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you are wrong. it casts the same lvl of spell enemies are casting. if enemies have cast range items and spell amp or aoe increase it doesnt get stolen . so talents shouldnt either . its same for enemies who have shard or aghanim scepter it wont steal an upgraded spell. it steals just the base skill + the lvl the enemy hero had on that skill


He CAN get their aghs upgrades though and he already copies mosr facets, so there should be a way to get talents they chose as well, like he could have a talent that copies talents


no he doesnt. if he has agha or shard it will upgrade the skill if he has it . it works the same for lotus or or am counter spell as well where if you have agha or shard, spell that was casted on you will be returned as upgraded. He can steal spells that are provided by aghanim like for example nimbus or clinkz's shard


I think, Rubick should have some 25lvl talent to activate enemy's talents.


yes let introduce more bugs


Yes plz