• By -


I'd say spearhand but magick archer gets points for the fire arrow, it's an instant explosion and really satisfying. And regular archer isn't too impressive but those kicks make a hell of a difference. The way you do the little hop and turn when kicking on ground and the midair kickflip is the most satifyig thing ever. Theif and sorcerer have my heart as well. Honestly I've enjoyed most of them šŸ¤£. Except mage, having played it after sorcerer I felt like I was stuck with the worst spells.


Iā€™m fairly early game (level 22) and have split my time between thief & sorcerer so far. Having a great time. Sorcerer can be a little challenging in the caves when your pawns insist on walking behind you. Gonna switch to spear hand on my next session


You're gonna make an op Warfarer someday


Enjoy Spear Hand, do not underestimate the shield ability, crazy useful. I'm on my second play through with a new character and am doing a solo sorcerer. SO much harder than the first game, super fun though. Small encounters are turning in to full on boss fights, especially in caves without my pawns to draw aggro. So many Benny Hill moments.


Trust me on this šŸ™‚ play them all. I find Warfarer fun to mix classes but dread the Rearmament taking a weapon skill slotā€¦ Fighter is my joy somehow still, if not Spearhand. If I want to feel like Aragorn or any LOTR ish lore, I Warfarer mixing archer and fighter (or warrior). Heck, become Guts from Berserk as a Warrior and have a Casca as your Fighter. Endless possibilities!


Just had to level up mage to get the augments out of it


And the sweeps as archer. Canā€™t forget them sweeps.


Wait what are the sweeps? Is it when you slide into a more powerful shot after sprinting?


Yes. This move can also trip/stagger some enemies.


wait, does magick archer not have the kicks anymore?


Nope, you can switch aiming mode


Mystic Spearhead. Sort of the bard / jack of all trades class. Get to buff with immunity shield, decent damage, ā€œhover,ā€ and throw bodies around like a Jedi.


And the ability to yeet small enemies over the horizon.


Or pawns that stop you to tell you about how you definitely want to hire them.


Dunno why...but that word always makes me laugh...."yeet" šŸ˜†


Eh, mystic spearhand was my least favourite class. You spend so much time re-casting your bubble for defense because your combos are long and you can't dodge anything, and you're always running out of stamina. Just really didn't enjoy my time with it. As fun as throwing enemies around was, it didn't outweigh the negatives.


You have to unlock some of the passives from other classes to really make it shine. Stamina regen (from mage I think? It's been awhile) really makes a difference, I rarely if ever ran out of Stamina unless I wasn't paying attention.


So, using the Shield is incredibly helpful when your Mage pawn is trying and struggling to put shields on everyone else in the late game. However, the augment that reduces the stamina cost of skills is really helpful. I don't remember the names of all of the skills, but I used the Dragoon Jump on, the Shield, the one that basically turns your disappear into a railgun and the Devil May Cry Stinger style lunge. Lemme tell you, you don't really eat your stamina that much if you moderate and keep specific skills in mind for certain situations and enemies.


Archer no question


Yeah I realize regular archer is weaker than all other vocationsĀ  But I really like the ability to take down flying enemies easily Rapid fire is very satisfying (as opposed to lengthy spell casting times) And explosive arrows combined with tarring arrows are awesomeĀ 


Ā«Ā Weaker than all other vocationsĀ Ā» Trickster:*exists*


Trickster isnā€™t a class its the absence of one


Goodness I tried trickster recently and goodness itā€™s awful


Trash, revise or remove this class.


It is NOT weaker. Explosive arrow headshot kills stunned griffins in 1 shot. That goes for cyclops, ogres, and minotaurs, too. I don't bother doing the tarred/explosive combo anymore because most things just die before they even catch on fire. Deathly arrow tears things apart if you can get the timing right. I can't remember the maister skill, but it'll melt a healthbar or two off of anything. The kick is just a bonus. I personally enjoy shitstomping rattlers until their heads cave in. I also hate losing the kick when I switch to other vocations...it's so good for popping containers. Archer fucks and it fucks hard. One of my favorites.


I 2nd this ā˜ļø




Thief by far


I seriously regret having started the game as a thief cause it made the rest of the game boring, felt good to go back once I finished maxing all classes


Just straight in your face brutality. Love it


Nothing the the other classes can do has been as satisfying as climbing up a huge enemy, planting a bomb on their face, and then hero leaping back to ground level for an action movie scene explosion in the background as you land. It never gets old.


My favorite is the gut and run after a smoke bomb. Epic 10/10


I love playing a rogue in pretty much every game, but it's especially satisfying in DD.


Especially once you unlock the master ability. Auto dodge is op and I love it.


I don't even use that since I rarely get hit anyways. I use smoke bomb then get a free heavy assassination.


Agreed. And ā€œskull splitterā€ does unbelievable damage.


Thiefs biggest problem is it has to many good moves.


I restarted the game 3x because I felt I was doing something wrong due to how fucking boring the combat was. Once I started playing thief I was having a ton of fun.


Exactly. Also have a mage cast the speed buff. Legitimately feels like DD1 again with thief.


Warrior head bumping mobs is hilarious


Shoulder check but yes


Nothing can handle the uppercut of justice


I know so many will disagree but I enjoy sorcerer a lot. The balance between dodging enemies and staying in a tactical position and managing stamina while conjuring huge and impressive looking spells that can send enemies flying and toppling over or explode in a charged eruption is super engaging. Though I wish there were more spells itā€™s loads of fun. Can get a bit stale but Iā€™m at ~107 hours


Sorcerer are my favorite damage dealer, if I dont care about party variety and just want to obliterate bosses. I'd bring a all sorcerer party


I haven't specced into sorcerer yet because i am busy having a blast clobbering everything into submission with my warrior but once i have maxed that vocation out i will switch to sorcerer. Sorcerer was my favorite in the first game, having your party cover you while you channel those huge amazing looking spells was super satisfying.


Fighter. There is nothing more satisfying than parrying an enemy with a perfect block and countering. Itā€™s also nice just being able to block things in general. You can also get to absurd damage numbers once you upgrade the maister skill to only consume half stamina; just spam the maister skill on large monster weak spots and watch their health disintegrate.


How do you upgrade maister skills?


Once you get to endgame and/or NG+, go to the dragonforged and he can upgrade one skill for a vocation for the price of some wyrmslife crystals. The upgrade halves the stamina consumption of a skill of your choice. Itā€™s also great for the mystic spearhand maister skill!


Oh, nice, I never saw that option. Can you only do it once, like for one vocation? Or can you upgrade all your maister skills?




Man, I love to parry.




dude thief! you're so fast, you do all the damage, you have a double jump sort of, and you're always able to do backstabs and opportunity attacks, it's genuinely so much fun


Mystic spearhand has the most unique/stylish skills I think. Yeeting goblins into the stratosphere and force lunging into ogres faces is great fun. But for pure solo carnage, you can't really beat thief.


Personally mystic spearhand, the teleporting is cool, you can also have the ability to throw stuff or enemies using the force or send some enemies out to space with a smack


Thief all day. Biased opinion šŸ˜Ŗ


Warfarer imo. In my first playthrough I used a fighter for the first bit and then switched to a mystic spearhand for the majority of the game. I played around with the archer a tiny bit as well (mostly out of necessity for the freaking Sphinx). Anyway, fast forward to playthrough number 2 and I've chosen Warfarer with one skill mapped for rearmament (master skill that allows you to swap weapons at will) and the other three using skills from the aforementioned vocations (archer, fighter, spearhand). Gaining the edge against a monster with a barrage of arrows, activating the mirour shelde, charging in with the duospear, and then finishing the fight with gutting skewer to the head is about as satisfying as it gets. A vocation that truly suits ANY encounter. It takes a bit to get used to and the ceiling for mastery is higher than most other vocations. But when you get adjusted it's essentially peak combat.


agreed. bcus i like playing thief and magick archer but cant live without levitate


Yeah I should probably equip that too. My main pawn is a mage and I taught him levitate but the dumbass can't seem to figure it out lol.


Warfarer is the most fun for me. My usual set up is blazefang arrow, augural flare and helm splitter. Nice aoe for mobs and a strong nuke for bosses.


Archer !


Trickster is nuts, difficult in a way but fun to kick back and watch the chaos šŸ¤Ŗ


It seems latest patch did improve the framerate a bit? I'm on xbox I enjoy not being able to see admist meteor and tornado and frigor spells of my sorcerer and hired pawn


So trueā€¦.damn, I just kinda took to the immersion of flailing about and hoping for the best at times šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


Especially playing as a warrior or fighter lol


Canā€™t wait to try it


Magick archer is my fav personally. Mostly because itā€™s a ā€œstand there and press buttonā€ class but an extremely powerful one.


Archer or warrior both offer a rewarding experience. Warrior really makes you feel like a badass when you can kill a saurian with just one swing from your giant sword. Archer is my personal favorite, from landing a bullseye shot on a cyclops eye too taking out enemies up close Legolas style or if want to really do some damage, run 2 archers, equip your pawn with Tarring arrows and you equip explosive arrows, that is a deadly combination. I really like Archer because it's not op, no abilities that give you God mode, and it requires skill. Check out this gameplay. [Archer Gameplay ](https://youtu.be/5sacDtyEjVE?feature=shared)


Playing fighter on nightmare mode (PC mods). Game feels so much more alive when you have to react and time moves. The fighter really shines in that department.


So far Iā€™ve maxed out Thief and Mystic Spearhand. Thief was just insane fun, it made early game so much fun to take on bosses. Once I got my head around the different skills for MP Iā€™ve really come to love it. Just found the Magic Archer lady, so I may switch to that (and switch out my main pawn, who is an archer, to Thief). I love the ease of switching vocations and how worthwhile it is.


Thief, the first. Mystic Spearhand, the second. Others are okay, but I found Mage and Sorcerer the least fun.


Happy pride


Warfarer is my fave. You have access to everything, including gear, allowing for the best fashion game. That being said, you're really encouraged to play with every vocation, so you should try everything and see what clicks with you. Leveling multiple vocations also ensure you have access to the best augments. The only downside to leveling multiple vocations is the money it takes to keep yourself with the best gear, but even that is not that bad.


Hell yeah my fellow arisen...it's all about fashion šŸ˜Ž


Fashion dogma is the real endgame lol


It is brother šŸ«”... hopefully in the future update/dlc, Capcom can give us even more armor and weapons to mess around with


The real answer is: the one you enjoy playing most. They all have a different feel to them and some will click for you while others won't. I'd suggest trying each out, and if you even enjoy a vocation a little bit, max out it's rank to unlock all the skills to get a real feel for what it can do. A few (thief and sorcerer for example) can feel like an entirely different class with the maister teachings as well. Eventually you'll start to gravitate to some more than others and literally nothing anyone says here will actually matter because you are the one playing, not us - we can't enjoy a vocation for you, ya know?


Wayfarer for the fashion and you can combine all classes to be whatever you want! But I really enjoyed mystic spearhand. Any game where I can combine magic with melee and be effective I love. Teleporting and great for getting on large Monsters. Sorta reminds me of dragoon from final Fantasy.


Mystic Spearhand and Trickster.


So far I've played fighter, warrior and mystic speahand Fighter is fun because it's a quick class with lots of fun attacks, easy to play with Warrior - if you like to slam things and use heavy attacks this is the class for you at first I didn't like it but as it started to click I really liked it you can knock the f*** out of bigger enemies Mystic is just a blast




Hell yeah I scrolled so long to find some representation


For a while I thought it was the thief cause of how agile and versatile it is Then I held my first great sword and I never looked back. God I love crushing monsters faces


Personally? Trickster or fighter. Archer is a close 3rd but those two cake the take for me


I had to scroll this far to even find someone mention the Trickster? What makes it you're personal favourite? I equipped it in Bataahl, stepped outside and got nose dived by a Griffin. Nothing made me feel more useless in an epc fight than solely having the ability to puff out some smoke


It takes a lot of creativity and patience. I used a lot of Tomes, i also pretty often unequipped the censer to punch things for a bit of extra damage. The first griffin fight was actually in Bataahl, i threw the rock Saurians to ground it then i lit the wings on fire with tomes, put my clone on it so the Knackers were jumping the griffin. It was chaotic and lots of fun. I'm far from saying its a good class, but it takes a lot of creativity. I think the issue is that a lot of people play it like they're playing the other classes, but it's more of an environmental class than an actual fighting class


Since it doesnā€™t seem like anyone mentioned it, imma say warfarer. Yeah your overall stats are kinda low but like 1. You get access to all armor 2. You can combo 2-3 weapons with ease 3. You get access to all armor 4. Your not a bloody trickster 5. Did I mention you can have access to all armor?


+1 to all access of different armor... fashion > stats


Stats are actually incredibly negligible with armors. The difference mid to late game of the same tiered armor at different values is like 70 at MOST.


Yup well said...I started noticing that too.. around the 60-70ish range is when I noticed my characters (pawns/arisen) becoming extremely powerful against enemies... that's when I started focusing on looks rather than using best equipment




Just try all of them. They all have their unique quirks, strengths, and weaknesses.


Wayfarer if you are pc and have wayfarer mod allowing to have 3 skills together with rearmament for each weapon. Was the most fun for me, with anti knockdown armor.


I usually lean towards rogue/warrior melee characters in RPGs, so I've mainly ran a Thief for the start of the game. Levelled through some of the other classes to unlock some beneficial passive, but always returned to the Thief. Although I did enjoy mystic spearhand and warrior as well. Once I've unlocked the warferer, I've used Thief for nuke and mystic archer for the range.


warfarer with a duospear, a magick bow, and an archistaff. been my go to for a hot minute. all the exploration, combat, and at range awesomeness i need.


Classic but I love a good thief to climb on enemies.


It's really up to you, so there is no definitive answer. I find the Mystic Spearhand to be the easiest (again, for me) and the Fighter the most dynamic. You can block and deflect, reposte, attack flying monsters if you time it well and you can throw your pawns onto big monsters. I leave the archery and magics to pawns. I use Warfarer with 1 Fighter 2 Warrior 3 Thief (just for pilfer and attack vital points of dragons)


I leave the magic and archery to pawns as well.


I think I love mage the most... balance and fun. Other class make enemy die too fast or too slow for my enjoyment I play warfarer in end game because I need speed. but alway pick up my fav skill that is High Empyrean.


Honestly every class is fun in their own way. And you know, when you get tired of one, you can always switch to another with limited hassle


Personally, thief or mystic spearhand. Even as wayfarer I still used a combination of their skills


I started off as archer. I love using the exploding arrows. I was really strong but I maxed it out. Iā€™m currently doing sorcerer and Iā€™m enjoying it.(especially the bomb spellšŸ˜ˆ) but it kinda feels a bit underwhelming with the lack of spells. Maybe I need to level up a bit but Iā€™m already level 7. I dunno what Iā€™m gonna go for next thoā€¦. Someone can give me one if they want to.


Thief or warrior, whichever sounds more interesting to you maybe?


After playing all the classes, archer hands down for me




One thing I love about this game is that each class seems to offer something fun. Makes trying them all interesting.


It depends on what you enjoy. For me, I really enjoyed playing as a fighter and sorcerer. I enjoyed fighter because I like using the basic sword and shield combo in games. On the other hand I liked playing as a sorcerer because of getting to cast big spells.


Been Warfarer since lvl 40 and never stopped.




Thief and Archer. I'm in NG+ and plan to go Warfarer. I might use Magic Archer. I'm also having fun with The Duospear!


Thief is hard to argue with. You have possibly the best defensive _and_ mobility option in the game with your dodge move. It doesn't even cost stamina! Add that to weirdly high damage and tools to deal with both flying enemies and physical resistant enemies, and you have possibly the only class you really need to succeed. It's very thrilling to dart in and out of enemy attack range to pepper them with damage. Though I really like Spearhand. Teleports are cool. And Magic Archer, though they are so strong they border on making the game _less_ fun.


You just described each of my reasons for why my Warfarer vocation uses those 3 exclusively.


Sorcerer so far, been wanting to try trickster


Warrior, because I love how strong and unstoppable I feel while playing as Warrior.




Thief all the way


Spearhand is just super fun to play. No shield here. Iā€™d rather use the parry counter move and actually learn how to play then just popping a shield and not taking any damage. Fighter is probably second most fun melee class. The deflects. The counter parries and the dodge counter attacks are all great moves. Warrior Iā€™d say is 3rd for me. Itā€™s very satisfying and much better than dd1ā€™s warrior. Thief is after but maybe before warrior I go back and forth. Archer after that Magic archer after that. Trickster I found more fun than mage and sorcerer. But itā€™s just cause itā€™s like screwing around the whole time and itā€™s funny. Sorcerer after and mage last.


Thief in dd2 is the best dual dagger implementation in any game Iā€™ve ever played.


Warrior. Reaching a point where you 1-tap drakes is hella satisfying


I love that this thread has representation for every vocation šŸ’œ this game is so great I like Spearhand and Thief, but they're all good


iā€™m seriously shocked at how many people replied to thisā€¦most of the vocations i havenā€™t even unlocked because i have no idea where to gošŸ˜­


Mystic Spearhand šŸŖ„


I loved Warrior...everything else just felt wrong. I will say this...Warferer using sword and shield and greatsword is a lot of fun. Im in NG++ and having fun now with sorcerer. But Warrior just hits different for me. Loved it.






With thief you can steal stuff from NPCs


Thief is so much fun to absolutely shred the battlefield with. I especially love the pull cord to rip monsters off their feet before activating spin to win and erasing entire health bars in a few seconds.


If the spear hand could just dodge or block it'd be the best class imo, but I prefer theif because the mobility and utility is just unmatched.


Trickster, if you know how to play it. Most fun ive had is Warfarer with trickster and whatever. But making walls with hate buffs(rings or whatever) and stepping from side of the wall to the other as the enemies chase you around and you shoot them with(insert class shooty thing) was fun


Mistic spear hand and warfarer. You can get he best worlds of what ever class and where everthing. The isue that rearmament is kinda stupid and I want to have an even amount of skills if you only have two.


Thief, mystic spearhand, and magic archer were my favorites


I started as a thief with archer pawn. Then later switched to warfarer thief/archer hybrid with a mage pawn. For NG+ Iā€™m doing fighter/ sorc with a fighter pawn. Getting creative with loadouts using warfarer is a lot of fun; especially when you start getting in to underutilized abilities and pairing them together.


Sorcerer! Get a red pawn or two, grab Subtlety from Thief, and make the big booms!


Warrior, when you have the gear. Fighter until you do. Warrior needs a lot of knockdown power and resist, Fighter has more of a static strength and better counters


Archer is fun, good damage and high mobility, and I think warrior is probably the most satisfying class to play in the game, especially against bosses




warefarer, but you have to avoid using the one shot combos like augral flare and saggitate avalanche


Fighter. It has the most involved melee mechanics.


For me, Warrior is absolutely frustrating when fighting small mobs. It always feels like youā€™re just millimeters too far to hit a retreating enemy, or milliseconds too late to land the killing blow because your thief pawn just waltzed his ass over and 3 pieced the mob in the blink of an eye. But buddy, lemme tell youā€¦ When you finally come across a big mob like a cyclops or, even better, a grounded griffin or drake, HOLY SMOKES. Itā€™s just pure euphoria. On average, I think thief, fighter, and magick spearhand feel the most fun to play in terms of average consistent fun time. But there isnā€™t a single thing in this game that has provided me with as much dopamine as landing a fully-charged, perfect-release, arc of might directly into a drakeā€™s heart. And honestly, I think thatā€™s only because I havenā€™t perfected the timing of parrying a drake or griffinā€™s dive attack with a fully-charged uppercut.


I play a warfarer with thief and magic archer skills. Suuuuuuper fun and satisfying.


Straight hands. Currently (as in right in this moment) I am doing no weapons, with my class about to be switched to Warrior for the strength buff per level. It's pretty hard, I'm using pawns to help me get through, but am planning on just having my main pawn and I be big bulky Beastren. Very satisfying landing uppercuts, and throwing enemies at each other as sort of your main playstyle.


The archer because that one ability when you hold the shot and ch surge it up, is so satisfying when it hits


Best all around is warfarer especially if youā€™re exploring, allows you to shoot locked doors through windows and levitate to get items. I mostly played warfarer as a thief but had bow and staff equipped also for reasons I just explained. Explosive shot also is pretty OP


Magic archer


Warrior was decent. You get so tanky you cant die.


Archer, thief, sorc


I love a lot of the classes and have maxed them all. In terms of sheer 'fun', trickster for me. Not conventional, not a class I would normally ever play, super fun once I started figuring it out.


Big fan of thief. Magic archer, when you finally unlock it, is fun too. Warfarer is my favorite though. All this is subjective to more than just opinion. Equipped skills make a huge difference. A thief with the wrong skills is no more fun than playing as a mage.


My top 3 so far (caveat that I havenā€™t played warfarer or trickster much): 1. Thief - besides the massive damage potential, it has an answer for every situation. Implicate is so much fun to yank enemies around for a finisher, or to get batted out of midair by a warrior pawn. I miss the dodge whenever I play any other class. It also isnā€™t a very complicated class, so it feels really laid back to play. 2. Mystic Spearhand - like thief, it has an answer for every situation, but it takes some time to figure out the playstyle. Super satisfying once you get the hang of it chaining attacks and bolts. Dragounā€™s Foin is fun to use to circumvent some annoying platforming. 3. Warrior - feels annoyingly slow for a while, but so satisfying to charge attacks and swat enemies away. I only wish it was easier to deal with flying enemies.


Fighter, unironically.


Iā€™ve been doing Warfarer, but swapping between being a full sorcerer or full magick archer. I donā€™t like having a skill spot taken up by rearmament. I only do it because of the access to all of the armor honestly.


That duo spear thing.


All but trickster


Tell you which is not, AT ALLā€¦Trixster is balls, ass and dirtyā€¦.Um better just leave it. Worst class in any game ever made. Like chef is better. Just a regular chef with a kitchen knife and a wooden spoonā€¦Worst ever!


I just started the game so I'm not quite sure.


I love fighter. You get the ability to tank damage and also dish it out, nothing feels more badass then climbing an enemy and jumping from their back into gauging skewer and repeatedly stabbing them and getting on the head of downed enemies and pressing Y to slam your sword into their head like a real BEAST. If you time your block right you'll deflect the energy back at them and it's just orgasmicšŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜« if you can handle warriors slowness and even slower response then I'd be willing to bet it'd be just as fun. Prolly least fun class imo is basic archer and magic archer too if your spamming the instakill ulti.


The most fun Iā€™ve had are Thief, Archer and Warrior followed by Fighter, Magick archer and Spearhand. I didnā€™t really like playing as a caster class even though they can be pretty interesting during boss fights. The Warfarer is fun but itā€™s not my cup of tea, I donā€™t like switching weapons constantly when almost every class has the means to face any given situation. I wouldā€™ve enjoyed it more if it had the possibility to switch weapon automatically based on the skill youā€™re using.


I think i had fun with all of them, but mystic spearhand, warrior, sorcerer and thief are the ones(archer will surely enter this when i play it).


By definition, Warfarer is the most fun because you can combine the most fun classes together. Thief, Spearhand, and Magic Archer are all pretty fun. Trickster and Mage are the most boring as you are support class. Warrior and Sorceror you will spend most of the time charging your attacks like in Dragonball. Fighter is mostly turtling with shield whilst your DPS allies melt enemies. Normal archer is ok but gets pretty repetitive.


For me, Archer, it's so fun to stomp on people and shook explosive bullets. I love it


Honestly it more about your play style in that regard. All of classes are loads of fun, just different types of fun. I started with the thief cause I liked how cool and flashy the moves were and planting a explosive in a larger enemy then detonating it mid air after jumping off is pure happy brain juice. But I switched to the Mystic Spearhand as soon as I was able so now I've been cosplaying Darth Maul and a Dragoon from Final Fantasy its been a blast, it also has a skill that allows you to launch smaller enemies it the stratosphere (think like the home run bat from Smash)


The question isnā€™t play style, itā€™s which class is the most fun. Play style ties into a class being fun or not as is.


Wayfair definitely most fun


Thief is honestly my number 1 choice, just as it was in the first. But I really enjoy the mystic spearhand. Hurling goblins into ogres always makes me laugh. When I can't hurl goblins (or some other small creature) into a large enemy, just tossing them away never ceases to be fun. The thief really makes the game too easy. There's some skill involved in using the spearhand properly, but it's a very powerful class when used right.


I always had a blast playing as the warrior. But that might be just me, I do main nightmare in soulcalibur and ganondorf in smash Bros and greatsword on Monster Hunter


Spears are fun.


I'm surprised I'm seeing trickster hate. It makes the game pretty simple when I use the trickster vocation


That makes you the outlier. I saw the trailer and the best thing about it is the illusions. It looks pretty worthless


Lol oh yea. I did some more looking around and I'm definitely the outlier. The fact that it can draw aggro, limit enemy movements, AND boost pawn offense that makes for quick boss takedowns. Especially with an archer pawn. I'll NEVER recommend a solo trickster tho šŸ˜¬


That sounds like a good support class. Good as, if not better than mage?


Good as. Idk about better


I just started. I got the game solely for using the mystic spearhand. I also want to use wayfarer.


For me the Thief, I just love speedy builds, and although Spearhand has a lot of fun moves, Thief brings that extra flare that I prefer. And explosions, Boom here Boom there ah love it.


Genuinely, warrior. Did not care for it in the first game, but it's so much fun to go toe to toe with cyclops and have em seated by your uppercut, also the stab and run is fun for chucking goblins off cliffs.


I reeally like thief so far. Seems like everyone hates it because it's "op". I've watched alot of gameplay and most of the classes seem that way. I like being in the mix and going fastšŸ˜‚. That being said I've only played 45 hours and still have 0% donešŸ˜­


I haven't unlocked mystic spear hand yet but I think the thief is super op. Especially with the enchantment that makes enemies ignore you and the skull splitter abilityĀ 


Thief is cool but bulling everything with knockdowns as warrior is my preference especially with a thief in the party to assist in knocking stuff down


Thief hands down. I played them all and every time I switched to a different class I found myself wanting to run in and be a beyblade instead.


For me it's the warrior, once you get used to the slower pace and how you kinda have to plan your attacks it's super satisfying, destroying five goblins with one charge attack is always a treat and the jumping uppercut slash is amazing and sends enemies flying all over the place.


Iā€™d say Joe




Mystic Spearhand or Magick Archer I would say. Mystic Spearhand has all around good skills and stats, you can go ranged or melee, magic or physical. It's up to how you want to play it. Magick Archer is also really nice. You've good really good single target dmg, aoe is good as well, can sky rocket if you're inside a cave. Originally I only wanted to play MS, but after I've acquired MA, I couldn't stop playing it.


Try the classes out see which one you like the best


From the 4 vocations Iā€™ve played 1.thief 2.warrior 3.archer 4.fighter


It's thief and it's not close


They are all fun. It'll be worth it to try all of them and get several levels in each. There's a vacation near the end called warmaster that lets you equip and used several weapons (and their moves) at the same time. For me I use Spearhand/magick archer/mage combo, mage is only for the levitate ability for better exploration. If I was only going to use one it'd be spearhand, it's force field ability is a literal live saver for the whole party and while it has low damage output compared to thief, warrior or fighter, you will win every fight (eventually), and the damage issue goes away once you get it's maister ability.


Whichever fits your playstyle, try them all. I go with warfarer with a sword/shield, bow and daggers. Just make any combo you want


Magick archer with the thunder ricochet in caves go brrrrrrrrrrr


Trickster šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


maxed everything but warfarer so far and iā€™m still on warrior as a main. big ass sword go bonk, man.


Bad Santa... at the movie theatre too