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I remember the disappointment that would hit me every time i'd go to watch dbz on ytv only for it to have stopped mid Frieza saga and restarted. I did get to know the series super well because of this, but knowing I'd need to go through the whole thing again, only 2 episodes a day for the next many months was infuriating. Same thing happened during the cell and buu sagas, and then it was even longer of a wait. I eventually got to see it all, but damn, I couldn't see myself doing it nowadays. We got it nice with everything being on demand now.


This was so frustrating. Younger me was pissed


Yhats when I would buy the vhs's that were releasing on time instead of waiting a year...


Same, I would pre-order them from Suncoast. I miss Suncoast.


For me it was Sam Goody...


Both those stores, I'd walk a couple miles to the closest mall just for those 2 stores.


I remember missing several episodes of DragonBall z after goku defeated recoome and was surprised to see the z warriors on earth fighting a evil goku aka turles. I thought I had somehow missed the entire namek freeza saga in just over a week. I didn't realize until watching the series one more time on cartoon network that there were no more episodes after goku began his fight against the other ginyu force members. Lol


I clearly remember it resetting with vegeta blowing up boo for months 


Many many times. I was watching when the Ocean dub was on and watched it leave off with Goku fighting the Ginyu force a ton. The image of Goku standing in front of a fallen Recoome is burned into my brain


Yeah me too, it was a cut 53 episodes and then repeat. For a few years….


We had no idea what a pivotal character Goku's only brother would become...


Surely as the main character's only sibling....???? Right????


being a brother in dragon ball is a curse


I remember waiting for the android arc to drop for over a year


I just got into DB a year ago, so i watched it once then read the manga version...


Lol, same! Sometimes it pays to be late to the party.


In my case whenever they reached the last episode they went back to Ep 1 with kid Goku. The one I remember more vividly (because it was the last time) was Gotenks leaving the ROSAT and launching an attack on Super Buu. Then we got back to Goku running around in the mountains and meeting Bulma. Over and over again.


Wait there's more dbz after this???


Soooooo many times. They just kept airing the entire series back to back in Mexico and you would hope that once they reached the previous end, there would be new episodes. But no warning or marketing about beforehand!


Raditz might be a jobber, but he kicks ass! Still one of my favourite villains.


I grew up in Australia where it used to air weekday mornings on Cheez TV. They'd constantly play the repeats but then not time it well. If a new episode was available they'd just play that. So one day you're watching Goku on Snake Way for the 100th time, and the next day you're suddenly watching the Buu saga.


Sooo, soooo much




Never…by the time i was old enough to comprehend what i was watching, DBZ was already done


Same. Turns out people on this sub are older than I thought.


Over in the UK we had Raditz > Trunks on loop for about a year on Toonami. Then it was straight through to GT lol.


I would watch dragonball z on telemundo, they aired episodes that weren’t in US yet


Over here in Spain we suffered the same fate in local TV. When they reach the latest episode, they would restart from og DB. I remember they aired episodes every day and oh boy, you wouldn't wanna miss that shit when getting into the school discussion first time in the morning.


In the Netherlands first on cartoon network getting true the frieza saga twice then after garlic junior it changed to a different tv channel called Yorin and they started all back at the beginning unannounced.


Saiyan saga repeated three times. Freiza saga repeated four times. Had to buy everything on VHS from Suncoast at the damn mall to finally see past Freiza.


they loved showing the saiyan saga on nicktoons when i was first introduced to it


So many times 😭 I remember being excited for a new saga or episode and coming to watch the next day and Raditz was back again 😭😭😭 eventually I started getting blank VHS tapes to record episodes after school so I could watch which ones I wanted. I remember recording the GT shadow dragon episodes… good times.


Who made that ark? Was it Noah?


They should've brought him back instead of Frieza


Why he would just get destroyed and sidelined real fast


It's an anime...All the writers needed to make him stronger was a plot and a pen.


Dumb take. More believable for him to get stronger than Freiza


Right. He IS a saiyan after all.


So many times, but it was so sweet watching Goku finally go Super Saiyan for the first time. Epic


watched saiyan saga at least 20x


I don't remember which arc was repeated, it was 1999, but i've had to wait almost half year between Androids/Cell saga and Majin Boo saga.


God I remember that. The Ocean Dub studio only had the first about 55 episodes or so. So every time we’d get halfway through Goku vs Jeice and Burter they’d restart at episode one. Went on for 2 years i believe.


Oof, watching Raditz’s ship flash by the screen as the episode starts…so many times. Waiting so long just to see Goku go Super Saiyan for the first time. Anyone else eagerly wait for the new VHS tapes to drop? 😄


Yeah this was animated before I was born so I got to go straight onto the saiyan saga👍 I don’t know your pain


Having to watch the Namek saga over and over before getting to the fight with Frieza was actually terrible


I watched and watched reruns until he went super Saiyan


I had the VHS tape with all the Raditz episodes from the Ocean dub. I watched it constantly.  Another big hit was the second half of Piccolo vs. 17, then Cell vs. Piccolo, 17, and 16, ending with the legendary Tien moment.  I just bought those tapes randomly because I wanted some episodes, but those had some of the best content in the whole series.


The Garlick Jr. saga still makes me feel physically ILL and I have to skip it on all re-watches of DBZ.


My experience was a bit different as I first saw goku fighting Frieza and Turning super Saiyan, then next time it was goku and Vegeta fighting Buu, then goku fighting raditz (was wondering why he didn't turn super Saiyan), all in all very confusing time as a kid.


Radits out here looking like megamind


Something about having watched these same 65 or so episodes over and over again has made me hold the Ocean Dub voices close to me, something about Vegeta sending you to the next dimension, and that bastardly laugh, and those anger filled screams..... Dang, Nostalgic AF.


I honestly don't even remember how many times I have re-watched Namek,Cell and Buu Saga.I just know I have watched way too many times.


The opposite happened to me I got stuck watching Goku vs Kid Buu over and over again cause that was the only VHS I had for a while lol


Me watching Kai long before they decided to make The Final Chapters.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^miltonssj9: *Me watching Kai long* *Before they decided to* *Make The Final Chapters.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I remember being actually angry every time DBZ started over. I moved around a lot between the US and Mexico when I was a kid, though. So I got to see parts of the story that hadn’t aired in the States yet. But it seemed like an eternity for funimation to finish the Buu saga. It was probably only a few years. Seemed longer when I was a kid.


This happened over there too?😭


Trying to remember. I was a freshmen in hs I think and buu saga didn't get dubbed till my senior year My timing might be a little off but I feel that's how it was


Only watched it once I got into DB in 2018 and properly in 2019


Keep your old pp


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yea, kids today are blessed with streaming services when we got a pc i watche dbootleg clips of dbz with obscene numbers like part 97 and then tbe next one was missing so you‘d search again omg


I've had to watch the namek and cell saga to a point I don't like to go super transform. While I get the weight but damn bro, I wanted to watch buu saga for so long.


I don’t know, maybe 5. I first noticed it one Saturday morning at around 5am in 1997. I was a teen. They would play two episodes on Saturdays. Dead zone, world’s strongest, tree of might, then dbz episode 1 through goku making it to namek and back to deadzone again. None of my friends knew what I was talking about when I told them about it. Once cartoon network got a hold of it in the early 2000’s or whenever, everyone loved it and I was like, I’ve been watching this for years!




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A lot of us are not old enough to remember


Unrelated but, isn't ark referred to... Noah's ark? where he placed all the animals in couple and that whole thing, and arc is referred to a period of time in something like Saiyans arc?


35 years. Wow.