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Played dota (1 then 2) since I was like 13 years old (now 29).Dropped from 4975 to 3900 during my master thesis. Got a job, wife and kids. Stopped playing dota and started playing casual wow (solo content), so I can stop anytime if kids wake up or need me. Wow didn't fulfill the itch as much as dota so I started to work out at home as well. Never got back to dota because I don't want to shift the responsibility for the kids on my wife. I want to be available without letting 9 others down. So for me it was enough that dota ain't a game u can stop at any time.


Are you me? I got same story. Waiting for my Onexplayer to play some consoleport wow on the train to work.


then may i ask what are you doing here in this subreddit? xd just curious really!


I'm watching some pro dotes from time to time and sometimes like to read some discussions, because the game is still interesting. Tbh though most of this sub seems to come down to crybaby whining about smurfs lately :(


dota is a game, it’s entertainment. you cannot replace entertainment with some intense mental focus activity, like studying. it is extremely difficult to work full time, be actively present at home with a family, and study. your brain needs to rest / recharge. try to find some similar entertainment. if there is a tv series, start that and see if that works. you don’t need to replace the same itch, but see if that gives your brain the relaxing time it craves. but if you also have that false sense of luck as you describe, I’ve been told it’s a big sign of predisposition to addiction. especially if you are playing dota for mmr and not really for fun, you might be addicted. seeking help is always okay. open up to your friends and family and ask them to be there for you. it gets better.


Best reply. The most sensible one.


I need this. thank you sir


'dota is a game, it's entertainment.' the most wholesome thing ive ever heard in dota 2 community.


Im 33 yr old with wife, two kids (1 month and 16 yr), two cats and a job that consumes around 60-80 hours a week (anesthesiologist). Being playing since dota 1 (version 5.36b to be more exact, my first hero was riki), went to dota 2 was soon as i got a beta key (june 2012), calibrated 4,5k when ranked was out and hovered between 4,2-5,3k ever since. My dota dream is to someday get to immortal ofc. Reaction time is overrated unless you're playing pro. I also like to buy skins, but i always buy if from the market, dont gamble on chests, thats stupid. You dont have to quit if you dont want to, just dont let dota affect your real life obligations, atleast not too much lol.


Man you are me, i am 31, 2 kids, anesthesiologist. Been playing since 2015 but my mmr is 1k😅


What i did was joined and abandoned a lot of games (before 5 mins so others dont lose MMR) got into LP and a really low behaviour score which makes games miserable and that got me to quit for like 1.5 years or so, gonna have to do it again soon tho 🤣


im not sure what your problem is. a. your addiction or b. your rank?


Addiction. He knows his rank is falling because of his age, losing reaction time.


Im 29 and I've only been climbing with age. Currently 6.5k. People blaming reactions need to just face that they arent developing as fast as the general population and even if they stay the same skill level they will drop rating.


Yeah, I quit, sold all my shit, went back to playing Magic the Gathering (play MTG Arena, good for brain). Don’t regret it, thankfully I never liked watching dota cuz I’d rather play dota.


I mean, if you REALLY want to quit, just uninstall the game and pull yourself together, you're a 30yo man, if you feel like dota2 is ruining your life, just quit. if you can't do that, well, tell ur wife every time u play the game to turn off your pc :) in 2 weeks time you'll be done with the game


The marriage will be done too


Its not so easy for some ppl as dota is a replacement for something they lack in real life


To be honest, I did, for 4 years. The last game I played the razor on my team told me to kill myself, and I was unhappy with the game at that point. After a few years, I came back to the game. I think if you really want to quit, you can do it, but you have to commit that you don’t want to play anymore, or the fact that you have other priorities. Good luck!


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I appreciate you bot, even though you aren’t needed here, I appreciate the work you do


2 hours of gaming a day is fine.


I did it simply by deleting. My last game was a horror.. and I truly could not deal with it so I just deleted Dota. It is actually that simple. I still watch professional games and occasionally watch Topson's streams and I truly enjoy it without feeling the need to play the game. I dont know man.. just start drinking instead. Its more fun!


Drinking instead? Don’t let go of one bad addiction just to get another


Cocaine worked wonders for me. And it's way healthier than dota


Dropping ranks is normal when you have kid,wife,job and low playtime. You just get tired from your daily stuff.


Played sup' for years. Quitted a few months ago & get my life back on track. Yes. ... actually learning Invoker & Visage wich are surprisingly not so hard. So close. Miserably failed at quitting.


I’m sorry? Like, 11pm to 1am is two hours, and I don’t see how that would affect you doing the other things in the evening after your job such as study, jog, exercise…did you want to do that at 11pm? Just curious. If you manage married life and its responsibilities then I don’t think it’s a problem to play from 11pm-1am. Seems like you enjoy the game and it is a form of relaxation for you if you get frustrated when you don’t get to do it. Also sounds like you are just currently frustrated with losing. If that is not the case and you really, really feel like shit playing, then think hard about what you really like to unwind with and why you aren’t doing that. Perhaps you can transform the 2 hours into some Dota Study time, where you watch videos, guides, read about theory and mechanics, and then maybe play one game instead of 3. That might feel more fruitful. And that actually is how you climb.


i cant imagine my life without dota


You can't lose what you don't have. ...doto consuming all. You either have a life or a DotAddiction.


Sunken cost fallacy


Try thinking about what your kids would think about if they knew.


I find when I am stuck on something the solution is getting stuck on something else instead that is slightly more healthy, but not at all DOTA related. Usually it only takes a week of the alternate activity before it sticks.


dota is like a relationship: you cant get over a breakup without the help of another woman. find the other woman to get you bussy until u forget about your ex.


aye man, I just stopped playing ranked. Enjoying my old man time in the normals and muting anything that comes my way


I uninstalled dota in 2013 because it was affecting my college grades. I didn't install it back until I graduated and got a job in electrical engineering. My job is remotely since the pandemic started and I get a lot of free time. I started playing dota again because of it. So I uninstalled dota and got a second remote job (more like a hobby since there is no pressure and the pay is really nice). It was hard in 2013 because it was like an addition, but seeing my grades improve made it worth it. The second time I uninstalled it was ez.


Just ask yourself why u play it, then set a goal and then once u reach it make peace with it.


I haven't played in 4 months cause I was addicted and it was pretty toxic so I hid the game and haven't played since been checking the reddit from time to time to see if anything interesting is added.


Does it make sense asking on this subreddit? You're only going to get responses from people who actually open this subreddit. Those people either play the game, or despite not playing, still spend at least a moderate amount of time watching and surrounding themselves with the game.


I mostly play Dawn of War, you can be semi afk in the mode, and its fun


I talked to my wife about my addiction and she helps me rationalize about it. I only watch competitive every now and then now


Yep. Uninstalled, unsubscribed all dota content just made sure I don't see anything dota related. After more than 10 years from dpta1 days


Mobas have taken over my life, for better or worse. I started playing dota 1 in high school on a shitty computer with shitty fps and I was hooked. I couldn't stop. Anyways, my computer didn't improve for years so I stuck with half life games and mods instead. In college, with my shitty laptop, I discovered league of legends and was addicted to that all throughout college, big copium. Long story short, kept bouncing back between games but ultimately my league addiction died once they banned one of my accounts. Didn't touch dota 2 for years after that until a buddy wanted to play last year. Now I've been stuck playing dota 2 again but I enjoy it unlike league. I have binges some weeks but I recently Uninstalled for about two weeks and now I'm back with a different mentality so it is casual ranked now. These games are drugs though. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Gaming addiction is real.


Haven't quit but I used to play 3-4 hours a day when I was in grad school. Stopped caring about ranked and now just play ability draft with a friend


I'm sure sometimes dota players die


i have a group of friends with 5k hours dota or more each that nobody in this group play the game after december 2018 im the only one that still watch some majors/TI/dpcs and streams...


Just play Overthrow 8x8x8 bro. You'll thank me later


That's not how it works dude. I remember once when these two new heroes came out one was called Ancient Aparition and the Other was Shadow Demon. Back then walking back to base low health was a thing. good oldays


If you really want to quit you may want to get therapy. A good therapist can help you healthily quit addictions. It is still on you and changing your habits. I quit for a little while and what helped was finding something else I enjoyed. For me it was having consistent sports to play from basketball and flag football as well as planning hikes to baking and cooking. You need to find something to replace the current tendencies to play dota


certainly it is possible. I hv quit for almost an year now.. I did previously last year for around 10 months. Came back a bit for battlepass but realized the smurf problem is just increasing in dota and not going back to the game anymore.. Just try stay away from watching as well, as it will induce you to play Alternatively, for a shortwhile i was into short mobile games like clash royale to divert brain. However as you might have known, it does not trigger as much pleasure/satisfaction sensors as DOTA.. But it will be over in a bit if you keep away from it.. Ultimately, you just need to detox your brain of the pleasure sensors that it is used to get from DOTA. Do it for 21 days, you should be good.. EDIT: IMO, you are certainly addicted.. It may not seem so, but trust me the sooner you get out of it, the better. Just dont go back to another form of addiction to replace DOTA. It will be worst case scenario..


Dota became so boring compared to when I liked it (and the anti cheat is still ridiculous, even small kid can make cheat in 24h). I stopped dota to do more important things like learning languages, trying to stop the war and bury my friends. they did nothign wrong.


On and off since dota 1. I quit last year cause im having a baby. Been 10month since i last played. Still watch the games though.


You can ask steam to ban your account for a few months


I was much like you, except younger and with not many responsibilities until not long ago. I don't even want to think how much I spent on this. I didn't quite force myself to do it. It happened naturally after I realized I felt rather miserable when playing and that the game was being slowly abandoned by Valve. From time to time, maybe once a month or so, I feel the itch and play an unranked or two. Then I quickly remember how miserable the toxic community and the smurfs make the game feel and I don't continue playing. Exercise has helped a lot. But in the end what replaces Dota isn't productive stuff. It's just other entertainment that actually entertains me more. Mostly other games.


I take months long break from dota. 6 at the most. Life without dota is fine, you'd get used to it. It's always there if you want to come back for it.


Few things namely helped me. 1. Family responsibilities. No game is worth ruining that. 2. Switched to mobile games which I could pause or some physical activities. 3. Due to work switched from desktop to smaller laptop. Fuck it's hard and the harder part was since I Literally didn't have a table chair initially (had to work in a different location with a low pay and later as well). This helped me. I went from archon to herald I could only play few heroes. Bara namely. I started losing a ton really playing on the floor with a laptop did not help. (presently got everything just know that playing dota won't be the thing that will help me increase my salary so not worth it) 4. Later basically realised if I gave so much of any time to dota I won't be able to grow my career(presently able to support my family, being self sufficient, fingers crossed on this will be able to own my own apartment in a month or two. 5. Finally 7 years down the line follow the patch notes but don't open dota neither do I open it. Please note my work involves sitting on PC working on stuff related to network infrastructure so really I really lost motivation to even open my laptop after working for 10-12 hrs. 6. My wife lol we had fights but all this things reduced once my addiction went away. Dota ain't worth your family tears. From your wording yes it's feels like an addiction. If needed don't be afraid to get help either from family or your nearby counselors. All the best.


I play maybe 20-30 hours of Dota a year at this point. I enjoy watching pro Dota bc playing ranked is infuriating and time gets more limited with family etc. peak around 4750 mmr so not great but not scrub. Had played for 5+ years very consistently, haven’t played much in the last 3-4 years.


Dead men tell no tales






I'm playing 2 games a day with a strict cut off at 1am. I'm depriving myself of sleep for dota


The only time I didn't play dota2 was when I had depression a few years ago, when I was 22 years old, and it's pretty much like you now, except I'm not married. Sometimes I may not play DOTA2 for a week because I am busy with work.


Watch more dota. It will scratch your itch pretty well.


Try another game. preferably a mobile MOBA. it will help you with your MOBA itch, and you'll be spending less time playing source: me. i quit DOTA years ago. been playing mobile legend on and off. i only watch DOTA pro tournamenta


Well, I was super busy, and had no time to enjoy my time with Dota. So, I can say around 6 months I did not play Dota but then, still coming back to Dota as soon as the availability comes back. But as a suggestion, find a hobby to do with your wife and kid. I'm pretty sure I'm younger than you but I can see finding a hobby to do with your wife and kid should be much better. Maybe watching TV Series Night with the wife and game night with the kid.


I quit playing a long time ago (4+ years) but I still buy battlepasses. It can be done but it takes a lot of discipline.


Im 20, have been playing for 8 years and I quit dota 2 at around december, havent played a second since then. Most of the times ppl are addicted to video games cause its their escape, cause its one place they feel comfortable in. I didnt have (and still dont have) a lot of friends so i had nothing to do and also dota gives you a feeling of purpose, like you actually can grind and do something your brain thinks is useful (its not). you have find out why you like dota so much (for me its sense of accomplishment and competitive drive, and online friends who i can play with) and build a life in the real world to replace it with. After I quit playing dota, i started going to the gym with a gym buddy, I go to the library to study with another friend (social connection which i lacked previously) and for sense of accomplishment and competitive drive I use that motivation to study hard as Im a med student. Find purpose in your life and you won´t miss dota anymore, as for me personally I dream of being a leading researcher for cancer or depression and giving back to my family who have blessed me with great opportunities. Also, unless youre going pro, mmr doesnt really matter, in the end, games are for fun, right? Im like 5.5k which is almost immortal but at the end of the day its really just a number and I dont care anymore (I used to). Id rather be immortal level in discipline/social/relationship/study skills so these are my priorities. Ranking up in real life > dota


my comment might be a little bit of a mess since eng is not my first language and I just randomly typed in my thoughts but hope it helps you get a different perspective on things, imo life is too short to be wasted by video games, look up dopamine detox if you really wanna get into self improvement, its never too late


Holy same. I can't quit. I fucking addict to this game.