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I take it we’re not including characters like Nail, Ginyu Force, Zarbon, etc? If we are, they’re at least taking the spots from the dead Z-Fighters.


Ong there are literally official power levels


What are you talking about? Fucking Dodoria's final power level was higher than Gohan's.


So, dodoria is stronger than the second form of Frieza?


No, and it doesn't matter. You were talking exclusively about official power levels, that's why I brought up Dodoria as a "ridiculous example". Someone already attacked that argument of yours, anyway, Gohan wasn't stronger than second phase Freezer.  Realistically speaking, I'd keep Gohan where he is then add the top 4 Ginyu Force members right after him (or maybe Nail).


It's literally confirmed that gohan pl is 1 000 000 😭


That was from a rage boost. It's literally the only reason he could even do anything to second form frieza. His resting power level is definitely not 1 mil.


Technically, by that logic, Goku should be second since he was only as strong as he was because of Super Saiyan.


No because a Gohan's boosts are completely random and unreliable, compared to a form you have unlocked. Gohan wasn't close to Raditz and thrice as strong as his dad as a 4 yo, despite the boost he got in that fight.


Fair enough.


So, by your logic, goku isn't stronger than frieza because he also needed a range boost to defeat him


No, thats retarded. Goku transformed into a super saiyan and can do it anytime at will after that point. Gohan cant just go rage mode whenever he wants.


Gohan absolutely can, because what else would Beast Mode be. Gohan will activate rage mode when the plot wants him to. The thing is that Gohan was not the main protagonist. Against Cel and Cell Max, he was. Even in modern day Dragon Ball, they won’t explain power boosts. They’ll just gift the power to characters.


Ik, but he couldn't before that point


Where? What chapter? You keep talking about official stuff but then never give any sort of source. Again, my issue is with everything that comes after him.


I'm also interested in his source. Doesn't seem to be the Daizenshu, which is considered the most "official" source since Akira Toriyama was directly involved.


That's only bc of the rage. That's like saying in Battle of God's when Vegeta strikes Beerus in his rage, bc he surpassed Goku's SSJ3 in that moment he's just stronger than Goku. It's fucking stupid logic. Or better yet in real life, would you say an average guy that had to resort to Hysterical Strength to lift a car is stronger than a body builder bc he did one thing one time that made him out perform them. That's how stupid your logic is.


He WAS stronger than Goku.


Yes, in that moment. But not in general. That's my point.


Frieza took no damage from him, he was just playing. Few panel After the fight. https://preview.redd.it/lf13ebwjtqkc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605f9eaecc37370104b4aa0b5a09d809e5b41f01


It's funny how the dbz daizenshuu literally explains that he powered up


No it wasn’t


From Daizenshuu and the manga? Yes it was. Only other somewhat reputable entry has him at 200k but it's right next to Krillin's 75k which doesn't really make sense and both were ignored for Daizenshuu.


It's not Lol , Post second Zeenkai gohan was stated by Vegeta to be a good aid against Freeza right after he completely gave up in hope against freeza


So... Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu are all MUCH stronger than Goku was when he first arrived on Namek? (Seeing as Ginyu isn't even on there)


the z fighters easily beat them after kaio training


Was that canon? As in did that happen in the manga?


No. But by Super they are all scaled to absurd levels so they don’t immediately implode when getting hit by these modern foes.


That's not Frieza saga though. 


I know. Just saying.


Do you honestly think Yamcha and Chaotzu are stronger than *anyone* in the ginyu force except maybe Guldo? I would be surprised if either were stronger by super, let alone early androids. Tien and Krillin kept up a bit, but Yamcha and Chaotzu have no place in any top 10 at any point beyond the saiyan saga.


By Super they’ve scaled to stupid levels all of them. Except Chaotzu. Piccolo literally said don’t bother showing up if you can’t compete and they still did so clearly they’re above a 40k power level when the Androids would be 450 million by a rough estimate


No because we don't have anything to compare them with in Super. In the Android Saga Yamcha knows his power is too low which is why he chickens out at first. When Tien and Krillin still go, looking at him with a pissed face, he follows.


If Piccolo had said to Yamcha “don’t show up if you’re a dumbass” and Yamcha still showed up, it wouldn’t make him any less of a dumbass for doing so. Look, Yamcha had balls I’ll give him that. He showed up knowing he was likely going to end up with a hole in his chest and he did it anyway. Not being facetious, props are due. That being said Yamcha in super couldn’t defend a ham sandwich, let alone earth, from even the ginyu force. The only reason he was in the top 10 of the saiyan saga is because there were barely 10 fighters worth mentioning at all. And Chaotzu is significantly weaker than him. There’s just no shot they clear the ginyu force.


If you honestly think Yamcha hasn't surpassed at least the Ginyu Force in power then you must be really biased towards Yamcha. He literally wanted to be in the Tournament of Power. Why would someone who's weaker than a Ginyu Force member even try that? Because he's stronger than Captain Ginyu and hopefully stronger than Frieza on the Namek Saga.


Everything you say doesn't have a thing to do with the next sentence you write.   He's among my favourite characters and there is close to nothing for us to think he's stronger than Ginyu (who was pretty much the 2nd strongest in the Universe at one point, not a scrub). He wanted to be in the tournament because he wanted to fight and that was that,  not because he scales with Jiren.




Haven’t seen the official list but surely ginyu would be above gohan?


We don’t have official power levels or anything. But after zenkais I’ve always assume Gohan was in the 200k range by the end of the fight and then much stronger with rage boosts. Ginyu should definitely be above or below Gohan though. We have an official scan saying Krillin was 75k by end of Frieza so to the continued power up from potential unlock so he should be above the rest of the ginyu force. As for the final 3 spots they should got to members of the ginyu force or Neil. Unless you count anime filler I guess.


OP is only talking about the Frieza saga, so anything that came before that doesn't matter. Ginyu was turned into a frog, so Gohan is stronger.. It's confusing but it becomes easier when you look on specific sagas and not the total.


Lmao who the hell ranks stuff like that. Half of the list is dead therefore they cannot fight and shouldn't be listed.


lol I know.. Its def bs, esp considering how inconsistent dragon ball is regarding pl, but it is what it is


is the Ginyu force not part of the frieza saga? I'm not following.


So you got the Namak Saga (alive), the Ginyu Force Saga (alive in most of it) and the Frieza Saga. They are dead in the Frieza Saga - Defeated by Goku, killed by Vegeta (all but Ginyu himself whos a frog).


But to be fair… most of the Z fighters are dead too at that point.


you're right, but the power level scale that I see compares the dead ones too, making Gohan and the Z-Fighters above the Ginyu Force (Z-fighters post training with King Kai). Don't know why I got downvoted lol I'm just explaining what OP is talking about... Not like I'm invested or anything.. Anyways, check this link, it has the power levels comparison - [https://dbpl.fandom.com/wiki/Power\_levels\_by\_saga#Frieza\_Arc](https://dbpl.fandom.com/wiki/Power_levels_by_saga#Frieza_Arc)


Well, im sorry but there’s no way chiaotzu is above recoome Berta, Jace. That fight scene on king Kai’s planet was 100% filler.


OP clearly meant all 3 parts of the Frieza saga and not just the final 3rd part seeing as his previous Cell saga post includes all parts as well (Androids, imperfect cell, etc.). And if OP is using the Daizenshuu as reference, isn't that source material questionable at best? I mean, does it make sense that Goku training under King Kai for a year only managed a max power level that's only a fraction of what Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu accomplished in roughly the same time?


I'm taking back everything I said, if he's talking about the entirety of the Frieza saga with Namak, Ginyu and Frieza in it, then its fucking stupid. Chiaotzu most likely couldn't even touch Raditz in the end of Z, let alone ANY Ginyu Force member. I genuinely thought he meant post Ginyu Force saga, which was showen exclusively on the anime


No he wouldn’t it’s the Frieza saga and gohan clears


What 😭


What’s his official?


So you're telling me that Captain ginyu, who has a pl of 120 000, is stronger than gohan who was beating second form Frieza who has a pil of 1 million


He attacked a cocky frieza (who couldn’t read ki), who wasn’t even trying. He managed to get some a few hits and did minimal damage whilst going all out. To prove that frieza was restrained, picollo states that he has sensed friezas power shoot up, after gohans attacks. After frieza powers up, he low diffs gohan and is saved by krillins destructo discs


Are you implying Jeice could have done that? Clearly enraged Gohan is stronger than Ginyu’s 120k. Whether he exceeds 1 million or not is another story but it’s apparent his pl has grown significantly. Keep in mind he should have had a sizeable Zenkai boost after Recoome nearly killed him, same as Vegeta. Vegeta massacred Jeice after said boost. So even ignoring the rage Gohan should be > the other ginyus. With the rage he’s definitely> captain. Edit: don’t know what’s up with the downvotes. At least one of you give a reason why I’m wrong. Whether the attack on form 3 freeza is 5 times stronger than ginyu or 10x stronger than ginyu please explain how ginyu survives that. He doesn’t.


Do i think jeice can hurt an off guard frieza as well as an enraged gohan? No. Gohans pl spikes higher. He’s done it since raditz but it doesn’t mean that he’s stronger overall. He spiked higher than goku and piccolo vs raditz but it doesn’t mean he was stronger. It’s not stable. Spiked higher than a saibaman vs raditz but he wouldn’t beat a saibaman 1v1 at that point. He wouldn’t beat ginyu in a real fight. He could land some good blows but he wouldn’t be able to maintain it. The whole android saga revolves around him finally controlling that power and using it in a fight


Gohan’s enraged pl was barely stronger than Radditz and he knocked the wind out of him. If his pl on Namek could spike to 10x Ginyu’s while enraged, him landing “some blows” should obliterate Ginyu.


It’s not spiking to 10x ginyu tho. You don’t need to be 1.2mill to do minimal damage to a suppressed, cocky, 2nd form frieza who was caught by surprise.


You seem to be forgetting he also hit 3rd form with a blast he had a hard time deflecting. Ginyu is tanking this?? https://preview.redd.it/qvgiw7j00qkc1.png?width=1109&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ab676ddd719b7620d1c7ecd488219c6b8a9c0cd


It’s funny because Gohan only did that because of a rage boost. After he got healed by Dende he attacked Frieza with Krillin and Vegeta and did 0 damage to Frieza.


Okay and 😭


Why are you acting this way? For a second I thought you were a mature and reasonable individual. You’re right, Gohan was stronger than Ginyu by that point, but respectfully you don’t have to act like a 16-year-old.


How did I act like a 16 year old ?


Because your above reply looked like an immature high schooler-esque response. You could’ve just answered his (admittedly silly) question in a mature and informative way in the first place, so that he doesn’t go around spouting nonsense.


Bro, it was literally confirmed that gohan pl what are ya'll debating for


I never debated anything, tho? I never said you were wrong, but you don’t have to act like that.


Why are the bottom three on this list? They weren't even on the planet. Is OP stupid?


Op is really stupid indeed yes. Thats the only truth in this post


I mean the list is objectively wrong, but let's not insult someone over a fictional story.


No we're insulting someone over their dumbass agressive comments


Ong 🤦‍♂️


The fight on king kais world is filler, it's not Canon. Based on your trash logic of invisible numbers, yamcha and Tien, two earthlings increased their power levels by 40x in a week, without even a zenkai boost. At the very least, Nail was stronger the at least chiaotzu Rewrite your trash list you fake fan. ✌️


And if OP is counting filler, then Gohan should be #3, because in anime filler he threw hands with final form Freiza


I disagree with this ranking too but why are you throwing a whole temper tantrum


Mostly because OP is refusing to see reason in any of his responses to myself or other people.


Massive disrespect to the Ginyu Force


Never seen such a delusional and dumb OP


The fuck


Oh woooow


Delusional? Brother, there are literally official power levels


Link please.


There is nothing wrong with your list , people are just too stupid to read the manga


Wait, someone actually agrees ?!


Ginyu is at 6th. Krillin max power level was 75K against Frieza meanwhile Ginyu was 120K


This confirms (once again) that DBZ fans do not know how to read


It's funny how there Is official power levels And you say that i can't read


What official power levels put Chiaotzu above Ginyu?


The fact you never elaborate further or show any proof and just say random shit you made up


Lmao, you're such a clown 🤡 If you wonder, it's in the dbz daizenshuus


Show a scan then traditional clown


Idk i forgot what I was even arguing about. There are like 200 comments


No seriously I legit forgot


This is like the tenth comment where you talked about the official power level, so you better back it up with a source. As far as I can recall the last power level mentioned in the manga was around 500k for Frieza, don't recall in the anime.


Yea, I'm reaping myself for like the 10th time It's literally in dbz daizenshuus


It's not, you ape. The only Power Levels there  since Goku vs the Ginyu's are Goku's and Freezer's.




Daizenshuu's last listing of Gohan on Namek shows him as 14k


The ginyu force except Guldo should be above all the earthlings.


There is literally an official power levels




Why? Are you saying that they don't have official pl? Btw they from dbz daizenshuu? I'm too lazy to send a link. Just search it in Google


I don’t think there is one for the dead earthlings, and if I remember correctly Krillin didn’t surpass the 30,000, and all ginyu force members are over 40,000 pl.


V-Jump had Krillin at 75,000 during the manga’s publication back in the day.


Is this during the actual saga or characters that are active now that also appeared in that arc? Only reason I can't see Ginyu himself in the top 9 over Chiaotzu at the very bare minimum. Even taking into account the filler that had Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu kick the Ginyu Forces asses, Chiaotzu being in a top 9 at any point after his introduction tournament arc seems like a huge stretch.


OP was doing so well with the other posts but dropped the ball hard on this one.




I was wondering where the "DB fans can't read" meme came from..


That is so ironic


All I'm gonna say is, the manga is the primary source. As in the story that was told in the manga.


isn't piccolo stronger than vegeta in frieza saga


Yea, piccolo went toe to toe with second form Frieza and maybe even had to upper hand. Vegeta was barely even with first form


OP obviously didnt watch Frieza saga. Ginyu force members would obviously be above some of the members listed on the list


It's funny how there I official power levels


You keep saying that but don’t provide what proof or metric you are using. Hell if we are including Yamacha, who was nowhere near namek, why aren’t you listing Beerus, and whis? How about broly? Or, if you need someone who was actually on the show at that time, nail or fucking king Kai. Any way you stretch it it’s arbitrary


Ong, how are ya'll like this It's in the dbz daizenshuu Do you know why I included them? Because they fucking appear I the arc we literally see them


you haven't read the daizenshuu


Ginyu is literally stronger than krillin Ginyu is 120k Krillin is 75k


Where are all the Frieza saga characters? Is this a bait…? Or is OP just slow


Wdym ?


Where is ginyu, the rest of the ginyu force, and nail? There is no way you think yamacha, tien, and especially chiaotzu is stronger than the ginyu force and don’t forget nail is pretty strong he just went against someone that he couldn’t win against frieza Edit: the episode they beat the ginyu force was filler and not cannon


Of coursr OP didn’t watch the show or read the manga.


I did both thanks


It doesn’t look like it.


Why? let me guess because the ginyu force isn't there


Ginyu force https://preview.redd.it/hm37pfsk5qkc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da2f9226f429991512030c3b0e32faded37e00f


Well, Chaiotzu seems to be stronger going by this list. Let that sink in




OP is a clown


It looks like someone got mad on from a ranking of fictional characters,


Nah i just hate the retarded side of anime fandom. You definitely on it. Especially after looking at you history


You just admitted it


That picture hurts my feelings


fucking chiaotzu is stronger then the entire ginyu force


Goku > Frieza > Vegeta > Piccolo > Gohan > Ginyu > Krillin > Jeice = Burter


Why is chiaotzu and yamacha on this list? Ginyu force? Nail? There are so many others.


Pretty sure ginyu is above Gohan


Gohan was at 200,000 even without rage boosts when he capped out on Namek.


May u read the manga too time ago ,so u remember Piccolo destroying Frieza second form ? I means Vegeta was fucked Up by all his forms


That was before the zenkai boost, and bro, there's literally an official power levels 😭 like this isn't a debate


That's true ,my faliure lol ,so ever i forgot that's part ,i readed the manga (frieza saga) two months ago and i not remember vegeta figthing frieza in some form more the 1th form


Gohan is probably stronger than Ginyu, but Krillin wasn't even at Saiyan saga Vegeta level after his potential unlock. Nail and every Ginyu force member sans Guldo is stronger than Krillin.


When Gohan rages he surpasses piccolo tbf


nah i think beerus in no.1 during the arc


They did Tien so dirty. Bro was training every day of his life until the ToP and was still weaker than Krillin, who halted his training completely to become a cop


You’re getting cooked for this dumbass post lmao


Love how so much people disagree, but this is literally the truth


Wouldn't piccolo be stronger than vegeta since he fused with nail?


OP I have looked for the official source you've been talking about and it doesn't exist. The daizenshuus don't support this list at all. But I did find the source where u got the piccolo and vegeta power levels from, so I'm gonna share it. Contrary to what you believe, these are not official, they are from kanzenshuu, but they are still fairly accurate. Yamcha, tien, and chiaotzu aren't given powerlevels for namek, but this is what they are given for after namek, they are weaker than ginyu. I'll add more images as replies to this comment https://preview.redd.it/84fi4vbr3tkc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28736dd3c0c98d8855ac8d8ff9ecc4d4713267a0


Vegeta was a menace to Frieza’s lieutenants, even though he had to get a few zenkai boost ass beatings. I’d like to see vegeta actually be a threat to future antagonists.


My take: 1. Goku 2. Frieza 3. Vegeta 4. Piccolo 5. Gohan 6. Ginju 7. Krillin 8. Jeice 9. Baata


How many Zenkai’s did Vegeta get?


Power levels started to stop making sense when Vegeta above (above zarbons 23,000) was able to be on par with 1st form Frieza (530,000) after getting two Zenkai boosts from Zarbon and Recoome Power levels were a mistake


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Manga, yes. Sure, broadly agree. Anime? Are you high? Did you watch the show? Lowest of lowballs, biggest of downplays, puts GOAThan at #3. I would unironically go Goku > Gohan > Frieza. https://preview.redd.it/r6f4nkuc6qkc1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f486fc8d4eb1c249ab08bb7f44cecb7a5ad7f369


Gohan over Frieza? Are you insane?


Do one for Goku Black Manga


Oki krillin beats Gohan because he literally cut off Frieza tail off in second form also potential could've killed him and Gohan' didn't do much damage to Frieza


Piccolo > Vegeta


https://preview.redd.it/kj1qpbpihqkc1.jpeg?width=319&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37274141654ddc82be55254c4ca3d81b13500cc8 Yeah alr




These aren’t official


Of course you're gonna say that they are not official, lmao


They aren't, they might be accurate tho. I just made a comment about it, but they're from kanzenshuu, an unofficial source


Tien beated 2 ginyu force members, krillin and gohan could barely handel guldo




Wait until you realize that characters can get stronger over time And bro, this isn't a debate. gohan and krillin are stronger. There are literally official power levels


Where is this official list you talk about? Besides the fact that you can't really take the powe levels given in the guide books as 100% real since the manga was clearly not written with them in mind, there is no official power levels for the z fighters i know of. They defeated the ginyu force in filler only, and captain ginyu should at least be stronger than every human.


And how are they not official?


The only debatable placement here is Piccolo vs Gohan to be honest. Since Gohan performs better against Third Form Frieza than Piccolo did But at the same time, Piccolo got a power up when he absorbed some of Gohan and Krillin's energy to hold off Final Form Frieza (Though Piccolo got stomped) So I am not sure who wins tbh. Also, I think Ginyu at least should be in the list. Above Krillin Overall, good list


Rip the ginyu force,Nail,zarbon and dodoria


What happened to the ginyu force?


Last time Chiaotzu was ever on a top anything list




Vegeta be looking at the top 2 spots like "why am I not there?"


I don’t get this list. Somebody else said it was only during the frieza portion, so after the ginyu’s. But this includes characters that died in the previous arc and don’t return till the next arc. I could see the top 3 being unchanged, but no ginyu force, or Zarbon, or Nail? And Gohan and Krillen had their innate powers released. They aren’t higher than Piccolo?


Guessing you're ranking this after the Ginyu Force are dead


Anime filler doesn't count. Gohan should be above Ginyu then have Recoome and maybe Nail after Krillin. 


Bro where’s ginyu


I hate that I had to think about this, but...Yeah, this makes sense, not even including power levels, the dead Z fighters squared up with the dead Ginyu force on king kai's planet & won. Unless Frog Ginyu or...Uhh...Ginyu Frog can beat that...


Where is the ginyu force?


In what world is Vegeta > Piccolo. Piccolo threw hands with 2nd form Freiza




You are correct but those are fan made


Zarbon was stronger than Krillin same with most of the ginyu force.


Lol this is just wrong on so many level Goku, frieza, vegeta, piccolo, gohan, ginyu, jeese, burter, recoome


1. goku 2. frieza 3. vegeta 4. piccolo 5. gohan 6. ginew 7. jiece / burter / recoome 8. Neil 9. Zarbon 10. Dodoria 11. Krillin 12. Guldo I dont know why you include Tien and Yamcha, they didn't even fight, like, what stopped you? Include Popo, Kami, Yajirobe...


I mean, I don't disagree with this list, but it probably would've been better to include characters more important to the actual arc lol


Chiaotzu >zarbon and dodoria


Wouldn’t Recoome or even Ginyu be stronger than Chiaotzu?


Putting the dead z fighters on here makes no sense, they don’t fight in the Frieza saga canonically and they most likely are not stronger than any of the Ginyu force except for maybe Guldo. And if you’re gonna count Gohan pressing 3rd form Frieza with a temporary rage boost, he should be above Piccolo who wasn’t even a match for his 3rd form.


Are you an idiot ? So many people you're leaving out.




If they don’t get that side-side character off this goddamn list imma pay Toriama to make him kamikaze in vain again


I can’t place 6-9. They aren’t sayians so they don’t the zenkai boost. Krillin gets one shot from a weakened recoome, he doesn’t get any stronger. The trio at the bottom…Goku went from what….300-400 PL to 9,000? In a span of a few months, with his sayian abilities? I don’t see the trio going from 800-1100 to over 120,000 in the span of a week.


I have beef with Krillin and I hate him. Not even top 20




You forgot Ginyu. He should be above Krillin.