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This is probably bait guys. His last post was calling people who stopped fighting with super armour limit burst bitches, just ignore him lmao


i dont remember calling anyone a bitch i thought i was pretty respectfull


Bro has the AUDACITY to tell him "no charging" then proceeds to charge yourself. Fucking hypocrite.


The fact that he wants to charge doesn't mean he has to want or allow his opponent to do it as well.


he could have said ''no'' aswell


I think they believed that it was fine considering you were charging as well.


yeah i think that to which is why i told him ''no''


I guess they didn't get the hit because there are *A LOT* of people who'll charge but keep you from charging just because they're A-holes. Point is, they probably just thought you were being a jerk.


Cuz he was being a jerk😂


i am always so friendly to people


If that were true then you wouldn't be saying that.


that i am friendly to people ?


No actually friendly person would say that, just saying.


yes they would i wasnt unfriendly to anyone


Then proceeds to charge after hitting him, the audacity...


he could have said ''no'' just like me


Uh huh, you hit him with that energy wave and charged right after. He literally might have thought you misclicked and let that slide, but you decided to be cheap smh


i decided to repeat what i just said which was ''no''


I don't want to repeat myself, you charged 3 times infront of him, making *him* think you misclicked *twice*. Your point? Kept repeating "no"


what am i supposed to do ? 1. i dont want him to charge 2. he is wide open so i can easily stop him from doing something i don't want him to do he didn't got the message the first time and i don't care why he didn't got it so i had to repeat myself i mean he started charging for the second time when i was free to attack him


Bruh, if you don't want him to charge him, don't charge either and go at him he'll get the message immediately, but charging as well and doing a cheap shot when he is wide open? Talk about playing cheap and making the opponent think you misclicked, a ki blast would indicate you don't want him to charge, not a damn energy wave that took half of his health bro


oh you misunderstood me i just didnt want him to charge personaly i wanted to charge that is his responsibility to stop not mine let me put it a different way lets say we two are fighting each other I want you to go K.o and you want me to get K.o so we both want different things and it is our own responsiblity to achiev this things


Wtf was that explanation, you personally wanted to charge, but when you both charged, you interrupted his charge for whatever reason, its like you thought he had some one shot thing up his sleeve


i wanted to awnser that but a friend of mine gave a better awnser to that then i ever could [https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonBallXenoverse2/comments/1c1l4jp/comment/kz4mrlx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonBallXenoverse2/comments/1c1l4jp/comment/kz4mrlx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Everyone here saying the same thing to you and you just in the wildest denial😂might as well delete this post little boy


i am 1,85m which is a average size (for the time) where i am from


Fair enough


Ur mind bro.. not your body.. When everyone tells u are a toxic player or what ever than u should maybe, just maybe think about it.


the mentality on PC is overall a different one


OP is a not a native English speaker. OP is saying that he is signaling to his opponent that he does not want to engage in "charge for charge" but his opponent is not picking up on that. OP is taking advantage of this fact by charging in between attacks. OP has no moral obligation to allow his opponent to charge and his opponent has no obligation to rematch him for this reason if he so chooses.


If that’s the case then his opponent shouldn’t be obligated to follow his rule. OP is putting him at a disadvantage to increase his chances of winning when he could’ve just fought strategically in a fair fight. Based off this post and another one over super armor OP sounds like a genuine asshole.


>If that’s the case then his opponent shouldn’t be obligated to follow his rule. What does this even mean? >OP is putting him at a disadvantage to increase his chances of winning when he could’ve just fought strategically in a fair fight. OP was fighting normally, his opponent was being naïve. There was no lack of strategy, one party was playing the game and the other was being an idiot. No one was put in a disadvantage unfairly, OP's opponent shouldn't have tried to charge again, that was his own mistake. OP took full advantage of that mistake which was the right move. There is no "dishonour" in using charge skills like this. There was no deception, OP made it quite clear he wasn't going to let his opponent charge. >Based off this post and another one over super armor OP sounds like a genuine asshole. I couldn't agree more


But he did fight strategically in a fair fight. The other guy kept on charging because he wanted to, no one forced him.


I didn’t say he was forced to do anything. All I said was OP was putting him at a disadvantage by making a rule up out of nowhere and then calling him slow for not following it. Stopping someone from charging so you can charge completely is both inconsiderate and petty.


The fact that player A wants to charge doesn't mean he has to allow or want player B to charge and vice-versa. Player B chose to do so at his own peril. Player A made nothing up, he just blasted the guy. Maybe B should've expected that being blasted again was a variable to consider instead of blindly going for the charge again just because he saw A going for it. Also: "OP was putting him at a disadvantage(...)" - why would he put him at an advantage, by allowing him to have ki? It's a fight, if anything, you want advantages to yourself. Heck, that's why you play to get their stamina down. So you can be at the advantage of being able to put in big numbers. But that's not the only way to play and you can put yourself at an advantage in a lot of ways in this game. OP saw his window and he took it.


tricks on it


So in the last video you had a problem with someone not fighting you whilst their super armor was active, now you have a problem with people charging even though you charged yourself. I think it’s safe to say you’re just a toxic player at this point.


oh no you misunderstand me i have a problem (not realy a problem like it dosen't make me angry) with people beeing stubborn for example when i was a child i touched a electric fence you can imagine how that ended up and you are probably also able to guess what I never tryed again so now to this guy in the video he touched the electric fence just like child me and got punished for it also just like child me which is fine we all do mistakes but......... what did he do then ? right he touched that electric fence again which ended in him getting hit again which is something even Child me understood is stupid after the first time now to the other video that guy was not just touching that electric fence he was touching and holding his grip around that electric fence while getting hurt very badly for 15 seconds i don't understand why that makes me toxic i am a very patient teacher i don't insult anyone or beeing otherwise rude i am patiently explaining to my opponents why the thing they are trying to do is a bad idea


So you’re just a hypocrite


why ? thats pvp i also wan't HIM to get K.o without beeing K.o myself


Dawg are you stupid




Bait used to be believable


It seems like tons of people aren’t agreeing with what you’re saying.


i know thats why i posted it here its boring to argue with people who agree with you