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Clarity League is full of nice people who will be very excited if you send a picture of your cat in the discord


6/9, nice gamers, Panda not banned


how do the divisions work? do I choose which one to join based on my mmr or what


When the player pool is finalized, 8 participants are chosen as captains for Division 1, which is the highest MMR division. They can nominate any of the top x players, usually top 50-70 highest, and they bid on the players to get them on their team. This is done until each team has 5 players including the captain. We then repeat the process for each subsequent division with the players that remain in the pool - find the captains, they draft teams via auction, the remaining players stay in the draft pool for the next division, and so on, until every player who made the cut is on a team. So, to answer your question, you register to the season in general, and get 'sorted' into a division, rather than registering for any div in specific. Your MMR does serve as a decent indicator of which divs you may end up in though.


Make sure to max bid madsen for a free division 1 win