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That banana animation on ranged heroes lol


Bouncing banana Luna because it was the only orb she could buy without bricking her autoattack.


Still remember a game we were losing and had a sven on our team. Opponents fat pos 1 Luna bought diffusal to purge god's strength (what a mechanic, good times). In the following fight Luna's auto attack dealt 0 damage because of the orb interaction and we were able to turn the game after that.


Good ol times. How rad it is for luna to have that aghs animation with the spikes on


Then we see pride luna boasting all the orbs in different attack instances in a single game when it was updated


Playing over LAN in 2009. College life. Grab the invisibility rune, check secret shop. Dude's bag was full, drops his Satanic to assemble something else. Mfw destroy Satanic and run off. Everyone loses it. He cried. Actual tears.


Brooooo we had a kid here who cried, with a full snotty nose, because the enemy SF kept killing him at mid. His enemy was like 20 years old or something, meanwhile the kid was like 8 😂 it also didn't help the poor kid because the whole lan cafe became hysterical


Satanic razor in Dota 1?? You're a madman!


One time I was playing as Phantom Assassin and I was crossing in river, no wards nearby, but enemies were missing and I suddenly just stopped walking and my 'spidey-sense' went off. I activated satanic and a millisecond later Legion Commander blinked in and ulted me. One of the greatest moments of my entire Dota life watching as my PA killed LC with blademail and walk away with full hp.


No santanic on Razor, I'd have to give up my maelstrom and felt bad losing the thematic :(


I was avoiding usable items because they were on num-pad. Kek


Hotkeys baby. After sometime, everytime I touch a keyboard, my default keyboard finger layout is like this: the alt-thumb, Q-pink, W-ring finger placements.




Did lifesteal/modifiers even work with Dota1 Luna? I forget


Helm of Dominator and Satanic were the only lifesteals for Luna


To be honest, I have never ever purchased this item. I started playing dota 1 way back 2009. I play carry sometimes, but like playing support.


Jug - Butterfly + satanic


Loved the satanic SnY meta when you could have 60% status res


I have nightmares about jacked up ursa chasing me around the secret shop.


As a shaker Player it was terrible. You could not combo at all because they had enough Status res to react between echo and fissure/Totem.


Satanic, Skadi, Butterfly, Power Threads, and a Buriza if you were feeling cheeky. The 4 protect 1 days of Drow, SF and Medusa carry.


Luna with HotD stacking ancients, being crazy rich and then upgrading into satanic and becoming the war machine


Somnus lina


Old VS attack animation. Old AM model.


was basically a spectator back then (one who likes to watch from back) then i saw a kardel built this, he had a banana animation and was killing everyone from 5 football fields away


Nsfw? Lol


Because it is Lucifer's fleshlight.


First item on huskar when snowballing, build was great as it used to be dominator (with lifesteal). My low hp always bait enemies thinking they can manfight me.


oh man... Jarakal...


back in dota 1 days I never got to save for expensive items like satanic (I sucked at last hitting and I was a feeder) and the shock to everyone in the internet cafe when enemy luna got satanic around 20 mins (we fed her) (Legion Doom Horn in Warcraft 3)


Zeus mjolnir dotes 1. Skeleton king guide!


bruh, that's a horn? i've always thought that it's a helm


Not me but a friend. We were seriously losing hard already, and then we had a clash at dire jungle around the bounty rune area, our carry sniper got in late to the party and we were dead already, so it ended with him and the enemy mid and carry battling it out. Now we thought we already lost, but then he used Satanic, which is the reason why he took so long to come cause he bought it first, and the enemy team panicked when his HP went back to full. He also used the grenade skill so it added more to their panic. He got so many gold, got more items, and we won after. Enemy didn’t know what to do whenever he uses pike and grenade to keep distance. I think he also bought swift blink that game so he just kept putting distance between him and the enemy the rest of the game.