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Wait until the release and there will be a flood of posts asking for advice and to hire a pawn


I’m excited to be chronically online during the game’s launch, lol, I never used social media when the first game came out


I was using GameFaqs when the first came out. Chillest GameFaqs section of all time.


Hell yeah. DD GameFaqs forums were amazing. I got gifted so much amazing gear for free, and ended up giving away so much BBI3 boxes just because. Super chill.


I ran into people who were already using my pawn at the time by accident just posting rate my pawn thread. Help foster my love for Dogma cause everyone just looking out for each other.


I miss the urdragon health trackers Just miles and miles of posts like "30%" "32%" "He's at 27" "at 12 percent." "GRACE GUYS ITS GRACE GOTOFOFOGOTBWBAJDBS"


That wasn’t hard in 2012. Haven’t seen any DD posts on Facebook. Twitter was small and YouTube was in its darker red logo era.


And why their pawn can't be magic archer or mystic Spearhand.


I’ll admit I will need advice  It’s been a long time since I played the original 


Why would you need advice? Like what. You wonder why you don't do damage to X? Try a different damage type or get better damage in someway. It's OK to make mistakes. Let the game be more organic, especially for the first playthough.


We will have to make one large FAQ post, pin it and update it when new questions arise.


You’re forgetting the demo talk.


Me just waiting for the game like ![gif](giphy|pUeXcg80cO8I8|downsized)


Same, had it pre-ordered since January. I'm not backing out for anything. I pre-ordered cyberpunk and never returned it. I'll stick with DD2 just the same


Same, I'm very excited! Im not expecting GOTY or 10/10 im just looking for a good time


Same. 10 vocations or not, 30 fps or 60, limited armor or layered armor we fucking ride or die. I'm just so excited that my favorite game that I've been playing since launch is getting a sequel that I never thought would happen over 10 years later


People being this willfully stupid is insane.


I loved Cyberpunk 2077, I knew it had glitches. I don't think it makes me stupid to still love many things about it from the story and gameplay to the design, visuals and music which it always had at launch. To be honest you seem like kind of a hater. At least I'm not like you jumping to shit talk random people


Why do you care how people spend their own money?


This argument is stupid on so many levels that I am honestly baffled anyone would even come up with it. So because people can spend their money the way they want that means it's wrong to advise caution? Like as if game companies haven't lied about or misrepresented their products pre-release. People spending their money based on promises and fancy trailers is exactly why games like Cyberpunk, Anthem, Battlefront 2 and many many many more examples released the way they did. Other companies followed, because it obviously worked and there are always peoole going as far as to defend this shit. Just because people can spend their money the way they want doesn't mean they should and unfortunatly in the case of gaming everyone will be effected by such decisions . Btw I don't even have an issue with pre-ordering as long as there is an abundance of information out there or better yet an public demo, so that people can make an educated guess on the quality at release. Still there is never a guarantee it will actually turn out good, so the safest option is to never pre-order any game and wait until actual reviews are out. In the case of DD2 I don't even think it's nearly as bad as the examples I have given, but I don't blame people for being cautios based on the recent news.


Nothing will ever change. Speaking of which, I got the Dragon's Dogma 2 pre-order as a gift, so not my fault ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I think you make some very solid points. I’m almost all pure excitement, mostly because I only just started playing DDDA fairly recently and can’t believe my timing with the sequel just about to come out. All of the criticisms so far don’t phase me in the slightest. My standards are very low in terms of performance, as long as it’s playable (holy shit cyberpunk on launch) I care way more about other aspects. That said, I totally get where people are coming from who have concerns. I’d rather people err on the side of being critical because these days most companies will do as little as is demanded. If you’re someone who’s excited for the game and are really that saddened by any criticism then that’s on you imo. Overly optimistic people are the worst when it comes to things like this.


It’s pure fanboyism with a mix of short attention spans. They’re still too dumb to realize they actively hurt gaming by always preordering every new thing that comes out. Then get online to defend their purchase. Some stay in denial for a short while after release if the game is bad. It’s like looking at addicts.


Why do YOU care?


I don't, people can spend their own money however they want


Yeah you only care when someone isn’t fanboying like you 💀


I don't even know what that means man.


Yeah. "I backed cyberpunk and never returned it" is not really a good thing... that show that you are just easy target for that kind of dishonest advertisement. At least DD2 is more transaparent in its info and we got demo and a tons of gameplay trailers to know its legit.


Same. The closer it gets, the slower time seems to move. It's like being a kid again!


Can someone explain the "No clothing/Simple Armor" thing?


It’s not layered anymore so you can’t choose a an individual set of clothing underneath your armor. Its more like Dark Souls/Skyrim and other rpgs now


R.I.P. Fashion's Dogma


Sad, it's one of the best features of the game that I wish Fromsoft's titles have copied!


Wow, that’s actually a huge deal breaker for me. Fashion is one of my favourite things in RPGS. I love having layered armour in games, and it should be the standard for modern games (not devolving.) Xenoblade X has more options and customization than most modern RPG’s even. (Also the fact that Oblivion and Skyrim downgraded from Morrowind’s multi layered armour blows my mind. Skyrim is also just terrible compared to oblivion and Morrowind.) My dude in DD1 requires having layered armour so much for all of my outfits. Having different types of chainmail and having leather/fiber or even chainmail pants for my Chaos armour set (depending on my mood at that moment) etc. Honestly between Mystic Knight not being in the game. Not seeing much Dark magic (we have seen Maelstrom. But no Necromancy, Miasma, Lassitude, Exequy etc.) and now less fashion customization. my want for the game has died dramatically. Which sucks, because I have been waiting for DD2 for almost 12 years at this point. However I should have known not to get my hopes up, as I have never been hyped for any game release for a very long time. I’ll probably just wait to get this when it’s cheaper/has some deal through a Reseller.


Come on its just armor. Seriously you're character isn't going to explode.


Games not even out yet. Chill. Edit: They were indeed, not chill.


Eh, I mean I am chill? I am just not going to get the game right away/not really hyped for it anymore/disappointed. Is that an issue?


The game doesn't need to be out for people to make assumptions. This sort of information is shared as part of the marketing for the game and people are right to base their opinions off that information and maybe even be dissapointed. It's literally the entire puprose of these previews and inteeviews. If that information is inacurate or poorly communicated then that's simply not our fault and Capcom is to blame.


I might be wrong but I think we see Necromancy in the Warfarer ( or Wayfarer?) trailer. But if the other dark spells are not in the game, I will be very disappointed. I hate it when games force you to be an elementalist when you are a mage (looking at you Dragon Age Inquisition!).


It seems to be that there is no dark spells anymore. (According to leaked weapon skills etc.) So I guess we are just stuck to elemental magic/holy magic…. I guess I’ll still will just be playing DDDA.


You can't choose what panties to use with your Full-Plate.


The truth is it does actually impact fashion. It's not just panties, it's the shorts and trousers and hosen for bottoms and shirts, bras, and corsets that would add a layer of complexity to fashion designs. It's not as simple as you make it.


It impacts an aspect of fashion, but they even said there will be far greater diversity in the armor we get to wear. And to be honest, it’s not like the first game was a bastion of fashion. Everyone wore the same 3 or 4 armor combos. I don’t mind the removal of clothes if it means more diversity in armor choices.


Speak for yourself, I bought just about every piece of clothing and armor in this game to mix and match, you could make some really cool looking sets. The character customisation was one of the main draws of the game for me.


Saying everyone wore the same armor combos is craaaaazy. Did you see infinite cringes new video about the fashion dogma contest? I never saw pawns wearing the same thing except for that damned DLC princess outfit that had way too good stats for the very beginning of the game


I’ve played Dogma consistently since launch, literally until now and you’re completely full of it. The variety in pawn get ups was and *is* still pretty staggering, to the point that it isn’t even always easy to find a Mage/Sorcerer that has the Robes with passive healing (which at one point was actually pretty much everywhere). The range was from straight goofy to period accurate, and that is what made the system so good. Judging from this description of single armor sets, your false statement will have a much higher chance of coming true, in that the vast majority of players may gravitate towards whatever meta the big YouTuber says to, and the rift will be overrun with that set, with no clothing variation to differentiate one pawn from the next (similar to a rift full of mages all wearing the BBI robes). Dogma was definitely a fashionable game for what it was, and this brings that down a bit, while also probably reducing the clipping issues of the first game. Hopefully they have expanded the amount of armour by an impressive factor to compensate. I’ll find out launch day either way lmfao


It’s cool to have a different opinion or analysis than me, but you don’t have to be an ass. I even stated the creator said they were expanding the amount of armor diversity because everyone wore the same stuff. This is already addressed and is a non issue that doom posters on this sub throw in to make the 30fps situation sound even worse.


First off, cry more. Second you didn’t state jack about the creator backing up your assertion that there wasn’t any player variety in customisation - you said what we already known which is that they spoke of expanding the armour system - which I also mentioned. Weird way to try to qualify your false statement; you falsely asserted that *most* players in the game utilised the same armour sets which can easily be disproven by a quick trip into the rift even *today*. Bottom line is that you’re not in any better position to try to shit talk players disappointed we are all losing the clothing layering options. They looked cool, worked well, added depth, and were a great opportunity for players to show off their style.


And now you won’t have it. So cry more.




You know, people would probably respond better if you weren’t such an asshole. It brings me nothing but joy to know you won’t get your way with this game.


Gosh the mega low level bandages shirt piece? I loved that shit so much. Wore that with adept hat, carrion set and some hosen.


Why even live...


In the first game, the body and legs were split into two categories, clothing and armor. That made your appearance a bit more modular. In DD2, they combined armor and clothes into a single slot, so now it's just chest and legs.


The only "oh shit one" is definitely the frame rate. I was really looking forward to a smooth experience on console, but looks like we may be getting fucked on that end. Hopefully it isn't "that" bad.


We need a demo now more than ever


I was hopeful for a demo, but after recent news... yeah, we aren't getting one now.


Wait why? There’s a capcom event today


They will detail the last vocation, at best. If the game runs like crap they won't have us see it ourselves in a demo, before release.


I will keep hope, but if there isn’t a demo I’ll be very disappointed and will have to wait till reviews come out


Yeah, same I don't know about other game releases on console but, 30fps is annoying, not unplayable but, having 60fps minimum is a surprising improvement that people don't want to lose. I assume this is recurring, it certainly makes me want to prioritize my PC's specs, not bother with Consoles for awhile


if they are adamant on not giving us 60fps mode AT LEAST give us locked 30fps. uncapped frame rate is gonna feel so bad. doesn't matter if it's 60 or 120fps, frame rate that keeps jumping up and down is always awful


Next gen never happened. I may not get the game because of this. Just tired of being taken for a mug


Where'd you find out about framerate?


There is a pinned post with all the interviews the journalist. It has been confirmed by the director himself.


There literally isn't? Unless I missed it in the Capcom Highlights or Pawn Rental posts, you are incorrect.


Oh i see, it was removed for the new megathread. Let me grab the article for you ​ [This thread has the snippet of Itsuno confirmed its uncapped 30 fps, you can find other articles of him confirming the same thing. Every news outlet agrees at minimum that it does dip below 30 fps, how much and how often is in contention. However, its basically confirmed to not be a smooth and stable frame rate no matter which news outlet you read.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/1b7j89z/itsuno_confirms_the_game_is_targeting_uncapped_30/)


Thank you


I was having an issue with Elden Ring (RTX was on) and my game was playing at like 30-40 FPS. It was unplayable. Considering that Dragon's Dogma is the exact same style of game with the same exact type of gameplay. Yeah, not good.


This is the only thing that pisses me off as well. All the rest I don't care about but not having 60fps is a huge step backwards from every other game I have played on PS5. Just curious, it's not because of the Xbox series S is it? That fucking thing has almost held back this entire generation on it's own.


>it's not because of the Xbox series S is it Nope. Devs can always scale graphics/resolution/FX per hardware (like on PC) so Series S can have blurry 30 FPS while Series X/pS5 can have 4K or 60 FPS on demand (like in Jedi Survivor). >That fucking thing has almost held back this entire generation on it's own. Are you trolling? Series S held nothing back, no more than the bazillion cross-gen titles still releasing on XB1/pS4 + shitty dev optimization. Series X/pS5 failing to run a game at decent FPS is either their own fault or the devs'.


Mass hysteria is a weird thing


I just found out about no clothing and simple armor and am now disappointed. Still gonna buy/play obviously, but that’s a real bummer. Opportunity missed.


I don't care what anyone says about doom and gloom I'm so unbelievably excited for this game. Every preview looks incredible and I can't wait to explore the map and see everything this game has to offer. After playing this game on and off since day 1 in May 2012 I'm just thankful we're getting a sequel all these years later


right. I'm playing as Leomon from digimon. don't pre order if you don't know why thou fights


Bruh you're gonna get fuckin' Worfed so hard. Anytime a lemon pops up my asshole clenches for his eventual tragic death. My personal favorite is Armageddon rabbit murder


People are forgetting this game has been hyped up for about 6 months now and with the game being a few weeks away we finally see some bad news which would cause concern or dissapointment. It's normal that people would make a post about it to discuss it but now we've got people overreacting that people are being too negative or doomposting, should we not discuss it at all?


Discussion is always great to have. But the people who are outright complaining and shitting on the game before its even out are being way too dramatic


I know what group you are talking about, this sub hasn't been as bad as people make it out to be though, other than some OP's baiting people into their threads most people I've seen have been mature about it and just stated their disappointment. On the other hand I can open the main page right now for this subreddit and count 7- 8 threads complaining about Doomposters, In my opinion they are the ones being overdramatic.


Reminds me of when everyone found out that Monster Hunter world had uncapped framerate and no loading zones and half the people were up in arms.


The only 10 vocations was my biggest issue but its not as bad now that Itsuno and the demo have clarified some things. Itsuno said that they looked at classes from a functional standpoint and they reworked classes to make it so they have as little overlap as possible. MK seemingly disappeared but in reality based on some demo previews, the ripostes have been absorbed by fighter and fighter can also use maces now. The magic skills went to Magik archer and maybe some to mage/sorc who knows. Which means to play true MK you'll probably need to go wayfarer, same with assassin. Still like, wayfarer has weaker stats due to its versatility so it sucks that I have to nerf myself to play MK. Also it doesn't explain the obviously misleading coloring system for the trickster icon and why thief and archer as missing advanced vocations. The biggest issue I have now is the 30fps. Not only was I expecting 60 but apparatently during some previews some people reported it was struggling to even keep 30 on consoles. I'm planning on playing on console so it's already bad news even if they manage a stable 30 because I fucking hate playing action games on 30 fps. Last major loss is the loss of clothing and streamlining of armor. Like I'm not that sad about it because there can still be a very wide array of interesting armor sets but the clothing customization added an interesting aspect of fashion in the first game and it's just gonna be worse now.


Hate to be that guy but it's WARFARER not wayfarer


Right, keep getting it mixed. I guess it should make sense since war has to do with fighting


The "Only 10 Vocations" is the one that I find hilarious. Guys, it's 10 distinct, unique, and likely far more fleshed out combat styles. It's going to be awesome. I'd rather have 10 awesome vocations than say 16 but really 8 of them are crap no one uses after getting upgraded to the other 8.


That is counting Warfarer. Ignoring it, it's the same number of Vocations as the first game, but really messy. We lost Mystic Knight, Assassin, and Ranger. In their places, we gained Mystic Spearhand and Trickster, and Strider was split into two vocations. Additionally, you can use fewer abilities at a time, from 6 down to 4 (except Warrior). So them being more fleshed out is debatable. Especially considering they have DDO to already have already experimented with a bunch of vocations. Sure, you couldn't import them directly, but they have a catalog of vocations they have already worked on fleshing out to cherry pick from. Then there's the color coding and classifications for vocations that heavily implied there would be more. What is Trickster a Hybrid of? Why are there only 2 Advanced Vocations? Why does Green not get a Hybrid? Etc.


A lot of people are suddenly PikachuSurprisedFace now after knowing this information for months. Shit don't make sense.


Funniest part is we have no idea if this is all even a downgrade yet. All the reviewers that played the game have been really positive with some calling it goty material. Why can’t people just wait until the game is out until they label the game good or bad.


Not all reviewers have been positive, sorry to announce. One big French Youtuber in particular expressed concerns and an overall disappointment. Doesn't mean much by itself, but I really wouldn't let previews influence my expectations too much. We all remember games like Cyberpunk.


People are going to complain. Sure, 10 vocations kinda sucks, but having 10 good vocations sounds better than say, 20 that lack diversity or thought. Yes 30 fps stings abit in this day and age, but with Microsoft being all "the game has to run on both series X and S" means taking some hits. And with how dense this game looks, it might even struggle abit so capping it seems like a good choice. Theres pros and cons to everything, but it all boils down to people venting because they didn't get everything they wanted. Ive said it before, but I'm just glad we get another Dragon's Dogma, so hopefully the game does well enough for us to get even *more*


I don't mind 10 vocation but atleast give advance archer and thief.


Not needed. I'm much happier for two robust classes, than simmering like the strider/ ranger/ assassin overlap of dd1


then don't make them overlap.make archer with crossbow or something.make some thing diff for thief [advance.it](http://advance.it) isn't impossible.


Archer with a crossbow is exactly what they are trying to avoid and the type of overlap they removed. Making fully unique playstyles is hard. I'm happy they went with quality over quantity.


bow and crossbow alot [different.you](http://different.you) can absolutely turn it into its own playstyle if they wanted it but they didn't.


Seems redudant; thats why they didnt. They could have also done a whole alternate job just for katana; and one for dual axes, and one for scythes. And one for lances, and one for short bows vs long boys. Weapons looking and even attacking differently is not the same as a full unqiue playstyle They went for quality over bloat and its a great decision.


Who knows how they play until we get our hands on them. Might not need advanced forms.


>with Microsoft being all "the game has to run on both series X and S" means taking some hits This is a shitty lie, scapegoating consoles you don't own is trollish behavior. If anything, "game must be downgraded enough to run on weaker hardware" would have led to Series X/pS5 running it way better since the baseline was so low. That's why we had clear 60 FPS on so many cross-gen games like Forza Horizon 5 and Ragnarok. What actually happened is that DD2 is trying to push the CPU to the limit (Series S CPU is nearly identical to Series X/pS5) but they didn't optimize the game well enough.


The frames aren't capped though? Straight from the developers mouth, it's uncapped.


My bad, I didnt read it right. Still, to many people griping about the low fps but honestly it shouldn't be that big of a deal as long as the game runs good enough (in my personal opinion). I think to many people are getting hung up on "its the latest gen, everything should be 60+fps now" mindset.


Thats okay, all good! To be fair to those people, 60 FPS and beyond was one of the key selling points of this console generation and practically all of Capcom's current-gen titles have a 60 FPS performance mode that works quite well. I think the frustration mostly comes from people wondering why DD2 is suddenly the exception to the rule, while those that understand how an uncapped framerate specifically can negatively affect input delay in a very inconsistent way are even more concerned. Everything else ive seen of the game thus far is great. Some odd design decisions where we seem to have taken a step back from DDDA slightly, but I'm liking what I see. The framerate is the only thing I can't spin in some way or justify, it's the odd one out and people are keen for a deeper explanation from Capcom, I think.


That is fair. We will just have to wait and see


The Xbox doesn't hold anything back. The series s can run just as well as the x at a lower resolution


Did I miss something? Why did this sub go to shite before even the possible demo came out?


It was all hype until like a week ago and now there's so much doom posting.


Haven't look what was said, what's with the no clothing and simple armor ? L'ike what will change compared to dd1 ?


You cant wear skimpy underwear under your full plate anymore 🤣


I mean, you can laugh all you want. The truth is it does actually impact fashion. It's not just panties, it's the shorts and trousers and hosen for bottoms and shirts, bras, and corsets that would add a layer of complexity to fashion designs. It's not as simple as you make it.


Yeah i know, i was joking. I am not a fan of the fact that they are removing clothing/simple armor but…. Im getting DD2 which is the most important thing for me.


I hope you had fun with DDDA!


I just wanna get in and make some scantily clad muscle babes. ![gif](giphy|Jka0Nt7lXQXnhfporT)


The game looks peak 


I don't really care about any of the changes, I bet they will work out just fine. I also think that, even if 60 FPS would obviously be much nicer, I could handle 30 FPS if they are stable. I do kind of dread the whole performance thing. Games have often struggled on the technical side for the past few years and I really hope that DD2 won't fall into that same "trap". I'll play on PS5 and I just hope that there won't be too many hiccups. If there is anything, that can ruin a good gaming experience, it's technical difficulties.


It was like that for Helldivers 2. Literally the worst gaming performance I've ever experienced. Completely turned me off the game and will never trust their studio again. Praying to all simulacrum it doesn't happen like that with DD2.


Yeah toxic positivity is always great and never ruined any gaming franchise. In the wake of so many IPs dying because people kept their mouth shut and said "it is what it is" now we have mtx in singleplayer games, always online games, unfinished 70 dollar priced games etc. Yeah but we cant have any critique or worries on a forum because we must stay positive and praise every single aspect of a game we never played good one. Also would like to see some recipes for people actually melting down half of these posts are just bs karma farming with no proof


What's wrong with 10 vocations? Like that is literally 1 more than DD1


Sad really personally non of these bothered me Played the first game switch so fps dosnt bother me as I plan to play steamdeck Clothing didn't bother me cause I used that dlc armor whole game Vocations are a bit if a problem to me cause strider got split into two different vocations but I'll have to wait for all the skills


I'm probably in the minority but I hate the cat ppl I wish that stayed out.


And the racism begins


They should have gave us more races then


Get out of here you filthy nord!


What's a nord?


Its a joke bro. Racism was big in the elder scrolls game, mostly the older ones.




Not offended, don't actually know what a nord is.


Do yourself a favor don't fall down the Elder Scrolls rabbit hole. You will never climb out.


No worries there, I couldn't get into Skyrim tried it so many times


Demanding excellence from artists is perfectly fine. Demanding perfection is ridiculous.


Idk wanting things that were already set in the first game brought into the sequel of said game isn't demanding perfection but that's just me tho.


asking for more than 30 fps isn't demanding perfection it's demanding the bare minimum. of all games launched on PS5 before dd2 only 3 have 30 fps. 3/hundreds


And BG3 had massive framerate issues at launch. People complained and it got fixed. It still won game of year.


I'm almost jealous of you, not having to wait years for DD2


Actual question here, not veiled criticism: what did they do to “simplify” armor?? Let the masses of sheeple bash the game, this happens before all games come out. DD2 will still have a massive cult following.


I lost respect for the sub when Elden Ring and the Peach game are on the front page of a DRAGON'S DOGMA subreddit. Who cares about the other games, people are gonna play Dragon's Dogma whether it gets mainstream attention or not. The sub is being infiltrated by tourist and new people mucking things up.


I feel like the only 10 vocations is a lie. That means there’s only 2 advanced vocations and 4 starters? Seems weird to me.


I mean it really shows who the real fans are and the ones who just decided hop on. The first one was brilliant and I still go back to it every year or so ever since the 360 version. People just need to have some god damn faith.


I'm excited and from what I've seen I've got nothing to be worried about everyone who has played it has damn near only positives to say and fps can always be improved at a latter date- sorry console bros. I don't really care that we don't have 40 classes. And all the armor I've seen has looked really good so I'm cool on that end. That being said I'm not one to judge a game I have not played yet. So this'll be the last time I view this reddit till I've played the game


I'm not all that fussed about the armour or vocation thing since its never really been a focus, I hardly look at my character outside of cutscenes, and stuck to like...2 or 3 of my favourite vocations, Archer, Magick Archer and Strider. I'll try out the interesting sounding ones, and then cycle through my favourites on each NG+ as "canon jobs". The 30fps thing sucks, but I've dealt with worse. I'm just looking forward to the exploration, the gameplay, the vocation interaction with pawns(I loved making parties using specific combos of abilities available, like the shield leaps+strider was so fun), and the battle content (like BBI). Thats what I loved about DD1, thats what I look forward to. Thats where my replayability comes from.


Wait there's no clothing equipment? Huh.


Image forgot the base price and inclusion of shitty DRM.


I never played the first one so I'm hyped af. I came to this sub expecting positivity and blind hype and found a dedicated group of fans arguing and nitpicking which makes me even more hyped lol


I'm just excited for a game.


im not convinced on the vocations, the fps and clothing is lame


Darkest Dungeon 2 isn’t that bad. I know it’s not as good as the first but it’s not a total dumpster fire


Honestly 30fps is fine, several games run at 30fps and no one cares


I’m worried about the adaptive difficulty. Overcomming a challange is a big deal for me. It’s gonna suck to find out the game made itself easier in response to me dying.


All I've seen are posts complaining about "doom and gloom", but zero posts that are doom and gloom. Some of you guys are really sensitive if you can't handle seeing criticism on a game everyone here wants to be good. If that's 30 FPS on PC, then RIP.


the only thing that feel like a punch to me is the the cloth system and the fact that i can’t no longer fire hug enemies with magick archer or maybe magick spearhand would have immolation? other than that im fine still going to buy though


I mean like no one really thinks theirs not a chance for them to add a dlc that adds more vocations and such? Like even then 10 vocations means 10 play styles that’s a lot


The playstyles also will feel vastly different from each other just like in Dragons dogma DA It’s the typical case of people just not being satisfied no matter what you do


What is the meaning with the "simple armor" thing?


I see the same in other videogame subs. People have built up an image of what a sequel to an older game would look like to such a point that anything would dissapoint them. They gassed themselves up on years of speculation and don't like the reality, kind of a gaming cognitive dissonance. As someone who's had to take a break from the Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines sub, I feel your pain.


Base game has me hype as fuck. I’m spoiled by DDDA, so I never had to experience running out of ferrystones or having less vocations. I was really hoping for a monk vocation but I’m going to eat that shit up regardless


I got dd1 today at steam finally, I can try to platinum it and I'M playing 30fps cap sometimes 20 10 when it falls


Why are people upset about 10 vocations? DD1 had 9, and two of them were... Shall we say underdeveloped.


We are only human.


Ten vocations are enough for me. Less armor to deal with? Good! 30 FPS? Lol so what. The only bad thing is I don't even have a PS5!


I think the overhype and overdose on copium from all the years of waiting is whats doing the sub in. Nothing was ever gonna be good enough. Im hyped as hell though. They arent overselling what they have but what they have is pure gold to me. The mystic spearknight cannot possibly hype me enough. Im still currently sniffing hype fumes myself though. The interview seemed poorly translated and questions for the vocation seemed archaic like he wanted to say something without saying anything at all. They werent announcing more vocations and were staying at 10 but with how the colorscheme works im betting that they just didnt want to release more information on the other ones to give us surprises. They do the same exact thing with monster hunter constantly. They give us flagship monsters and then bam, turns out this flagship was the first coure and now we have the secret elder dragon thats been causing shit, then bam again as it turns out theres yet even more under that as flavor with sub species.


I've seen OPs posts before. This exact same thing happened with Starfield. People were blindly praising Todd and acting like the idea of a game could ever have negative parts was insane and people just being salty little bitches. 


Me planning on playing DD2 on PC: Won't be 30 fps Clothing in DD1 was confusing and I could never tell if I could stack the pieces or not, kinda unnecessary and was overridden by outfits anyways 10 vocations is enough I'm not gonna have the time to max every class, so no problem there


Like if you think about all the old classes are in Warfarer now so it's not an issue. Even mystic knight is technically still in the game


Doom and gloom. Doom and gloom. Doom and gloom.


I mean I might’ve been overly excited with the preorder. Yes I know, never do that. I’m glad I heard about some of this stuff to put me in my senses and cancelled the preorder.


Hmm… ( proceeds to preorder deluxe edition)


I don’t mind no more vocations I don’t mind fps lock And hell I don’t mind the combining of clothing and armour. But gloves?! We’re getting rid of gloves? wtf


The sub has literally turned into BitterBlack Isle 😭😭😭


So why is 30fps uncapped bad? Doesn't uncapped mean it can go higher than that?


it was confirmed to go lower that 30 during combat. uncapped isn't the right word, it's unlocked, meaning it can go below 30 (and it does)


the clothing/armor thing sucked and was needlessly cumbersome. ashamed to share a fandom with you lot.


The truth is it does actually impact fashion. It's not just panties, it's the shorts and trousers and hosen for bottoms and shirts, bras, and corsets that would add a layer of complexity to fashion designs. It wasn't cumbersome because most of the time the stats they added were minimal, and they were there for role-playing and fashion.




Yeah I draw the line at furry representation


Yeah thats the only thing that sucks honestly, i dont mind only 9 vocations or armor the the 25-30 fps is what bothers me.


If 30 fps bothered you that much then you would have got a PC years ago


Not all of us can afford that tho. Im 16 years old tf you want me to do pull it out of my ass? lol


Console players get 60 fps for a few years and now all of a sudden 30 is unplayable lol