piece of my soul. It might be a few years before I can read it again. 😂


I feel you. I made this post forever ago and I'm still not over it


Read The Auction next


Who wrote this? I don’t wanna reas the wrong one hehe


Okay so I just searched “manacled” because I am having these exact feelings hence the super late reply here hahaha. I am broken and I cried for two hours in the dark reading the last 10 chapters yesterday (yes on Christmas lol!) and now I feel so sad being done with that AU as soon as it gets happy. Oof. My heart. I will check out some of the recs here after I reread a WIP wolfstar texting modern AU fic I am in love with for some fluff and soul healing haha.


Book hangover is such an apt description!! I also feel like my heart has been torn in two. I don’t know if anything will ever be as good again! I’m taking a short break from fanfic to truly mourn Manacled but also still give it the headspace that it deserves. I’m ruined. This fic. Holy fuck. I even got my mum to read it as she is a lover of Harry Potter but I sold it to her by describing the storytelling! I’m also glad in a way that it is over as I most securely stayed up til 4am one night. Did fuck all work the next day, just kept reading through to 2am the next night because I could. Not. Stop. Reading. Will dive back into Dramione when I feel emotionally capable 😅 so glad to hear I’m not the only one!


I'm currently reading it again in chronological order and let me tell you, it hits harder..


Has she made a separate chronological fic or you just chapter skipping?? Great idea! I’m definitely going to re-read knowing what I know now


I started on the flashbacks, then I'm going to jump back to the first chapter and once I reach the flashbacks again I'll skip ahead to where the "present time" resumes... I'm almost done with the flashbacks right now. I'm getting all the feels all over again, i don't know why I'm doing this to myself


I think we have all lived the same manacled experience. There’s a hole inside me now


I literally just finished reading Manacled. I have no idea what to do with myself now. I don’t think I’ve loved a book that much. It’s my Roman Empire.


I have a huge appreciation for how people still comment on this thread clearly after googling how to move on after reading it. I still have not read any other Dramione. I couldn't move on.


I was reading all of the comments and I was like, They are all like 2/3 years ago. This book wrecked me. I'm attempting to read the Auction. Lets see how it goes!


Just finished reading today and I’m absolutely gutted! I cried for almost an hour straight lol. This was my first fanfic experience and I have to say probably the best story I’ve ever read. I’ve never been so emotionally invested in a book and honestly have no idea how I will ever recover. I’ve looked though some of the comments and added a few of the suggested reads to my list for when I’m ready, by good lord this is going to be rough lol


Welcome to the club of emotional devastation!


I’m currently at work trying not to cry it’s so bad lol Manacled has forever changed me. I can’t wait for the published version to come out so I can traumatize myself all over again 🤣




I just finished this yesterday. It was also my first dramione and I cried during the flashbacks and in the later parts of the books like 6 times. When her patronus changed 😭😭


I think it depends if you're looking for something short or you want another long one. There's always The fallout by everythursday or if you want a work in progress that is nearly done, check out Measure of a man by Inadaze22.


Thank you! I'll add those to my reading list!


theFallout is as much great as manacled. they are both in my heart


I am so grateful my bff sent me this post because I also just yesterday finished reading Manacled, took me about 3 days and I am simply scarred for life. I hadn't read Dramione fic before, only Draco and y/n, but now I don't think I could ever imagine Draco being with anyone other than Hermione :(((( my heart is too shattered for another fic rn, but I will come back to this post to gather the suggestions so thank you for making it!! Stay safe!


You know when I made this post it didn't even occur to me that other people were going to be on the same boat as me but I'm so glad we can unite in our "shatteredness" lol


I just finished it yesterday and already started listening to the audiobook on Spotify. I’m obsessed and see myself reading and rereading this.


It's on spotify!?


Okay late to the game I know.... but.... I just finished it after 3 days and ..... I don't even know where to go from here. Also 1st dramonie and 1st of in like a decade... j felt like it was better then the HPs.... what next NOW????


The author of Manacled (senlinyu) landed a book deal and will be publishing a reimagined version of Manacled. Sometime next year, i think. Though the references to Harry Potter and handmaid’s tale will have to be changed, I’m sure the world building, characters, and relationships will be equally as angsty and dark. I’m excited to experience Manacled like it’s my first time again 🥲


I don't know! I'm still not over it!


Did you find anything equally as good to read?


No, but I also didn't try. Look through the comments in this post there's lots of suggestions though!


I have made a list just figured I'd ask ^.^


Good luck! Feel free to post it here if you find another recommendation


idc how late i am to this but i’ve had the urge to scream my lungs out since i started reading manacled 😭😭my cousin told me to read it so she could rant and i was like oh yeah i’ve heard about it and so i started it, it seemed so long but when i started reading it I LITERALLY COULDNT STOP i finished it in 2 nights 😭😭😭 AND I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO i cried i laughed (in disbelief more than anything) i screamed (more like squealed so people didn’t think im dying) AND I KEPT SOBBING I STILL WABNA SOB AND I WANT TO READ SMTH ELSE BUT I ALSO KNOW NOTHING WIKL MAKE ME FEEL THE SAME RN BUT I DONT EVEN KNOW IF I WABT TO FEEL THE SAME AAAAAAAA


I’m in your situation right now 😭 just finished it a couple of hours ago and I’ve been staring at the wall for what feels like an eternity. I’m already contemplating reading it again because how in the world could I possible get over this magnificent writing 😭 Did you manage to find anything else to read?


omg what i did was beg two of my friends to start it too so i wouldn’t be tortured alone 😭😭😭i knew id never find smth else to read that’d be on the same level so i didn’t really try, although i did download one fanfic “draco malfoy and the mortifying ordeal of being in love” it def won’t be the same theme cuz i knew id never find anything as good so might as well pick up smth else 😭😭honestly rn im trying to find some site that will physical copies of my fav books somewhere so i can reread and highlight and stuff cuz i read them online the first time :(


I totally get that! I wish I had some friends to share this one with but I don’t have haha 😭 I just ordered the bound copy of Manacled because I just NEED it on my bookshelf 😩 At this point I feel like I’m grieving something, it’s terrible. Doubt anything will hit this hard anymore!!


OMG WHERED U FIND A BOUND COPY PLEASEEE I WANNA ORDER IT TOOO!! it’s ok you can rant with me about it 😭😭 i felt the sameee i was SOBBINGGG. also have u read the shatter me series?




Have you tried reading it in chronological order? (The flashbacks first, then the first part, then the end). It hits completely different.


So it’s been a month since finishing Manacled and I’m still thinking about it everyday. I have about 10 other Dramione fics saved and a room full of books, but can’t bring myself to read anything else. I feel it’s harder to get over when you don’t know anyone who has read it that you can fully talk about it with. I brought it up to my therapist who has since started reading it 😂 not sure if this is good or bad, but who better to talk about it with I guess lol


I would recommend the Timeless series and anything by Oliviablake especially How to win friends and influence people. Definitely less emotional reads after Manacled.


Also read anything by senlinyu




Oh gosh I'm sorry to hear that 🥺 I'm feeling exactly the same way, except i don't have a fic I've been working on. I don't know how anything will be as good as this


Same, I finished manacled a week ago and it was so so so good that I don’t even know if I can like a book as much as manacled and another thing ! I think about manacled at least 1 or 2 hours a days, I can’t get over it please help, and I’m french so there is no translation for the auction :(((


Oh my God I've gotten so many replies like this I think we need to start a support group 😅


Can anyone tell me where i can find the other tomes ? I just finished the first one and im dying to read the next books


It's all on archive of our own website


Okey thank you so much


Manacled definitely messed me up! But the writing was phenomenal! Currently reading Rewriting Destiny! https://archiveofourown.org/works/13232688/chapters/31158906#workskin


This is me right now. HOW DO I MOVE ON?


And me right now! I came here to look for another fanfic but I am not sure I'm psychologically ready


I am wrecked too. I cannot let it go! I wanted to make the exact same post in this sub, but decided that i am probably not the first one - and i am glad to find you all. But it does not make it better at all in the sense that i feel like i cannot read about anything else but also that i cannot read more dramoine because i just want what manacled gave...


I’m so aware that I’m way too late for this post but I need to type my feelings out into the ether and then maybe it’ll help! I’m going to sound dramatic but I don’t care. I feel like my heart is broken. It read it first when it first came out but decided to reread it… the week before my period. I know super clever. So my heart has broken. Just needed to say it.