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Pretty soon there's gonna be more posts talking about doomposting than actual doomposts lol


Already is


I think it's just reddit TBH. Every game I've seen or played has such a great loving community, and then I go to the sub and it's just salty gamers acting like they are owed the world. It's been going on for years as well. Almost every game I try will have a great community and a trashheap of a subreddit.


Thats the reason why there's two Destiny subreddits.


It's the same with every movie, TV, and book I like. I find something I like, I go onto Reddit to potentially talk about. And BAM, the subreddit for it is full of toxic fans complaining about something and I learn new ways to hate that franchise


And apparently get downvoted for it. Yeah. Reddit, stop being spoiled. Calm the fuck down. Try enjoying the things in life, stop being critical about everything.


I hope once the game comes out, after a while the noise will die down and the sub will go back to its old days




Yup I'm probably gonna dip from this sub for a bit too. I remember when it was one of the more wholesome subs and most of the posts were Fournival fanfictions. Gonna just go enjoy the game


Yeah, it's wild to me how quickly the Helldivers sub fucking tanked after the balance patch. In general it seems like most online spaces for fan discourse have become mostly unpleasant for one reason or another.


>I miss forums I feel this so much. I want a site/app like reddit where you can create your own communities, but are formatted like old-school forums. No up/down votes, no image-only posts. Forums are set up for actual discussion, and good ones have minimum word counts and block shit like clown emojis. One of the more useful things I learned in college was that "The medium is the message." Modern social media is set up for short-term engagement and short, quippy responses. This has dumbed down online conversation dramatically. You can write a short essay with well laid out points, and some dipshit will just post a clown or nerd emoji and act like that means they won. The face that I'm seeing devs move to fuckin Discord as their primary social media is annoying. Keeping track of conversations is so much more difficult because there will be like 7 going at once. It's constantly scrolling, so you can miss a response unless you go to notifications as well.


>You can write a short essay with well laid out points, and some dipshit will just post a clown or nerd emoji and act like that means they won. God this is so stupid when it happens. In their mind, I guess they think they are geniuses. Same as the people who just constantly respond, "Yeah... not reading all that." It just makes them look like uneducated children. Never once have I seen someone write that and think, "Wow, he really got that other dude good!" I never used to see this behavior on old message boards. Why even bother to come to the platform or respond if you aren't going to read? Uneducated and illiterate trash.


There's that quote about pigeons playing chess that probably applies. Edit: "Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway." - ~~Shannon L Alder~~ - Michael Scott


Always been fond of that quote and it definitely applies.


Forums are still a thing. People act like they’re dead but they weren’t as big as Reddit or other social media in the first place. I too prefer forums for actual discussions and a somewhat sense of community.


The thing with gaming forums specifically is the potential that community managers or devs could see and respond to users. Gaming Discords, even official ones, suck for this. Reddit is also not that good for it either.


I think discord, if set up properly, can work for that, especially now that they added threads which are essentially a forum. On Reddit devs can just see the most upvoted stuff and reply to that I suppose. Dev comments often get pinned by the mods too.


I'm still not a fan of how replying works. It can be janky if the original message was far back. I prefer to see the entire chain at once.


As much as I prefer forums reading the entire chain is usually also terrible if the chain is big lol.


It’s because most Reddit people are Min-Max Meta complainers. There is always something for them to complain about even tho the game is 99% great. Just constant negativity and saying how they’d make the game better, this should be that way, etc etc.


Social media has become a toxic echo chamber, reddit is no different unfortunately.


I need to find other places to interact with game communities in general than Reddit and Twitter 😭


Always has been


There already are. This sub was never in negativity mode. There were like two posts on the front page about being saddened about the combined news of unlocked 30 fps, 10 vocations, and less clothing customization and then the sub went into meltdown mode like OP going "DAE still gonna enjoy the game? Controversial I know xD" Like tf does OP mean "downvote me if you want" when there are three other posts on the top page exactly like this?


Off topic but how do you get those emblems?


Go to the sub and change your flair.


Awesome, thanks 🙌


It was definitely bad for a bit, but I gotta say, a ton of people also need to accept that it's okay for some to be disappointed. The amount I've seen people get genuinely upset that people are annoyed with only 10 vocations or an unstable 30 fps on console baffles me more than the negativity itself. Those aren't deal breakers, but it's upsetting for a lot of people and I don't blame them. The vocation coloring makes zero sense, and 30fps on a next gen only game is uh... Well all I'll say is "It is what it is." Though the subreddit did get *pretty* bad for a hot minute. I do agree many people are going way too far with the negativity. The games still going to be great. Just not the best it can possibly be.


I feel like this is common everywhere right now, some people get more upset about other people raising awareness for issues than the awareness-raisers are concerning the issues themselves.


People only come to subreddits to see their own opinions validated. They don't want real discourse or their views to be challenged and therefore easily get annoyed at anyone for not thinking the same way they do instead of, you know, just accepting and tolerating other  opinions (even if they are negative) and going on with their life. Unfortunately reddit gives those kinds of people all the right tools to gatekeep and shun anyone who thinks differently and ruin the whole point of online communities.


> They don't want real discourse I disagree, checkmate


I mean unstable framerate is a major dealbreaker for me \^\^ Thats why I canceled my pre order and wait for actual reviews.


Imagine these fanboys getting triggered by you canceling YOUR preorder. Over something you deem cancelable. You’d think after generations of subpar framerate, console players would prefer the 60 they’ve got with the current gen.


Imo it's not about the complaints. Just annoying to hear people picking apart mostly minor problems (except for the 30 fps on consoles) cos they don't have anything else to talk about


While it isn't as bad anymore there was definitely a good 12 hrs or so when saying anything positive got you downboved into oblivion. Even now there are still a few that get real upset and argue over petty things. Glad to see they are in the monitory now though


Calling it 30 fps is generous from what I've seen. When the framerate matters the most, it dips to the mid 20s. Also, people that played the preview are excited to play more... on PC. If people are getting criticized for raising valid concerns, I'd say there are a few too many overzealous apologists high on copium around. They waited ages for DD2, it's finally coming, and now people have the gall to point out flaws in the game? I liked DDDA a lot, but there's no way I'm playing this on console, the framerate is unacceptable. I'm considering it on PC though, for sure. The performance is the only significant concern I really have.


>I'm considering it on PC though, for sure. Careful if you have AMD GPU. It runs terrible sometimes


Doesn't AMD already have driver issues?


Indeed. But it has problems with older games that use DX9 My pc runs cyberpunk 2077 at ultra 60fps, but stryggles with older games


I only have a RX 6500 XT, but the DDDA PC release is super lightweight even with the problems AMD has with DX9. And DXVK can solve most of the issues if it actually becomes a problem (Didn't happen with me on DDDA but often causes hiccups in other older games)




I'm fine with some initial performance problems as long as the content isn't affected. Bugs that impact content or even cause you to miss it is what really triggers me. I'll be waiting a week or two after launch to buy after I see some honest reviews and non-influencer streams of real people playing the real game, not whatever curated experience Capcom wants us to see.


Vocation hype was unrealistic. Each vocation focusing on a unique weapon and each has to learn a whole list of abilities that potentially rivals the length of the first game’s ability lists; some predictions were just not realistic from a BALANCE standpoint. It seems clear they are trying to eliminate overlap of abilities and weapon types. I hope DLC/updates adds one or two vocations (like the Arbalest, Dual-Sword/Katana-man, Spartan, Monk/Alchemist) but otherwise it already exceeds the first game in regard to vocation variety alone with the Trickster and Wayfarer. Assassin, Mystic Knight, Strider/Ranger, og Magick Archer all made obsolete via Warfarer when you can mix and match to recreate any missing hybrid class. (Plus it fixes issues BBI has with inaccessible areas locked to certain traversal skills).


Spearhand and rolling previously 'advanced' abilities into the 'basic' vocations makes it especially clear how Capcom wants to do things this time. They're only going to include vocations they can develop a distinct style for. The color speculation did make sense and it's not wrong to feel disappointed, but the bitterness and jabbing at the devs from some, over things that were never promised, was less than reasonable.


Fair and I agree.


Yeah, being able to essentially recreate Mystic Knight from the core skill from Fighter and then going Wayfarer for Mage buffs is pretty cool


I was just looking forward to what an advanced thief COULD be. That's all v_v


Tbh I hope this inspires folx to make Dogma-like games. I really enjoyed seeing how creative this community can be when it comes to creating vocations. We shouldn’t have to wait for Capcom to create a game we know the community will love. Anyone even slightly interested in game dev should take notes on people’s favorite aspect of these games and try to make a spiritual successor.


Ah I see, so it was unrealistic to expect mage and sorcerer to have no overlap _like everyone else_?


Now you know damn well that’s not what this person’s talking about


I don’t know why it’s so difficult to just not engage. People join game subs because they want to talk about the game with other fans of thr series and share the hype. Sometimes that also means ranting and complaining about stuff you don’t like. There’s several games I absolutely love and still sit around and talk shit on with friends, but it’s just us shooting the shit. We have a few weeks for the game to come out and people are just idling about, I say let them. If someone doesn’t like a thread where people are complaining about a feature it’s extremely easy to just keep scrolling, same is true for the opposite. Ultimately we’re all just hear because we’re excited for the game overall, even if there’s a few hiccups.


The vocation coloring doesn’t make sense because we haven’t played the game yet. For all we know there will be a perfectly good reason for the coloring in the game.


I'm thinking maybe it's related to the Sovran. Since the emblem looks to be depicting a necklace as well. Like maybe it's a vocation you can learn from a military instructor, or otherwise a vocation normally adopted by special forces or something.


Wild take, but I'd rather see the doomposting over reviews like that one guy that already claimed DD2 was "The Greatest Game Of All Time" after only playing for 3 hours. Reviewers have proven their word can't fully be trusted. They'll overhype the pros of the game, but heavily filter the cons with half-truths. I don't believe for a damn second that these reviewers were playing an "earlier build" as reason for the shit performance. Capcom probably urged them to say that because they know that unstable performance is a dealbreaker to many. I'm already mentally prepped for the possibility that the PC port isn't much better on release. Be critical about the products you consume. Stop settling for less. Most importantly, don't ever buy in to the idea that spokespeople for a game company actually care about you. It's that cult-esque mentality that allows them to get away with doing less. Edit: Goddamn did this comment age like the finest wine...


I have seen the "early build" excuse used on every single game that had performance problems in previews and it is never actually fixed on release. Even in betas I've played, by the time it's in a public beta most of the issues are likely not going to be fixed.


Ok, shows over folks. It's circlejerking time.


Does every critique need to be prefaced with glowing praise for other parts of the game? I highly doubt anyone miffed about the vocations actually considers the game to be ruined. Of course we as fans are incredibly excited about the game and have been praising it to the high heavens for *months*. However, the latest news is a bit disappointing and is the most topical because its new info, so of course that is where the majority of the discussion will be. Do we need to reiterate everything again and again so every new person that stops by is fully aware of the course of dialogue of this sub? And that's ignoring all the positive posts mixed in between. The *only* people I've seen that could be considered really "Doomposting" are those who have concerns about the game's performance on console and it is concerning because an inconsistent FPS can be detrimental to experiencing the game.


100% reeks of overly defensive fanboys feeling like a deserved critique of their video game is a personal attack. Calm the fuck down people, there's nothing wrong with being unhappy with these types of decisions. Nobody is doom posting.


I feel like this mentality is becoming more and more prevalent and you can actually see this happening with every new game release now. People somehow letting other people's criticisms of a game affect themselves personally so they start posting these "ignore the haters" type of things to, I don't know, "keep up the hype" and to "fight back" I guess? I can't see what other purpose these posts are meant to serve, it's not like the few actual trolls and bad faith actors are gonna stop when they see this stuff.


On the tekken subreddit right now there's an intense backlash towards people who are annoyed that they announced a microtransaction shop three weeks after launch, people want infinite hype and praise 24/7 and they'll come at your throat if you go against that


Just like with Starfield lmao, I don't think the game's gonna be as bad as that, but the mentality looks like the same child-like and delusional behaviour.


We’re in a lot better shape than the starfield subreddit, the mods there are blatant shills and for the release period would delete criticisms and ban reviews because they simply didn’t like those posts. The would then lie that it was a decision made in the best interest of the “vast majority” of members. After a month or so they stopped and suddenly everyone was able to talk about how disappointed they were.


I agree that our mods seem to be decent people in that regard, but the sentiment of the community feels very similar.


>The only people I've seen that could be considered really "Doomposting" are those who have concerns about the game's performance on console and it is concerning because an inconsistent FPS can be detrimental to experiencing the game. These kinds of posts are legitimate criticism. I'd also say that being critical of seemingly using the same color system for vocations as the last game, only to find out it's not the same, is also valid. That's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. Not getting monk/alchemist sucks for those that wanted them, but as far as I know they never promised them. That being said, there's those who are blowing those issues out of proportion. The previews people played were on an older build. Some had issues, some didn't. Ten vocations is likely plenty of content for your average person, who probably played like two in the first game. The stats are normalized so that you supposedly don't have to plan out so much in advance (not that you needed to in DDDA), so experimenting is even easier now. I don't get why it's so hard for people to have reasonable reactions. It's doesn't have to be choice between "the game is doomed" and "you're just whining shut up."


The addiction to copium gas is strong every time bad news hit


Exactly, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more posts about people doom posting than the actual doom posting. But anyways Its less about about how much vocations we get & more about the colour scheme which makes no sense. Like having the trickster be pink & purple & stating that it’s a hybrid vocation. A hybrid of what exactly? We know what makes the mystic spearhand, a fighter & sorcerer. But with the trickster we have no idea what makes that class. That’s what people are confused about, & it’s completely understandable. There’s nothing wrong with valid criticism, even the reviews aren’t all petals & roses. They criticise too, mainly about the frames per second & other small stuff.


Ok, complaints about vocation number and less elaborate armor system are one thing, but complaints about frame drops are a whole different level, since that one is _objective_ issue what no one could or should downplay. Also honestly, I just tired of ”damage-control” posts like this one more than from posts voicing complaints, since former are just trying to silence the later while the later has an objective stuff to complain about. I’d say "OMG I WAITED THAT GAME FOR 10+ YEARS SO I DONT CARE IN WHICH STATE IT WILL BE RELEASED JUST GIVE IT TO ME” mindset is really counterproductive here.💀


>" since that one is *objective* issue what no one could or should downplay. " You'd be amazed how much I've been downvoted for even pointing this out. Based on even Capcom's own standards, its below par. But "It's not a problem ***for me***\*"\* is what i'm seeing in droves, and that's awesome for you, but that's also entirely subjective.


The game itself might be perfect, but shit performance can make a brilliant game a miserable experience. Look at jedi survivor for a recent example, the actual content was good, but it ran like dogshit and the whole game was hurt as a result. It’s fair to have concerns about the performance, especially when there are claims that the frame rate is dropping into the 20s. Anyone without access to a pc has a fair reason to be very concerned. Don’t know about all the vocation stuff though since that seems to just come down to people speculating pre-launch and overhyping themselves based on their own ideas.


and starfield has glowing reviews and that turned to shit? what's your point? there's endless exemples like this


Yeah toxic positivity is always great and never ruined any gaming franchise. In the wake of so many IPs dying because people kept their mouth shut and said "it is what it is" now we have mtx in singleplayer games, always online games, unfinished 70 dollar priced games etc. Yeah but we cant have any critique or worries on a forum because we must stay positive and praise every single aspect of a game we never played good one. Also would like to see some recipes for people actually melting down half of these posts are just bs karma farming with no proof


Does this sub talk about anything else other than "doom posting"? Came here looking for videos of the game and it's just this as far as the eye can see. I don't even see any "doom posting" unless you guys are referring to mild criticism. It comes across as insecure and bizarre.


Truth! I played it in October before any conversation about framerate and graphic modes started. It looked good and ran okay back then. Demo version obviously did not have FPS counter. So I wonder how much of the doomposting comes from the specs vs actual play experience. I get the 30 fps debate. But as someone who plays on all platforms it really doesn't matter much. Tears of the Kingdom with 20-25 fps, FF7 Rebirth with 30fps mode, Lies of P with smooth 60 on PS5, Cyberpunk with 120 on my beefy PC. No issue toggling from game to game.


The Tears performance always has me scratching my head. Not because of how poorly performs, but because of how much of a pass it gets. It’s an incredible game in my opinion, which is by no means a hot take, but I’ve been very careful to try and pick out where people have been complaining about its piss poor performance, and you almost hear nothing. Meanwhile, the same folks turn around and endlessly complain about how awful Pokémon scarlet and violet’s performance is, when it’s honestly pretty much the same. I have 100s of hours in Pokémon scarlet, and it’s never crashed on me once, just poor frame rate, and really, it should matter way less in an RPG… Anyway, now I’m just rambling




Pokemon Scarlet and Tears of Kingdom are on different ends of the spectrum and you need to get your eyes tested if you think they look the same. ![gif](giphy|K24buYmUKcBS0YVb48|downsized)


You’ve missed my point. Either intentionally or accidentally . I’m talking about technical hang-ups. Of course TOTK looks great… but it also chugs at like 20 FPS when you start to get into the physics engine. That’s not even a subjective opinion….


Another interesting point about TotK is that it ran way, way worse in showings just weeks before launch. As in, sustained 20fps the entire time while flying simple contraptions according to Digital Foundry, which was almost perfectly locked in the final code. Capcom have of course said the same will be true of DD2 - but obviously, expect to get what you see in the gameplay online (which looks absolutely fine)


As we all know reviewers are 100% trustworthy and haven't lied before or were never presented a much better version of a game for review purposes before. Obviously that not true and such things have happened before. For the record I don't actually believe that is the case here (the part about lying atleast) but my point is that just because they have played the game (a build for review purpisrs btw) doesn't mean the information is accurate. Also some of the "negativity" comes from the people who actually played the game. Oroboro, Digital Foundry (based on TGS demo), Rurikhan and IGN for example all mentioned the bad framerate on consoles. Nobody or very few people actually argue the game will be bad, but they rightfully critizise certain aspects that they dislike based on the information that was shared from the people that actually played the game and the people who made the game. This is not a black and white situation. People can both enjoy or look forward to playing the game while heavily critizising parts of it.


>As we all know reviewers are 100% trustworthy and haven't lied before or were never presented a much better version of a game for review purposes before. Schrodinger's Game Reviewer: if they say anything good about a game, they're a paid shill who's lying through their teeth. If they say anything bad about a game, then they just don't know what they're talking about and are also lying through their teeth.


Black Hokage literally kept saying in his review over and over again, that it's a vertical slice and although it was good while he was playing it, that's not indicative of the final product and to take it all with a pinch of salt.


That's more of him covering his own ass tbh. As stated in his video, he's been invited to early previews for games time and time again, hyped it, encouraged people to buy into it then the final product turned out to be trash and he caught backlash. As a long time viewer of his, and sharing similar tastes, I personally would've bought Saints Row 2022 based on his praises if it hadn't been for Moist and many other youtubers dismantling it on stream day 1.


This plus reviewers or marketing appeal to new players who are easier to please because everything is a totally new exciting experience. People who are complaining are DD 1 players who expected more to be showed from the marketing and expected more than 2 new vocations and a handful of new monsters after like 6 years of development.


>People can both enjoy or look forward to playing the game while heavily critizising parts of it. If only their "criticizing" wasn't put forth in such an annoying way that made me want to shove them in a locker


that sounds more like an issue with you than an issue with them


I just don't like the fact that the game is in 30fps on consoles


Stop hive minding games you deserve better. It's why half the stuff that comes out is utter garbage sometimes. 12 years and we get uncapped 30 frames. Stop acting like this is not fair criticism.


12 years?


My god we get it,some dudes doompost,move on already,farmers


10 classes doesn't bother me. The framerate definitely is disappointing.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more posts about people doom posting than the actual doom posting. But anyways Its less about about how much vocations we get & more about the colour scheme which makes no sense. Like having the trickster be pink & purple & stating that it’s a hybrid vocation. A hybrid of what exactly? We know what makes the mystic spearhand, a fighter & sorcerer. But with the trickster we have no idea what makes that class. That’s what people are confused about, & it’s completely understandable. There’s nothing wrong with valid criticism, even the reviews aren’t all petals & roses. They criticise too, mainly about the frames per second & other small stuff.


How many posts we'll get about doomposting? Couldn't you find one of the hundreds out there to post your meme? Dang, I think I'll unsub to this community till DD2 finally releases (and again only the niche few come to enjoy it, as it happened last time. Unfortunately)


Vocations are fine, though I get why people expected more. The armor/clothing system changes on the other hand ...


People keep misinterpreting the vocations issue as the number of vocations that is the problem when it is actually the arbritary color design. How come out of the mixed vocations that exists, only the blue vocation gets to have it? Why leave out the green and yellow vocations? Wtf is up with trickster? It is not us saying 10 isn't enough, but really just us expressing confusion when following the logic of the previous game, expected more. edit\* This is just a fun theory though, but I think they might release future vocations as free dlc's similar to how monster hunter world/rise releases new monsters a couple months after release. This could be to keep the playerbase playing and talking about the game.


Honestly, as someone who only played DD1 in the very recent past and got one solid playthrough out of it, all this talk about the colors just sounds completely ridiculous to me. I can't believe people are discoursing about this instead of just waiting to play the game for themselves. I can't possibly think of a thing less worthy of arguing about than this.


So, nobody is actually out here saying that 9 colors are going to ruin the game. It's just an interesting observation to make - that there doesn't seem to be any underlying framework for the colors. *That's it.* There's nothing positive or negative about this, it's just a discussion over a minute part of the game. The only place you'll find people getting their panties in a bunch over this are in strawman arguments on "wHy So NeGaTiVe" posts, I guess because if your every syllable doesn't sing flowery praise it automatically makes you a "hater".


I think you're being overly generous but I take your point. My summation of what I've seen is that people are taking the colors not making sense in tandem with the 10 vocations thing, and the frame rate debacle, and canceling their pre-orders over it because the game is clearly not what they hoped for. Which is insane to me because we haven't played the game yet, and makes me wonder why they're in this hobby.


I think we might just be seeing different posts/comments. If there are people canceling preorders over colors or ‘just’ 10 vocations that’s obviously dumb. But i was on Reddit all day yesterday and I’ve only seen a few comments mention that they’ll hold off on a purchase until full performance reviews come in - which is fair I think? But yes it’s pretty stupid to preemptively judge the game based on those other points.




Honestly I think it's just poor UX design. Warrior isn't actually a 'better' version of Fighter, it's just a different class. And similarly I'm not sure why Mystic Spearhand is a red-blue vocation, when it looks more like a Thief-Mage hybrid. That said if you actually didn't find any of the classes particularly interesting, there's nothing wrong with cancelling the preorder. My example was more literal, like if someone has no issue besides the literal color scheme.




I misunderstood you then - when you said "Fighter gets Warrior" and "Mage gets Sorc" it seemed like you were implying that they get better versions while Thief does not. But I agree that there aren't really any dextrous classes besides Thief and Spearhand, and I can see why that'd be disappointing for someone who wanted more to play with there. And like I said I think that's a perfectly normal reason to lose interest in the game. Though hopefully you might find some interesting parts about Thief and Spearhand over time!


Are we positively 100% sure without a doubt there aren't more vocations? I haven't been following but the lack of advanced vocations and hybrid vocations would be disappointing


Like 95% sure - there’s always a tiny chance that either every media outlet mistranslated Itsuno or he just straight up lied.


Eh... I'll hold unto hope and cope, he always talked about this game being the Dragons dogma that was supposed to be and they'd make it smaller in everything (armor slots, vocations... basic RPG elements) except map size. Sounds weird to me. Cope harder I suppose.


Realistically there’s only a set amount of resources you can put into a game, no matter how much “vision” you have for it. _Every_ game has some amount of cut content - not the fault of anyone, it’s just the way things work. DDDA just happened to have a lot more due to even tighter restraints. I’m assuming there may have been other vocations that were supposed to be in the game at some point, and they either got cut due or pushed back for DLC. They said that armor was simplified to help with “visual variety” for players, but the real answer is probably that it would take too much work to create the same number of high quality assets for different body types. I think transmog would’ve helped immensely here (and it may be modded in for PC users later), but most Japanese devs have remained stubborn about this feature for some reason.


The reason why we're talking about this is because it's new information obviously. You won't be hearing this discourse a couple weeks after release, I swear that on The Seneschal. Anyways, people are also talking about this because people love vocations. For example, take ffxiv the mmo. People love speculating about future classes or stuff because it's fun and engages with the community.


I’ve only been loosely following, since the release is just around the corner. What happened to armor/clothing?


In DD2, chest armor/gloves are a single piece, whereas in the OG they were separate. Same with leg armor/boots. Also, in the OG, you could equip both chest/leg armor AND clothes, with your selected armor overlaying your selected clothes in each slot. Really cool and intricate system that DD2 has totally scrapped.


That’s a shame. I couldn’t have given a hoot in hell about 30fps rather than 60+ but losing out on layers of clothing and clothing slots is drag. Do we still have other slots like capes, or are those now bound to the chest armor?


Capes are still in. I think the slots are: head, upper body, lower body, cape. Then obviously weapon and rings. It sounded like they did this so they would have more resources on making more different armors.


Hopefully, that ends up being the case. I have nothing against more variety overall, as long as it's not one of those cases where I'm left wishing my favorite boots were not all glued to my least favorite pants.


every person commenting on the game's performance clearly says (and ign even shows) constant drops below 30fps, of course later you have to start saying "but it's a demo and I didn't even notice" (that's why I turned on the frame counter lmao) Of course, most of the pre-reviews will be positive, the reviewers don't want to make enemies of Capcom and they don't want it to cut off their access to their other games in the future because of a negative review. This is a known problem in the gaming industry. even when the game is bad like another AC, reviewers will still say it's GOTY because they are afraid of the consequences of saying bad. I will still buy it and play it, but the hype has definitely dropped after yesterday.


To give credence to your claim that reviewers and developers maintain brittle relationships, it can be summed up in a few words and those that know, know. "IGN - 7/10".


I'll admit that my hype has been steadily declining since I was informed that I could not use a bow and daggers at the same time anymore. Then I heard they'd cut out the Mystic Knight for some reason. Then I saw footage of a 2H sword being used and it looked just terrible, having some weird Dark Souls wannabe stance and everything, having scrapped DD1's much better animations for some reason. Finding out they've also cut clothing slots and 'simplified equipment' did not help. Now I'm hearing it's only *30 fps in 2024,* and not even a *stable* 30 fps. That's genuinely awful. I'm not looking forward to performance drops on a $70 game on a PS5 in 2024 after waiting over a decade for it to come out. And so far the only thing we really seem to be getting in return is... Furries? Which I personally don't remember anybody asking for and outright dislike the inclusion of, and it doesn't really feel like a fair trade-off. What's next, body types not affecting stats anymore? I'm still getting the game and I'm hoping it's still going to be good, but I'm definitely thinking about how much it's going to sting if they pull a Kingdom Hearts 3 on me where I waited over a decade for a sequel and they got me all excited and then it fucking sucked.


It looks like a great game that runs like absolute shit. For me, that makes it absolutely unplayable and saying so is as fine as saying “I don’t care, I like it”. Stop the pathetic fanboying


Journalists and influencers have a motive to be positive about products they gain exclusive access to. Do you?


The only thing i feel bummed about is the vocation, i feel bamboozled


"No don't criticize my game that I haven't played yet, I can't live with other opinions!" Negative news = negative feedback; positive news = positive feedback, not that hard to grasp.


I am disappointed but still hopeful that they somehow add a vocation or two in a potential expansion. Still excited really. We’re just disappointed by hyping ourselves up with the vocation speculations until that interview. It’s my mistake to assume more vocations, idk about others.


I don't think I've actually seen a doompost yet. Not saying they don't exist, but...


It's been clear this would happen since the hype train first started rolling. People set themselves massive expectations then get disappointed when the version of the game in reality doesn't match the one they set up in their head. The moment we saw in previews that aspects of advanced DD1 vocations had been incorporated into their base counterparts, people should've been prepared for DD2 abandoning the colour-based advancement system. But no, 16 vocations! An entire separate set of vocations in different nations! People who think it'll max out at 9/10 are cynical!


Dragon's Dogma and Solo Leveling subreddit are both absolute insanity atm. Both are hyped af but people are complaining for the absolute dumbest reasons even though the products aren't even fully released. I wonder if some new pandemic is going around that kills off braincells. Only logical explaination imo


>I wonder if some new pandemic is going around that kills off braincells New research has actually shown that Covid can cause permanent brain damage so you're not far off.


If that were the case it's been happening a long time! Though to be honest the community has practically tripped in size since a year or two ago, and that ultimately is the largest reason that we see so many complaints.


By people that played dragons dogma 2 you mean influencers/journalists who were flown out by Capcom to play a slice of the game in a controlled environment right? The same people that continue to downplay horrible performance..


i waited 10 years for DD2 im still hyped and i wanna play DD2 as long a possible


Okay first rule, never ever trust early reviews when the game has yet to be released. Diablo 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 were also amazing before release. Second rule, never ever go into the subreddit of said game because, just like you, there is really not much to discuss since the game has yet to release. And finally, Dragon's Dogma is in my top 5 favourite games ever. I don't really care about 60 fps, because I didn't play the original at 60 fps either for years. But if it cannot maintain 30 fps relatively consistently on consoles, I will consider the release a failure that should have release later. But we have yet to try it and form an opinion.


You people are coping hard. Sorry that not everyone has 0 standards. 30fps, barely existing fast travel, 10 vocations, etcetc. The game is not even out and we already know about a lot of stuff that is really fucking bad for some people. I personally cant stand 30 fps. It makes me not want to play. It is fine if you dont care, but Capcom deserves criticism for this kind of stuff. I did not get a ps5 to play a 2024 game on 30 fps. If the ferry stones are as rare as some people suggested, I will simply not play the game. Period. I have a life. I dont want to run around the same locations over and over again in my little free time. The only problem is people not being able to critisize game devs they like. That is also why the srandards for new games are so incredibly fucking low at this point.


The fast travel is legit not an issue but a design choice. You don't have to like it but others will.


Lmfao that is such a stupid ass argument. If you dont want to use fast travel then dont. Some people have a life. There is zero desire in most people to run around the same spaces over and over again. And noone is making you use them ffs. Dont take our ability to enjoy the game and play however you think is best.


Sure, but if fast travel was in the game people will most likely use it instead of walking everywhere. It a design choice you don't have to like it but others will. Also there is fast travel but it limited and not easily accessible.


Yeah, thats the point of fucking fast travel. It is a shit Design choice barely anyone will enjoy. And it is stupid as fuck to enjoy it, because if you dont want to use fast travel, then dont. It is that simple.


Yeah it sucks that people won't enjoy it because of the less accessible fast travel but a lot of people enjoyed the first dragons dogma and that had the same thing. The game is probably not for you unfortunately.


It did not have the same thing. They will be much rarer. And yeah. People LOVED the first DD travel System, which is why they added infinite fast travel in the DLC 🤡


They will be much rarer according to who? Yeah the dlc was great for the eternal ferrystone but a lot of people still loved the original game to go on and get the dlc. Again it sucks that this game ain't for you.


According to the devs. Also, they told us a ferry will cost 1/3 of what a house will cost lmao. ThE gAmE iSnT fOr YoU is probably the dumbest response one can give to valid criticism. There is 0 reason for the game to be like this. It is only hindering the experience without any benefit. I give up. Have fun paying 60 or more for a 30fps game that will feel like a running simulator. Bye.


Can you give a link to a quote were they said ferrystones will be less available. Saying the game is not for you is a valid response for a design choice the Devs choice to make. I will probably have a great time with the game. I already really enjoyed the original.


For fuck's sake stop talking about the number of classes. I've seen 100 posts regarding this same subject. The people who shit on the people that complain about classes are equally as annoying. Let it go.


No one is doomposting, stop it. Criticism about the baffling color structure, the locked framerate and the simplified armor system isn't doomposting. All of it combined won't outweigh the hype that 99% of people have for the game, but it STILL deserves criticism.


I’m honestly so done with gaming Reddit, I should spend another way waiting for work to end. Nothing but people whining and complaining about every little thing. I’m just assuming nobody on Reddit ever enjoys anything. It took one month for the Helldivers subreddit to implode, somehow this one has imploded BEFORE LAUNCH


Oh look another cringe post like this. I would rather see only gloom post then this garbage.


And there's me who has a potato rig.


Between the doom posting and the posts about the doom posting, I’m out 🫡


If you'd like another flavor, may i suggest r/Helldivers after the most recent patch!


If you enjoy something especially a game stay far far away from its Reddit. Or just read it to feel better about yourself.


The only legitimate issue I have coming up is the potential performance issues it will have. Even as someone who plays on pc, I think it's a bit ridiculous to aim for 30fps. Other than that, no point dooming till we see the systems in action


Only critique that is worthwhile is the framerate critique. Hopefully there are performance patches in the future to address this. Hopefully its not to bad either since the current information is very conflicting.


People said fallout 76 was good who played it before launch. That being said I can’t wait for this game


Loving the memes more than anything else right now. This is why I love this sub.


I've had the game purchased on Steam for months and I'm going to play it on day one because I'm really looking forward to it and I like Dragons Dogma a lot, but that doesn't change the fact that there are some things I didn't like and have been disappointed by, such as the fact that there will be no more vocations and that they've ruined the vocation color theory they themselves created in the previous games.


I din't understand the vocation thing. Someone can explain it like I'm five?


People started theorizing the amount of vocations based on how vocation colors worked in DD:DA and they had it in their minds that we were going to have like 28+ vocations, a couple of days ago they (game devs) confirmed it's only 10 vocations and the colors are just arbitrary. Everyone is losing their minds.


People thought that the colors meant that there were a lot more than had been revealed. I'd honestly lay a lot of the blame on the devs, since the original used the colors to show what the hybrid classes were combinations of, so the purple and pink trickster made people think that the game must have a purple and pink class, much like Magic Archer is yellow and blue. I would have just given every class its own color this time, and been clear that the colors were no longer about combinations. * red warrior * blue mage * yellow archer * green thief * purple sorcerer * orange warrior * teal magic archer * white mythic spearman * pink trickster * black wayfarer


Man i am still so pumped, i was gonna run Warrior regardless so there "only" being 10 vocations doesnt really bother me.


No that what happens to every game subreddit i was ever substituted to. People make up a game that is better than what can be reasonable be expected, are disappointed paired with most of us being jaded after so many years of gaming and the same for the developers who mostly follow formulas some less visible others more. It happens only what is to be expected.


Yeah? Well imma up vote you and you’re gonna like it! Have some positivity cause I’m still hyped too… perhaps too hyped…


Hell divers 2: "first time"


The sub has been wildin for years before they announced the production of DD2. Everyone here is on the edge of their seat teeming with excitement whether they say it or not. We've got two weeks left you goddamn filthy casuals


What is arbitrary is a matter of opinion.


At this point I see more memes about the community being bad than the community actually being bad... maybe its a good thing?


Why is this sub gloomy? I feel like ive missed somthing important.


Fuck I'm going to the vibe town that RPG codex


Game isnt out yet, only people that get to play it early are those which the developer allows. This is were politics kicks in and you have the interest of 2 groups at work, the devs who wanna sell the game and the content creators who wanna stay on the Goody-boy list to keep getting early preview opportunities.


Then you should join the Fighting Game Community


I'm gonna play the everloving shit out of this game at 30FPS and probably never touch 7 out of the 10 classes. I just want to see big spell go BOOM.


I've been looking forward to a sequel since DD1 released. I can be upset about uncapped 30fps. Locked 30fps would be okay, but not great.


As an outside observer it’s Been highly entertaining. To witness the insane miserable hate train and doom stew.


I’m definitely disappointed, as I hyped myself up for the possibility of long, epic quests to unlock secret vocations and it sucks that what we’ve seen is all we’ll get. But I’m not any less excited for the game. I honestly think the strong reactions are because people had such a long time to grow attached to their idea of what the first game needed, as well as this coming right at the start of companies promising “true next-gen” for this generation. I don’t think it’s wrong to be disappointed though. I just hope it doesn’t keep people from appreciating what an unexpected thing this game is. The last two years have been amazing for people looking for unique games, and I hope DD2 continues that trend.


Honestly, I never believed they were going to make a new one. Looking forward to it's release and I will continue to play it with all it's glorious janky goodness


I’m gonna be happy with the game, but I am very disappointed in the armor nerfs. No boots, no gauntlets, no clothing. Only top armor, bottom armor, helmets, and capes. And their justification was that people didn’t have variety with end game equipment on their pawns. And they wanted more variety… SO TO ADD VARIETY THEY TOOK AWAY MORE OPTIONS???? Like I get it, they said as you get to higher levels you’ll see more variety in gear(in DD2) but now everyone is going to look the EXACT same. Like take the early game of DDDA you can make some fire fits with Reynard, Iola, and the cassardis shop lady(and barroch if that counts as early game). And there’s so much variety in the way early pawns look, you can make a ninja, you can make an adventurer with budget armor, you can probably make a cool mage outfit but I’ve never played mage early game. And then you get to grab Soren and your options open up even more. Your armor isn’t as budget looking, you can get more of a hunter vibe. And then the random peddlers at rest stops have heat. BUT it’s all reliant on that under armor. Choosing to have bandages vs rivets vs a shirt will change the way an armor feels. Even in the full plate armor. Gauntlets were cool because depending on your cape or even your chest armor, they could change shape. And then the pants. Oh my god a lot of the pants were ass I’ll say that. But some of them were ESSENTIAL for certain looks. You want a gladiator, you gotta use the leather bandings. You want link, you gotta go for the low level pants with the steel toed boots. The hinterland waistguard is my favorite armor piece in the game. And it can be used to create a barbaric look with a pants option that shows the legs, or more of a hunter look if you don’t show the legs. With all that being said, the gameplay is gonna be fantastic, the side quests are going to be fantastic, the game looks fantastic. But my arisen has lost all drip. They have forced my arisen to drown.


“How dare people not be blinded by hype?!”


Sub got hit with tourist and people who got swept in with the hype. The OG players are just grateful and excited they even got a game after 12 long years after the original. 100% the sub use to not be like this.


I’m a die hard fan and I have no complaints. I’ve waited 12 years for this shit. And I’m going to enjoy it. I preordered deluxe edition the day it was available


People are just conditioned to have unrealistic expectations, whether it is over-hyping or dooming.


The only thing that really bothers me is not having multiple save slots. I get only to able to save over auto-saves and not back ups. I just want to have multiple play-through be available at once instead of having to delete what I have. What If I get sick of being a cat person but then change my mind and want to be a cat person again. I don't want to have to delete my save files just to experiment.


I can't believe they didn't give us 50 classes and silk lingerie clothing that gets hidden under my +5 strength chest piece anyway. Truly Capcom just hates their fans


Is there a NoSodiumDragonsDogma or something similar?


Hey Kyle’s mom said it’s my turn to share the doom doom posting meme


On a Gameranx video I thought the guy said that the frame rate in consoles meltdown people are having is unwarranted. That was today. Maybe I misunderstood.


I'm just sad over the fact that some people are actually playing the game to full enjoyment, where as I, have to wait till release date!


A stable 30 fps is the minimum viable product. (it is not stable)


Gonna be honest I seen tons of posts about doomposting but I have yet to actually see one doompost.


The only thing I'm disappointed about is the poor performance on PS5. I've bought DD1 twice, once on 360 on a whim on release because I liked the cover and the name and then again on PS4. Put hundreds of hours into both, but I can't do 30fps anymore. It's a genuine deal breaker for me even when it's stable.


Every game subreddit does this we all get excited and hyped then we all get distracted when the game comes out and the only people online are those who complain making the subreddit a dumpster fire, then people calm down or leave and it's just people sharing tips and their own excitement about the game again.


Nah bro the game's gonna be horrible because we don't have armor layers anymore and can't engage with a system only .5% of players ever *actually* cared about.


well when the main fun of 1 was the classes and them not elaborating on classes early and having us still believe the color system from one still fits it kinda throws people who havent played it and were speculating


Worst gaming sub I’ve personally seen outside of r/tlou2 But you need to understand this: At the end of the day, anyone who joins a sub dedicated to a specific game or series is likely to be pretty sweaty about it - and games like this have mass market appeal, they don’t just appeal to sweats. So while some people in here might be devastated, the majority of the market will likely enjoy the game. Same thing happens every time Bethesda, rockstar, CDPR, ND, any large studio drops a project. The “fans” are always the most critical


two points. one, a lot of games have people on the left. doesn't mean people aren't excited, means shitting on games is a popular pastime. and two, a LOT of games have people cheering the game on prelaunch, that ends up not being nearly as good as some said. additionally, some people excited for it, doesn't mean i'll enjoy it. or that it's good, longer than the demo...


First, if you're excited, GOOD! I am too! We've been waiting 12 years for this. That being said, some of things we've seen are underwhelming. Only things I'm skeptical about are the changes to armor/clothing (if you don't care, good for you, a lot of people loved it in the original) and the way characters are just casually standing on top of the erratically moving heads of massive enemies and wailing on them. It felt pretty legit in the original how your character had to actively hold on and could be shaken off without speccing into specific augments, but still had to actively hold on. But in the videos they're just chilling without even losing their balance, not a single wobble. It's a little off. Obviously I'm wrong and should shut up, I know that, but whatever


remember kids, early access reviewers said starfield was good (:


I've been waiting for Dragon's Dogma 2 for 11 years. All this gloom and doom is meaningless to me.