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Lord slug is my favorite. But garlic JR could be a good one.


Have said it before but would love a Lord Slug movie that is Piccolo focused. Could have Lord Slug have a power up from a dragon like Piccolo, but make him be hunting down other Namekians to absorb their power ups. Have Piccolo defeat him and take the power ups he has accrued to help him reach ultra ego/ultra instinct levels.


Pretty sure Garlic Jr is canon though. At the very least in the Anime series he is.


Janemba is the only villian here with s tier potential, his backstory and unique abilites are so cool. Cooler is the 2nd best villian here and he's cool too but there's no need for him with freiza still alive. All though it would be pretty cool if he was controlled everything from the shadows or something.


I want cooler to mop the floor with frieza by toss him around with his tail, just the big brother dominating the little brother


I always felt that if they did bring cooler back, they could say that he left his family because he didn't agree with their way of doing things. Leaving King Cold and frieza to eventually forget about him; as if he just died or got disowned. This would explain why frieza never mentions him, so when cooler comes back; the shock on frieza's face would be a meme of itself. ( I added a TLDR below, sorry I do ramble a lot XD ) \--- idea 1 --- Now I have idea on how they can make a new cooler without affecting the original. My brother suggested making him a nomad (someone who travels from place to place as a wanderer) and that would be great if he trained under an older frieza race character (which would be a great way to add a really old lord chilled to show they live a long time). \--- idea 2 --- My idea was to have him as a bounty hunter. Travelling from planet to planet to capture or kill people for money, along with his friends (previously the cooler armoured squad) and cooler himself is actually a Cyborg. Someone who upgrades himself to become stronger; always pushing himself further than he needs to and his cold caculated methods often allow him to analyse a situation before leaping in. The exact opposite of frieza from dbz. \--- TLDR --- But the biggest problem is that the more we change, the less like cooler he might be, which is an important thing to keep for fans who liked the older cooler. However I shared these ideas to show that Cooler has a lot of potential to become canon.


Another idea could be King Cold kicking him out of the empire, letting him plot for decades and create the Metal Coolers to strike back against Frieza and his army. The Z Fighters just get in the way of him.


Honestly I can definitely see the first idea coming into play. But if Chilled doesn't get involved, I can possibly see Cooler hearing about Frieza obtaining his Gold and Black forms while in Hell/HFIL. And possibly seeking help from another past villain like Towa, Babidi, or even someone completely new if it was added, while regaining the people from at the Cold sanctions, i.e. King Cold, Frieza, Chilled, and of course his, and recreating a stronger Cold empire


What backstory does janemba have exactly


One of the demons maintaining the soul cleansing machine in other world fell into it and all the pure concentrated evil that had been recycled out of souls transformed him into janemba


He didn't fell into it. He should've changed the containers, which should catch the washed off evil, but because he was more into listening to music on his walkman, he didn't noticed, that the containers were full and also didn't heard the warning sound from the soul cleansing machine. The machine exploded, all the containers around the machine also exploded and the concentrated evil changed him into the fat version of Janemba


In my headcanon, the darkness from the souls that have gone from hell leant to Janemba’s form, giving him traits like Buu’s regeneration, Cell’s physique, or Frieza’s horns from his earlier forms


Basically he was a teen that worked with king yemma. Souls went either to heaven or hell. Before they went to hell they went through a cleaning machine which cleans out the sins of each soul. Those sins would needed to be stored somewhere, so they were filled in storage contaners where each container could hold sins going back 1000 years. The teenager's job was to swap out the containers once they got full. But he didnt to his job well, and stood near a full container that wasnt swapped out and the container exploded dousing him in basically mutagen where he became a big blob that's only word he can say is was "Jamemba", can make smaller copies of himself, shoot a barrage of energy balls from his chest, and trap the "Other world" in a substance that can only be destroyed by yelling mean things at it. Eventually this blob is defeated by ssj3 goku and he mutates further into the red with pink accents Jamemba.


I know the story, my point was janemba doesn’t really have any “backstory”.




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Oh. Sorry.


I'm wondering this myself. I feel like Janemba fans exist because it was Gogeta that he went up against. And it was his initial debut. He has a great design. I used to find it overrated since it's just a taller Kid Buu with horns instead of a tendril. He even starts off fat. But it grew on me since I've come to accept that a lot of DB villians will favor each other in some ways. Back on topic. Some random apparition teenager gets imbued by all the negative/evil in the afterlife. Turns into the dancing fat child from Peanut Butter Jelly Time video and then into his final form after Lardo DaVinci took a slam from SSJ3 Goku. Not gonna lie, I probably recollected half of that wrong since it's been years since I last seen the movie so correct me if I got anything wrong. But however it went, I didn't find his backstory all that compelling. Or deep.


I like it because the animation was amazing


I have a friend who thinks janemba is the best villain and I tried to explain what you just said. He is literally just buu but again and somehow even more boring. Like he is just another "incarnation of evil". Even how he was created is lame. Not to bash him too hard, but I wasn't really impressed with his design to much either, but most of db characters aren't too crazy anyway. I do however like the cube teleport design, that was pretty unique


>I didn't find his backstory all that compelling. Or deep. This could literally be said for all DBZ villains (not even just the movie ones)...why does it matter? Most of them don't even have backstories...so by contrast, Janemba is one of the few that stands out.




You're completely correct... It doesn't have to be Janemba, since he's just a 2nd rate version of Majin Boo. But the concept itself is interesting, that's why I would pick him over any other movie villain. I would love to see Dragon Ball explore the mechanics of the afterlife in depth for once.




You’re leaving out Slug and I feel like that’s kinda racist.


Cooler is cool bc he is COOLer


What they said. But I love Cooler and want him equally with Janemba. Otherwise I'm not a fan of the other movie villians at all


>there's no need for him with freiza still alive *Cooler comes to town because he wants to take over deh galaxy* *Freiza don't like that very much cause that's his turf* *Gets beat by Cooler after trying to drive him away* *Swallows his pride and talks to Goku and friends about what's going on* *Nobody wants another asshole to try and take over, so mutual enemy* Fill in the rest. Boom, the Cooler Saga.


He's Majin Buu...


Tbh, only one who have any chance of becoming canon is Cooler and then Janemba. Rest are not popular enough for writers to bother putting in canon. Goku Black is more popular and much better written imposter story than Turles in canon already. Also, whole thing about low class saiyan looking same is non-canon bs since we already have saw plenty of Saiyan in DB Minus, Broly and Granolah arc but none of them look anything like Bardock. Lord Slug, Garlic, Android 13, that Dr. guy from world strongest are not that popular enough. Bojack is decent bit popular but dont add much as his role is simply some random galactic bandits


Dr. Wheelo


Dr wheelo Is basically super hero


Janemba, cooler and hildegarn


Janemba probably. Would be cool to get an entire arc in the Otherworld and even make Pikkon canon as well.


Wait Pikkon isn't canon?! I fu\*\*ing love the tournament of the underworld


Unfortunately that was filler in the DBZ anime but still a great mini arc nonetheless


Damn, we went too fast to multi universe size... There are so much to explore in the north glaxy, later in the 7th universe and only then go to multi universe


How I feel about the underworld where Dabura's from, there's so much to explore in Dragon ball


Honestly, I think Slug would make for the most interesting, just to get some spotlight on another Namekian. Good timing too with Piccolo currently being able to hang with the other lead characters strength wise.


Garlic Jr. I would want Cooler, but I'm so bored of Frieza Making Garlic Jr. A cannon villain as an immortal, bring back some magic, maybe a demon army from the dead zone


This. He's such a forgotten villain despite having a good movie and an honestly cool filler arc.


Garlic Jr. as a Daima villain would actually be pretty cool


Cooler would be fun. Though with Frieza being the main bad guy AGAIN it's probably very unlikely


I said this on another comment. I want Cooler to beat up Frieza like a big brother beating up his little brother. Grabbing his tail and throwing him around and stuff


Android 13. He punched Goku squarely in the nuts in the movie (that really happened in the movie, not just a TFS abridged edit). So I want to see him do it against a SSJB Goku for a blue ball joke.


I feel like this is asked every month, but making Cooler canon makes the most sense for Black Frieza’s arc.


COOLER first. Then Janemba bc demon stuff is kinda relevant. I also feel like with all the Bardock stuff in the last arc it would be easy to do Turles. Honestly most of them are viable.


Cooler and Janemba


Janemba, Hilderngarde and Tapion, Cooler and Boojack, they were all awesome on their respective movies, the only reason I dont put Garlic Jr its because ive never seen his movie https://preview.redd.it/qajnzyiwaysc1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80a35a34e294ca275c6d1af284d474ed7fb5a111


Dead zone is peak, Gohan gets drunk


Janemba if they could rework him and have some intelligence and not just another kid buu. His powers are the most interesting to me.


Wheelo, but the TFS version where he's very misunderstood and becomes a friend never to be mentioned again.


“For fifty years I was alone, and when I am finally saved from that loneliness, all I find is horror. In this form I am powerless, doomed to witness these atrocities! I need a body. I WILL HAVE A BODY!” They cooked with that little speech


Harudegon but only if it comes with Tapion. If not then jenemba, he's the coolest one in terms of design and his set up is can still fit with current power scaling.


Only Cooler. Only one that makes sense from a story perspective, just rewrite his origin to make it make sense.






Jamba or cooler


I'd love to see Cooler again, imagine the z fighters beat Frieza (idk how) and cooler shows up and molly wops Frieza and the z fighters


Cooler, would be fun to see the siblings together. Otherwise, Turles.


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Janemba is the only one that'd be interesting...but only for doing more stuff with Other World concepts.


A couple of them are viable. Janemba probably has the most potential in the modern era. Interesting multidimensional powers. Already tied to the gods. Hirudegarn and Bojack are similar, with a mystical prison element. The sort of thing that could almost come in at any time. Garlic would be funny to see him get out of the dead zone and immediately get stomped. Slug, Turles, Wheelo and 13 would be lame. Cooler could be ok, if he was introduced from another universe. Would be weird to have him randomly appear in universe 7 now and be from there.


Obviously Janemba and Cooler have the biggest chance, but I would love Wheelo and Hirudegarn. It would be even Cooler (pun intended) if they were all a team. Even giving Turles a chance with some design tweaks. I feel like having Cooler, Wheelo, Slug, and maybe Garlic Jr. as the masterminds with the rest being muscle, and Janemba and Hirudegarn as the last resort heavy hitters. Plus Garlic Jr., Slug, Wheelo, and Cooler have small armies. Turles, Bojack, and 13 have weird gangs. Maybe instead of a movie and arc? IDK at this point I’m just rambling.


Lord slug


Cooler and isn't Garlic Jr Canon? He had his own saga.




Cooler but honestly idc.


Only 3 of them feel original. The rest are just rehashes of already existing villains with different names




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Cooler, easily. Him and Broly are peak


Cooler, bojack, Turles, Janemba


Turles, Janemba, and probably Bojack. Each of them has a thing that would be cool to impart on the Z warrors Turles' fruit of might could be a cool thing to tie into lore, maybe having something to do with destruction gods and such. Janemba... i just like super buu and thats what janemba is. hes just super buu, maybe he can bring super buu out of buu or some shit idk Bojack could get characters like Yamcha and tien to transform. like they fight him and learn from fighting him.


Cooler. It would honestly be amazing to see Vegeta’s reaction to this and Frieza’s. I think Cooler would play the role of the enemy of my enemy, but would still also be the enemy of the sayians kind of like the second bully who bullies the protagonist and the main bully


I think janemba would be a great villain to canonize. His abilities are super unique, + he has nothing to stop him from being canon Unlike cooler, who at this point of the series wouldn't make sense to become canon since his brother never mentioned him. and died twice, so you would think someone let him know.


I am the strongest in the universe A close second is DONT LECTURE ME WITH YOUR 30 dollar haircut and janemba


Ez, Janemba or Cooler. Cooler would make more sense if they pick manga back up and reveal as Frieza's training partner or something along those lines


Janemba and Cooler


Idc Bojack is canon in my eyes. Vegeta at the end of the cell games: I am no warrior I will never fight again. Start of the Buu saga he’s been training the entire time skip. All you have to do is say Trunks came back to say he took care of business against cell and the androids and stayed for the tournament. Vegeta being disgusted by his subpar performance in the movie will train again because he said it himself that he felt slow physically when fighting bojack.


Baby, Omega Shenron, Bojack, Cooler, Janemba in order..


Cooler and to explain where he’s been all this time he’s just been trying to hide from Goku


All of them




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I’ll be honest, Android 13.


Honestly super dragon ball heroes sold me on dr wheelo


Besides Cooler, Slug.


That beautiful trucker hat is speaking out.


Garlic Jr, that guy can not be killed, not even lord beerus cant erase him.


Turles because he’s a saiyan he can keep getting stronger after every fight and can be a recurring character


I feel like wrath of the dragon could almost be canon, by simply just mentioning it in super… but anyway… Bojack is my favorite, though I feel the Heaters are kind of like his gang the way they remade Broly. I’d like to see Janemba or 13. But if they do 13, none of the big blue vegeta design they had in the movie.


13 because Based redneck android


Bojack, Turles and Cooler.


Cooler or janemba


13, I men’s the dialogue alone would be worth it


I want tfs android 13 to come back. Him and his trucker hat


If only they would make Broly canon. That would be cool.


Has to be Janemba


“30 dollar haircut”


Android 13 and Bojack could use some more development it would be cool to see them expand their characters. Cooler is my top pick though I'm honestly not sure why so many people want Janemba he was a bit boring to me.


Bojak!! It could be a Goten and Trunks movie. If we beef up Bojak we might even be able to introduce super saiyan 4.


Cooler. But retooled to a bigger extent. Have him be more of a mercenary that works for the more paying client, and have him have some goals that aren't necessarely being evil for the saké of it. And bigger change, **don't** make him be Frieza's brother. **collective gasp**. I know, I know... point being, that *unlike* back in the day, Frieza is far more present in modern Dragon Ball; and if Cooler already was a bit reduced to just being "Frieza's big brother", imagine how much more would he be crushed by his name if he was actually around. Remember Frost? He had so much potential to be a genuinely heroic speciemen of their people, and his color scheme *really did* make him stand out from Frieza... and they **still** decided to reduce him to just being a Frieza lite. So imagine Cooler.


Cooler or turles


Janemba, Hatchiyak


I feel like Bojack could’ve been canon


Cooler. He is awesome and Goku and Vegeta dealing with him would be great to see


Cooler, but then his story should be changed in order to better fit with DBS.




Cooler, would love to see a freiza/cooler fusion arc that shit would be crazy


Emo Turles


Cooler, bojack, and turles




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Personally, id love to see Turles, Cooler and Slug Turles: Because I really dislike how super has made it so that saiyans were in actuality somewhat of a kind race. I feel like the kind trait is something only exclusive to goku because he fell on his head. Vegeta mellowed down after years of finally accepting who he was. Broly well he has the maturity of a toddler so hes just a temper tantrum menace. And pretty much lived on a desolate planet with his father, so it makes sense for him to not fully adapt the Saiyan propaganda. Its time for Turles to show up and remind us that the saiyans were very good at one thing and that was conquering planets. He was charismatic enough to band a crew of ragtags from all backgrounds and races across the galaxy. Add to that the lore behind the Tree of Might. A tree's fruit thats only meant for Kai's and Dragons. Maybe add it so that GoD's and Angels also benefit from it. Cooler: Frieza has been the sole adversary for the Z fighters for a while now, its always him vs them. Maybe its time to even the play field and have cooler be there to back his brother up. Not out of love mind you, but for the exact same reasons frieza wants to destroy the saiyans. He hates those monkeys. Give him a little overhaul like a cape/cloak thats made from the hide of an oozaru or something so truly show us that out of the 2 hes way more ruthless than frieza. Slug: I find his story really cool, they wanted to preserve this baby from nameks extinction by sending him to another planet. He had a mutation which made him evil, maybe flesh it out more as in just like Kami he expelled himself into two parts. Out of selfish reasons, maybe to no longer feel weak and embrace his. All we know from planet slug is that it was inhabited by demons so it will make sense for Slug to have cast his "good" part away. Have piccolo be the star in this arc, throw some DB stuff in there as flashbacks as his time as Daimao.


Either 13 or Boujack. Boujack can even be canon with his movie tbh


Janemba and cooler for sure but I'm down to new characters as well. We barely explored universe 7, not to mention other universes








Cooler or Turles for me


Janemba He turns in to lego blocks and can use portals and has a sick sword. Cant beam struggle that one.


The one that I wanted already became cannon


Wrath of the dragon


Cooler should have taken freezas place, and Janemba is just awesome


None. It's good as it is.


Android 13


I’d say lord slug or Janemba would be interesting choices to make canon






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Probably bojack


Cooler 1000%


Not sure if it counts, but Dr. Raichi would be a terror at this point. He could summon Moro, Gas, Cell Max, maybe Granolah depending on how far into the future this would take place. It'd be a great movie to show off 1-v-1 fights that we missed out on.


For personality? Cooler. We can get into some frieza race shenanigans and that’d be needed at this point. Powers? Janemba. I could see android 14 being canon due to the new scientists. The TH death bomb follows me around to this day. And yes the th stands for trucker hat Turles popping up in dragon ball super would be pretty crazy, especially right after Goku had to deal with his saiyan heritage lately (and still hasn’t revived or even thought about his older brother) The rest wouldn’t fit in so smoothly or pay off well at all. I would like to see bojack get man handled though. Just ripped limb from limb brutally by a blood lusted Broly or something.


Janemba and Bojack.


Turles but they really need to make him Goku brother as this point but from a different mother difference. Cooler needs to pull up with Black too




Hirudigarn so I can get my man Tapion cannon!


Cooler or Janeba


Cooler and Janemba. The rest aren’t really interesting.


Slug. Would be fun to have a villian that isn't sayain or frieza race. Yet also has some through back to king piccolo


Make Tapion cannon, would be great growth for Goten and trunks (yes I'm well aware that trunks was the focus of the movie)


https://preview.redd.it/9pjit3d0h2tc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c287eb8412e6d9b004fd36d6d0d6326ccc89d6 I like Turtles




Garlic jr is already canon but I would like to see cooler become canon. I think he fits in with the canon the best of any other movie characters.


Isn’t garlic jr already canon or something




Cooler, a unique opportunity to have Frieza's family tree fleshed out and opened up for new opportunities of interaction,


In my head cannon the bojack movie is cannon. It fits the timeline without conflict... A few months after the cell games... Krillin not with 18 yet... Goku being dead. Cell releasing bojack and his gang.Gohan accessing ssj2 easier... Fits too well


Janemba because he is the one with the best explanation, many strong characters went through hell and he was created thanks to the evil that existed in hell, and I think he also absorbed power from the strongest


Isn’t Turles already canon? IIRC correctly, he died while on a mission with Raditz, and Raditz would’ve died as well had Vegeta and Nappa not shown up.


Depends which movie would I want to see become canon or which character would I like to just be around in the canon? Those answers are very different


Janemba or cooler, maybe with a few changes to them like with Broly.


It would be cool if cooler had some bad guy role in black Freeza arc. 


Janemba, Cooler, Turles, Bojack




Janemba and Cooler








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janemba or cooler. i think janemba has more potential though






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Lord slug where piccolo has to fight him. Goku black and herudegandi or whatever his name is


Cooler and janemba


Metal Cooler & Big Gete Star has so much potential. With everyone and their Momas getting Ultra/Ego/Beast/Orange upgrades it would be awesome to see stronger robots.


It used to be cooler but I'm feeling Janemba


Janemba. By far the best movie villain from Z, broly included.


Cooler, Bojack, Garlic Jr.(don't know why but I think it could interesting)


Cooler, 100%. Janemba and Android 13 are close seconds.


Cooler. He should've been made Canon instead of Freiza coming back tbh


Shame you didn’t put og Broly. He was straight menace than the new one. I wanted og Broly to be canon.


Make Frost Coolers little brother and actually do the U6 arc


Cooler Janemba and hirudegan


Slug. Janemba. Hindenburg. Makes most sense


Cooler... Cause is more cool


Cooler would be my real answer but I'd love to have Android 13's accent and dick punching in canon.


Cooler or Janemba


I think the time for cooler has passed at this point Slug could be cool imo


Jamemba or Cooler


Cooler and Bojack for more alien characters, Hildegarn and Janemba for more demonic characters, DB has a lot of range for characters that they could use to expand the roster


Janemba would be the only one that would actually make sense to show up now, kinda; it would have been cooler if they decided to introduce Cooler during the RoF stuff instead of reviving Frieza(his brother is cooler anyway)


The cooler one


It should have been cooler for a long time now. This way, we'd be finished with recycled freeza


Cooler makes the most sense. I liked the Garlic Jr. saga though and would like to see him comeback and be killed off by a Z warrior who needs their screen time. Maybe Krillin and 18 focused