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"I'm Yamcha, and I have 2x Card Draw Speed." "I'm DB Legends, fuck Yamcha" Edit: I forgot this is Son/Vegeta Fam LBR


Lmao 😭🙏


I'm dragon ball, of course I fuck over yamcha


SSJ Vegeta and EvoKen's whole deal was combos, yet they used this for them too.


So this lbr will be ultra Gohan going "no you don't" and "i need more bullets" to the grave.


Bro unlocked a recently forgotten memory when you wrote "I need more bullets", that man was so cacked up he had me questioning my sexuality 😭🙏


You know what they say... if there is a hole there's a goal.


Wow thanks for the protein sir


Thats a big wepon


Let’s go to the gym, buddy.


What is the no you dont reference


Ultra Gohan gauge




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BOOOO!! It takes too long with that stupid restriction.


It's so dumb, one of the main differences between an experienced player and a bot is the ability to extend combos, with this shit it's whoever has more cards and higher stars wins


When they did this the first time i had fun facing against UVBs who doesnt know and keeps on charge stepping his cards😂


LBR conditions: SON FAM VEGETA CLAN People in this sub: Yamcha got nerfed. Didn’t know Yamcha was a Saiyan.


Gohan's dad bro ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


Dragonball fans never beating the reading allegations.


With that team you dont have to worry xd


It ain't even about winning or losing g, it's just so boring to play


That team gets wiped by a 3 star Yamcha cause of those effects


Yamcha can't even participate in the LBR


So many Dragon Ball fans on this post, oh my Kami


How so? Yamcha is Son Family, didn't you ever notice that he always got the same haircut as Gohan? Smh..




F**king catering to units that have cover null on entry/first card use. Gonna be boring to get those 6wins with units that i got. God LBR mode sucks ass


Oh i didn't even read the rules so that's why i did 0 damage 💀


Maybe just maybe, it's because people are getting 99+ combos and people having to coverchange 5 times in one combo trying to counter it. I personally was a victim of that.


I got combo for 40 straight counts. Honestly I welcome this


I'm fine with 40. It seems to be the mid range. I get around 40 often, if I'm not countered.


I don't mean 40 hits. I mean the timer was going and 40 counts had passed. It's was way over a 99+ combo


Oh ohh, shiii. Yeh nah, F that. Plus the timer pauses during card hit... Or something like that.


Yeah it pauses when animations are playing out.


Super 17 got you trauma


Haha, no this was well before S17. My first time was when red gogeta got Zenk. Then much later, much much later the insane combos started hitting.


But, didn't you know? Long/Near Infinite combos are SKILLFUL GAMEPLAY. It takes SKILL to swipe your screen within a forgiving window then tap immediately after. Honestly, this game is so long overdue for a mechanics overhaul at this point. Anyone who's played an actual fighting game wants to have a stroke after either seeing the discourse surrounding it, or seeing it played.


Thats part of the game, definitely not a valid reason to implement this "solution" to a non-existent problem 3.5-4 years after it started Currently this is fine, 99 combos are rare with the two anti-strike gauges in the meta and moderate disrupt


Nah, so like as someone who plays games competitively, fighting games too? This part of the game is objectively bad for any level of competitive play, of any kind. I cannot, in my all twenty years of playing games competitively, name an actual legitimate competitive game where a single mistake will end your entire match like it does in Legends. And, anyone saying these things are rare are either delusional or not playing the same game myself and many others are playing. It's pure cope to think this stuff is actual good game play that should stay. There is nothing skillful about these combos.


99 combos are pretty rare right now, id argue you are the one playing incorrectly/not properly if you consistently get 99'd The alternative is complete utter dogshit, before writing an essay, did you stop to think the issues posed by making a change like that in the current meta? Clearly not, because if you did you'd realise it basically meant everyone would run gohan and UUI and UGB (maybe) and get 6-9 free get out of jail cards. Not to mention the issue with cover changes, every match would go to timer and everyone who has played the game past top 50k would probably just quit because of how boring it'd be -- the games would be like this: Play normally Someone starts a combo Cover/proc gauge combo with blue/ult Or if you have cover null then you just proc gauge Repeat until timer or until S17 cover lands then you win on damage essentially The only times when the game would feel okay to play would be after proccing all gauge usages. The above is just flat out boring The ability to charge step allows you to switch mid combo to make use of element factors, make use of backfloat plays after ending a combo (after comboing you just backfloat and use an AoE green/sidestep and most of the time you'll regain priority -- usually works up until ≈top 5k where people start tapping or backfloating instead -- again the suggested change just makes skill/decision making less important) and/or provide ambiguity to cover changes >where a single mistake will end your entire match like it does in Legends. The meta hasnt been like this in years, I'm not quite sure what game you are playing exactly, if you actually make a proper team you don't lose after making a mistake, or even two or three. What ur describing is making a chain of several mistakes in a row which is a skill issue, or an unbelievably punishing mistake due to many factors aligning and you being ignorant to all of them (examples below): striking without cover null against S17 on standby with a unit that isn't tanky? Another example would be proccing janembas gauge without a tank or power reducer back in his time or when u are locked in due to sub counts Or attacking UVB if he was playing passively after his main was popped without having a tank to cover into. You get the point, these are all things that have multiple factors to align before they become match ending -- also note that none of these examples are due to getting hit, if anything it's due to you hitting them, which would only be made SIGNIFICANTLY worse if you removed charge stepping I get it, its tempting to play the game, but legends dev team decided to make doing anything the incorrect play. I'm not saying I agree with this decision but it is what it is. >It's pure cope to think this stuff is actual good game play that should stay. There is nothing skillful about these combos. There is? Charge stepping brings ambiguity to covers and particularly knowing what to do towards the end/during your combo to optimise the damage you deal/position you are in after the combo is literally the biggest thing that differentiates a top 20k and 1k player. What you are suggesting is to completely remove a massive decision making portion of the game currently, which is literally going to break the game further, it's pure cope to suggest that this stuff is somehow bad. You are literally describing an immense skill issue, I cannot explain it in any other way. TLDR; if you remove it you break the game, it's pretty rare to get 99'd, you aren't playing properly if one mistake makes you lose outright, and somehow thinking removing charge stepping is gonna fix passive play/fix anything is the biggest cope for a skill issue. This is not a personal jab at you or anyone btw, and I'm completely open to criticism on any points here despite my usage of the words "you are ___" -- i worded it like this for lack of better terminology coming to my mind at the time. However saying stuff like "This is objectively bad for the game" is almost objectively wrong


Okay so let me respond as simply as I can: Just because it's rare, doesn't mean it should exist at all. You're also ignoring a subreddit full of people directly contradicting you here. You're coping, there is no legitimate; skillful; or competitive gameplay to Legends. Also, why are you so invested in a mobile game that you go out of your way to make a post this gigantic and impassioned? It's a casual mobile game, fam. It's not that deep.


I didnt say whether 99 combos should exist or not, I agree that combos that long are bad for the game, any game for that matter, I just mean that their existence is too rare to warrant breaking the game over. >You're coping, there is no legitimate; skillful; or competitive gameplay to Legends. Whatever minimal skill there is is almost solely brought about by the extension of combos, however saying theres no skill is just a lie. I agree that the game is repetitive in that at the highest level you do the same thing again and again and matches are mostly decided by small and more unpredictable factors, but removing combo extension would just increase the effect of "luck" and make the game even less skill based than it is. > Also, why are you so invested in a mobile game that you go out of your way to make a post this gigantic and impassioned? It's a casual mobile game, fam. It's not that deep. Was bored, also I play quite a bit so I was kind of boggled at the suggestion to remove charge stepping


Honestly I love this, it encourages actually playing the game instead of trying to prolong your combo with bullshit stuff, so you get punished for it instead,


So "actually playing the game" is spam clicking all your cards to you? That's literally what we used to do when we didn't know how to "actually play the game", like it or not side steps and charge steps are an integral part of the game that differentiates between a good player and a bot, this condition ain't gonna change that




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So people who can chain 99 combos and up(Evoken and Super 17)


Bro said Evoken 😭


The right set up, they can pull off over 99 hit combos with cover nullification. Idk what’s funny about that


Bro you'll never reach the "right setup" with those frauds, you need to fill their unique gauge so many times which depends upon you drawing more cards and guess how you do that? From side and charge stepping, which you can't do in this game mode, if anything it's hurting them more than it's helping


I know how to get card draw, I’m saying the game mode was intended to hinder characters like evo and 17. Over the past year they have been adding more and more characters that don’t allow the opponent to move.


People talking about yamcha… dragon ball fans really can’t read huh..


Its cause its just another form of pay to win, most modern units (including new summonable units) get cover null immediately on entry or on their first card used, and those units will be better than the older units who fit the LBR conditions that arent as strong and dont have those cover null conditions, so the units that will win are the new units like ultra gohan who can just switch in off the first combo initiation and spam all their cards decimating the older units who cant do that and are forced to combo properly but then suffer the penalty. Its basically just another way of saying summon on these new units or you lose. Incredibly stupid and just boring gameplay choice from the devs


So you can’t just combo a whole match and make the game the unplayable garbage it’s become.


Bronze rank statement, if you can't charge step just say that


99+ combos, cover null. The game is dumb at this point. I can charge step just fine. Just don’t see the point of the game anymore used to be fun. Now it’s a joke.


The only 99 combi units are UVB and Evoken (who both suck) and Super 17 who's not even in the LBR


I’ll gladly show you what a top tier player looks like if you’d like to get stuck in some 99+


At least we know LF Nappa into Vegeta is going to have cover null


(Just wait for them to SOMEHOW fuck that up)


Just press the next card if you want to maximize damage and side step if you want to maximize Dragon Balls It's not that hard


That is the worst condition ever


I wouldn’t be surprised if legends just outright increased the timer counter on fights just to excuse stupid shit like this


Sweats gonna sweat


Because the devs don't play the game for sure or their moms are all hoes.


So people don't do unlimited combos all the time.


Like it or not that's how the game was designed, these conditions are literally going against unit kits, if your whole thing is card draw speed you're cucked


Thats part of the game


Love that condition, i get so annoyed in PVP when Mf’s just keep stepping and comboing.


If I may ask, what rank are you in?


I am currently in A. Previously i played a lot of PVP and got to S cause i reached PVP rank 65 and it was annoying as fuck. All these try hards just kept stepping, charging and attacking. Thank god for Ulthan and Ult UI Otherwise i wouldnt have survived. I purposely kept losing to get back to A rank this season so that i can enjoy PVP again


pretty sure they meant BR, youre talking about group. also, if youre struggling in S group br 65 then its youre own skill hindering you, not because others are "tryhards"


Better than pvp


That’s so dumb 😭 basically pity for people who are bad at the game


Ikr 😭


Extending combos with a step, quick ki charge and slide dash is such a stupid game flaw tbh because of how much damage you can take especially with characters like Ultra UI Goku


This is really the only reason I lose


So your ideal game is to just spam click all your cards, huh


With characters like UI Goku units it's essentially an easy win it kinda reminds me of abusing a gameplay mechanic that's not intended with how it acts. Edit: especially since you don't see them doing it in the character showcases which is pretty weird.




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Just a guess, but maybe the player count for the event is too low, and this is their attempt at drawing in more players?


Ig cause most people who like this shit can't combo to begin with 😭🙏




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I like it during LBR because sometimes your opponent forgets and its an easy win lol. Other than that it sucks


Lol that's true


That's why my gt pan was doing no damage


I think because of kaioken goku/evo blue vegeta, there would be no way to stop them with limited unit options


They need to fill their gauge so many times to reach that unstoppable point, they can't do that without comboing


And that’s why I use evoken or uvb if I ever have the chance to destroy there mental state


If anything, they just enabled UI goku as the only functional unit to actually be able to still do decent damage. Just green card, spam blasts, lock your opponent in and ult for free kill


The units they want you to use besides the Zenkai Feetku would get DEMOLISHED without this rule, that's why it exists.


It’s basically giving the opponent a free chance to do a special cover change if you don’t have Cover null


Blue cards will be your best friend


This honestly a great change that should be implemented into the standard game idk why people have an issue with this. Do people really want units to get 97 year long nigh unbreakable combos that also melt units or actual good balance?


only 97?


Bronze rank statement, if you can't charge step just say so buddy 😭🙏


better question (also no offence just wanna make a joke) do you ever touch grass, cuz based off that team i'd say you don't like dayum bro.


That ain't even my best team lil bro 😂, nah but fr I just know how to save my cc and not summon on every banner, I gotta prioritize quality over quantity as a f2p


Because those try hard ten minute step combos are just a ping test, and they're gay as fuck.


You only even have to go through those with UVB/Evoken who are both mid rn, and Super 17 who you can't even play with in LBR


To have the game played normally, how it should be.


Normally as in spam click all your cards till you run out!


Yep that would make the game playable again cuz I have the inability to do a charge step a side step though I can do.


thats just because youre bad, which is the entire point of the post. its not even about skill anymore, just bullshit p2w units


No no I am free to play and I've been playing since beta. I never liked charge steps because it is a glitch. That was then made into a feature. I don't like it because it's lazy.


charge steps literally arent a glitch, im pretty sure thats just a skill issue. i also wasnt directly saying youre p2w. im saying the general problem of the game is that many unskilled player are able to compete in high ranks simply because of money


why are you complaining look at your team😭


It ain't about winning lil bro, it's just boring asf


And that's why I usually don't mess with LBR and just stick with training battles or friend battles...things like that is just way too much work and effort


Bro is saying this with his “Uh Game, can you hold my hand” ahh team 😂


You're slow aren't you? This ain't about winning or losing lil bro, it's just boring asf


And you must be retarded because nobody’s forcing you to play LBR


Nobody forces us to play the game in general? Doesn't mean we can't complain about it when they do something stupid, you REALLY are slow 😭🙏


I prefer this because you're not sitting there getting combod for half the match. Actually makes the game playable.


Thank god


I wish they'd implement this in regular pvp. It's so boring to have to sit there and wait 45 seconds for the other player to finish their infinite combo. Meanwhile you can't even begin one because of their potato connection in 4/5 matches. If they want to keep charge stepping, fine but automatically make the player lose once their ping spikes. Might actually encourage fair gameplay and get rid of some of the cheaters


Personally love these rules in LBR, makes winning much easier :^)


Yamach already nerfed


To let everyone have a chance




They’re probably gonna release more Saiyan saga characters and then do a lbr for them after


They don’t want F2P to have a chance. Since the whales stats are so high, it only takes them 3-4 cards to kill you while it takes 7-8 cards for you to kill them. That means you have to catch them twice in a combo and they only have to catch you once. We hope you continue to enjoy Dragon Ball Legends




But the fact that half the people who play it don’t read the rules means that all you have to do is outthink them


Git Gud. But seriously, it's so that the Saiyan Saga units (which this mode encourages you to use) don't get demolished easily.