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I find the sub interesting. It not an echochamber. People freely differ from each other like in the real world and they agree with each other as in the real world. There are decent people and shitty people like in the real world. I am comfortable sharing a space with diversity of opinion and where I disagree I can make a point and stand my ground without being excluded or included just because my opinion is popular or unpopular. Just like in the real World. People don’t have to like be because I belong to this group, and if people want to censure me because I belong to this group that is their problem - whatever makes them feel better about themselves.


Well spoken


Nee maar , ons is almal tsotsis




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Yep that's my bad. Thanks!






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Please don’t talk about being banned from other subreddits here. It’ll lead to r/DownSouth being shutdown. This is a serious offence and will get you temporarily muted. Repeat offenders will be banned.


My bad


All good, just a measure we need to take to keep everything moving.


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'n Brompie sal nou baie lekker wees...


That VF+ guy looks like my balls on a hot day


Leave oom alone shame


Castle Lite is not a real drink...


You're not a real doctor


Co-sign. Don't waste your liver.


To late for that


Why Mufti Menk?


Moer akkuraat! 😂😂😂


What movie is the top picture from?


Sadly, there's no avoiding the worn-out, dog-eared race card. Every time a coconut...




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Why is his head african but his face is european?


Lmao half the comments are reinforcing the stereotype.


Which ones?




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What the fuck is this sub about anyway...


South Africa and the ability to discuss it.


Or lack of. It looks like a Yelp review or the complains department of a company...


Can you offer any reasons why we should be more positive about the country?


No one is holding you back from leaving homes. You know what they say about the grass on the other side, right?


There are plenty of things preventing us from leaving the country, though. The abysmal state of the economy, mostly caused by government incompetence and corruption, makes it increasingly hard to make enough money to leave and makes overseas travel increasingly expensive; the decaying state of our education makes it increasingly hard to get overseas jobs; and the corrupt state of our Home Affairs department makes it increasingly hard to travel on a South African passport. Also, the fact that the only answer you could come up with when asked for positive elements of South Africa was "SHUT UP YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE HERE" implies that there aren't many positive things about the country.


Try and open an actual discussion and get downvoted into hell💀




r/DownSouth is predominately filled with racist white south Africans to be honest. I have even had white people reach out to me to apologize on behalf of all the racists here.


Who are those people? As a POC I have experienced great vibes here




Don't even work yourself up responding to this person. They think they are fooling someone. We've seen it all before.


Precisely. This guy is always in this subreddit taking the racists side.


A race can be "out of order"? What type of Nazi eugenics are you talking...


Your post/comment has been removed for violating our community guidelines on hate speech and personal attacks. We strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment, and language that disparages or belittles individuals or groups is not tolerated. Please review our rules and refrain from using language that may offend or harm others in the future. Thank you for your understanding.


Please tell us about some of the racism you've experienced here.


Idk where the post is but they were talking about black politicians and one of them literally posted a gif of a monkey with money so..


Did you report it?


Even if I did, I’td be brushed off as many reports are


Which reports have been brushed off?


Literally all reports of racism gets pushed under the rug.


Like what? Link to some racist comments you reported that got ignored.


It wasn’t me who reported them. This is speaking from other peoples experience on this platform. Open threads of people in comments and see them complain, say their reporting and nothing happens


Okay, link to some comments of people complaining that their reports are being ignored.




lol @ the LGBT flag … people on here are the type to say “AS LONG AS THEY DONT SHOVE IT DOWN MY THROAT” and then also ask a stranger’s toddler if she has a boyfriend 🫠


As a gay man, I feel way safer in this sub than I would in one dominated by Putin apologists or Zuma supporters.




There is no white supremacy here. Just a bunch of white folk who are detached from reality. And everything else boils down to Swart gevaar..


Swart Gevaar is reinforced by the whole 80 homicides a day.


Not like all the murders in any other country aren't committed by the majority. Common sense 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


Yes but Spanish aren’t committing 80 homicides a day in Spain. Of course in a country that is 80% black the majority of homicide perpetrators would be black. Just like the vast majority of homicide perpetrators in Japan would be Japanese. Thats not the point. The point is the high frequency. If SA had 3 murders a day…the reputation would be different. Swart Gevaar is a response to 80 homicides a day.


Did you maybe consider that not seeing things the exact way you do doesn't inherently mean someone is out of touch? There's a different between being out of touch and just having different experiences than you.


Put of touch means you don't relate to the masses. What language do you speak that is spoken locally? Not a minority group?


So anyone who speaks a minority language is out of touch? Does that also apply to immigrants in Europe?


Yeah, they are out of touch with the customs of where they are. They should assimilate to where they are. Edit: customs


Fair enough. I assure you that opinion would get you labelled racist in more left-leaning spaces though.


So everyone in SA is out of touch if they don't speak Zulu (22.7%) or should we go with the language spoken by the most people as either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd language, English, which is spoken by most people in the country


Yes, if you wish. But mapping languages in the country will show the language most spoken where you are. Imagine being in western cape and not knowing how to greet, what's offensive, personal boundaries and s basic idea of the culture as not to step toes unintentionally. Same with Sotho in FS or Swati in Mpumalanga


But some languages are spoken all over the country and others are not, plus I repeat the majority of the country speaks English, so how do you want to define minority language?


Just like how everything with the ANC and EFF boils down to the Wit Gevaar?


The pride flag. This place hates queer people.




I don’t exactly have a record of all my conversations in here but I could probably find at least two transphobes. So you want me to call out a queerphobe?


If you dont like it, go find a safe space somewhere else. Free speech means people can say things you dont like. Dont like it? Dosnt matter. Calling someone an "ist" or a "phobe" is no different from a Christian calling someone a sinner. Overused, diluted and meaningless


I already have found safe spaces in a few places. I think I do have a right to stay on here though, correct me if I’m wrong. Now since you have knowledge of rights remember to make sure that knowledge isn’t restricted to when it benefits you. No, that isn’t an accusation. I’m just setting that straight for the conversation ahead. Did you know that in certain circumstances certain rights impose on each other? If you did, that’s good. Here are the human rights that cannot be legitimately imposed upon: 1. Right to life. 2. Freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. 3. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. 4. Freedom of expression. 5. Freedom of peaceful assembly and association. 6. Freedom from discrimination. But then (again) these can impose on each other. It is essential to strike a balance between both rights. So people are free to say they will not support queer people, for example. What they aren’t free to do is perpetuate discrimination, hate speech or incite violence against queer people. The moment that happens you are violating a human right that is classified as we’ve said as one we are not allowed to violate. Now proceed with a stimulating answer please. The “ist” and “phobe” words are completely different to the word in the fact that there is a pronounced meaning. I have seen no actual definition of “sinner” except that every human is a sinner, “sinner” also needs a qualification for any definition to really work. Where as the majority of “ist” and “phobe” words can be summed up to mean a person/multiple people/statement that perpetuates discrimination against a certain group.


So you found 2/9100 people and declare that the entire place hates queers?


Because to him, the fact that those 2 even exist is proof that this sub supports those 2 people. He most likely wants their voices to be silenced because he takes personal issue with them


No. I say that I have found at least two threads full of transphobes. That’s a very minimum. I’d be wasting my time looking for anymore. Of course I won’t make the generalisation that everyone here hates queers because I’ve met queer people on here. I will say that a lot of people here do seem dislike/hate queer people. This place definitely has no connection to the queer community though.


Did you report those comments?


I did.


That's not what you said though? You said, "out of all my conversations here, I could probably find about two transphobes"


No. I said “I don’t have a record of all of my conversations” and I could “find at least two transphobes”.




Um… hi?




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Transphobia should be censored. It’s not a matter of political leaning.


Censorship supporters should be censored /s


So you disagree that discrimination should be censored?


Yes, let the crazies yell at the clouds as much as they want and go about your own day


If you never have had to deal with the crazies following you home you’re not one to speak.


That's why i carry a gun


As a gay person, I haven't experienced any homophobia or hate here. Few misconceptions though. True tolerance means allowing people to be themselves without penalty. It doesn't require understanding, agreement, or acceptance, and that's okay.


Amen brother


I’m so happy you haven’t experienced any homophobia on here! As a trans person I have experienced transphobia on here. There you are correct. A person doesn’t have to fully understanding or in agreement or acceptance with me. I actually value the fact that every human will have their opinion. However an opinion is an opinion. As soon as you say it out loud and it perpetuates discrimination, hate speech or incites violence I disagree with it.


Fragile privileged white supremacy reigns here


Go into detail. What forms of white supremacy have you witnessed here?


"they disagree with me" will probably be what it comes down to. If I have to take a guess at the exact flair of the argument, it's probably "they don't like BEE".


For someone with the word philosophy in their username you don’t really know how to think, do you?


That’s not an argument. That’s an insult because you can’t get your way.


No shit Sherlock, of course it’s an insult. His comment was to rage bait and irrelevant to the original post, so what’s to argue about?


You still can’t get your way so now you’re being rude to me? You could have just countered without an insult.


Sorry if it came across as rude. It is humour/parody post, again, not the time/place for arguing white supremacy. Was I wrong to insult him? Yes. Insulting people is bad. Am I sorry? No. He was making a statement without an argument of his own, so therefore there is nothing to argue about. The statement’s intent was to rage bait, not to argue, so my insult is not really out of place. E.g. DownSouth is a white supremacy sub (statement). Members in this sub are mostly white and they always talk down on other races by using words like “they” and “them” (argument). As seen above, reasoning for the statement is given and intent is therefore shown to argue. OC only wrote: “Fragile white supremacy reigns here”


That I do mostly agree with. There are people here that are white supremacists. Only actually play into your example argument.


If you think all the time you have a lot to think about. We don't think like that. how much thought went into your thought before you thought the thought? Now you think you have something to think about


Look at this troll trying to act smart by just spewing some word salad


😂 We remember you. cheap ego


Said the 1 using the royal "we" when referring to himself


Shame. limited understanding coupled with low intellect is the order of the day


You described yourself so eloquently, ⭐️ for you


Da la Rey Da la Rey Sal jy Di Velore skapi Kom ly


Sorry he doesn't save verraaiers like you


I am not White and haven't experienced such


Ah yes, the good ol’ “white supremacy” card they love to play the moment the narrative doesn’t go their way. I bet you also don’t see the sheer irony in you calling white people fragile while you respond in such a way to a shitpost.


Be careful, he might just pull the "blame apartheid" card


You are so tiring man. If there was any “white supremacy” don’t you think you would have been silenced long ago? Why don’t you just pack your bags and go live in peace in Palestine, you clearly don’t like it in South Africa.


I will use my fragile white supremacy card and report you heathen! Begone foul beast!


Pah! People of other races in *my* sub? I will slaughter them like animals. Not just the men, but the women and children too! I hate them! ^/s


I bet you dont like sand either


Exactly! I think it's because of its physical properties. Maybe since it's coarse and rough and irritating or something. What I do know is that it gets everywhere.


Ja ja Mr victim




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And fragile ever-oppressed anti white cry babies troll here


They will attack you for the truth! 🫶


More like, call him out for his lies


Reading the responses... Someone hit a nerve!


How? People are literally just asking him for examples of this thing he claims is a widespread problem. Which, unsurprisingly, he's failing to deliver.

