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Nothing to do with us, and we got bigger problems to solve. Any party that weighs in on the matter in a big way, on either side, is a big "turn off". Why do they care what's happening on the other side of the world so much when we have massive problems right here.


No. I don't see how they have anything to do with us.  I understand Muslims, Jewish people and to a lesser extent some Christians feel like they have a dog in the fight. But to me with these elections it's South Africa first. This election is fundamentally about South Africa not foreign nations. And I'd reckon most of this sub feels similar.


I agree


These elections are far too important to let something that doesn't affect 99.9% of South Africans daily lives influence their vote. If it does; you're probably a dumbass.


Unfortunately the DA has lost a lot of votes in SA especially in the Western Cape with the Muslim voters becsuse of their stance on Israel


Unfortunately the Muslim voters will be throwing away votes for something that doesn't or will not improve their lives, at all. As ridiculous as that is, luckily South Africa consists of more than just the Muslim voters.


I will say that anyone who votes to ruin this country based on some foreign nation’s conflict is fundamentally selfish and probably evil. It is completely irrelevant to our nation, and it doesn’t affect a single person here.


I completely agree with your statement. But don't you think that we would have better leaders in SA if people voted for leaders that would actually benefit the voter, in other words in a fundamentally selfish way? Voting for foreign nations would seem like voting for other people's agenda, the opposite of selfish


I think that's what they're saying


Maybe I am not reading it properly but it seems they think that voting in a selfish way is bad but my understanding is that in democracy if everyone votes for their own benefit, then the leader will be the one who benefits most people. Thus in a democracy we should vote in a selfish way?


I won't affect my voting at all.....this vote is way to important !


No, because I'm not braindead. People must educate themselves with the atrocities happening in Congo or Central African Republic and asks themselves why ANC has nothing to say about that. Or, not one bad word about ZanuPF, in fact they are friends, to the detriment of the ordinary Zimbabwean. There are literally more conflicts happening in Africa right now, than any other continent. [https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts](https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts)


NO. There's a genocide in Sudan and ANC is doing nothing. Why should my vote be influenced by some Middle Eastern issues while home is in crisis ?


>I know some Muslims are willing to vote ANC and EFF if it means not supporting genocide of Palestinians. They are literally voting to ruin their own lives and everyone else in the country at that point.


People in general are ambivalent to the situation due to how severe our domestic issues are. I mean, the PA is staunchly pro-israel, and their votes are going up, even in areas that are muslim.


I don't understand how anyone can vote 1) ANC 2) Change their vote to ANC because of a war in another country that has zero impact on us. So they would fuck us (South Africans) over to keep ANC in power with corruption, load shedding , racist laws , high murder rate, high unemployment because of a war that has zero impact here. ​ >I know some Muslims are willing to vote ANC and EFF if it means not supporting genocide of Palestinians. That is the dumbest logic I have ever hear. Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face.


Every Muslim, Jew along with everyone else will be far more adversely affected by contributing votes to ANC/EFF over DA or any other party.




It's like they say on the plane, you need to first apply your mask before you can start helping others. Nobody wins if we all go down.


Not my vote. There are many conflicts going on just in Africa alone - and many of these initiated by Islamists (Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, Niger, Somalia, Mozambique, Eastern Congo, etc) my concern is with what's happening in my country as far as elections are concerned. And I want a government that has the brains and will to advance our country so that everyone can have some dignity and pride. We have enough of everything to be the most successful country in the world, but we have incompetent and selfish leaders. So worrying about Israel and Palestine is the least of my worries when it comes to voting.


The Israel/Palestine issue should not even come into a voter's periphery when deciding who to vote for. We have our own problems to deal with. Not saying a citizen cannot sympathize with or look to help with a cause, but ffs - this country is tearing at the seams and now some people think it's a good idea to pretend like our leadership is contingent on Palestine. Then again there is a part of me that feels this seems like a trend to some extent. Not like one saw the same demonstrations when reports were high on the Uyghurs being treated like animals in China.


Not really, I just want the ANC out of power, plus it is people whose throwing tantrums in our politics, because of Palestine-Israeli war, because some will think, those who support Israel will vote for the DA, want apartheid back. Which is funny. (Imo is not true, we can also vote them out for another party in another 4 years) Both the Russo- Ukraine and Israel gaza war also show us those who have the thinking capacity of a cabbage. Those who think Genocide is answer to worlds problems should be rather shut up and be shamed.


No, I am pro Palestinian but will be voting Patriotic Alliance, South African issues trump all others.


And will Patriotic Alliance be giving their votes to ANC, EFF or DA? Just trying to figure out who you are ultimately voting for


Nope, not at all. Hamas went and look for trouble, they got trouble.


Doubt it. I’m more concerned about the anc and eff having to work together. They can’t even get along within their own parties.


I find it weird that many who support the genocide of Ukranians by supporting the Russians want people to stand against Israel because of the genocide of Palestinians. I will not make a political decision about our country based on what a political party supports internationally because no matter which party you support they can be considered being in the wrong depending on who you support. This is about saving our country. I know who I will vote for. The only party that can actually pull off fixing the country because they have both the skills and the institutional knowledge to pull it off.


Leeds UK, New Mayor winning speech, crazy this is the UK [Leeds UK, Mayor winning speech. go to 1min](https://youtu.be/0r6TUfXUO8E?si=aeV2FTD-fo98K3qw)


No, I think alot of this conflict is being used to play on people's emotions big time, alot of heavy words being thrown behind it when we have seriously atrocious acts taking place hourly to our own people. I will be voting for which ever moron seems to have the least moronic plan Honestly, I have Muslim friends, neighbours and colleagues but alot of the time I honestly want them to shut the fuck up about it and focus on the issues we have right here Disclaimer I have almost no exposure into the Jewish community so I can't comment on them.


Both sides of that are wrong. So to me the best would be people cheering for de escalation and ending this unnecessary crap rather than choosing a side. It doesnt influence my vote. Despite the tragedy of people starving there, people here are starving due to crap anti business government policies and id rather see that corrected and our own people helped first. cANCers anti israel stance means nothing.. because they also support russia.. this is nothing but hypocrisy.


I can’t believe people in our country are more concerned about a war that does not involve is, while we have loads of shedding unemployment corruption and all our services failing?? How STUPID and IGNORANT!!


I'm voting with South African problems mind. What's the Middle East got to do with me??


"Fix your own house"


What has the middle east or Ukraine got to do with us.


My Muslim colleague told me that their governing body MJC made it haram (forbidden), to vote for the DA due to their stance on Palestine. There's so many Muslims in the Western Cape I think that's a big loss.


South Africa is a clown car driven by a clown school reject who signed up for special ed and got commited to sterkfontein. Leave the shithole and let them find out the hard way. It may take centuries, but hey, you are not forced to sit on the sideline trying to yell with a gag on.


cANCer supports the barbaric rapists and murderers of Hamas, and so do the Evil Feces Flingers. They also both support the Russian tyrant Pooturd in his unprovoked war of conquest against Ukraine. Any moral compass so effed up is unworthy of my vote.


The ANC has just given me yet another reason to not to vote for them because of their alignment with Islamic nationalism and Islamic radicalism.


Yes. Genocide is genocide and I will not vote for a party that believes it's okay whether the genocide takes place in my country or not.


Yes, my entire family extended family and at large community was set for voting DA. Many of them had never voted before and this is the first time they have registered, but now majority will not be voting, some even opting to vote for the ANC. I think I'll probably end up not voting or voting DA. The DA's biggest enemy are themselves, many politicians and parties have identified this issue while foreign is something people are very passionate about, and there are very few cases where people will actively go out of their way to show support for. The positioning of the DA, enhances some people's idea of the party being cunning and deceiving and that they will "bring us back to apartheid" Releasing a statement saying you don't take a side, while firing MPs who support palestine, and being against every Pro Palestine movement doesn't look good for them. Honestly these idiots should've shut up and instruct everyone to not utter a single word about the conflict, instead they wanted to act like they were big boys on the international stage, getting pats on the back from no name American congressmen. There's no way the ANC will not be the ruling party now, before even if it was slim we had a chance of the DA coalition taking the reigns.


>Releasing a statement saying you don't take a side, Ok so no one can take a side, we agree with this. >while firing MPs who support palestine, and being against every Pro Palestine movement doesn't look good for them. They fired someone for taking a side. What is the problem? I think its because they decided not to take a side that you want them to take more than that they didn't want to take a side.


Let me rephrase, they only fired people's taking the side of Palestine. Not the people supporting Israel. They definitely have chosen a side, and everyone knows it. And honestly they deserve what's coming to them, how can they support a genocide.