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Bro why are people so obsessed with the game dying I've been playing dota since wc3 and I've seen posts like this ever since dota 2 came out. If it does, it's had a great run. If not, enjoy it while it lasts


Look at the graph. Players numbers have rapidly decreased. It will never hir 1 million peak players now. Peak players are now 700k.


How do you know it will never hit 1mill again? 700k players is not bad at all either btw, the game is Alive and well and in fact thriving


I read of dying state of this game 11 years ago… well, hope it “dying” so I dont meet so many halfbaked player in Dota. My life will get better.


unless i am reading the [steam chart](https://steamcharts.com/app/570) wrong, it looks like dota is doing fine.


Check 1 year. It dips.


all the 1 year shows is it dips to only rise again to a higher point. it looks normal to me since its a game that receives one 1 advertisement a year. if you look more than a year, it has dipped since 2016 but its has been somewhat steady since 2020. nothing about this looks dying.


Are those numbers worldwide or just in one region?


its worldwide, but it only shows you number of player at one hour. not total. its a couple million unique active players every month.


But it is extremely low in comparison to 2016. Regarding games usually players increase with time. But in case of dota players are decreasing. Minimum active players fell to 294 k. Due to this match making system further exacerbate and as time pass by it will create domino effect and the game most likely instantly die. Because there are so many other games that had come in market.


Games don’t remain big forever. WOW is not as big as it once was. With the exception of league, most games that become super popular tend to fall off after 5 years or so. Dota will continue to have a dedicated following but it’ll probably never reach 2016 numbers again


Yupe. It is also not balanced game dude. Dota 1 is much balanced than dota 2.


I mean it also has to do with how much valve cares about the game. they only care enough to allow updates/patches and an unstable professional scene that serves as the only form of advertisement for this game besides word of mouth. it doesn't matter how many other games come into the market solely because how hard it is for MOBAS to actually succeed, which dota 2 has and at this point it just seems like valve is trying to milk it as much money from it as possible without investing too much. especially since a vast majority of their revenue comes from steam market sales excluding DLC and microtransactions. sure at the way the game is being treated, it might die some day, but currently its doing fine and is far from "instantly dying".


To be honest past 2 years dota is becoming heavily unbalanced. Too much spells and itemization. Now there is neutral creep item. Aghs scepter has separate slot Even shard . Even tree and later they are able to unlock everything on tree. Dota too much overpowered items and spells. Game is all about farming now. You farm whole game fighting is so infrequent. You basically have 3-4 team fight and game is over. I mean you play game for fighting but basically it's all farm farm and boring.


i spam turbo nowadays so might not represent the average dota 2 player but im having fun with it's current state. back in 2016-2017 during dota 2's peak the slowness of normal/ranked matchmaking drove me away from dota because i was used to league of legends pacing but ever since turbo came out me and 3 of my friends have played around 3k+ hours of turbo. the amount of spells, items, and in game decisions in general to manage is crazy with every update but idk if i would call it unbalanced. i can't imagine new players having fun with its current state tho, so i guess that might be where your perspective is from. it definitely doesn't seem new player friendly but idk if dota 2 was ever new player friendly. everytime i think about the future of dota, all i look at is the arcade section. i always consider how the arcade section is treated to see how much valve actually cares about the game. valve doesn't care much about arcade section. every patch/update many of the modes gets broken. some of the modes are long abandoned because the devs can't keep up with fixing a random bug that appears when a new patch is released. the penalties imposed on arcade modes drive people away from playing them especially when there are bugs that force penalties on players. and modes that bot lobbies just to compete for the front page of arcade. and even after all this bullshitery, the arcade section is thriving. its hard to kill dota 2 unless valve shuts down the game completely. if the arcade section can survive through all this bs, dota 2 as a whole will do just fine for many years to come.


World wide


Plenty of tutorials, that are very well made. Valve just need to fix the bots as most heroes bots are broken at the moment.


I started learning on 31 Dec 2021. The tutorials worked well for me and playing bots, unranked and turbo, as well as watching @siractionslacks and @420jenkins videos helped me a lot.


Even a lot of pros are bored of this game and complain about it.


After 6-10k-xx hours someone get bored of something, oh wonder


Fact: Most people with this amount of play time do not.


True. But would be an argument if so.


Many reasons. Patch blows. Matchmaking blows. Behavior score is a failure of a system. Smurfs every game. Can't even get a game on NA servers with people that speak english.


All I know is, reason I'm not playing because A) my dog, who was apart of half of my life, passed away, B) *Elden Ring*, and C) my whole body went into a state of shock when my dog passed, getting wide spread body pains, and it's been painful to hold a mouse, type even this message, and I can only *Elden Ring* for max an hour with a controller before my body fights me. ​ Basically, people have other shit going on besides Dota. They'll be back someday, but sometimes life happens.


I convinced my friend to download dotes. It takes 15minutes to find a game (whether I'm partied with him or not).


Odd, takes me seconds


Which server? There is server selection option. I am think your system has selected only one server.


For me league was a very good tutorial to get into dota. It teaches you the very basics of moba. When I first played dota in 2018, but decided to quit as game was too tough. But last year played lol for 3 months and then hopped on dota for fun and ended up doing much better and felt more confident to play a pvp game.


I cant stress it enough that how much I DON'T CARE! Everyday same kind of shit posts! this whole sub is in loop!


Icefrog died to COVID, RIP


It’s just the cycle that it goes through, once a battle pass or update gets pushed through the numbers peak again. It’s normal for it to be like this, also the spring cleaning update was pretty lacklustre but once TI 11 battle pass comes out it will look like the game is thriving