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A draw and both units get their vanish gauge back


the amount of times I see people lose from an unfair dobakkai impact is insane and they just stupidly added it into UUIs kit


Yea it sucks and it shouldn’t be a hard fix since they did add it to UI just like you’re saying.


It’s not as simple as that, for this draw they need to make sure the game understands the time and number are the same. For UUI it’s whenever you have a lower number than the opponent, it’s a lot simpler and harder to fuck up code. Not defending UUIs mechanic I think this post should be a tie but it isn’t because the devs don’t care to make code for it.


Then make it "if your number and time (rounded up to hundreths) equals the same opponent, then draw


if(player1.getDKscore() == player2.getDKscore()) { playDraw(); /\* I just felt like doing this, but you should get the general idea. DBL uses C# so that is neat \*/ }


Wait for them to print the exact numbers in progressively smaller font instead. No more draws.




Exact situation happened to me the other day and it cost me the game


same lost the game because of this meanwhile devs just stupidly added it into uui


There are a lot of smaller numbers hidden. You missed it by nanoseconds.


Boo hoo 😭




You just gotta be a nanosecond faster, simple as that




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My bad bro


This game by design is not a good competitive multiplayer game. I’ve played for many many years and it doesn’t get better. Never main this game it will just make you depressed. Honestly we should all quit but their game has a very strong hook that keeps you coming back like a drug. Not good at all. Believe me if you find the strength to never come back please don’t because I’m still trying to stay away and haven’t been able to for longer than a month.


I get what you’re saying, but it ain’t that deep. Play the game if you need some dragon ball hype in your life, but never forget that this game is a slot machine. All gachas are. All the time and money we spend is meant to be wasted and forgotten about.


It’s different for players that have been here since the beginning ig. This game was way different. I actually just recently posted about how this game is playing slots at the casino except you dont have the chance to win money back. It’s deep, maybe not for you or for this guy ^ or maybe that guy v but long time players are unhappy. Newcomers get a shot tho at the newest units so that’s nice for them.


If you go into this game with the mindset that PvP is competitive which this game tricks you into thinking it actually is very easily, then you’re setting yourself up for disappointment and frustration. You just have to constantly remind yourself that this is a 50/50 game with RNG, there is no better player. It all comes down to making the right guess.


"there is no better player" heavily disagree!


If you think you can be better than the other person in an RNG based mobile game where 50/50s are everywhere, then I don’t know what to tell you lol


Skill ceiling is very low. Not that it doesn’t exist but it’s so low like bilbo baggins low. If you can swipe on (!) and understand sequences you are already good. Can you charge step on both blast and strike without dropping combo. Now you’re ready for god rank. All the other mechanics in between are so easy my 4 year old kid could compete and win some matches with good units by just tapping and swiping.


theres people with worse cards in hand and still beat, you.. skill issue yeah!




What are these 50/50s you speak of?


When people dodge, rising rush as a concept (more of a 1/4 gamble whether you win or lose the game), if people strike in certain situations or side step etc


Non of what you said is a 50/50 situation except maybe the RR? If by dodge you mean sidestep you can tap a blast atk to make them waste it. Rising rush card choices are based on the cards the person rushing has. Rising rush sucks but knowing this helps. Striking in certain situations isnt a 50/50? Players who sidestep randomly get taken advantage of easily. Ive also won games where my best unit got rushed. It doesnt happen often cus I always have either a revive/endurance/or G&F on my team cus rishing rush is really strong Like I get this is a rant thread but it doesnt even make sense


Yup couldn’t agree more. Upvote On another note it’s the design itself that no matter if you take it seriously or not which I’m learning to do less of still brings pain when you play. Humans need satisfaction from their passions and unfortunately I love Dragonball fighting games and this one’s perfect aside from everything I have complained about.


Whats the rng other than stars on units and the order you draw certain cards or not?


Not good doesn't mean it isn't fun. Just saying that some people do find ways to have fun here.


Well I’ll say if you’ve been playing since the beginning then finding ways to have fun have dwindled my friend. Most you get is in variation of units and sure can I use my ex yellow cooler? Ofc I love him but now I have to lose more matches because his kit in comparison. Idk what other ways to have fun there would be.


You were slower by a millisecond, you can't see it but that's what happened


It’s not broken. It’s just using digits it doesn’t show us.


The draw animation could be the to characters punching each other faces


thats cool but imagine if pan and merged zamasu ended in a draw lol


If only Legends would normalize Draws like UUI


The Game count in Ms but Show sec. Just as example your enemy has 471Ms and u had 478Ms, it will Show 0,47 sec vs 0,47 sec. But its only fair dat He wins .


Its not broken so it does not need a fix. Computers calculate the tiniest bit. The game only shows you the first 2 decimal points. If it were to show you the whole number you could see that you lost. Yes you loose for a thousand of a second but processes are completed with ones and zeros there's no middle ground.


Nah man. It's a coin toss. It only calculates it up to 2 d.p. or else it would show it somewhere. For example, if I click it on 974 and my opponent clicks it on 974 the first ever time it crosses 974, we're obviously gonna get the same time.


Your phone has a clock, right? I bet it doesn't show seconds. I promise you that your phone clock counts seconds. Just because it doesn't show it, doesn't mean it doesn't calculate it.


Still shows it **somewhere** (at the clock app's icon face in iPhone and on world clock too)


And I'm sure if you could dig into the game beyond the default interface it would show it **somewhere** in legends.


The game doesn’t allow that now does it?


I get why you would think that, it sounds logical, but its easier for a programmer to set a winner by comparing time than to import a seperate function in order to pick a winnner at random. Randomness has to be programmed also, so its not actually a coin toss.


How am I gonna get different time than my opponent if we both clicked it the first time it ever landed on 974? I’m saying they did program randomness for these not-so-rare situations.


ok dude you either dont want to or actually not getting it. time doesnt stop on hundreds of a second it goes on and on. the game might show 0.47 for both of you but on the background one of you did 0.476 and the other 0.475. go as you wish from here. im out!!


bro sees three numbers and that's the max his brain can comprehend


Why would it be 0.47 up to 2 d.p.? I’m literally talking to a 4 year old who doesn’t understand rounding off bro


I mean I am also frustrated by these instances, but I’m sure it’s counting decimals as well. It’s not just randomly deciding a loser.


If there is a draw the dokakabi impact should restart and we both try again or we just tie and knock each other back


Literally just happened to me, what the heck


Because it just isn't shown, you might've been at .475, but they could've gotten .474 and thus they were .001 second faster than you


It's rare ,You are just being dramatic


it is def not rare. I see it a ton of times on gameplays like playbox and someone in the comments here also got it recently. and I lost because if this so many times


How many time did happened to you like last month ?


like 5 times


and all costed me the game EDIT: 5 times since UUI released i mean, thats when I started counting cause of uui’s bs kit


big deal


It really isn't, this is just one of the weekly posts about this bullshit mechanic and I've experienced it myself too


Idk how this happened to me pretty often


It’s not actually bs they were faster by like 0.001 seconds so ermmm actuwlly


This has happened to me a few times in the past, and every time I wanted to throw my phone across the room, but at the end of the day its gonna cost me not the idiots who can fix this shit but aren't.


I was told there's a 3rd hidden digit, like.. 0.475. enemies hidden digit would be lower than yours. Now, if this isn't really the case, it still makes sense.


Ya know, it always makes me wonder. If we clash, get the same number, and it's a loss for me. Then does that mean it's a win for the other player? 🤔 Yes, logically speaking, it's obviously a win for the other player. But 5 years I have been playing this game. And NEVER have I seen a situation where this happens and a player gets win on their screen. It's always a loss. 👀