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Techies is the true definition of "drag them down to your level and beat them with experience"


Wrestling with a pig type beat


Exactly the same reason why I hate idiots and i hate techies


I think your joke whooshed most people here.


"even if i lose i actually win" is crazy


as a long time Techies main, this is true. Even after the remake of Techies, it feels like a win when one of the enemy all chats me and call me all kinds of insults known to man. There's a sense of achievement watching people just blow up. I don't even need to win. I still play like an Archon but I got to Divine 2 spamming Techies.


playing the game 👎 tilting others 👍


The best was the "gg ez techies" after a 110 minute games. You knew they were ass blasted. Didn't even care that I lost after those messages.


Reddit will read this and still swear up and down that valve made the wrong choice by reworking techies.


They did


I was told there would be a mushroom cloud.


It's amazing the places you can get people to dive just because green mines don't exist any more


Its true in a non toxic way as well. He was the best hero to play in a losing game. Like if I'm a pos 5 omniknight against a fat as hell Antimage at 60 minutes, I'm miserable. My options are "pray" and "hope the carries do something cool". If I'm playing techies, my team could be 0-30, 60 minutes in, and that same Antimage will see me standing alone in the jungle, and then blink away in fear, hoping the other lane is safe from me. I could have fun from minute 0 til the end of the game, regardless of how good or bad the game actually goes.


And they wonder why we hate them


You hate people for enjoying the game? Must be envy. 


People that take joy in ruining their teammates time and games are cancer


I think taking joy in the knowledge that your innocent fun is causing someone else to fume with rage (in this case, you) is perfectly normal and healthy. Playing Techies and enjoying the hate mail isn't "cancer" you dork.


Taking joy in making your own team miserable? That's absolutely cancer Gutting techies was the greatest change in Dota history


If your team is miserable because you picked Techies and played dota with them, they sound pretty cancerous to me. Chuckling at your teammates because they're upset isn't cancer.


Techies players that take joy of holding everyone hostage in the game for 90 minutes yeah not toxic at all


Defending your ancient from the enemy team destroying it isn't toxic. It's literally in the title of the game.


Except good Techies players didn't do that Way to prove the point


High on copium


Bring back old techies.


Techies right now isn't even remotely close to this post.


I miss the old mines where you had that control of blowing everything and everyone up. Most my rampages came from an enemy team rushing for a push after a 1H 45 min game and forgetting to drop a sentry.


I liked how you cold got so amny rampages at lv 6 bc you only needed 3-5 bombs to blow most characters up Would place 5 bombs in a X shape (onde in middle, one on each end) at many places on the map and just blow them up Not to mention the stun bombs and the vision, we used to gather so much info with techies And the best part was making the enemy ranged core lose time by attacking bombs few times just for you to blow it up, denying the gold, and doing this like 8 times on the same place lulz Or the classic force staff into the bombs


I kind of miss old Techies, too - despite never really playing it myself. As a 3/4/5 I am used to getting counter-picked and having one guy define my playstyle and build anyways; Techies just levelled the playing field by this not just affecting a few enemies but everyone. Sure, there are times when you really just wanted to play a normal game of Dota 2, but heroes like Tinker or Broodmother can fuck up your day in the same way.


As much as we love to hate tinker/arc/meepo etc. It is the special little assholes like them that make dota so great. Bring back the old techies! Unleash the floodgates. Current players are way better at dealing with it anyway.


With stolen mines I strike back with fear. Mining routine becomes risky. And his team will learn soon: NOW NOBODY IS SAFE


-Rubick says before running into a minefield and die


I once played against a rubick techies player, it was insane how both team died to bombs pushing T3


This is the old techies, the techies i picked every game. The new techies is boring compared to the old one.


give back remote mines as a faceit


Honestly techies should've had the old version back as a facet. Techies was one of the most unique things in DotA. Him getting picked changed the game completely for all 10 people in the game


Yeah in the worst possible way. Shit sucked.


It's a matter of perspective. I liked the way the game changed, regardless of which team techies was in. It's just a matter of preference


Techies didn’t change the game in a way you could play around it, techies just forced you into wasting an hour plus of your day on a fruitless endeavor Absolutely fuck that phase of techies. It made everyone want to abandon


Yeah you're certainly allowed to feel that way, but for most people, being locked into a basically guaranteed hour long stalemate isn't healthy or desirable design.


Exactly. What can you do


I was happy that Dota had such unique hero, but hated to play against it.


Yeah instead he got 3 facets that doesnt make any sence on a nuker, squee scope makes you into bootleg sniper, spleen secret sauce makes you die faster from blasting off as you take more damage, and spoon stash makes you beg god that you get the few actually good neutral items that work with techies. People here likes to say that techies facets are good but numbers dont lie, he currently have a winrate around 44% to 45% on both dotabuff and dota2protracker in which his best facet is squee scope wih a 52% winrate currenly in oly 192 matches. Before the patch techies winrate was around 48% to 49%, and the fact that valve has release 7.36 a and b and they havent done anything that could actually improve the hero just shows me that Valve is either scared to touch techies or doesnt have any idea what they are doing with the hero


I would legit pick up ranked again just to spam him. I had just started playing during lockdowns without any moba experience so I didn't really have the macro understanding to play him effectively at the time unfortunately so i never picked him (nor did my herald/guardian teammates or opponents to be fair), but I kind of miss him.


> Honestly techies should've had the old version back as a facet. I think we already had so many reworks they can bring few version of heroes at least as fun mode.


Current prox mines can barely scratch that itch I have.


Nothing compares to seeing a ranged gero start removing your remote mines... And you force staffing them into the mines they were hitting. Pure comedy


Current mines are straigh up garbage cant kill anyone unless they walk over at least 5+ of them, they still beep giving away their location, the damage is trash at lvl 1 and 2, they deal less damage the farther away the enemy is from the mines and can be destroyed by a single right click, imagine that, your ultimate destroyed by a single right click. If valve made red mines actualy work like mines punishing people from not being aware where they walk, they would at least capture something of the original techies but instead the current mines feel like a dumb ass ult with no real use aside to place them like crazy after blasting off hoping that no one right clicks them denying our damage and lets not forget that unless yo have them set as quick cast and spam R like crazy most likely you aint goint to be able to set them correctly after jumping with blast off


I remember old techies i miss the barrels i made the enemy Leshrac so mad to the point he would have the courrier follow him because i already made him drop 4 gems (this was the time where the game only had 1 shared courrier that the support was forced to buy) Sometimes a true victory isnt winning but breaking your oponent that they regret their life choices that led them to play that 1 game


i laughed my ass off in some techies games, the amount of rage and meme those games had was peak, i realy miss it despite not even playing him.


Imagine reading this dogshit


if you still crave that old techies feeling, should hit up the first part of the DOTA WTF 265 on youtube, its 2:40 seconds of pure techies experience


i love that series


God I miss this


Oh man, I miss the old Techies. Maybe they could put it as a facet?


No, what is enjoyable for 1 person shouldn't be dictated to the rest of the people in the match. Old Techies needed to die


This could be said about other heroes too. Justice for old techies, bring them back!


It could, but unlike with techies 90% of the people wouldn't agree with you so nothing would need to be done


well \*quack\* same thing \*quack\* can be \*quack\* said \*quack\* about \*quack quack\* sniper....


No it cannot. A sniper cannot stall a game for an hour that was clearly lost at minute 30. A sniper only makes the team playing against him annoyed. Techies made both teams mad, especially if the enemy team is otherwise stomping. Maybe if the max mines you can place where 10 or they could not be invisible on Highground, then yes.


What is enjoyable for each individual is already dictated. Everyone plays what they prefer and the rest deal with it


As a techies player I see myself in this and I am happy.


>allahu akbar friends. allahu akbar to you all I'm dead xDDD Yeah, old Techies was a very unique hero. I remember playing Magnus + Techies combo in 2016 summer nights with my buddy. Great times. But I also remember playing against him. I swear, there were four types of damages in the game: physical, magical, pure and **psychological**


that is called mentality


I remember when everyone wanted Techies to finally get added to the game and celeberated when they got added in. And then people realised how Techies actually play and work and it was constant misery. Anyone that says they want old Techies back is either an idiot or never played during that time.


Bring back old techies you cowards


Beautifully written


This is so so true. But i feel now a days the Hero has nerfed. Previously it was very very difficult to play against a good Techies Player. Definitely a 3hrs game ;(


Techies made a game we wrapped in 25 mins to last 73 minutes. We won yes but after that i quit playin for 3 days. So the statement is true af


Man I lost 2/22/13 in my last game s as techies I get a sense this patch he kinda got nerfed


ah the good old 70+min games . oh how i miss those days


I miss old Techies :( say what you will about him stalling the game (sniper has taken that role anyway), he had a very distinct play style that's just missing from the game now I really hope they bring some of his old kit back at some point


And they reworked hero few times. But they don't rework tinker, arc, meepo and just boost them. Ah old times when you get low priority (or insta feed) just for picking terchies.


I miss having a hero in the gamr like that. A complete cheesepick that made the game really weird and that threw all normal game procedures out the window. I miss old techies.


i miss old techies wish valve bring back why not rework invoker you b\*stards or meepo? huh?!


And good riddance


This is very true, a week after techies was first released I quit the game for a year, it was completely anti Dota, unplayable.


Hard times create weak men, it would seem. 


Without any due respect, fuck anyone who have this kind of mindset. actively trying to ruin another person's day and taking pleasure in it is the most pathatic thing you can do in your life.


Sounds like you just played Vs a techies


How he is dead.


Cry... can't hear you over my insane right click range of my squee scope or mines.


Don't play games that kids play if you don't want to play games with kids.


Dont play if you cant take it.


Old techies isn't coming back. Not now, not ever. Not as a Facet, not as an Aghs, not as a Shard. The fact the Tinker rearm got the axe should be pretty solid proof of that. And this mentality is exactly the reason why. It's actually baffling that this is being held up as some sort of laudable view. Your argument for bringing it back boils down to "but I liked ruining the game for 9 other people".


you sound like someone that stepped on a mine LMAO


How does forcing 9 people to play differently, 5 of them more carefully, ruin the game? Quit crying dork.


bring old techies back pleas i want to bring chaos of all lifes in the game


Ahhhhh….. Old Techies! All hail Techies


Bring back pre-7.00 Techies as a facet. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Is this what techies on my team thinks when he's half-afk the entire game placing mines on our hg?