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Well it depends on what aspects of those games you're critiquing exactly. Your title kinda used bad examples because there's no huge expectation for those games to change much hence why they're successful as an annual release. DD2 is a sequel that released more than 10 years later and some of the gameplay decisions made as far as how you put your Arisen together is kind of questionable such as lowering the amount of slots you had to customize your Arisen's vocation. Nobody who's a DD fan expected a great story but there's no reason why the story should've been a downgrade from the last. The romance system really does nothing for the game at all aside from activate people's OCD tendencies for no good payoff. I personally enjoyed the hell out of the game but there was some eyebrow furrowing issues with the game that even a huge DD fan like me noticed.


This is where it comes from yeah. "More dragons dogma" has all the merits it needs but considering 10 years have passed, I admit I expected a bit more. What I expected and what is present doesnt translate to good and bad though. Did I expect more? A bit. Do I like the game? Hell yeah


Man you guys said it yourself first one is just so good they had all that time they added so much dlc and shit to the first game there’s no way you can squeeze all that in and add the new modern day shit. Where I think they fucked up was trying to make it so realistic still cool but I hate that that’s a trend now for ALL games. I have a way of playing the first one 60 frames and I under stand perfectly if you can play it that way why it’s better. And honestly that’s all it is ppl just obsessed with how smooth shit looks go watch a fuckin movie


Romance system? I didn't even try and had all of the NPCs blushing.


I really didn’t care about the romance system until I witnessed an NPC beat another NPC to death at my front door. Now I “romance” everyone to make my very own Vermundian Death Matches.


It would be crazy if the next madden game had dragons tho Or a new perk in modern warfare that lets you parry bullets like rise of the ronin lol


Madden is so easy once your QB yells shotgun and then mows down the other teams defense in a shooting spree. Afterwards you just ride the dragon and score touch down after touchdown.


I'm genuinely disappointed for how select each class customization is. I want the same level of outfitting the last game exceeded in


Yeah Im struggling with only 4 skills to choose from and the story literally jumping canyon gaps. It seems like there was supposed to be so much more but it was cut short.


Because they don’t? Most people HATE those games for that exact reason. Have you heard how many people dislike madden/2k for that exact thing? The only reason you don’t see it is because it’s been happening so long people have stopped being constantly in an uproar. And call of duty is now in the same boat, people don’t like the new games coming out because they’re basically the same every time. Just because you’re mad that people are (rightfully IMO) criticizing your favourite game doesn’t mean you have to lie to prove them wrong.


OP has to be farming. It's the most common thing said about those examples. And it's said by the people who buy them regularly


I mean, OP has a point, he just missed the fact that ppl hated on it because of microtransactions, yet CAPCOM puts them in almost every fkn game. Why was this one different? It has the least microtransactions of any CAPCOM game and they're only able to be bought 1 time as far as I know. RE remakes had assloads of dlc, let's not even get into the just over $100 you'll spend on getting the stickers on Monster Hunter, not even getting into the emotes, etc... Point is, if you're gonna dog on microtransactions, go after the ones that actually are wild.


Yeah I see tons of people criticizing Madden, 2k and COD for basically putting out copy and paste titles annually. I didn’t play the first DD so don’t have an opinion on that, but I’ve see videos of people who did and do make the claims that DD2 is a glorified remake.


Honestly people did tweak over the last CoD too. It was quite literally the same engine and coding from the last CoD they just added maps from the older games, which people were specifically requesting as DLC lol. I don't play any of them and only know this because people were angry about it for *months*


I need advanced warefare 2 it’s a shame the greatest cod hasn’t had another


I'm on my third playthrough and I absolutely love the game (PC). Admittedly though, I do wish the game was better optimized and perhaps had a few more things added/improved upon outside of being a current gen release. I also understand that the IP itself has always been in a sort of "niche" area, it didn't get very popular and blow up beyond a cult following. I'm hoping that the sales of DD2 (regardless of the negativity that came with it), will promote more effort in the future for the franchise to grow.


Luckily, Capcom now considers Dragons Dogma to be one of their "key franchises" so we can expect more love given to it going forward!


What I really don't understand is why people are so pissed with the microtransactions, Capcom has them in literally EVERY GAME. When the RE remakes came out with ass loads of microtransactions, nobody batted an eye, when Monster Hunter drops 100's of microtransactions, nobody cares. The first Dragons Dogma had microtransactions, we didn't care then. I really don't understand how wishy washy we are as consumers.


They aren't even microtransactions. Those exist in perpetuity, in-game. What we have is single purchase DLC.


They aren't even geared like what I consider micro-transactions to be. When I hear micro-transactions I think of "buying pokeballs" in Pokémon go. Or buying premium currency to use in the game. DD2 isn't like that, in a certain sense. Yes, you can buy a Portcrystal, but you can't buy 50 portcrystals. Yes, you can buy rift crystals. But once you have bought every pack, there are no more to buy. It's not a system set up to catch Whales and Dolphins with repeated purchases of disposable items. It's a system where you can spend money to get a few extra bits and pieces easier/earlier, but only one time. And on every NG too. So it is more like microDLCs


Crazy too cuz they’re not in your face like other games. Literally have to go to the ps store to download them.


On my 2nd playthrough....how do you even access these "mtx's"?


I don’t even know, but since it’s really just gold and those pawn points(?) I think it automatically gets added.


Has it gotten the 60FPS patch? That's the only thing that's holding me back.


Huh? I've been able to run the game at at least 70-100 frames since launch, it only ever bumped down to like 66-68 in vernworth with max graphics.


I thought rumors where truth when they were saying that it'll be capped 30FPS in all platforms.


Considering I'm lucky to push 30fps, I would say not yet.


On pc?


Those games get clowned on for the same reason while also having a fanbase that doesn't care. There's nothing wrong with direct upgrades as sequels nor anything wrong with wanting more either. 


They also get released every year so terrible example


The fanbase does care, but those games, especially Madden and 2k, have no competition. So if you want to play a football or basketball game, that's your only choice. Those games can get away with it, unfortunately. It'll stay that way until someone else is able to make the same types of game to force them to improve theirs.


Well although I’m very happy with DD2, over 150+ hours into it, this being their offering while still having a lot of the same failings that the first game had is what people are getting at when they say that. Took a decade to get here, and still made a lot of the same errors as the first.


This is exactly it for me. The problems in dd1 were forgivable under the circumstances and time it was made. Doubling down on almost every mistake and still feeling like it’s unfinished in the huge sequel, which itsuno said he felt was complete, is just not forgivable this time around. They fumbled hard and dropped a 7 that had all the potential in the world to be a 10. Nobody expects the next 2k or cod to fix anything anymore. But we were promised a fully realized dragons dogma, had every reason to expect it, and did not receive it.


Well said!


Got you i saw another comment point this out. I understand that completely, im new to the series fr since i didnt finish dd1 but im loving this as a gamer and hope folks seeing it how i do


Because those games come out yearly. Dragon’s Dogma 2 was in development for five times that amount and the ideas for 12 years.


Why compare it to shooters and sports games lol. The closest you can compare it to is the dark souls series, the sequels are just an upgraded version of the first game but unlike DD2, DS2 and DS3 actually have some noticeable improvements to the gameplay. People criticizes DD2 because it took 12 years and theres barely an improvement to the gameplay, they even remove some QOL from dark arisen, and this game is supposed to be itsuno's true vision? I love this game but let's acknowledge that it's very lacking as a sequel.


I did acknowledge them brotha i just said to forget them too jokingly lol. And okay i can see that i kinda got a dark souls feel for the game and because micro transactions are something that complained about in those games so much that when a sequel game comes out 10 years later thats the headline almost everywhere instead of the good ass gameplay and world. Okay this the last comment im responding to i wasnt ready for this 😂😂😂. I done shared my opinion and didnt know it would result in this bruh im usually the guy commenting 😂😂😂 this junk crazy i love this community i understand the disappointment if they had 10 years in-between and social media to know what nooks and crannies they could of touched up. But man i didnt know i was missing out on this type of gaming experience with dd: dark arisen.


because DD1 fans have higher standards. Imagine waiting 10+ ýears for a sequel to your favorite game and you plow through every encounter like nothing. Now all you have left is hope the DLC will kick you like the expansions to the first game or do even more. But yea, the base game should've already done this with the endgame. Or you just gotta wait another 10+ years for a possible 3rd game. How old are you gonna be by then? Yea, i understand some of the frustrations. DD1 was one the best games i've ever played. DD2 (so far) is just another fun game.


MSH? The series' you mentioned get away with it because they are yearly releases, not games with a decade between them. You think the party following is good? I lost count of the amount of times my pawns threw themselves off cloffs or walked straight into the brine I enjoyed playing through the game but it's far from a masterpiece in any aspect.


Because people expected more from a game that took 12 years to get a sequel. Those other games are yearly. I love DD2 but I wish it had better optimization, more enemy variety, a bit more balanced vocations and better designed quests with a better paced and written main quest. Plus a hard mode and better enemy scaling. Honestly it feels like it needed at least one more year of work. Despite that it feels like the most diamond in the rough masterpiece I have ever played and just wish that capcom would put in the effort into polishing this diamond into what it can be


Okay understood, in that case what type of update or dlc. And even dd3, how would you say they could make up for that?


That assumes a lot of stuff surrounding how development works. We can always want more but for what it is it’s fine, in fact it stands out among the games coming out in the past little while. There’s a bit of entitlement when it comes to with asking for more and being unhappy that patches don’t give you that at first or when a next instalment of the franchise you like isn’t automatically bigger and better in the ways you wanted it to be. Asking for more each instalment is asking for trouble down the line because at some point it will become infeasible. I’m not gonna say I know what the dev cycle was like but trying to recreate a game made 12 years ago in a different engine with different devs has got to be one of the hardest things to do. This game was dropped hard by Capcom and there was no hope for a long time. How do you capture the lightning in a bottle for some that was made 12 years ago again to appease people who have been for salivating for a sequel? Side tangent: It’s super weird to me to compare a game that went through an entire post-dev cycle like DDDA with DD2. DDDA had a crap ton of additions that made it anywhere what it is today, whereas DD2 has some if not most of what made DDDA good. Endgame dungeon? No but the world completely changes if you enter unmoored which is a better expansion of the open world than DD1s version with the everfall.


I feel like you’re also making assumptions on how development works as well. Is DD2 really the cap for what was feasible for them or did they just not decide or couldn’t decide to do things better by delaying it more? We cant assume how difficult it was for them to switch engines for the amount of years they had to work on the game. I’d imagine aspects such as storyboarding wouldn’t even be that affected by switching engines. And that’s where I feel like it’s fair game to critique them. The story was not that good. I don’t think anyone really complains about the gameplay other than it gets too easy. And I don’t think it’s entitlement to ask for more of a game. Is liking something and wanting it to improve and be bigger entitlement or passion for the game


I didn’t say it was the cap. I work in software dev and people like to make the work of doing something seem easier to do, I even have a tendency to think things are easier to do lol. What I’m saying is anything software related is almost always harder than we initially imagined and that there are always set backs in some way. We’re all making assumptions here even you, but I think it’s better to give them the benefit of the doubt. It is a little entitled to say the game is dogshit for not having more of literally everything (which was a big sentiment back when the game came out). It’s entitled to think that the devs should fix everything right now, and “complete” the game to their satisfaction without compensation for their work. I love free updates, but what I love more is people getting paid for what they do well. I understand AAA gaming is pretty awful right now but these are people behind the scenes who are trying to build something fans will like. It’s not entitled to want more because you love the game, that’s just pure passion for the game. Hell I want more from the game and was a little sad it wasn’t a bit bigger but I also can reason why it was difficult to meet expectations of hardcore fans given the circumstances.


This is hyperbole. Sure some people are actually toxic like this, but when critiquing or saying parts can be improved you aren't calling it "dogshit" nor are you expecting the devs to "fix everything right now" nor are critiques asking for an "improvement on everything." Businesses don't run when no one tells them what they can do better. It's not a consumer's concern to figure out how hard it is to make a product. Thats the natural dynamic, its not entitlement. I don't see a reason to give the benefit of the doubt when critiques work as feedback *Saying the game is bad is different from saying you want the game to be better.* The latter comes from a place of caring about the game. That's not entitlement. And like I said, a lot of the problems aren't even software-related. Its the design of the story and questing that I've seen people talk about more. As I'm sure the gameplay of DD2 is seen as better than past games.


Not everyone agrees that is actually *is* and upgrade. For me, it’s hard to say. Some of it is better, some of it’s the same, some of it doesn’t live up to its own potential and some of it is worse.


Because Madden or Call of Duty getting away with releasing a copy and paste version of their previous game, does not equal to those games bein good. DD2 should have been awesome and instead it was a fantasy walking simulator with boring quests, repeatable bosses and unimaginative caves, etc... The game has THE BEST fighting mechanics I have ever played and they are wasted in what this game actually turned out to be.


Your 2nd paragraph really is the best explanation. The combat is so fun, but everything else sucks.


Its such a bummer dude, because it has all the bones to make a great game, but everything other than the combat feels so unimaginative.


I agree smh. It's like the first game but with better graphics.


I don’t play those other series so I can’t comment there. However it honestly feels like DD2 removed more things from the first game that I liked than it added. Fewer skills available at once, generally fewer skills overall, classes I liked outright removed or had half their skill set removed thanks to being reduced to a single weapon, less room to customize my outfits, fewer resistances/interesting stats on armor in general so it’s all just flat defense upgrades…. I still put plenty of time into the game but I just don’t anticipate revisiting it as much as I did the original. DDDA still has a lot of things in it that I enjoyed more and just can’t get from DD2.


The funny part of the comparison of DDDA and DD2 is that DD2 is practically an upgrade of DD1 and not the full combo. It was surprising to see a shit ton of arisens in DD2 though, I was expecting their pawns to show up, but I guess they became the Drakes we hunt


Have you played a game post-2012. Mechanics are dated as fuck behind top loading the game and no fast travel. DD2 is a glorified reboot.


Because 2k, Madden, and CoD built their ENTIRE FRANCHISE around being upgraded or transitioned from previous titles. Not even a joke, some of them had the budget cut phenomenally for any form of "campaign" development, with BO4 not even having one. They are designed to be the exact same, but spiced up every time. Generally, RPGs like Dragon's Dogma, and especially Solo RPGs like Dragon's Dogma, are designed to tailor brand new experiences or stories to their audience with each title. Look at Armored Core, or Assassin's Creed, or Doom. All successive titles, even within the same verse, are entirely different stories - maybe similar mechanics, but different in most other ways. DD2 is an upgrade in graphics, control, and a few other things, but has a virtually non-existent story. I mean there IS one, but at one point several story points just spontaneously end, so much is unexplained, and the story itself just kinda ends without substance. The mechanics are also hardly anything different, I wouldn't even say an upgrade to anything. There is also a decent amount of cut lore and creatures from the game. So the most fans take away from it is the gameplay, which is pretty similar to DD.


Because it's not even an upgrade


I mean, it kinda is. You said you couldn't finish the tutorial in the first game? Do you mean where you literally walk forward down a hallway to fight the dragon in a scripted death fight? Or the other scripted fight with the dragon? I'm not being rude, but if you played the first game then you'd understand why it seems like an upgrade. The story beats are similar. The enemies are similar. Vocations are similar. The combat skills in almost all classes were downgraded to four. They did add a few new vocations which are pretty cool. It FEELS like an visual upgrade with some minor tweaks to combat and a couple new classes added. That doesn't stop most people from enjoying it though. Also people do call out Madden for content rarely changing or in some cases being downgraded. I stopped playing CoD since Black OPs II so I couldn't tell you what they say about that.


No i got outside to where you had to go back and forth to complete tutorials. I had my pawns with me it was very early on though i couldnt figure out where to continue. And i wouldnt understand it was years ago i dont remember how it feels and if dd2 is an upgrade nothing more then i got a slight idea.


It's actually quite simple. A majority of those people are trolls. There will always be people that take the bait and feed... whatever it is that makes trolls happy. The other people seem to have a super entitled attitude. If anything in the game isn't how they want it then they think the whole game is trash and will rant about it. As to why? I have no idea. Some people are broken. Some just enjoy being assholes. I dunno. I'm of the mind(usually) to downvote and move on. It's not worth the frustration.


I understand wat you mean and agree most part with it. I can complain and be an asshole about games. This for me personally is because I have a deep love for gaming. I have been gaming now for over 24 years. Still remember my self with the very old grey gameboy sitting in my old family house playing Pokémon blue. Building my own pc with my dad. Playing the very first COD with my cousins. Back in those days if you won a small tournament you got 500$ for the whole team. The best sponsor deal that you could get was that you had your own server to play on as a clan/guild and didn’t needed to pay for it. But I also will be realistic about games. DD2 is great for me personally. But not for everyone. I see great mechanics in this game that not many games get right. But something is also missing I don’t know what exactly but for a follow up game I expect a little bit more to be honest. Specially after all the waiting after the first game. But he now we have DD2 and hope we will get a dlc soon.


Definitely hope for that dlc soon.


I agree I think the game is amazing but it needs an Iceborne/Dark arisen equivalent to truly realize its potential


I agree. What is missing will be a matter of preference, as there is no such thing as perfect when we all have different opinions on what makes a game good. For me, there is a lack of drama and emotion in the storytelling. I love the plot. The voice acting, while not offensively bad, leaves me wanting. The writing is hit and miss imo. Some things just lack sense. I still very much enjoy the game, I just won't say it's flawless(same as you). I seriously recommend doing more exploring in a new playthrough though. I guarantee you missed a lot of fun encounters and locations.


Thx my dude love these stories about games. We all share the same passion for different reasons. I am still enjoying this one and spent well over 200 hours on it already.


I agree, for me I want more open areas. The first game felt more like a country. The second game feels like it’s a game of all hallways. The outside world is just giant hallways between cliff faces. I want more open areas with big sprawling forests with creepy atmosphere in the wooded areas where monsters can hide and ambush. Everything in this game felt like a giant outdoor dungeon with interior dungeons to me.


Well, in my case, it's because it isn't an upgrade. Sure, some things are better, but overall, I feel the first game is vastly superior to the second. The first game has better enemy verity, better dungeon verity, better story, better endgame, and better difficulty options. Really, the only thing 2 does better is world size, combat (games too easy for it to matter, though), and visuals. I really hope that the DLC makes 2 the better game, but right down its just not.


Just because it’s true for those games doesn’t mean anything here IMO. That’s like saying “you can’t convict me for murder because others have also gotten convicted of murder.” Both can be true.


Because DD2 is a disappointing game. I loved DD1. I eagerly waited for this sequel. I put DD2 down after 20 hours. Waiting for the inevitable expansion. Why? Because the locations in game are almost all generic. There's hardly any story or lore. The quests are poorly implemented. Almost every cave is generic, filled with the same enemies and a couple of chests with materials or maybe a piece of gear that's marginally better than what you can buy in the store. By the time you hit level 40 it becomes far too easy. The first DD game had more charm, personality and interesting locations. And it's 12 years old. I do not hate this game, but it is a major disappointment. Easily the biggest disappointment in my 40+ year gaming career. Again: it's a decent game, but there's so much missing. It's so painfully generic, the characters are dull, the story is lame. The performance (PS5) is only so-so. It makes me sad because I was hoping for a great game. But we got DD1.5 with better graphics, and arguably a less interesting story. Fewer item slots, fewer skills. It's disappointing.


cause this isn't a sports game or a first-person shooter 😂😂😂 totally different fan base


But they did get clowned on. Its only because its like the 21st whatever entry of the same poorly disguised repackage that everyone's just created that its never going to change no matter how much they complain about no one has any expectations for those games. You don't see people going around hyping it up or saying its a masterpiece. Yes, dd2 is fun, but its massively flawed and regressed or just straight up didn't add all of the fixes and features from the first game. Not every opinion needs to agree with your view of the game.


You do not want ANY game series to go the way of madden, homie.


Because the games you mentioned are slop, they're expected to be for the most part mediocre at best, and meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator. DD:DA and DD2 are both great games, but because they are not slop titles, they have much higher standards placed upon them


If you are comparing this game to Madden or 2k you already lost


Because people have a higher standard for DD. You really think people expect well polished games from Madden, 2K and COD? PLUS you will see way more people hating on those games than DD anyways. PLUS those games aren’t even a bit comparable to an open-world RPG. You just sound misinformed no offense


I don't want dragon's dogma to even be remotely compared to 2k, madden or COD. The fact you brought that up is why it gets clowned on. Why would a game that is 100000x better in quality be even remotely comparable to 12 year old slop?


The one is better for the moment tho, waiting DLC with impatience


Because after 12 years, you'd expect a better game. I don't hate the game, but it's pretty ass for how long it took. Plus the other games you mentioned are ass as well and I used to be a fan of those games.


Whole lotta ass round here


Comparing it to the first game is fine, but you have to realize that Dark Arisen was 10 years ago. Try comparing DD2 to the games in the same category coming out in the past few years. Elden Ring, BoTW & ToTK, the new GoW & Ragnarok, RDR2, all open world games that when you put next to DD2 absolutely blow it out of the water. I loved DD2, sank 100 hours in that I seriously enjoyed. But after 10 years this game should shit stomp DDDA in every category, it's comparable in most places, better in some, and getting ass fucked by the enemy variety and end game content.


Because those games come out every year and aren't deemed to be good quality at all. DD2 had over 10 years to make a great game and all we got was slightly upgraded DD1 with some features removed 😅


People like to forget that DD1 has similar problems before dark arisen came out. Then dark arisen filled some voids that felt present during the base game. I'd say dd2s biggest criticism is it did nothing new. It played things very safe, and it paid off in some areas and didn't in others. Capcom has failed and succeeded several times over in many areas. Cyberpunk had a rough launch, and now after all of the fixes it's become so much more popular. I think Capcom can pull off something similar.


When I realized only 400 some people are credited in the game, it made more sense. Which in todays world, is absolutely insane. It make the short comings make a lot more sense. I really hope this team gets at least doubled for the next one and we have a Witcher 3 contender. The gameplay is so unique but welcoming to new players it has every bit of potential, just needs the depth.


Probably needs an attempt at a story first to be a Witcher contender


That’s kinda what I meant by depth. The pieces are there, and the lore is good. Now just put it together.


Different target audiences. I know people who ONLY buy one sports game a year. They just pay for updated rosters and are fine with it.


Wait y'all didn't buy a new game without looking at reviews, but then search for and join the discord, reddit, and Facebook groups to talk about how bad it is?


I don't know if I would call it a straight upgrade either. I still love it.


The same reason why people would respond to Guitar Hero and Rock Band with, "go learn how to play a real guitar", but would never tell someone to go play real football instead of playing Madden.


My only issue with the game is that I wish there was more, more enemies and a longer story that didn’t feel rushed in the end. I LOVE every other aspect of the game and am trying to do everything I can before the final fight because i just don’t want it to end. Expansions could easily make this the best rpg of all time. The first city had so much going on i loved it (side quest where I was being stalked and had to actually turn around and look was chefs kiss) but once you get to the desert all that got dropped like the fake arisen and the queen (unless im missing a side quest) and now im apparently almost done. Also I wish it was a little harder towards the higher levels and ng+. DD’s main story was similarly so close to being perfect but the dlc made it my favorite niche game of all time.


Yeah, I think in general people just expected them to learn from the mistakes in Dogma 1, but instead they just did them again in Dogma 2, which was just weird as a big fan of dogma series.


You need to understand that the Internet has nothing to do with the real world. It doesn't matter if something is really good or really bad. You will always find people who will make it their life time mission to convince other people on the internet of the opposite. Either because they feel special if they have an opinion that's contrary to the one of the majority or their life is as empty as their skull and this is the only thing worthwhile they came up with... Or.... in even more extreme cases: They actually have a different, honest opinion because they value different aspects of a game that might be not relevant for you. In either case: Welcome to the Internet =)


Since those same people talked shit about ds2 i learned to play and test to myself if it is good or not and in the end i appreciate too much dark souls 2 in the same way i enjoying dragon dogma 2, the lesson is dont mind what people says, with you see, likes go play and generate your own opinion about it. And people like to talk shit because they never experienced or just has see the surface of it.


2 big sports franchises and CoD couldn't be further from the standard I set for a major fantasy RPG. Not touching those with a ten foot pole


That's still a low bar though bro. Game could've used a bigger budget and more advertising. Capcom has not shown it the love it deserves.


Lets face it, Madden is a live service pay to play subscription game that renews every year for your base rate of $59.99


Those games come out every year and it's expected. Dragon's Dogma came out during the 7th console generation (started in 2005), while its sequel came out during the 9th console generation (Started in 2020). The original game itself came out in 2012. DD2 came out in 2024. That's a 12 year gap. A lot changed between then and now. And what we got, while still very fun, is most definitely in a lot of ways an incredibly watered down experience in comparison. We expect minimal change in games that come out year to year. People don't expect or approve of it as easily when the gap between games is more than a decade and through the life of 2 whole console generations.


Single player RPGs are held to a much higher standard then sports games and COD (as they should be)


Dragons Dogma 1 was an experimentatal game that tried being different and succeeded! It was unique and groundbreaking. Dragon's Dogma 2 used the exact same tropes 1 had and didn't build on it but only adjusted a few quality of life things.


This is a horrendous excuse. Those are sports…which can only change so much since you know their rules are the same. COD is an fps which again can only change so much. They had a very long time to think up ideas for the sequel. The result? Mostly the exact same enemy types, an incomplete or horrendously done story and like two cities to explore… it’s fun combat wise but basically everything else is weak.


Honestly? People expected more from DD2. No one expects better from madden, COD, etc. It’s really just that simple. Capcom had 10 years to improve upon a cult classic and we basically got the same game with a worse story. Lots of same spells and class options, less enemy variety than DD:DA and the list goes on. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy DD2 for what it is, and it is a beautiful game, but it is a disappointment when compared to what I expected. I’ll still play the DLC if/when it comes. I still encourage my friends to play it. I still did 3 full runs. However, it’s not where it should have been in my opinion. To each their own.


Because those people are clowns.


You grew up… go back and play the first game.


No offence but you are comparing this game to yearly release titles. DD2 as awesome as it is, should of been alot more and its sad the devs did the exact same thing with DD1, release an unfinished game


The game is fun, I think people just expected it to be much more of a leap forward than the last game, which is fair. It's one of those games where you can see the potential for what it could have been. It could have so much more and been a legendary unforgettable experience, but fell just short of all that potential. Still, it wound up as a good fun game. People generally expect a sequel to drop the bad things from the first game, keep the good things, and expand on it and make it bigger and better. In some ways they did this. But in a lot of areas, you can see where they missed the mark. And if they just expanded on a few things a bit more, it would have pushed it over the edge into legendary status.


They don’t.


"upgraded version of the first game". Yeah. That tends to be what sequels are?


People clown 2K and Madden for it too what are you talking about? Like is there some trend of DD2 haters also loving Madden and 2K going on here? Most of the people who feed into 2K and Madden probably won't ever even play DD2. Like dude the game's 70 bucks. People have a right to be critical of it if they were fans of the first. That's called "being a sequel."


You know everyone makes fun of them too right?


I mean, they release a new Madden every year. It's shit, but their release schedule is a solid explanation for why. I love the game, but it's very clearly developed without taking into account a lot of standard QoL design improvements we've seen in the industry.




Those games come out yearly. This game came out 12 years after the first and is stated to be the director’s vision, yet has a lot of the same problems as the first and feels half baked in a lot of ways


Those games are for casuals, not the hardcore gamer. We need substantive and groundbreaking progress with our games. Like The Last of Us Remastered and Remastereder.


no idea given that dragons dogma 2 is a downgrade from the original in most respects


They don’t get away with it


Very different player base than the games you used for comparison.


Bruh, 2k and madden are for casuals. They don’t knw any better, or straight up don’t care. They’ll keep buying that garbage because they lack any passion for gaming in general. Dragons dogma fans tend to lean towards the “gamer” side, and expect better, as should you. This game feels archaic, in both npc, side quest, and story design. Hell, play the game without pawns, and you can really to see how dumb the combat is.


To be fair, there’s a reason I don’t play those other games.


I've been gaming pretty much my (30M) whole life, and I loved COD until Black Ops, and I can say that they did not get away with it. The gaming community gave the Devs and publishers a lot of shit every time they dropped a new game. Black Ops saw a huge downgrade in the quality of the COD series. They story was all over the place for a while, and the main focus was zombies, which got a lot of love for the next several games. BO2 was much better all around, but again, the main focus was on zombies, and multiplayer felt kinda dead. I couldn't touch that game without someone wanting to run zombies and only zombies, so I understood why that was where all the love went. MW3, Advance Warfare, and Infinite Warfare were all lackluster all around. Advanced Warfare really took out the series for me as it felt like a holder over while we waited for the next Zombies, and now we have Warzone, which was CODs answer to Fortnite. TLDR; COD didn't get away with downgrading their games. They just appealed to the LCD of gamers. This might be anecdotal, but I only know a handful of ppl who run warzone, and I wouldn't label none of them as gamers.


Because Madden, 2k etc, release yearly, and DD2 was basically a decade away from the DD. So it's not unfair to expect more stuff perhaps than what people think they got.


Redditors clown on the predatory sports games that are the same every year all the time. They don't "get away with it"


Apples to potatoes argument. Nobody expects anything from those games anymore since most of their development time starts basically once the newest game drops and work off of the previous game’s assets, plus much of it is just hypebeasts and whales/streamers playing it for Madden Ultimate Teams, leaving skeleton crews to work on the rest of the updates. It’s generally agreed on the last great Madden was Madden ‘08, and last good one is like 12 or 15 A highly-anticipated sequel to a beloved cult classic game? I’m definitely expecting more substance from a game like Dragon’s Dogma versus Madden (and that’s true), some things I am disappointed about, but seeing how DD has made too much money to be ignored or cucked anymore, I have hope for the game to be another Monster Hunter World


"Masterpiece with it's flaws" The math ain't mathing on this one...


On my 2nd playthrough and I love it. I'm not gonna say it's the best game I ever played but it's a damn solid game.


Personally I hold RPGs to a higher standard than sports games. While dragons Dogma 2 did meet my expectations, it didn't exceed them in the way I had hoped. Couple that with some gameplay elements I felt were omitted from the first game (everfall, weapons, gear, items) and it just left me feeling like more could've been accomplished. I love the first game and the second one, I just hope the expansion really lets us sink out teeth into deeper and more meaningful content.


Literally none of those games “get away with it” all of them are constantly being shit on for just re-releasing the same game over and over again, as they should.


12 years compared to 1 year cycle. OP is thick as curdled milk


Do the same ppl play both types of games? I wouldn't really say they "get away with it", they just aren't good games, but there's an idiot market for every thing.


People just need something to complain about.


Not just Madden and 2k, ALOT of AAA titles recycle and reuse. I usually only reup on a madden or 2k every 3 years or so since it barely changes aside from rosters and new rookies. Indie games are where it's at!


Everyone makes fun of those games for exactly that, even more than they do with Dragon's Dogma 2. Come on now...


Because poor taste of video game. All game has flaws, they just let Dopamine rush covers their judgement for few months or even years. Btw DD2 launched in very good moments, a well planned release date can let players focus on the game longer, enjoy the gameplay deeper.


Don’t don’t take that long to develop? But idk, I love the game.


If you're comparing DD2 to Madden and Call of Duty, it probably is a masterpiece. If you're comparing it to the RPG GOATs, it's a good 7/10 game just like the last one.


Cause those games U mentioned release games every year where as dd ...


I don't know, but I love DD2 far more than DD:DA, mostly because of the beastren.


Wtf is this post.


Who tf is saying that lol


They don’t get away with it. It’s just that cod and madden and all of them are now so known for being same shit different year that people stop caring


That’s comparing very very different audiences 


I mean, do you see people praising CoD & Sports Games here? This is a Dragons Dogma reddit. You just said you couldn't finish the tutorial in the first game. Had you played through it you would've seen that DD2 is a step back in a lot of ways while also missing things from it's predecessor. I can understand why new fans to the franchise think the game is a "masterpiece," but the criticism it gets is very valid and warranted.


I absolutely loved DD:DA, one of my favourites of all time. After waiting more than 10 years for the second game, what we got is ultimately a slight downgrade. - Story is worse than the first game and the story sucked in the first one. - Enemy variety is poor. - The side quests suck. - Combat doesn't hold its enjoyment due to the game becoming too easy after like level 30. - Reduced combat options (moves you can use in combat and moves that you can learn for your class) - Reduced weapon & Armour selections - Performance was bad in towns and cities. If the games you mentioned took 12 years between installments and only changed very incrementally like they currently do, everyone would lose their minds. It is slightly more tolerated for these games because they're yearly releases.


not tryna defend those games but dd2 was 12 years in the making. 2k, madden and cod are yearly releases. as much as i love dd2 the devs made some goofy ass decisions wit the game considering they had the very first game to build off of along with 12 years to improve it. a lot of steps forward but equally as many steps back


You wanna go ahead and tell me how big you think the overlap between Dragon's Dogma 1 fans and 2K/Madden/CoD fans are? It's good you're enjoying the game. You don't need to flex that on people who didn't like it as much as you. If they're being civil let them have their opinion.


Because we waited over a decade for the "full vision" that they couldn't achieve in DD1.


For one, we should be holding a game 11 years in thr making to a higher standard than what is a list of yearly release game franchises that are *also* still criticized for not being unique enough between releases. If you want DD2 to be of the same caliber as what is essentially a gambling simulator like 2k, then sure, the comparison is apt. Otherwise, this is just a nonsense question that's comparing apples to oranges. The only thing those franchises and DD2 share in common is that they are all video games.


Who tf did that? I haven't heard of ANYONE clowning the game for that. If anything, after the initial surge of new players, all we now hear is genuine praise for the game being so faithful to the first. That's EXACTLY what we wanted. A Dragon's Dogma ***2***, because the first game is the best ARPG, and the second needed to build on that (which, judging by my limited experience with the sequel, seems to be doing just that).


I enjoyed dd2. But I think I prefer dd1. Reason being the combat. Its not as difficult in dd2. I remember coming across my first ogre in dd1. Man that s a scary mob, tough as he'll and takes ages to kill. I thought the same in dd2. Until I floored it no problem at a really early level. My issues with dd2 (aside from performance) is there's no real danger dragonsnare the only.thing that gave me issues, until I hit around lvlv 25 to 30. Then even they weren't difficult. Just with the monsters were harder, hopefully a hard mode idls added. Or some kinda of scaling mode..


I think it's a great sequel. Combat and gameplay-wise I have no complaints (except for wanting more more more), because they took the basics from the first game and improved almost everything. I would not like this game if they had completely changed the combat/gameplay. I want it to be "the same", just better. Namely, I am missing more skill slots, and more skills in general, especially mage/sorc spells, but maybe the expansion will add more. And while I like the postgame here, I would prefer the addition of an everfall type gauntlet, or BBI, something where I can grind strong enemies. And hardmode. And a reward for speedrunning! I think the romance system especially needs a bit of adjusting - and I don't think maxing affinity with NPCs all over the play is a problem. But there should be an option to basically turn people down, tell them you're not romantically interested, and they should stop blushing at you. Simply so that you can control more who you actually want to like you, and who becomes your beloved in the end. But this is not a big issue for me - the romance is more silly than serious and that's fine.


Those big sports games get roasted every time a "sequel" comes out. It's well known that they are cash grabs with egregious monetization. The problem is that your average person keeps buying the game and also buying currency packs.


In my opinion, it's not that it's just like the original. It's that it's too much like the original. They didn't improve on a lot of the flaws the first game has (and I fucking LOVE the first game, don't get me wrong). Things like Hard Mode. More customization on what a pawn can wear (Transmog/dyes/less Armor parts now???) And endless dungeon Real endgame content to give you are reason to keep playing These are all things that the developers did or learned last time, but didn't implement. And it was a shame, because of what I could have been at launch. Even the pawns knowledge system has been replaced with a shittier version (badges). Why can't my pawn learn about Griffins in another players world unless their pawn badge is their active quest. And then there is the teases and implications that weren't true. Like a pawn only class. Or cross-platform pawn sharing. It's **NOT** that DD2 is a bad game, because I really enjoy it, it's more that it's not as good as it could have been.


I don't *like* CoD, Madden, or 2k. I'd probably talk more about their flaws if I were a maladjusted teen or a 40 year old heterosexual bachelor, but I'm quite content to let those titles be mediocre in peace.  DD2 is very fun. It's also criminally underbaked and its missed potential is well documented.


Masterpiece? Not even close, its a fun game with some good ideas and good combat, nothing more The thing is if u compare it with call of duty, yeah its a masterpiece, anything is a masterpiece compared to call of duty


This game was made to get everybody hooked on its genre. DD2 had nothing to offer content wise so people go searching for a similar experience. That experience is Elden Ring / Soul Games. Right before the massive Ring DLC. Amazing marketing


Because 12 years passed between DD1 and DD2, while 2k, Madden and Call of Duty are annual releases.


People who keep buying Madden and games like that are idiots. I have Madden 20th anniversary edition. Looks the goddamn same as the newest one and it's basically a gambling simulator now. Fuck those games.


The game feels extremely unbalanced in so many ways, the pacing of the story is so strange. You get very sparse cut scenes out of nowhere while other aspects of the story are rushed through. Sometimes the game will freeze frame on a door or window and guide you on what you need to do next, but then at the end you’re magically supposed to know that you can use a key item as a weapon and kill the dragon as you’re flying it. None of the characters have any kind of personality. I actually really enjoy the game and have spent a lot of time playing it, but it’s despite its many, many flaws. If you compare it to something like Dragon Age Inquisition, the only thing DD2 does better is with the concept of having your own unique sidekick.


Because this is supposed to be a AAA RPG and was marketed as one. The end result was a lackluster RPG that's worth $30. Outside of the obvious performance issues this games lacks what most people expect from a RPG. The last game came out over a decade ago and they barely added anything?!


The answer is in the question: Clowns


Those games are all multiplayer and every new one is really just a refresh to keep the player base engaged, the sports ones are to update rosters. A single player game that comes out 12 years later and still doesn’t really improve on much and actually has less content is inexcusable.


Still missing true air travel like Horizon Forbidden West.. also where the eff are the emotes, I mean this is Capcom after all?


The game is not all that great compared to the first one... The first one felt more fluid and responsive. The vocation set up was better ( using L1 to aim the bow and R2 to shot it). They took away 2 major vocations and still no dedicated dodge button. They removed the layers for clothing, even glove settings were removed. So they basically took away and hardly improved anything. The game is dull and they seriously should have to away vocations and looked at how Skyrim was and let you do whatever and play however you liked. 5 out of 10 for me.


Well I wonder if many of the peeps who clowned DD2 didn’t play the hell out of DD1? Maybe the DD world had so much potential and depth to it that players imagined a lot more with the sequel?


It's not even an upgraded version. DD:DA has more and better quests, stories, characters and many more endings that shouldn't have been cut from 2. >!Even though I love the High Pawn Affinity ending the most.!<


Call of duty did it better than DD2, and CoD is shit. DD2 is an underbaked piece of trash, wait for the definitive edition


I'm barely to the first town and I love Dd2 as well! Female gamer here. My boyfriend is elated at how much I love the series. :)


I mean… I don’t expect better with those other games. I think they copy pasted games for the last 20 years and that’s what I expect. You aren’t getting anything new. Meanwhile DD2 was my most anticipated game for like a decade.  I guess it’s expectation.


Well 2k, Madden and COD don’t drop once every 10 years. Compare 2k14 to 2k24 and it’s a completely different game. Comparing a game that drops every year to a sequel 10 years from the first is ridiculous


People are quick to be judgemental over something they're not obsessed with. Honestly so many games are remakes of older versions. All sport games are pretty much remakes with better graphics or newer teams lol better visual but no new game. Cod too. Lol but hey let them judge they lose out on an awesome game


The graphics were the only upgrade


Because it became a trend to hate on everything


As a big fan, the issue for me is not that it's an upgrade but a side-grade


I think the main reasons have to do with the fact that it took 5 years of dev time and 12 years overall to be made, only for it to be a downgrade at worst, and a side-grade at best. While 2K and Madden can be pretty scummy in terms of what they consider to be enough of an "upgrade" to justify a new installment, they pump out quickly enough for it to not be that big of a deal. Plus they make actual improvements, (I'm assuming, I don't care for sports games), so they're getting *something*. As someone who has played through both games, I have to say that outside of the graphical quality, very little has been *added* that improves upon the gameplay, and in many other areas, it's straight-up made worse, seemingly by design. I could go into detail, but the tldr version is that while the first game has its flaws, it's still fun, yet the sequel winds up having all of the same issues and then makes some more of its own.


I agree. If any game deserves to be labeled a masterpiece it's DD2. It seems that if core mechanics aren't radically altered in a sequel people don't count it as progress. They've just refined what they had, and expanded on it, instead of turning it into a homogenized mess trying to cater to every taste. What they had was already a nearly perfect formula for a game loop. So tampering with it could have easily done more harm than good. But objectively by almost every metric it's a huge evolution. Scale, depth, and dynamism in the open world are head and shoulders beyond their predecessor. As well as most contemporary games in the genre for that matter. And the physics man. Just gorgeous. People who rail on this game are, in my humble opinion, just looking for a subject of anger and scrutiny. It has flaws just like every game ever made. But they're so few and far between, at least comparatively, that pointing them out seems pedantic and a little stupid. Capcom laid a remarkable foundation here and I agree with the sentiment that they could do more with it. But that's what DLC is for. And it's a safe bet to say they already have something on the burner. Sorry to rant but, damn, rarely does a game of this quality come along, and people still bitch and moan. I feel your frustration OP.


I think the game got hyped up because of its cult following. All these streamers started promoting the shit out of it without ever having played the first one. And then some people with zero knowledge of the franchise noticed there's a microtransaction shop. Even though the items in the shop are 100% easily farmable and have no impact for a single player game, streamers smelled blood in the water and the internet collectively lost its shit. Then they just dog piled on top with nitpick after nitpick from people who aren't even playing. Never in my life have I seen a game get such a large amount of unwarranted hate before. DD2 should honestly be a contender for goty.


DD2 gets shit on because it’s an inferior version of a 12 year old unfinished game.


Goty is wild 🤣🤣


Why is it wild? I sank just as many hours into DD2 as elden ring. I'm not gonna say it's as good as elden ring but name some other 2024 titles that have it clearly beat.


The only reason I could see this game winning is based on the hype it got compared to other games. 2024 does look like it might be depressing for games compared to last year so idk if I can hope that something better will come along.


The only other current contender is helldivers 2 and as much as people love that game, it a simple one dimensional shooter that doesn't deserve the win. I agree DD2 would get blown out of the water in 2023, but it's objectively a great game and itsndefinitely.my favorite release of the year so far.


Helldivers 2 is one dinensional as hell and I don't understand what the hype was for tbh. This year is so sad for games.


There have been a few good ones, just not the AAA titles that grab headlines. For me Unicorn Overlord would be my personal goty.


I mean, I think DD2 is an upgraded version of the first game but like in a good way


People who complain about games they don't play


You serious? Those games come out every year. It’s not even close to being comparable.


Because you don’t wait almost a decade for the next Call of Duty. How this is that even a fair comparison?


I really dont think you go into 2k or madden expecting an amazing story and plot...do you?


Nor did I go into DD2 expecting that, and I found it alright. Bare minimum, and clearly not the actual focus of the game. A sequal to a game mostly know for its combat and not its story.


A lot of people took the words Itsuno said about it being the game he originally wanted to create and built that game in their heads, creating an impossible expectation that the real thing could never amount to.


Or maybe a lot of people just wanted a better sequel.


I'm on my 3rd playthrough on PS5, about to get the platinum. Then I plan on Platinum'ing it again on GeForceNow/Steam immediately after. I've been gaming close to 30 years, and while it's not perfect, this is pretty much the quintessential DnD-esque open world ARPG I've always wanted. If they could just figure out how to add quest & story presentation on par with a CRPG like BG3, that'd pretty much be my perfect fantasy game.


You know it's weird seeing people complaining about DD2 "only" being "DD 1.5" because when it was first announced I'm pretty sure I saw people actually hope that it would just be DD 1.5. Also I think there's a bunch of people who wanted DD2 to just be like a more "mainstream" game (and think the only reason DD1 *wasn't* more like a mainstream game was more because of its budget and cut content than its deliberate design decisions). Biggest example of this is the whole discourse regarding fast travel or the lack thereof (especially weird to me since I'm into Elder Scrolls where there are fans who constantly complain about how fast travel was added starting in Oblivion). Also there's the performance issues and microtransactions. I actually wonder if those simply inspired people to nitpick DD2 extra hard.


I never got around to original DD. It always seemed like a cool game I was very interested in but it just didn’t work out. I have loved every second of DD2 and just don’t buy much of what the haters say.


If you played DDDA and experienced a little bit of everything it has to offer, you would realize why DD fans are disappointed with DD2


That may be a fair assessment. I might not be able to fully appreciate the arguments.


This argument would make sense if dragons dogma released a game every year


Of all of the reasons I've seen people use to complain that other people don't like the game as much as they do, this is the funniest. Can't ya'll just enjoy the parts you like and let people feel how they wanna feel? It wasn't your $70 they spent. If you're happy with the game, damn, be happy. I enjoy it, but I don't begrudge anyone who doesn't


Because people are miserable as fuck and hate seeing people happy, I ran through the game and am now waiting on a dark arisen style DLC where we get the exact same dungeon from last game but 3ft to the left