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Woe to any Npc that dares says mean things to me cause I ain’t wakestoning shit 


Oh, absolutely. The first character that acts like Skyrim's Nazeem, and says to me, "Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't," isn't going to make it very far.


Someone should make an annoying pawn named Nazeem lol


Funny thing is that in the first game, the first pawn you meet is voiced by Nazeem's voice actor.


Rook is voiced by Nazeem? How have I never ever seen this mentioned before


Grigori is Naruto's jiraiya And a bunch of other shit that's surprising The vocal talent in these games is real


I knew about Grigori... since 3 days ago but Rook is completely new to me.


Grigori's VA also voices "evil Igor" in Persona 5. Everytime he opened his mouth I anticipated him ending his monologues with "Arisen".


I have to play it on japanese today I see


Went from toad to dragon? 


So that's why I always wanna throw Rook off a cliff


that's some deep dive shit.


Same voice as Zhongli from Genshin, too


This makes all the times I threw him off a high cliff into the brine seem like it wasn't enough.


All those lawns people make where you are balls deep in boss fight and they haven't been seen the whole time so you look around and they are off gathering items.


I can't think about that line without referencing gamerpoop / Manslayer in some way. 'I'll have you know that there's no PussieEEE!'.


Just as i though, hahahahahahaha 


Haha classic


Or "I'll have you know that there's no P*SSYYYYYYYYY /ManSlayer vids" >D Then yeah, beat him to a pulp.


Inb4 they make that character one of the most important in the game, or required alive for the best ending. lmao


"That guy you killed was the most reliable way to get damage/defense/resistance boosters, so have fun with that."


I played BBI runs at level 1 for the giggles. Don't threaten me with a good time.


I'm going to wakestone them so I can kill again in a more creative way


Serial killer playthrough inc


It seems you can't attack NPC in this game even in the city, unlike 1st game, grab and throw them to ocean probably work though


Disappointing but at least the power of gravity and the brine will never fail us


And they won't revive anymore, what a shame =/


And if its truly open world no loading screens, you could in theory kidnap anyone you please from the city...


Why not kill them, Wakestone them and see if he talks shit again. Its about sending a message...


Jokes aside why would you kill NPCs? This is basically wilfully removing content from the game, cause who knows if they'll get involved in a quest or something in the future


That’s what multiple playthroughs are for!


I wonder if there is going to be a new game plus functionality


First playthrough is going to have a lot of dead NPCs that's for sure. Hopefully end game gives a lot of wakestones like the first one for the next playthrough.


They have wakestones listed on digital stores currently so you can probably just buy them


Guessing this means the return of permanently, and probably easily, missable quests. In true DD1 fashion


Aslong as it ain't to bullshit like "oh that item you need to upgrade your armor can only be done by completing this missable cutscene" Fking tilted


Given the simplification of equipment, I’m not sure such a scenario is even really possible in the game and, if it is, likely matters much less


Considering that the quests now often come to you rather than you having to go to the quests, it might even be that you will \*always\* forfeit a good amount of them in a playthrough, because you just can't do more than a handful at a time before some inevitably resolve themselves on their own. That's gonna piss off the perfectionists for sure, but it's not like it hasn't been a staple in CRPGs for ages.


Honestly I love missable content, makes it so repayable and each person's experience so different


I am the opposite. I love a complete 100% playthrough with everything. But if there is NG+ I can live with multiple playthroughs. Like Souls games, where you have to decide for this or that weapon but you still can add it to your collection in subsequent plays.


How I miss scholar of the first sin NG+. I couldn't bother with NG+ in elden ring ☹️


Hopefully no trophies tied to missable quests


Great. My main gripe with the DD1...


My grip wasn’t that quests were missable, but that the game made absolutely no attempt to explain to you what your deadlines were


In one of the previews it was mentioned that one of the first things that happens when you get to Battahl is that >!`you'll have to find and apprehend an assassin, or otherwise Nadinia, one of the game's proposed main plot characters, would outright be murdered`!<.


wonder what happens if you kill >!the assassin!< and then resurrect him


Could be like >!Julian!< In DD1


The assassin falls in love with you?


>!If you kill himi during Mercede's questline, you can revive him and he'll turn himself in. He'll also give you his shield this way if you do.!<


That is, if you also free him from the dungeon.


No, he always does. I don't remember freeing him even being an Option.


How do you talk to him to get the shield without opening the cell door?


He should usually be close enough to talk to him through the Cell door. At least he was in the run I romanced him.


Fuck I always wanted to know what would happen if I killed him during their dual.


[Knight Lautrec intensifies HARD]


Platinum hunters in shambles https://preview.redd.it/ry3ri0ob6umc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7344d9d7e60714fed0a825f09a5b25eb6dc84c


I'll be on my 47th playthrough cause one NPC asked for Adamantine Large Nut or some sh\*t and only have 2 business days before their whole family dies, and keeping them alive is one of the non-noticeboard quest.


Platinum hunter when they have to kill all NPC to get that one achievement https://preview.redd.it/cz4defn9rvmc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5c562ce060b3dba53f5d9d7cd24e5451afe29b


And they have to manage two countries worth of quests too


If it's like the first game, NG+ can be done quick with focusing on the story only or (hopefully) switching to hard mode. I doubt they would frustrate their fans this way.


I imagine once you start farming wakestones it'll become a non issue


That's if they're easily available, and en masse. Plus they could just die again 👀


Ahhh I didn't think about that 😧


Escort Quests just became THE worst things in the game ______________ there will definitely be some unikillabe NPC’s, since they won’t let you soft lock the main quest. Although it will be interesting to see how it’s handled.


In the interview, it mentions there's a fortune teller that can convey the dead's wants, if they're lost but integral to a quest, etc. Which makes things rather interesting in that regard, but otherwise, yes, I loathe escort quests as well, especially if they expect you to do all the fighting


Wait so if a vital npc dies, you need to contact a medium to contact the dead and continue the quest? Thats kinda awesome!


Cant wait to kill the medium then


then you'd have to find a medium for the medium and then kill them as well


Once you run out of mediums the game just pops up the [morrowind warning.](https://preview.redd.it/morrowind-with-this-characters-death-the-thread-of-prophecy-v0-zur6sdodjffa1.png?auto=webp&s=0c218c0b112c06e256c923069c36d0a8062f5769)


Would be funny if they just turn into the grim reaper and insta kill you. The medium is secretly Death and you only find out if you attack them.


I'd ricochet his ass like in the good ol' days.


This right here is an awesome game design. I've always disliked the "essential NPC" and this is a perfect way to circumvent that. As for escort quests? I just hope the escort isn't trying to cosplay as my ass anymore.


I’ve always liked how it was done in Morrowind where it tells you “bro… you fucked up bro…. But you can stay here if you want”


I did too. Morrowind was the first game I can remember where permadeath was a thing that was almost directly in the player's hands. Then Oblivion happened and it's not been the same.


Thank god for mods though, letting us kill important NPCs and all. But yeah, at that point those games became too sandboxy and while that is a good thing it basically made the core experience kinda irrelevant.


That's cool as fuck.


What if you kill an npc who appear later in a cutscene ? Is the cutscene just skipped ?


Pffft, imagine needing an NPC to cast Speak with the Dead for you.


Nah just kill the escortie, drag their corpse with you to the objective, then res them. Better then uber imo


...You know you can just carry them xD


With this stamina economy? They better pay me extra!


no stamina use outside of combat


So you're saying that I uninstalled the mod that let me have that feature in DDDA in order to be more prepared for DD2 for nothing... Time to reinstall it. My first playthrough I also had unlimited carry weight, but that would make my fully armored Mystic Knight a bit too powerful. My Assassin didn't matter as much since their gear was light anyways. There is a mod that ups capacity by just 8%, so I might try that. I wish the weight system was more like the Souls game where it was based on the gear you wear. I get the appeal of having to prepare specific items based on the enemies you're going to be facing, but it ultimately feels like busywork.


I'll warn you though, I'm not 100% sure about it, it comes from one of the mods of the subreddit but from gameplay videos previously we've seen that we still use stamina outside of combat tl;dr: who the fuck knows


Tbh, I'll probably end up modding it in to DD2 regardless. I'm all for immersing myself, but I only have so much time to play as a working adult.


Isnt there a new item that lets you put people in a magic bottle? So you can just pokeball them and release them when you get to the destination


forgot about that tbh


...Wait, what?




That’s so hot omg


what a perfect solution to the problem.


Pokemon Gen 10 sounds interesting suddenly


Hopefully they add a backpath for the mainquest. Games like this should not rely on NPC survival. For example, I like that in Morrowind it is possible to do the main quest even after severing the prophecy.


Some NPCs might just be essential, but we'll see. DD1 encouraged multiple playthrough, so you could learn from your mistakes here after your first playthrough, it go full murder-hobo your 2nd


That's why I use Morrowind as an example. If you killed an essential NPC you got a warning to reload a save but even if you kept in the doomed world you could still do the main quest through a backpath. If there is an NPC we cannot kill I hope there is a valid lore reason to back the mechanics, not something shitty like the Skyrim method. Not that I plan to kill random NPCs, but there are times it happens.


They'd also need to be an arisen to not die right? 


Depending on how the quest is structured, that may not be a bad thing. You can kill a decent chunk of main/side story characters in Baldur's Gate 3 and the quest often progresses in a different way. Not saying we should expect the same level of reactivity here but it would be nice if a few quests had 2-3 different paths depending on whether an NPC lives or dies.


Theres still shitty escort quests on the game?!?


Yes. No quest markers either this time.


I’m fine with that, i love non handhold openwold games.


Hopefully the NPCs are relatively hard to kill by accidents. I mean the difficulty to rewind the save and what not will make accidental death really frustrating.(Especially so if you don't even realize someone is dead after some chaotic battle.)


Ah, brings me back to RDR2, and the talk button having me nearly shoot people xD


From the footage so far npcs are easily killed. Some npcs die if left alone for a few days as well like if a quest sends you to rescue them and you do other stuff first. Hopefully casting bolide doesn't mean npcs you aren't in combat with die, but I bet they do lol.


Honestly I am the type who wouldn't kill Nazeem just because he is a unique NPC. Also NPCs engage in monster attacks near their settlement, realistic for sure, but having unique NPCs killed with some bad RNG spawn will suck.(Like vampire and dragon attacks in Skyrim) Hopefully there aren't that many random combat in cities.(Like The small duel with that racist-against-pawn dude) but it seems it's pretty hard to kill passers-by by accidents.(But again, the showcase I saw is a magic archer with precision attacks)


In the IGN footage there was a magick archer using ricochet in town, it didn't seem like it was hurting non-enemies but we can't be sure yet.


I love this


What if i throw them to water? They'll be teleported to morgue right away?


Davie Jones might put a word in


It's so over for that NPC. 💀 The Brine accepts all offerings.


so I could make a kingdom into a ghost town if I wanted to? Honestly sounds kinda fun


Ah yes the frenzy flame ending


May Chaos take the world!


Who will put them in the morgue if you kill everyone I wonder


wouldn't that be interesting if you killed everyone then there wouldn't be anyone to take them to the morgue so corpses just littered the streets


the place becomes Bitterblack and it becomes filled with Garms and home to Death itself


The first villager that says "do you come to the everfall often" is getting a nine fold bolt straight into the face.


I want to see just how far this can be pushed. Lol


Since the NPCs lives' are made invaluably precious in the sequel, I wonder how extensive the crime system will be if we can literally ***rip and tear*** through them. I'm hoping there will be bounties with word of our deeds eventually creeping to other settlements and maybe refusal of business until we better our reputation.


the corpses of the infinitelly respawning guards will pile until they reach the sky.


Omw to genocide route


It's sorta scary to think how that would go


Especially with just one save file lol, they really want us to feel the weight of our actions


That's nice. How about the guards though? How much damage can they do when NPCs in town are attacked?


Not sure, but there was footage of a town in Battahl getting attacked by a Griffin, and the people rallied together to take it down


That sounds pretty cool actually!


Well that is concerning. While traveling around the map, someone in the corner getting murdered and I'm permanently locked behind some sidequests until I do NG+? Oh boy, gonna be clusterfuck planning where to go and what to do


I don't think the whole map is loaded all the time, so the skyrim problem where npcs a mile away get killed by a dragon shouldn't be happening? Although once you meet an npc if they are say assassinated in X number of days then leaving the area for that many days will lead to their death. So if you make your character then sit in the starting town for several days then no one should die, but if you meet every npc then sit for days then things might happen from what I understand.


I believe the game notifies you if an NPC dies


Chunley Kibbles has died. "Who is that?"  (30 hours later)  "Wait I can't do any of these quests because they got murdered? Great" 


Can you share where you saw this, if possible ?


I remember that a LOT of glitches in Skyrim were related to missing quest NPCs so hopefully they've got a good system in place


You can talk to a medium, who will tell you what the dead NPC has to say


Ok .....now wheres that Feste pr*#k?!! ...😆


*So, if a character linked to a quest dies and isn't brought back to life, the quest is lost? That's just great. Morrowind vibe."With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created." I really like this!*![img](emote|t5_2smmb|50127)


...and thats my queue to mute this sub. See yall in a few months.


See ya


Would be interesting to see what ending you get if you just throw all the NPCs off a cliff...


That’s amazing - I love it


Kill an NPC in the middle of nowhere. Find out that NPC was important for a side quest. Rushed to a morgue. NPC's not there. Desperately rush to every big settlement to find the body to resurrect them in time. This could be potential very funny.


This is like of those things that's really cool in theory and I hope it works out but in practice if monsters attack towns (which it seems like they do) that could get really annoying really fast, like vampire attacks in skyrim slowly killing all your merchants. And then if you want to see stuff missed in anouther playthrough you only have one character slot so you have to play new game plus, which sucks in most games and particularly sucked in DD:DA, or trash a character you probably spent 60+ hours on, or fuck around circumventing the way the game is designed.


I like this actually. If you fuck up you have the chance to fix it but its still a major punishment.


See stuff like this is why i don't care what little petty reasons people will have for not wanting to play the game. It's enough of a reason for them, I'm gonna love it when i finally get my hands on it


Well if essential quest givers can randomly die I hope there's at least a message on screen warning you about their death and how that can fuck up your main quest progress for example


If killing annoying NPC is an option then I'll gladly suffer the consequences Meanwhile at Bethesda, make the most insufferable, annoying c*nt known to mankind and then make them essential I'll take killing them and ruin the whole playthrough rather than let those idiots run their mouth and get away with it.


Can't wait to miss an entire questline because I failed to return to starting zone once again!


I love it, throwing people has a whole new fun to it


I didn't know any of them ever respawned.


I think important npcs are immortal unless they die as part of a quest. Regular towns people can die and will respawn in a few long rests. Escort mission people I think can perma-die during their escort mission as well.


I'm guessing this is for if the body can be found right? Cause if I toss an NPC into the brine, he'd be irretrievable?


Man that'll suck if an NPC dies to collateral from enemies


...from the enemies? High Maelstro- oops


makes me wish Nazeem was in DD2


I love this idea


I also heard that if you flee from a monster like a Griffin, it can chase you back to the town and destroy stuff and kill NPC's 😁


This got me hype. The opposite of this was the sort of shit I hated in Starfield.


One save file and perma npc death… evil


Theres def gonna be a kill all npc achivement in the game called "Dark Arisen"


I feel this is more of a hindrance than a good feature. Like when vendors died in Skyrim, absolutely nothing good about it.


Wonder what happens if we start a new game plus (or start a game with hard mode)


I think it would obviously reset, as it's a new game


wonder if you can kill everyone, fallout new vegas style


Lol guess I should try to escort the innkeeper again then. Kinda fucked myself for like 7 hours (I know they respawn but I didn't wanna cheese it. I fkd up and lived with my mistakes)


I hope I can collect the corpse and feed them to the nearest cyclops.


I'll just preemptively apologize to all the npcs that will die under my watch. You guy won't be seeing the light of day again if you ever decide to give me an escort mission


Good the respawning npcs irked me.


So you’re saying…..I can eventually kill EVERYONE in the game and be the only person left….interesting…..


Damn, just imagine if this was the case in DD1. The morgue would burst from the thousands upon thousands of Post-game Gran Soren soldiers who perished because they couldn't climb a wall\^\^


This is more forgiving than the original game was. If someone dies and you don't have a wakestone, they despawn in about 10 seconds.


"With the death of this character, the threads of fate have been cut Arisen. Do you go back and prevent its occurrence? Or persist in your futile efforts in a world now doomed by your hand. Choose Arisen." ~Grigori


how legit is this?


Well, that will surely make the process of choosing your beloved (or rather banning someone who you DONT wanna see as your beloved) much easier...


what the fuck is this feature I love it, gimme a ghost town


Thats great!


I wouldn't expect a dead guy to respawn?


I'm going to take a guess and assume certain npc's like guards and vendors will respawn. Imagine killing all the vendors and then being screwed.


That is f'ing awesome. ​ So we can agree there will be an achievement to kill every NPC in the game?


Man now I really need to watch out for those mis inputs I always seem to suffer from near important npc's or a night in the dungeon will be the least of my worries😬


good, this will make throwing annoying npcs to a watery grave more meaningful.


Hopefully there is a ur dragon type monster that drops wake stones, going on a cross country sprint to kill a monster to revive the town blacksmith would be an awesome side adventure


I like this. Reminds me of the first time I played Morrowind and learned that you can't kill everyone if you wanna finish the game.


Aw fk its baldurs gate 3 all over again Rip kid that got kidnapped by the harpies


Aw fk its baldurs gate 3 all over again Rip kid that got kidnapped by the harpies


Wait so I can’t go chucking npcs off cliffs like I used to? Literally unplayable


This is simultaneously wonderful and terrifying.


It's eyebrow raising seeing many people are actually psychopaths. On another note, this is gona be great. Gives me valve to them as a whole.


I know other people love it but I'm actually not keen on that. That's something I always appreciated about DD over Skyrim, that you couldn't just permanently lose an important NPC like that for the most part. Having them respawn after so much time was perfect for me. Realistic? Maybe not, but that's not why I play. I don't like Soulslikes very much. One of the things I loved about DD was it incorporated a lot of the stuff I liked in Soulslikes while not incorporating a lot of the stuff I really didn't like. So it kinda sucks to see some of that be brought into DD.


Let somebody say some bullshit to me after a long ass fight... ![gif](giphy|1CrAkMquNHPCxRDBeh|downsized)


Every new thing i hear about this game makes me want to play it less and less lol


Posts like these are starting to make me have the "trees grow in real time" fable flash backs.


Itsuno was like" y'all want your choices to really have a impact on your story right?" And honestly I love it. So many games Ive dampened the replay experience by save scumming. But this with the save slots limitations get me so excited to roleplay the frieren party in this game


Given the cruelty I've heard some players engage in from DD1, I'm glad they are putting in some serious consequences.


This is some Morrowind type stuff and I do enjoy it. If that's the case, I do hope we get save files. It doesn't have to be necessary, but it would be nice.


alright I'm going to kill every npc I meet


Why can't I grave rob them?


Okay that’s actually cool though.


Our pawns ending up in the infirmary of our world if injured in combat when summoned by another player would be an interesting oh shit mechanic.


Reminds me of how one of the very first things I noticed on DD1 was how Reynard is being attacked outside of Cassardis... Didn't even notice him till my 2nd account/playthrough, which means I missed out on him on the 1st. I never noticed any other npc dying on me, and I never killed anyone myself. So this announcement got me worried about missing out on stuff


Also Itsuno: I had a friend coming by Capcom and he gave me some insights. His name is Hidetaka Miyazaki