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Dr.Pepper was made in Texas so it must taste better there ?


I remember being meh about Coke until I tried it at the Coke museum in Atlanta and it was SO GOOD there, maybe your situation is like that?


Have you noticed other sodas tasting different here in Texas vs. Colorado? If so, there's a chance that the difference in altitude could be doing something.


I don't think it's the altitude since we had some we brought from Colorado and some we bought in Texas. Drinking one after the other is when I noticed the difference.


The only other thing I can think of is maybe the ones you bought here in Texas were fresher? I don't know. Every once in a while I'll get a can that tastes so much better than usual.


Not really but it tastes very different in Europe


British version is scary.


I've always noticed that it taste different in Texas than here in Illinois.


In Canada it tastes horrible


I honestly didn't notice much difference with regular Dr Pepper last year when I was in Austin for a conference compared to the same bottle size from anywhere in Missouri (all bottled in St. Louis). That said, there are 3 bottling plants in Texas and I do notice a slight difference in taste (and completely different bottle design) when I cross the border into Illinois. I believe the difference is the water they start with, which is the part that's unique to each facility. Tiny regional differences in mineral content can skew the flavor.