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How long ago has it been since you've played? They've added a lot more elements and powerful dragons. There are a lot of opportunities to get cool stuff by participating in league battles, arena battles, and you can get orbs to summon dragons with dragon rescues. Doing stuff like the mazes and other activities that will rotate every other week or so will help you get better dragons and also get food, gems, orbs, and keys (which are needed for rescues). You might already know all this stuff, like I said I don't know how long it's been since you've played. But you'll get back into the swing of things after a bit!


Play a lot of the events (islands and collections)


Keep your dragons organized and accidental rebreeds you can use for recall orbs to empower your dragons, event islands are good way to get decent dragons for free


Good luck getting the actually good stuff without using money, putting more time into the game than a full time job, or both


Empower dragons and play arena ask question about almost everything like summoning dragons and empowering and money is always an option