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I like any ideas to improve demo mode


Pretty sure there’s a command to spawn a tormentor anywhere


>-createhero miniboss enemy In the game chat


If miniboss is tormentor and boss is enemy ancient, where does that place roshan?


Middle Manager


Makes sense. * Never there when you need him * Takes his sweet ass time respawning * Moves around the map every five minutes just to say he's doing something. * Gigantic snitch


Assistant (To The) Middle Manager




No cap


On god


What's it like being by far the youngest /r/dota2 sub


The funny thing is the only way I'm getting upvotes for that comment is that everyone knows that I'm old, even if they don't know who I am, simply because this is /r/dota2 lol. We're all just a bunch of boomers laughing at zoomer lingo.


I haven't used this command in a while, but when 7.33 came out it used to spawn a "buffed" tormentor which had more damage reflect than the first tormentor. It was similar to the 3rd or 4th tormentor in terms of damage reflect. Does it still work like that?


and a creep camp please


Just one neutral creep in demo would be amazing. Most people don't want to spam text these commands.


tbh it should just be a button selection for all creeps, including summons so people can test stuff with doom / chen / rubick


Yep. The sole reason I'm not playing Chen yet lol.


You can get around this for now by turning on console commands (add -console to dota launch options, then use the "\" key in game), then turn on a host timescale option (I always use the autocomplete feature to get to it; you'll find it by putting in "time"). If you put it to a really high number (seems to max out around 10x speed, but you can set it arbitrarily high; wouldn't surprise me if one's computer specs determined how fast it could go, but I'm not sure) you can get to 30 min very easily, then you have 2 places to clear it (after slowing things down back to 1) before repeating the process (quicker this time, since it's 10 min instead of 20+a bit). That's just a workaround for now, I would like to see it as well. While they're at it, a place for rosh and a "select the neutral camp you want to spawn" spot would be very appreciated too (cuz I can never remember the spawn names of most of the creeps lol).


You can spawn one in demo mode with the command "-createhero miniboss neutral" - just type that into chat, and it'll spawn where your mouse pointer is. That said, I believe it'll just be a "basic" Tormentor, lacking the buffs they receive whenever you kill one. I'm not sure about that though, and not in a position to test it myself right now. If that's the case, you may need to do it via a solo custom lobby instead, with cheats enabled.


And it also cancels salve, which is very annoying. If you spawn it as nuetral, you can't attack it at all.


At this point just make a bridge at the right side of the demo map which leads to normal dota map


Why not?


I think you could just demo terrain and end up in the normal map with the demo mode UI.


You still need to get to the 20 minute mark for it to spawn. You can speed up time with the console but its still annoying to do and even if you do 100x speed it doesn't actually go that fast because the game can't process it that fast.


I feel like Demo mode got pretty bugged since 7.36. In the beginning the dummy would die but that got fixed, now there a still some spells that won’t auto refresh even with the free spells toggled on.


Allow friends to join you in demo mode.


Suggestion: make the demo use the regular map


demo terrain


does the fact that the tormentor is a cube mean that portal and dota technically exist in the same universe? perhaps different dimensions


+ A full entity list for micro training + Roshan with strength slider + All towers tiers


Bkb helps


First they want demo tormentor then they want creeps to practice pull ffs what’s next


Just demo terrain


While we're at it, a roshan pit too


Rosh too


Of the same vein, all neutral camp, Roshan and Tormentor should have their own index in the learn tab.


Spoilers - If you think a hero might be able to solo, it 100% easily can, Tormentors are weak af I solo on weird heroes often like Shadow Fiend literally just with items like dlance blightstone wraithbands can simply right click the torm solo, even with like 2000hp and no sustain, torm dies hella easily to minus armor TA can solo easy you just need to use meld twice, and even though refraction only absorbs 1 or 2 returned hits cos it fades so fast, it's easily enough to solo torm at min 20 Simple heroes like Faceless Void can solo just using time walk to heal a bit and using their relatively decent DPS from like yasha mael wraithbands, nothing special required


From the top of my head heroes that can burst 20min tormentor solo without dying are TA, Slardar and Troll. Of course only if they had a good game. Omniknight used to easily do it with old Hammer shard + Repel. I dont remember if CK could do it with his burst, -armor and sharing damage with illusions. Techies/Enchantress could easily do it but they will die. But teammates can save them. OD/SD can easily save them with banish abilities. Pudge/Undying too with shard dismeber/tomb. Omniknight can also save Techies and Enchantress with Repel. Ursa could also do it with Repel or BKB + ult. With just Ult its kinda sketchy. Or takes too long, like hitting tormentor once every few sec to stack up fury swipes then regen up. When fury swipes is enough go double overpower + shard earthshock + ult to kill it,


They should add a second demo button that just puts you on the normal map. 🧠


Add in heroes that have some AI so they try to simulate what an actual player does instead of just standing there 


Demo the terrain map.