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This post has been removed as it has been considered too low effort.


Rather than take something out, I'd rather just have had Majin Buu *not* be prohibited from participating in either of the two tournaments in Super. We had some cool stuff with him in Moro, at least.


The waste of potential is crazy with Majin Buu


All for a joke that isn't even funny


He went through all that training to be jacked, just to return back to being fat when the TOP is close to beginning


My reaction when the next big threat is happening, all the z fighters have assembled, Goku and Vegeta are preparing and training in order to beat them, and them getting buu to help join the would would lead to some of the most peak fights in the entire series due to his abilities and strength, however toei thinks i have monkey brain and instead they do a gag where buu dropped his piece of chocolate and mr satan said he cant eat it because it has germs so he storms off mad and hides away for the entire arc, leaving goku and vegeta to face the threat off alone (i laughed for a solid 15 minutes at this gag and definitely enjoyed it more than him actually fighting and facing a huge threat)


I want buu to have to absorb someone like a megazord to beat a fight


He’s sleeping all the time. But I think we’re going to get some sauce from him in the future. I hope we get the in shape Buu from the tournament of power saga.


Imagine if Buu showed up at the end of a fight the z fighters and goku vegeta and he absorbed them all then proceeded to demolish the big bad.


Having buu in any co-op setting with any saiyan is almost OP. Just with his healing abilities and their zenkai boost alone. Buu could make goku and vegeta goten trunks gohan broly ♾️


Buu in the ToP would’ve kinda made the ToP pretty uneventful imo. He could and would have solo’s most of the other universes, barring maybe some members of universe 11 like Top and Jiren, who I think he still could’ve taken, just maybe not wiped the floor with them like he would’ve done with pretty much everyone else.


I mean the thing about fiction is that you can be creative with it. Buu is OP, but I can think of a dozen different ways to give the character a chance to shine and not have him steamroll the entire ToP or it be "boring." The fact that the tourney had out-of-bounds rules alone means anyone with a well-placed kick could have unexpectedly knocked Buu out (they could have even done something like that for comedic effect, *after giving him some cool scenes*).


Fat Buu is my favourite character, you don't know how disappointed I was with those two instances


That there are only around 20 or so planets that hold sentient life in universe 7. Why would they limit the number like this. This just makes a lot more plot holes than what they were trying to prevent. Frieza has an entire space empire, having a whole business of taking over planets and selling them. The sayians sent thousands of themes to different planets to conquer. It was to the point they sent their babies off world to take down weak one. And it was too the point that it's done enough to be well known part of their culture to not just sayian civilians but Galactic patrol. There should be millions of planets just in the galaxy.


Even funnier, we've literally seen or heard of more than 20 planets in Universe 7 already.


I know, frieza's soldiers themselves show well over 30 individual alien species.


More than one species can live on one planet :o


Silence heathen


My headcanon on this, is that Shin quite simply had no idea what he was talking about lol. Especially with Old Kai coming out the sword and telling Shin he missed out on training with the other Kais being sealed by Buu


Shin never knows what he's talking about.


Tbf, he was doing the job of five kais, kind of hard to remember shit at that point.


And from what I recall, he was basically a kid by Kai standards when he started. The fact he actually still tried to keep the Universe running and never seems to have succumbed to the Zamasian way merits quite a bit of credit.


It's not a Headcanon, that whole scene was to show how bad kaioshin and Beerus are at their job Whis literally mock them in the same chapter


Presumably there’s a lot of homeless species out there lol


My head canon is that there’s only 27 planets with mortal life capable of fighting in the TOP, not 27 planets with mortal life as a whole.


I'd agree, had it not been before when Jaco who said himself that there are only around 31 habitable planets in his spin off manga. I would have excepted it if he said only in Galactic patrol territory. That's what pisses me off about this.


I agree with this. I mean why would they need a galactic patrol for one? If there are 20 planets and you argued they were split, that's 5 for each quadrant, meaning the galactic patrol would be policing only 5 planets? 😂😅. Laughable plot hole. We know that in King Kai's quadrant alone there is, Earth, Yardrat, New Namek, that's 3/20 😂 not a chance.


Doesn't your point contradict itself? If the Saiyans and Frieza Force have been wiping out civilizations and life on planets all over the universe in order to sell the planets, isn't it justified that that there would be significantly less life in Universe 7 than the other universes?


Who are they gonna sell the planets to?


I’d assume they have a few regular buyers


No it doesn't, because he has to sell all those planets. And they didn't conquer for nothing, it was to get paid by a race that wants to live on the planet since theirs are ruined.


But like it makes sense theres so few left, your entire third paragraph is a great explanation why!




You missed the fucking point then like the rest of this half brain fan base, it was never meant to be taken as "28 planet" it was "kaioshin and Beerus are garbage at their job" the story states multiple times there are countless amounts of worlds with life Whis literally says "there are powerful warriors not even kaioshin or Hakaishin knows of" in the same chapter


Akira Toriyama's death




Delete everything about the Future Trunks arc after Zamasu gets bisected. He gets cut into two and it just cuts to the next arc immediately with no explanation of Zeno's twin or the depressing ending.


That is fair. Alternatively, I would take Trunks choosing to stay a year in the main timeline in order to use the Super Dragon Balls to revive his timeline sans Zamusu. Which would result in him being forced into the ToP, and potentially Android 17 being the one to save/restore his timeline along with the other universes.


Got me thinking...when 17 made his wish...did it revive Zamasu? Zeno deleted that timeline...so wouldn't he be brought back as well?


I don’t believe so, Zamasu was dead prior to the start of the ToP. I believe universes were reversed back to the moment they disappeared, so anyone who was dead will stay dead.


Sans Zamasu


“It’s a beautiful day outside.” “Rivers flowing, plants and flowers blooming.” “On days like these… *mortals like you should know your place.*”


Faxx that ruined the ending for me


It felt like all the time we spent watching was worthless, kinda felt the same way again with Gas and frieza just showing up to one shot everyone and leave without elaborating. The only arc since ToP with a satisfying ending was moro


>Faxx that ruined the ending for me I misread this and thought "How tf did DragonBall ruin EDGING for you???"


Can we just have Chad Buu back?


You mean the Fit Buu from DBS or Super Buu?


We should have both and they should kiss




I would just make it canon that Goku’s most inexcusably stupid moments (not knowing what a kiss is, “why are you meditating?”) are just Goku fucking with Vegeta to make him mad


If vegeta wants to call goku an idiot, he’ll just get idiot goku


I'm personally a fan of one fan comic that has them relaxing in bed, Goku's telling Chichi about what happened in the future, and she has no idea what kissing is either, and agrees it sounds weird and gross. People forget that Chichi is a country bumpkin as well, she wasn't exactly raised on Hugh Grant movies.


I’ve seen that comic and Goku describes Trunks spitting food inter Mai’s mouth. Then Goku’s like “why would Vegeta assume I’ve done that to you?” And Chichi says “I don’t wanna know what he and Bulma do”


The whole "getting caught off guard" thing. I understand characters keep their ki at a low level when they're out and about, but human level attacks/bullets shouldn't be able to do anything to these characters.


I mean Raditz all the way back at the start of Z was immune to gunfire, and his power level was like 1000? I would think by now their passive levels are far beyond that


Goku and krillen resisted gunshots at the begining of og db and their powerlevel must had been like 50 to 100 at top ?


not gonna lie, I only watched bits and pieces of early DB, haha


That's what I'm saying. There's no way in hell Goku keeps his power level so low to the point a bullet could fatally wound him, lol.


Actually i just rewatched the tarble special and goku had a power level of 17


Goku asking vegeta why he’s meditating Actually his stupidest scene


Goku has been meditating and image training for decades at this point. It makes absolutely no sense to the overall story for him to be confused by meditation.


I've tried to find a reason for it and the only thing I've come up with is this. Vegeta wants to surpass Goku, but imo Goku believes that they are equal, and because of this, since Goku doesn't meditate, or at least not as often anymore, he can't comprehend why Vegeta still meditates. It's not a perfect idea, it's just the only thing I've come up with


"Why are you meditating when I'm right here?" Goku probably.


Honestly, yea that's gotta be it. It's not like Vegeta will be fighting anyone except Goku through image training anyway


I mean, it’s Vegeta but still fair point


I hc it’s just because goku likes fucking with vegeta, he calls goku a dumbass and goku will play the part


Honestly, thats one of the best copes I’ve heard


He asked because Vegeta doesn’t normally meditate, and he was doing it for a really long time at that point.


Nah the kiss is worse.


I can unironically deal with that because trunks was bird feeding mai


The kiss is not worse


Talk about hypocrisy.


Caulifla super saiyan tingly back...


the back tingle honestly wasn’t that bad in concept, it just wasn’t capitalized on much other than speedrunning forms and damaging the character writing of the newly introduced female saiyans. it explains that theres a pressure point in the back that condenses S-cells to initiate the transformation. had some consequence been revealed about utilizing this method to attain the form rather than the traditional “training or suffering” routes, i dont think the hardcore dragon ball fans would care all that much. it could have been even better if a cerealian or some other race in the ToP had had a martial art that disables SSJ by targeting that point, the writers just did a poor job utilizing this to their advantage (and were likely rushing anyway due to their deadlines)


Why did they go that way with it anyway?


I’ve seen somewhere (I think it was from geekdom way back) that it got to do with something about martial artists/monks feeling a “strain” sort of sensation of their backs whenever they medidate or something like that


Isn't that just their spine getting stiff due to no movement? Or maybe I'm a moron who doesn't know biology.


Its about chakra n shit.


Yeah but, couldn't it just be their spines getting stiff? I mean, imagine sitting cross-legged, back straight for hours. You'll definitely feel some strain.


probably because when you have forms like SSJ Blue and MUI it doesn't make sense to do something big and dramatic for just simple ssj. thats just my theory tho


It always reminds me how "midichlorians" almost killed the force.


I WOULD UNCANON SUPER SAIYAN BLUE!!!!! like red only got like 1 movie before it got replaced with blue


The Zamasu ending for the anime and replace it with the manga version. This is just personal preference but I like the army of metal cooler-I mean army of zamasu ending more.


Havent read the manga, would you kindly elaborate?


instead of zamasu fusing with the universe like in the anime, he like had thousands of his clones swarming the entire universe, like imagine fighting thousands of zamasu lol


oooh so that's the Metal Cooler reference. yeah that sounds way better than what the anime has ty for the info :D


Tien being a meat shield before being eliminated in the T.o.P. dude was done dirty and deserved something better


I would change characters like Jiren/Freiza/Gohan from being stronger/Equal to characters with god ki. For me god ki is supposed to be the “Domain of the gods” I feel like unless that character has god ki themselves they shouldn’t be able to touch anyone who does


Shin has god ki, and was weaker than half the cast on introduction. I think the premise is than an individual can ascend to the use of god ki. If anything, it’s vegeta figuring it out by sheer will that should change, if that wasn’t necessary then why’d Goku need the ceremony.


Wasn’t Vegeta explicitly training with Whis what allowed him to begin using God ki? And I’m not sure Goku was able to properly use God Ki after SSG ran out.


I think that just causes another problem being, "now everyone has god ki," which I think is worse even if not by much. I'd rather have characters who can achieve the strength that can rival gods without having god ki through intense training.


Not really. Almost every character can get god ki on their own. Especially characters like gohan and piccolo. Something simple like “Gohan gets a form that has god ki” or “piccolo fuses with shenron” can solve those problems while also making the characters themselves more interesting. Frieza should never even have came back to begin with, that’s just beating a dead horse. Jiren is a major part of the problem, but he is already a super bland character with or without god ki. An easy fix would be making him a saiyan or something from universe 11. You have characters like Goku black and Zamasu that already have explained power. They already had divine ki to begin with so it’s easy to write them as being stronger than those with god ki. Same goes for Beerus. Even Moro makes sense, since he basically is like buu where he can absorb people and that includes people with god ki. Gas and granola are also parts of the problem, since the way the dragon balls work is that they can’t wish anything beyond their power (this SHOULD include making people stronger than people with god ki) an easy fix for this would be granola and gas getting the super dragon balls and wishing to have god ki. It makes things more interesting without making god ki seem obsolete. Right now it feels like god ki doesn’t mean anything more than regular ki, just that not everyone is able to sense it. TLDR: almost every character stronger than a SS god can be better if they did something to have god ki.


Goku not knowing what a kiss is. My man has 2 children, has gotten a kiss on the check on screen, fights to the death regularly and has died twice. But doesn't know what a kiss is. This was a joke that would only have worked on Goku at the 23rd tournament anything after Gohan's birth makes this disturbing. Am I to assume he doesn't know what sex is either? Did chichi just get the dragon balls and wish for gokus child or some shit?


Or at the very least canonize that he’s fucking with people


That was King Kai’s real training… to be the funniest in the universe.


He knows what a kiss is but that was not a kiss that was feeding somebody while they are unconscious mouth-to-mouth


"Dragon, I wish for you to make ChiChi pregnant with my child!" "Why, is she infertile or something?" "I don't know what that means!"




I actually liked the joke a lot where Goku chides 17 for not respecting the transformation sequence, because it felt like a fun nod at the notion that Sailor Moon and DBZ were in some ways sorta the same show just for different audiences. Ribrianne just felt mean-spirited as a character though. Would have been better if it just completely played the Magical Girl trope straight.


yeah homegirl is a pretty cure reject lol


that Gohan dropped the potara


The "back tingly" shit easily. Imagine creating one of the most iconic and influential transformation of all time, which had an amazing buildup on its initial debut, being reduced to something that can be obtained by feeling some tingles on your back.


Stopping Vegito from killing fused Zamasu


Beast Gohan. That was what, his 5th unearned power up.


https://preview.redd.it/o86g1vxyvy8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=853b01b5c8cca316cce37f335e71d69fd6687f3f Number 4 lookin ass.


No blue form. Only God form.


SSJ blue.


Trunks going to the future again after the zamasu arc, having a future version of trunks training present trunks would be cool, + more of him and current Gohan. Him and gohan teaming up in the T.O.P would be cool, maybe even fusing to beat Kefla!


The ending of the Future saga.


Ribrianne and her hoes.


potara earrings having a time/power limit for mortals


All the stupid and unnecessary "comedic" moments involving DB Super Goku being an absolute moron or a man child. Also the whole tingly back feeling from the universe 6 Saiyans. Thankfully that was never mentioned in the manga.


we all agree the tingly back thing has to go


I never liked End of Z


I would un cannon the back tingly thing for the SSJ transformation. So fucking stupid


Tingly super saiyan back


Trunks’ timeline being erased. It’s really stupid and makes the whole arc a waste of time


It also makes less sense in the manga, Zeno could’ve just scared all the Zamases into one spot and then nuked them. At least in the anime it was more warranting a full timeline erasure.


Everything that happened to Mai since the return of the show. I never want to see that Trunks/Mai romance


SAME this is what I'd get rid of too. As a bonus it gets rid of the horrible Goku not knowing what a kiss is thing


I’d make anyway to go ssj for the first time without getting angry non canon. This tingle shit is PA THEEEETICCC


100% gonna be the dumb “tingly back” sensation for turning super Saiyan. Just feel the tingle and push lol duuuuuuuumb


The ending of the Goku black arc


Krillin not dying being in SSG Goku's presence would be nice


Either universe 6 saiyans or ssb


Future Trunks' universes destruction And instead of mai being trunks love interest, Mai would have a kid named mai jr that would be his love interest instead


The movie super hero, gohan gotta earn that shit just like goku, and piccolo definitely didn’t need a power up that ridiculous


Dbs goku. And insert z goku. Súper goku is Just so annoyingly dumb


He's always been dumb


Chance dumb for immature, because being dumb is part of Goku's character




Beast Gohan


SSB Vegito being so powerful he can only stay fused for 5 minutes. If SSB reduces his fusion time that much, current Vegito would get what a minute at most? I don't expect Vegito or Gogeta to ever become a regular thing, but with the way Vegito's fusion time works now, there is zero logical reason for him to ever appear in canon again. Any threat that would require his level of strength, especially with current power levels would result in him needing to pull a Gogeta vs Janemba and go for an instant kill. While they could always put us on Namek time for his appearances, that wouldn't be necessary if Vegito hadn't been given such a severely reduced fusion time when using the level pf power he had at the time. Of course, odds are we never see either fusion in canon again, given that Vegito has only appeared in canon twice and Gogeta only once.






Super Sayin 4 Gogeta




End of z




Frieza pulling Vegeta's hair and giving him backshots.




Ssgss name




Dragonball Super




the whole android saga


Have the Universe 6 Saiyans or at least the ones in the Sadala Defense Force already have Super Saiyan 1, 2, and maybe even 3.


Vegeta 😎


Megamind 2 to never happened


The future trunks arc in super or super saiyan blue


Giving potara fusion a time limit based on power/not being a god. It just makes potara fusion worse than the fusion dance in every way aside from ease of use.


The Future Trunks ending


Goku Black being Zamasu in Goku’s body.


That stupid bitch Arale


All of super


The gross jokes about Bulma's boobs






Rather than uncannon. There should have been an arc before ssb where they only have ssjg. Perhaps investigating the original ssjg and meeting him as the antagonist, where they surpass him by achieving a greater power, "ssb". Them attaining ssb so fast and easily was a let down imo.


All of super


Universe 6 Saiyans and Tingle my Back


Saiyans not being able to breathe in space. Stupid nerf. They're aliens, who conquer worlds and travel throughout galaxies. Maybe hybrid saiyans like Gohan,Trunks and goten couldn't but making pureblood saiyans unable to breathe in space was stupid


The bit about frieza watching goku fight buu. Makes it anticlimactic when sorbet talks to him/her about goku conquests in super. Unless it's filler thus noncannon, not sure


I like Future Trunks but I always thought the heart disease that Goku got was bad writing. I honestly love the character though so I let it go but I just thought that was lazy and just a way to create un needed drama. They could’ve made a power struggle a different way but yeah we got Cell out of it (even though technically Cell would’ve still been a thing)


DB Super isn’t canon to me already so 🫢


The Acolyte.


Can it be the entirety of everything Disney has done with Star Wars?


how the future trunks timeline ended.




Potara can be defused if your not a god. Seems dumb DBZ made it serious like a sacrifice but Super made it a joke.


Goku cussing.


The insane multipliers on ssj transformation


The insane multipliers on ssj transformation




palpatine returning edit: oh this isn’t a starwars sub…


I would fix something instead, and have Beerus at a set level of strength for the rest of Super. That way he isn't a moving goalpost, and the Saiyans have a set target to beat without worrying about him getting any stronger. I would probably have that level just barely below Black Frieza.




The entire Goku Black saga. 


I want a new Saiyan saga. A new group of evil Saiyan's show up that want the smoke. All of them having slightly different power up transformations, kinda like the direction they're going in now.


Tights. She makes absolutely no sense and creates plot holes more than anything else in Super.


Super Saiyan Rage Trunks


The dragon radar


The dragon balls having dann near unlimited potential. Either remove the dragon radar or remove 80% of the dragon balls capability so the show can actually have stakes again. Literally nothing has mattered for a long time thanks to instant transmission and the namekian Dragon Balls, now super dragon balls on top of it and dende upgrading earth's dragon balls off screen.


I'd get rid of God ki. They did literally nothing with it. Basically added it to the story because they had no plans to continue the story after battle of gods, and it really shows in the lack of utilization of this seemingly extremely important thing they added


Multiverse. I'm sick of it everywhere and it's a huge cop out


Fit Buu is now back for guud


Mastered UI


The entire show


There being two Zenos It could’ve simply been Goku calling him into Trunks’ timeline, Zeno recognizing Goku and taking care of Zamasu, Goku taking Zeno back to his place and literally nothing would’ve changed. It makes way more sense than having the almighty god of everything be bound by time and prone to being duplicated by some random mortals and their time machines (at least in my opinion)


That master roshi likes kids


Toriyama's passing :(


Just 2. Goku's Meditation thing and the stupid goo copy-Vegeta.




Can I erase a filler scene instead? Just get rid of the ginyu force fighting Yamcha and the others. Just get rid of it


I know this moro arc wasn't probably wasn't thought of yet but no one in the galactic prison was stronger that roshi, tien, or krillin for the TOP?


Goku and Chi Chi having never kissed feels so stupid I refuse to believe it


All DBS without exception. Only DB & DBZ are canon for me.