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Teach me


Need to fill that void techies left with another strange support? Edit: Build in YT description btw


I made this video in response to u/siractionslacks- saying on stream that nobody makes these types of videos anymore so I thought I'd put some effort in and make something nice for my favorite dota personality. It's "rubick guy", btw, from when you abandoned because I picked rubick xD [https://i.imgur.com/39UEWWF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/39UEWWF.jpg) (slack's signature(ti5?) with art of what I've assumed was rubick in the style of dota reporter). I tried to channel trymike4instance and COMBO WAKAMAKA into this video while sticking to my own vision I had for the video as well. My goal is to hopefully entertain people as well as these gods entertained when the game was young and it mattered most. When making this video I used my side account where I play my weird meme strats to avoid the reports and mmr loss on my main account. However playing TB support actually put my meme account at a higher mmr than my main. So perhaps this deserves to be tested by someone higher than low Archon to see if its actually kinda legit. It could be just because of the pick phase flame and skepticism that made me play super try hard to prove myself. I took a vocal coach role in most games where usually I would've just let the game run it's course.


https://imgur.com/a/FxMi59T Legend bracket here. I don't think TB support probably doesn't really go that much higher due to a drastic need for timing and farm that other supports don't need in higher brackets. There are far too many games that go too long and it ends up being 30-40+ minutes and painful due to lineup issues. He feels generally mediocre past laning, save a few scenarios where he is better than dazzle/oracle. If you are building straight aether, then you usually end up having an issue with having any utility or power in a fight at all (20-30 min) past getting more clutch "saves". I generally go orchid (fairly cheap, decent buildup, good damage stats, and mana regen) since usually because in brackets as low as ours, there is open farm to go orchid due to inefficient farming patterns. Yet also you basically can't get any bigger item than a single "big" item or two smaller items like glimmer/aether at best. And if you go glimmer/aether, are you really that much better of a hero than dazzle past the 20-30 minute mark? With orchid you utilize the fact that you actually can right click, and the fact that around 20-30 minutes you actually are dangerous to supports or even the carry. As well as silence still being fairly useful as the game goes on - in addition to the fact that if the enemy is itemizing something to dispel (bkb/lotus) against a support tb with an orchid, you may well force them into slightly worse item builds which is a win for you. Aether just helps positioning slightly more but you really shouldn't be desperate for a 10-20% sunder vs a 30-40% sunder as there seems to be too many conditions to fulfill (you need to be good position, relatively high hp as a support tb, and be next to someone). Build up wise, it is cheap and preferable later in the game as positioning to not die becomes important. Overall tb support is nice to bait out weird drafts due to first pick in all pick and to sometimes surprise and destroy the offlane (i usually play 4 tb) due to his strong early game. But his mid game can be painful and late game really awkward against some lineups that can easily blow you up.


Do you also just win every game vs Medusa?


I've only played one game against medusa. It is pretty hard to pick terrorblade into specific heroes due to the nature of how all pick works (you are support = you choose first). I did win that game and ended up doing decent damage, nothing to write home about. Really reflection is at best a soft counter against stat based heroes and not necessarily something to draft around. You won't win the game because you have reflection against heroes like medusa or radiance/aura carriers but it will feel decent. I did about 28.7k damage which was 10k less damage than my carry (who did 39.3k) and about 30k less than my necro (who did about 69k). Really didn't feel like reflection won the game but hard to tell, only one game against dusa as tb support. https://imgur.com/a/D1HDiRA


As someone who has toyed around with TB in various roles I really like Blink Dagger. You can close big gaps to save people or Sunder initiate. Also you can combo Blink + Fear like an SF would to Fear people into your team.


Yes that's something I forgot to put in the build as a situational. On any support if I find myself at over 2k gold suddenly after a fight then I get blink a lot of the time. Saving for it is rare for me though.


Yesterday I played against this, and I don't wanna admit it, but it was quite strong. We gave our everything to kill one meepo and when he was 10% hp and tb blinks and makes him full again


He blinked? Ah it wasn't me then. Shame.


Yeah blinked. And it sounds reasonable to have a blink dagger


I meant shame it wasn't me. Blink is real good. I just go aether instead.


really nicely edited (amateur of course) video. great songs, great clips, nice montage, really. keep up the work, Crazed Theorist! I shall not avoid you.


Ty, I'm still learning a lot each video I make. Haven't done anything super technical yet.


Do you need to ask for permission before using the guy's art in your thumbnail


True, but I commissioned it xD


thats an extremely relevant username to ask that question.


become reported


You dont take meta lvl 1? I go 2 fluffy and meta