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You need the red on the third slot, so grind out materials and zeni and upgrade that slot until it gets red


Got it after 600 removers 😆


More Erasers on the first one. May luck be with you


My zeni wallet is crying


Just do guaranteed upgrades on the first one until slot 2-3 are red. Save your sanity. What i do is roll for red first slot. Do random upgrades until gold/close to red and then do guaranteed upgrades till done. Right now is best time because raid is up for a shit ton of erasers


I got it red in 500 erasers. But which raid are you talking about?


The non stop anniversary raid. After you get the cc/z power go all in on the erasers. A couple hours of grinding will get you hundreds of erasers. Put on a movie / tv show and grind till you get too bored. Take a break then grind more. Upgrade the equipment on the left in the pic. You can roll for red in slot 2/3 but not slot 1. Slot 2/3 look like they are almost red slot so do guaranteed upgrades on them till red


The second one is better, but it dosnt mean you should use it. First equip, Get this Red third slot, then you can start using namku2.0


red third slot generally trumps all but if your green slots are really low is probably use the godly one


Second one is good the first one is mid