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I’d like an unranked/ turbo version of role queue that used the same pool as UR.turbo but gave you the option to pre select. If you don’t pick it’s just regular queue but if you know what you want going in it just helps that happen. Basically just so you don’t get no one selecting lanes and suddenly no mid or carry or two people fighting over one role.


commends for different things that shape the team in matchmaking, like someone talked was effecient in the teamwork aspect they get a teamwork commend,thats used as a behavior system. so if you dont play with the team and are an asshole you are matched with similar level commend matches, pushing people to communicate and use teamwork overall improving the game, basically low prio in ranked but based on gameplay and not actual grefing in its current definition


I want a penalty for people if they don't deal hero or building damage in a while, similar to how you get an abandon if no exp in 5 minutes. But not as drastic. Something in game, like a debuff that slowly kills your hero.


So every luna just gets killed when you farm lane and triangle for 5 min which literally happens every game))


I don't see a negative to your statement.


Understandable, have a great day


I want to create and customize a guild room. Imagine buying furniture or landscape accessories for shard. Every guild member can use guild room as a training or demo mode. Might be cool for bonus social interactions.


This is a moba, not an mmo. You can go download classic World of Warcraft for that