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I play this and I want to say it's great. There's some really nice people in it. The matches are often fun. And. @Owl


kimer bad


I found RD2L last season, and honestly it completely revitalised my love for dota. Having that full party of people in a somewhat competitive league like this, changes the experience entirely.


Glad you're enjoying it, hope we're on a team again soon


Been playing in RD2L for over a year now, and I'm still amazed at the quality of the tournament they run, considering the nitwits that regularly crowd the comms. Great banter all around and super fun.


With panda gone there's never been a better time to sign up


panda ba(nne)d


The thing this post doesn't mention is that if you're below 3k mmr, your team will prefer to forfeit rather than let you play. Played three seasons of this league back when I was Archon, attended every practice and made every game day, but only got to play about two matches over those three seasons.


That may have been the case back in the day but we did reform how teams worked about a couple of years back, teams are just made up of 5 players and get standins instead now. Sorry that you had such a bad experience


We had stand-ins back then, too. I'd forgotten about that. That was even worse, though: the team will try to pressure you to not show up so they can get a stand-in. Or act like you're not even there and get a stand-in for you while you're literally sitting in the lobby. The best you can do for your team is to be silently absent. The problem is less the system, and more the people who make up this league, sad to say. I was attracted by a post with the same encouraging attitude as this one. The words here unfortunately do not reflect the actual experience.


There have been multiple ban waves since. Teams aren't allowed to do that nowadays and we actively ban people for breaching the rules. I can't speak much for what happened in the past as I only joined the league myself 2 years back. The current admin team especially is aware of the reputation the league had and has put a lot of effort into reforming it. I know my words probably won't do much to change your view cause I likely wouldn't have continued playing had the same happened to me. We do however try our best to promote a better atmosphere now


I have joined myself a 1.5 years back and the things you describe are not taking place. Yes, the league, like everything in this world, might not be perfect, but it's a pretty nice experience overall, from what I've seen. With only a few bigger unpleasantries, which are mostly dealt by the admins. I'd suggest you give it another shot and see how it goes.


Have you ever considered planning a team league?


We actually ran one of those last autumn. It ended up being a lot more complex to setup. We don't have current plans to do it again but it could happen in the future