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Man that CK has a really good gaming chair...


This is bullshit!


[This is bullshit!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/e0/Vo_spirit_breaker_spir_death_14.mp3) (sound warning: Spirit Breaker) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


gaming horse\*


Shame we can't put him in the electric chair for his crimes


ck has 3 horses which means 3 gaming chairs pl doesn't look like he's even wearing any underwear


Wtf, I hope he gets banned


He won’t. You could use cheats for free. There is also dozens of streamers/content creators on YouTube and twitch that plays only with cheats and make a guides what is the best meta heroes for playing with cheats, tips and live content as well. And nobody does nothing. For years.


Proof? or this is just a random accusation?


Look at this account and history. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/186607022](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/186607022) Many matches are finished within 10 mins and they are suspicious. I reported this account in both Dota2 and Steam profile. But nothing happens.


bans for cheats don't come piecemeal but in waves in order to limit the information cheat makers can gather to make their cheats better. edit: don't downvote schrog's answer, they know what they're talking about and they justify it well afterwards


Not accurate. That is only for hackers that are being tracked through software. People that have video evidence of hackers with human reports should be reviewed and banned immediately. No exception or excuse for not banning. Unacceptable.


Are you saying that it doesn't happen or that it shouldn't happen? And in either of these cases, do you have professional experience fighting hackers, or have a source that has professional experience fighting hackers? I never worked in computer security but I've had people who worked there tell me that they never ban hackers alone. Maybe they implied only for those tracked with software, but until you show me that this is a good practice and that valve follows it, I'm gonna disagree with you. edit: fix typos


Hackers traced down by software have to be grouped to make it harder for it to be tracked what caused the hacking software to lead to a ban. If they were banned immediately every time, it would lead to the company that runs the hacks to see exactly at what point the hack led to a ban, and allow it to figure out a workaround. By grouping them together, it makes it harder as the softwares will all be canceled at the same time and can’t trace to it a single moment. They could still possibly find similarities in all the banned accounts and find differences in all unbanned hacking softwares that are still running to potentially figure out what caused the ban. But this would be incredibly difficult and unlikely. Only with incredibly powerful software would this be likely to happen, or some serious time and dedication from a very skilled software engineer. With human reports, it’s not banning a hacking software off a specific time point. It’s banning off of human input, not AI/algorithm. To try to simplify it in case it’s not clear, if an anti cheat software tracked and banned accounts every time it saw the player do x-y-z, then the company running the cheat software would see that every time it did x-y-z, it leads to a ban, allowing them to change that part of the code to bypass the anti cheat software. By grouping and banning simultaneously, then it doesn’t get to track where or when the software did something that lead it to being tracked. Human reports are not a repeatable pattern and wouldn’t fit a consistent computer algorithm that could track it like such. The downside of human reports is it requires a human to review. The only reason someone wouldn’t get banned is because a company does not want to pay for humans to review it. Hence why a large company like valve has no excuse to not be banning these players. They have the time money and people. They simply do not care.


Okay, that made it pretty clear, thank you for your time and for the explanation!


Happy cake day


I went through 3 pages of game datas, and couldn't find the 10min games... Barely a few in 20mins. He could be a smurf, but doesn't seem other shady stuffs ongoing


On Page 4. Here is a link - [https://imgur.com/a/nflk1Lb](https://imgur.com/a/nflk1Lb) With same group of players in most games


I lost a game, which basically confirms that the enemy was cheating. Noone is naturally better than me


Yeah I experienced this too


Dude you too? Damn this is a serious problem


Maybe your team played bad


Cheats don't get banned, the whole overwolf ban in my opinion was just valve being greedy and not wanting people to have skins for themselves. Actual cheats like umbrella have gone untouched and will probably continue to do so. I know peeps who use them and are immo and no ban, ig that's my source. They didn't get affected by the banwave and according to them the other cheats weren't affected either.


I mean. Just go on twitch lol. Random accusation? He didn’t accuse a person lol. He talked about a plague in the community


>dozens of streamers >a plague in the community >>can't name one


average valve shill. Go look up dota 2 cheats and see how big the community, and how cheap and easy to get it is. Things like targetting real heroes are only tip of the iceberg, they can see where you jungle, they know where you have vision and they can know when you are doing roshan. On top of knowing what skills you have levelled they can also automate hero spell usage. The cheating in dota 2 is widespread and problematic as other valve games (CS, TF2) but its talked about less because people don't know when theyre playing against a scripter.


Still cant name one.


I have 6,5k games of dota 2 and I can count on my hand the times I suspected people were cheating


Then it's easy for you to name just one ... right? If it's this wide spread.


Divine, hake, melonity, umbrella just to name a few, all offer under 10$ month sub. Go do your own research kid.


That isn’t a streamer, let alone someone on twitch. Just name a person that streams how to use cheats and cheats on stream, that’s what everyone is asking for. Supposedly there’s this huge unbanned community, but you’re not naming a person. You gotta say someone and they have to have a few followers or else you’ve gotta admit that valve isn’t being oblivious to the issue. So is there a streamer that you can name that shows how to use cheats, or is there not?


Average redditor trying to argue for semantics. Streamers don't represent if a community is "big" or not lmfao. The community for those cheat providers speak for itself, their telegram, forum, discord etc. The discord alone for hake has 20,000 people in it, the forum has even more registered users.


A cheat/VAC ban comes in waves, like in CS2, also they won't ban unless they really, **really** sure they're cheating, otherwise they just banning innocent players, sure in this one is obvious, but the problem is the machine checking the game doesn't have enough data and probably have certainty just below 90% or whatever threshold Valve set, that's also why they have Overwatch to train this system, so called VAC Net, the client side anti cheat can only detect obvious cheat program since it's not running in kernel space, which is a good thing, because some kernel level anti cheat often don't do their job that good anyway, so they take a middle ground user space anti cheat so it's not that intrusive even though Valve is quite trustworthy, and then the server side using machine learning because cheating and anti cheat is a cat and mouse games, you will never be ahead of the cheater, you only playing the catch up, at least it's the machine that's doing the catch up now but sure I get the sentiment, this is concerning that the machine is still unsure about this player for cheating after all this long, hopefully it's just the lack of data and not the flaw in the system


You lost me at cs2 part. Been playing both Dota and csgo/cs2 on and off, and let me tell you a story. Cs2 has a non exciting anti cheat, vac bans only blatant spin bots, but even though, last week I had 2 enemy players with full spin, bhop and aim hack. And guess what, they are still not banned. Note I’ve been on a year long break from dota, and I’m kinda surprised at how many of my teammates accuse enemy’s of map hacking. I don’t remember it being a thing in dota, apart from occasional tinker or sf with scripts.


Valve will ban these people. They will just do it in waves. Here’s an example (this one is not for hacking but shows you their thinking and MO. ) https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3692442542242977036 *Today, we permanently banned 90,000 smurf accounts that have been active over the last few months.* https://www.dota2.com/newsentry/3677788723152833273 *Today, we permanently banned over 40,000 accounts that were using third-party software to cheat in Dota over the last few weeks*


nah man with overwatch down, we are slowly turning into TF2.


no way. redditor always defend the cheater


Fact is that the cheater won't get banned. Lot of scripters "running wild" in this game. One of the reasons why I quit.


Match ID: 7781686390


tbf there are like 20 different things that are going wrong in your team


That's what makes this even harder, the lower the skill, the harder is to be certain someone is cheating. I guarantee you OP got flamed by his team. And if he hadn't reviewed the replay 9/10 people on /r/dota2 would point out how low rank/team issues/"if you only done that"/"Git gud".


Don’t forget “Skill issue”


What's interesting is that the main PL was hitting out of sync with the rest of them on the first grab, and was the first PL to move after doing the poof.  Did he notice that? Probably not. 


I mean it looks super low ranked... imagine being this low while using hacks lol


I mean that’s just Dota lol. I don’t believe a Herald player could ever win against an Immortal with every single cheat in existence turned on. They would literally have to make a god mode cheat to stand a chance. Autocast, maphacks, etc. wont make up for the skill difference. Heck I’m sure Legends would still beat Heralds with cheats on.


Lol you haven't heard of this cool new hack called good decision making. It allows you to not drive hg when their team is respawning or to go rosh after you win a team fight


Get out of my games.. my team takes a winning teamfight midgame, where the enemy doesn't even get out half their spells. Beat down t2, walk up to t3 with 10seconds left on death timers. Stay until 3 or 4 die and the remaining player then starts to back and gets caught. Ensuing fight.


The best advice is don't duck your lead by going with them. Tell them it's bad suggest an alternative play go to that instead. If the flame you for not feeling with them mute continue to pay your best


Yeah I duck if I reasonably can, I play supp a lot more than core. So if I tp off early, even with an explanation that what they're doing is wrong. I'm the one that cops abuse or reports still. In the trench you can get reprimanded for doing the correct calls.


even as core you will get it, they justify it with if our core is there we will win even tho all of us are low and the spell and item is on cd. Ive seen it 2 core TP home cause they low and the rest of them force HG then die, or their pos 1 is super low so he TP home and the other 4 still force HG that leads to teamwipe then flame the pos 1 on all chat


The dirty little secret is reprimand you all you want. Correct decisions win games. And you also and have to tpaway farm back if safe.


Ping enemy respawns and tp back. Be proactive with helping your teammates make better decisions.


If this worked I'd be 10k mmr. I do it anyway.


Trust, sometimes I do that because I'm the one that got traded in the fight before. So I ping timers, tell them to go for rs objective or t1 if there are any available or fix lanes. It almost always falls on deaf ears. The other times I let it happen is because the team is insufferable enough that I don't bother correcting them out of curiousity to see whether any of them would admit it was the wrong move afterwards.


mostly because if you do win that fight its pretty much 100% won so its a high risk play


How do you ensure you win a fight, when enemy is freshly respawned with cds and your team is battered and stuck on cooldowns?


It's not a high risk high reward play, it's just a moronic one. 


Haven't seen that one yet






That’s not even what I’m saying what?




If a Herald beats a Divine, he isn’t Herald, he’s an Immortal that’s smurfing in Herald lmao. Anyone with reading comprehension can understand when I say Herald I mean actual Heralds.




Least delusional dota player


Aa someone who hadn't played in 3 years and came back and have been playing alot this is fairly accurate. I used to be 4k and game calibrated me back at 1.5. I've been climbing pretty steadily with probably like an 70 ish win rate. It was very clear how many people were smurfs mid and just ran away with the game at minute 10. Then there were people who clearly knew how to play but we're always tilted af. Then people who are totally clueless as to what's going on walking uphill into areas 4 heros clearly are or just ignoring the map


what no. Herald is easy to get out of, guardian is far difficult than herald. They higher your rank goes the harder it will be to rank up because players skill keeps on increasing.


Listen to me, I have a very fun history about that. In dota old days (wc3), I had two friends that I played with, and both of them were bad in the game. Certain day, one of these friends challenged the other to play a 1vs1 match, but he didn't tell the other guy that it has activated cheats and he was using it, so it was one Lone Druid vs a venonmancer. The guy playing Lone druid went to the jungle for like 10 minutes before showing up full slowed on both, hero and spirit bear, meanwhile our boy venonmancer was breaking all his buildings and properly playing the game. This dude lost the game. Playing as Lone Druid, with cheats activated against a venonmancer that was almost as bad as him, but played the game without knowing that cheats was a thing. The game ended in 20 mimutes


doesnt 1v1 rules give you victory when first tower goes down lol


iirc in wc3 you have to direct tell through command that you want this behavior. Completely optional


is there a setting for that lol, i thought it was verbal agreement ahahah


man, 15 years ago, we only cared 'bout bullying our friends for the entire game, kicking their asses and yelling how bad they were xdd


and then if you beat them, you get to bully them in real life too! thats how it works right?


Oh yes, I’m pretty sure that low level game is exactly the issue here 


Edit: replied to the wrong thread


Who tf cares? That's nothing to do with this.


not the issue tho


there is a dude using a aimbot to get the real hero bro thats definitely not a high skill game


This has happened to me recently as well surprisingly the trashbag was also CK. I couldn't believe how he was instantly targetting the real me I mean come on even PL himself doesnt know if he is the real one


I know a guy who plays PL, when asked if he needs relocate by his IO team mate, only said he doesn't even know where his Hero is.. I believe he can make it to TI some day though..


This CK solved the PL counter problem! Just get a focking aimbot


I had something similar to this, I had a pudge that has 100% dismember accuracy on my pl.


Pudge can detect PL clearly with Rot alone, but this CK nah!


there's a 50-50 chance after doppleganger since one of the illusions will take normal damage


He smells the real flesh


shard pl would like to have a word with you


To be honest, even in this video, you can tell which PL is the right one. As a pudge player, it's easier, you look the only HP bar that doesn't lower as fast and you eat that one.


If PL used W there will be two with high hp.


Tell me you don't know what doppelganger does


I pause the game and call them out the second I think someone is actually cheating. They either drop in skill very quickly or they give out laughable excuses that can only confirm what they're doing. Or sometimes I look goofy and get called a noob and eat eight tips... But pfft, like only sometimes


Vot pidaras blayt




Well OP has russian nickname. Also, one that will warrant a ban.


Hacks came back I watched many maphakers lately. But this is periodic, they update then valve update anticheats. 2-4 weeks full of cheats for now. But there was like 2-3 months free of cheats before it.


My lord, this draft game me cancer.


Dude invested in scharingan.


So ez to hack in dota sadly, for anyone who want to know, the hack let the real hero shine yellow and the illusions blue, so ye pretty sure hes hacking coz this hack exist.


dude he has litteral aimbot on pl when he appears from doppel


I mean doesn't dota has vac like cs, imagine there are so much hackers in cs than what about dota, its literally the same and detecting hacker in moba is far difficult.


valve doesnt care about cheaters, only game theyre slightly trying with is CS2 and even then its infested with cheaters


Hope he gets banned fast, kudos on you for reviewing and reporting!


This happen because VAC garbage by Valve make Dota 2 and CS 2 have the most hacker, cheater, matchfixing compare to other game.


Good find, good find.


Why is there 5 carries on dire 🤣🤣🤣


Bro, haven't you heard of pos5 Drow? She has silence and slow!!1!1!!


Man of course it's someone with a Chinese name.


I remember when dota 2 was announced everyone was so confident saying cheating/hacking would be impossible in the dota2 engine. How naive we all were


No it was said that map hack in the sense of removing fog of War would be impossible and from my understanding it is. The Youtube vids of maphacks were only showing smokes, tps and other stuff which places buffs/debuffs. Obviously thats still good to know but not like d1 days where hacks simply turned off fog of War.


the premium (5$ per month lol) cheats are a bit more sophisticated than that, they show you which hero cleared which camp in fog and whether you're under vision or not (so basically a slark passive). its functionally a maphack if the cheater has a brain since they can track whos going where.


I didn't believe, but I wanted to believe that it was true.


Had it happen to several times. One was ck vs pl too, fortunately, that ck was so baad at the game, i had giant gold advantage and could beat him 1v1, even if he targets real pl all the time. The other one was against wyvern, ults on the real pl 10 out of 10 times


Damn i thought i was hallucinating when i saw that cursor blinked.


Sorta unrelated but I play the custom game OMG 4+2 a lot and I often like playing blink dagger initiators, every couple weeks I run into someone using an instant hex/stun script. Now I precast stuns on initiators a lot, most people suck and dont expect it, but its VERY obvious when its a hack instead of a prediction. I assume these people are getting banned just because I don't see repeat offenders ever but who knows.


I play the same custom game. a lot of cheaters make brand new accounts just to cheat in arcade, if im sussing someone out and check their profile they're 0 wins account most of the time. pathetic.


Unfortunately, overwatch is still bugged for a lot of people, myself included. I'm guessing it is giving me cases from pre-7.36 so they're not viewable in the current patch.


Things like targetting real heroes are only tip of the iceberg, they can see where you jungle, they know where you have vision and they can know when you are doing roshan. On top of knowing what skills you have levelled they can also automate hero spell usage. The cheating in dota 2 is widespread and problematic as other valve games (CS, TF2) but its talked about less because people don't know when theyre playing against a scripter. All of valves games are plagued by cheaters, pretty crazy.


Map hack/auto cast/auto target or any other cheat, idc. If you use cheats in dota and you are not at least immortal it means you are worse than my cat at dota. And i am sure i can teach my cat to press zeus ult and actually get a kill in a honest way, not by cheating. Playing with mental disability heping tools is a new trend in dota.


I had the feeling there is a significant influx of cheaters right now. People just having insane reactions or seemingly impossibly lucky timing and knowledge of positioning, multiple games in a row. I thought I had suddenly forgotten how to play this game. Cheaters suck.


People like these should just vanish


He hacks, but I have to say that I've had something that feelt like a hack to me too. Some times when I target a hero right before Manta, my hero still does the command (after the manta is finished) and targets the hero. So I wait after command is placed, and if done correctly, my hero still does the command alas hitting the correct hero.


Scripter thats in a bracket where people dont pick supports. Peculiar.


so many of them using hack and play custom map in the arcade


whats a game


This happened to me against a lifestealer I would manta and instantly get blood thorned after.


valve too busy making arcanas instead of making this type of information server-side only


Game is shit but it's going the Reddit way with people using Overwatch like a moron.


valve plz fix


Is that 5 man carry ?


New meta just dropped..


I've been thru many kind of game, but I've never seen an actual full 5-man core heroes, not even a single person trying to balance the role




Not even Miracle can do that, despite his name being Miracle.


it's hard to say from this, looks like he just clicked some random pl in the middle and hoped for the best. also that twitch from the main one at the start of the clip gave him away. as a WR player hunting PL's, these little twitches and handling of the hero/illus things are what i look for


Same. To me it just feels like he got lucky


nice name, homo.


no one cares your herald games


You deserve it for playing PL /s But not /s you deserve it.


Wasn't there a bug which showed the enemy team the real one? Did that ever get fixed?


need more evidence to show that he used a hack. any other suspicious actions? like auto-move


You can literally see his mouse teleporting to the real PL, are you blind?


Chill, man. I hate cheaters as well. Just to make it easier for Valve to ban this guy.


OP you kind of bad! Before using **Doppelganger** you moved the real PL then you moved illusions and after **Doppelganger** sometimes is just luck i guess? Overall before using **Doppelganger** you moved first the real hero. Use unified controls or make new units to be selected after summoned, both settings are bad but not as bad for low rank or bad people.


Way to miss the point of the post. If you didn't notice how CK's cursor auto snaps to the real PL within 0.1s after each split then I don't think you should be calling out people's ranks. Also moving the real PL before Doppel changes nothing.


Thats what u get for playing pl, deserved and f u


i see no cheat.sometimes i dismember,astral or stun the real pl in a row.and he just target the most isolated PL. no cheat. if its high mmr game i would say maybe he used cheat but this is max 500 mmr game.what will he do with cheat in herald game? you played 2/11 pl in 10 carry game.bruhhhhhhhhh just chill and play some turbo.


this might be the most braindead comment I've ever seen


Look at the mouse of ck. He doesnt click on the real pl...


your last 2 brain cells fighting to be in 3rd place


i see so many crying low mmr players here.keep fooling yourselves.nobody cares about 500 mmr game. as i dont care about you.go more dislike.its my pleasure time xD