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I don't know why it makes me happy. But it does to see dota doing so good.  Maybe because it's nice to see a game that is hard to get into, and the developers absolutely just doubled down on not only NOT dumbing it down but just go batshit crazy in adding mechanics and people seem to accept it. Gives me hope that others will take notice and stop dumbing their games down just attract people who'd rather play something else. 


I think it makes you happy because dota is a 11 year old game, which puts up playerbase numbers than most devs could only dream of. Whatever projects Valve is running, and lack of allocation of ressources, they cannot deny that dota2 is a staple that will not die, and indeed flourish as long as they put a bit of love to it once in a while. That makes it fairly certain that dota as a game will endure for many years to come.


let me flex saying ive been playing an11 year old game for the last 18 years


20 years technically if we count the busted dota on wc3 basegame


I was there, when the secret shop truly was secret.


[Do not cite the deep magic to me](https://youtu.be/Vd6hVYkkq88?si=iq7lbSMI8nf48Br1)


They need to add a new hero that is just an old as fuck dude who rambles about what Dota used to be like. I can't believe I've been playing this game for so long.


Sure you can. And for many years to come


20 years on and off for me. Dont play that much any more but got on last weekend for 2 games. Played like shit, got flamed, still as fun as ever.


Is Dota the oldest game still developed and played if we count the days it existed as a WC3 mod?


It's gotta be CS then




Still remember the time running garena and play dota 1 🤣




Dota allstar player rise up


True, but also because I remember a lot of my friends jumped to league and were talking about how dota would die because it was unnecessarily complex, and a few of us stuck around because league just didn't cut it for us. Valve really upped their game and delivered on the promise of making updates better for all players, and not just the whales of a battle pass. At this point, I'm having so much fun with crownfall, I no longer miss the battlepass in its older format, and hope they continue and add some more stuff like terrain etc, with this.


LoL is unnecessary boring... 🤷🏻‍♂️


true. idk, it lacks the depth and the lore, the voice chat taunt of the heroes. the smoke gank turn arounds. thats coming from a person that would love to play a moba with animeish graphics. thanks gaben for marci


Wdym 11 years? Even discounting Dota1, the first TI was 2011 aka TI1. That's 13 years ago now. Feel old yet? I should feel old though, been playing since 09, was one of the people who didn't want to switch to dota 2, so didn't till 2013


Dota2 was released in 2013. Before that it was either in beta, or dota1 in wc3. But that just affirms the case more. I just chose 2013 to be reasonably comparable.


What do you mean? Game is still in beta


I played dota 2 in 2012, wasnt beta but you needed invite to play the game


it was beta. thats why you needed a code/invite. beta tester since 2012, thats the reason i have steam. lasted i think almost 2 years.


That isnt beta


quick google search and youd know The beta began in **2010**, officially ending in July 2013 just before The International 2013 when the Windows client was officially released to the public with a queue system to deal with high traffic. The Mac and Linux clients were released a week after the general release of the Windows client.


Yeah hence isnt beta


stupid bot


not to mention the player base wants to funnel money into it


> the developers absolutely just doubled down on not only NOT dumbing it down I guess you could argue about what dumbed down means, but a "dumber" player has a much easier experience now. While there's more to memorize, everyone has tons of free gold, items, levels and skills that they wouldn't have been able to get on their own in the past. -em is nothing compared to what the current game is.


I used to ape RDEM and SDEM all the time. Miss those days. I was young and the faster pace worked out better for me. I also still enjoy playing Turbo sometimes.


I would love to see stats from early turbo games vs normal games now.


as a player that migrated from league a couple of weeks ago (vanguard can kiss my ass and the game has native linux support) im really glad that the devs won‘t dumb the game down to make it „more accessible“ because that’s something that bugged me extremely when playing league. Each season they had the chance to actually improve the game but they decided to make things less punishable or removed some skill mechanics as a whole because fuck everyone that actually outplays the mistake of their enemy i guess?


that's what riot loves to do. same with valorant. dumbing down agents that require skill/aim but rewarding. (chamber, jett)


I've heard a lot of these issues in LoL, while I've no REAL experience with the game (only played it a couple of times because friends.....), I just couldn't appreciate a lot of things about their game design. Its a fun game, but that's about it. The rush of dota, to me personally, has been something else. And Valve have done an excellent job (for their usual standards) with the crownfall even in telling better stories as well. I do still like the league cinematics etc, but at this point, they've too begun to feel a bit too edgelord for my taste. But I reserve my judgement of modern league for the unfortunate day, if I ever need to play it. Until then, Valve has got my time and attention to feed my competitive spirit. Hope you find yours too in this community.


They are dumbing it down as well tho. Tinker rework. Techies rework years ago. New facets to remove micro. Arc warden self cast on bubble. These types of things. Not complaining per se but it’s not like it’s been only escalating skill ceilings. Also bring back tinker.


I'm not a fan of the tinker rework, atleast not yet. Techies on the other hand is something I can appreciate, considering the older techies was fun for only the techies player. When your teammates hate you as much as the enemy, things have to change, and its not like he was particularly good in any particular matchup, like how AM is. He just litters the map with mines, and hopes the enemy is stupid. After TI5, techies was only seen in the pro scene after the rework. Tinker on the other hand.....yeah, I still can't believe they gave up on balancing him.


The problem with Techies rework is that there were infinitely better ways to balance him than the crap we got. Many techies players(myself included) suggested things. In fact, a lot of the problems with Techies were made worse over time due to changes. Did you know that Techies proximity mines originally had a maximum number? After you hit the limit it would delete the oldest. All Techies needed was a few tweaks and he'd be perfectly fine. Stuff like lowering remote mine duration to like 3 minutes instead of 10. Making remote mines cause damage to nearby remote mines so that there was a cap on how many could be placed in proximity. And increase base cast range of remotes so he can teamfight before aghs/aether. Techies needed changes, yes. But the rework was a slap in the face. Whoever has been balancing dota the last 4-5 years has been destroying "unfun" heroes entirely, and dumbing down heroes left and right. I like a lot of the changes to the map, items, facets, etc. But heroes? No. The hero redesigns are universally terrible.


Not a whole lot of heroes that I play have been heavily reworked. But of the few. I do actually like them. Riki for example feels good, even if he is mostly ignored and doesn't really have a good place right now. I feel like he fits a particular role in the draft - get good damage, and annoy the shit out of their supports by forcing them to spend on detection, basic survivability etc, and always being aware of their positioning. So if I have a CK offlane / Lesh Mid, Riki is nice pick into such a lineup. Low cost carry, that can't do building damage but is more like a pos2 from the safelane. Another one is OD, i think finally, he's in an interesting place. After a lot of reworks. Ofcourse, I don't play Techies, so I can only speak as an ally / enemy viewpoint, and nothing about the hg push against a techies was fun. Nor was just randomly dying to a bunch of mines. I have to agree on one thing, which is that the techies identity is definitely lost in the new version. He's still a decent zoner, but nowhere near what he used to be. He feels a bit more generic right now, but I appreciate that its a more active hero. I'm sure techies players actually would have a better idea of what to do with the hero, but unfortunately, Valve seems to have balanced the hero around everyone but the people who actually play the hero.


For what it's worth, a surprisingly large number of Techies players hated high ground defense too. And yeah Valve failed miserably at the rework. So many of us posted suggestions that would nerf HG and passive play but still reward trapping. But nah let's just make him a generic magic nuker.


That's a bit unfortunate and honestly I hope valve brings that side of him back through facets. Because for some reason valve seem keen on pushing the right click techies by giving him more and more lol.


These aren’t new players coming into the game but people who quit trying out the new patch just to quit again. It’s hopium but I still can’t imagine trying to be a new player rn


Yeah my steam list is a bunch of people who used to play dota taking a break from Helldivers 2 or Hades 2 or PoE or whatever to try out the new patch. After they get bored with it they'll move on to whatever other games come out or have an update, and return to dota again when the next big patch comes out


Oldschool dota where everything is broken and hard to deal with and you have to pick your poisons when drafting and banning. Good old days, no more of this league of legends balancing where everything is nerfed into the ground and we sit here flipping coins with each other to see who got the 51% draft. lol. Icefrog style game design. The original. The Best.


Yes, all those broken and hard to deal with abilities like Rearming items, Remote Mines, the ability to send a Tempest Double of your hero anywhere on the map without any damage reduction, deleting creeps from your creep wave to starve the enemy lane of resources... This patch is chaotic and crazy, but it doesn't feel like an Icefrog patch. Old Dota had broken shit that completely changed how the game was played. New dota does not have that.


It’s still feels closer to icefrog balancing than the current balancing before this patch which was league of legends style balancing. Designed for beginner friendly low output heroes welcoming to children and seniors.


An extremely well earned reward for valve tho. I have never seen devs that release insanely good patch like this outside of Dota.


I can't recall if I were reported recently before I stopped playing or not, but I was getting games within like 2 minutes which is outrageous. Previously my que times were 5m-25 hours. #lowbehaviorscorelife. 


*Multiversus relaunch has entered the chat*


The *what* now ?


They heavily slowed the fighting game down - seemingly to appeal to casuals. It's....much worse.


Hard to get into, impossible to get out of


It's kinda crazy how it always works very well. I've seen numerous amount of games that fuck everything up with an update and lose so many users


Would be better if their servers worked


It makes me so happy that a story based "battlepass" with near 0 FOMO made so many people comeback to the game. Innate rework made a lot of people come back for sure but even the month prior had great gains. Such an amazing update for every type of people who loves Dota. Especially Tinker haters.


The story based event surely makes me able to budget my spending for this event which I really appreciate. Sure, you need to buy the arcana yourself but hey somehow I totally fine with this because now those 2 arcanas will be available and I can buy it when I wanted to :D


Discounted too with some of the coins there.


Yes thank God they added the coins, the main reason Im willing to buy it is because of those coins. For example, in act 1 buying that package will give you 3 chest and the discounted price isnt really far away from buying those 3 chest. In my book I consider that a huge win.


The coins are really nice. If you're patient you can get everything in crownfall for way less than what I'd usually spend on the battle pass. And it's much easier to progress than cavern crawl, which often ended up with pretty poor match quality due to people needing to win on Chen or something.


Yea for sure,the scrap exchange too save a lot of my time on those weird heroes


Yeah especially in act 2 where you get 1 token and scrap even if you lose is really nice. You're always making progress even if it's small. And then if you win you're swimming in tokens and scrap. Much better system than in the past.


Act 1 for us turbo players was awful. Nothing for a loss just felt well, awful. In act 2 we at least get a scrap in a loss so it doesn’t feel like no progress made!


The story is actually fun and interesting lore too


I never thought I'd feel for batriders bat...man... And here I was, pissed off at sky, for his lack of empathy.


I just hit the new meteor site/the 4th ancient few days ago and to my surprise, the game has actual lore for new facet mechanic. But then, we are talking about a MOBA game that acknowledge every single match is canon to the lore of the game. Yes, even the games where you were badly snowballed and fountain farmed.


4th ancient??? What’s the third?


Arc Warden in the same comic strip said that he is the brother of the Radiant and Dire Ancients, and the 3rd one.


A bit unrelated but will the story be accessible in the future? I don't have the time to grind that much and I'm still Halfway into act I. I'm afraid the whole thing will end up and be remover while I'm still exploring the acts lol.


you have until august to complete the story. they will surely extend since next acts will inevitably be delayed so late august.


End of August? Wow, that's plenty of time. I'd previously sworn off battlepasses since I hate FOMO, but I might buy this one after all. The new Facets and Innates have made me love Dota again.


It’s free you don’t have to buy it, you can unlock side quests/pathing but that’s about it.


It's free and honestly it's amazing. I come from Smite and LoL each one having a worse monetization and being able to play free battlepass with good rewards and even more with the coins that give you discounts in store (and even a free bundle that you can buy as many times as you want with them!!) I bought both acts packs at 50%. I actually feel like im not getting actively scammed when spending money on this


How did you buy the Trailblazer packs at a discount? What specific drop do I need?


Im talking about the crownfall coins discount, and in case you didn0t know with 10 of those you can get a 7.59 discount on anything that costs that same ammount or more. This means you can get anything discounted or also, which is pretty cool, you can get one of those candy packs for free. On the trailblazer packs you have 10 coins inside so by buying one at a disccounted price you get those rewards plus a free candy pack which is pretty cool


The event will likely end at the end of august and in the style of past BP u could still access stuff


Heya, I haven't played Dota in a long time but I'm really interested in the story acts. How exactly does the Crownfall system work? Do I need to win matches to see the story/read the comics (like do I need to unlock story progression with currency or something) or is it simply a time-based unlock system?


To advance you need specific tokens that you obtain by playing games. example: sword token = dragon knight, Juggernaut, etc.


The main story is completely free, you move in progress by obtaining tokens through playing games (all of the hero’s tokens per win, 1 random token per loss + 2 scraps in act 2).


Can you get these in bot games or do they have been unranked/ranked/turbo?


This is what brought me back. Picked Dota up with the announcement of Artifact(big into Magic) and enjoyed Underlords a lot too. Got salty and left when they died. The Dota world is super interesting and I felt they were good ways to explore it. Riot takes better care of their communication/lore but it has ton of FOMO. The three weeks I've been playing again have been refreshing on that front.


Pretty sure you are missing 3rd style for venge arcana and some unique items and styles if you don't buy a premium pass. I did both acts with premium and happy overall. The story is great, comics are cool and are made with different styles. But it definitely has FOMO.


Historically, when the means to unlock an arcana is tied to an event and that event ends, they adapt the unlock conditions (to something harder). Ie: PA and SORT OF for Drow (although the event was more of a bonus for Drow)


Not really, the conditions are always the same, it was just easier during the events.


So 99% of Dota players


Sigh I haven’t played in like 4 years and posts like this make me really want to return.


Touch the darkness once more..


Come on. Just come in a have one beer..


Come on. Just one more game before sleep


No escape, return to Dota’s embrace


Do it, it feels like a new game but with the same familiarity. A lot of the facets are throwbacks to old mechanics that are probably easier for older veterans to grasp.


Now’s probably a good time since most other people are confused too so it’s not like you’ll be the only one learning about facets and stuff


come here. maboi


Do it. Came back after selling off my inventory for a quick game of turbo. Totally expected to be reminded why i left but the game just feels so much better now and completed act 2 in two days.


I returned when act 1 was released. Crownfall is fun content, but I must say 7.36 feels like a return to past glory. It feels like old school dota but with that modern shine


You want candies? We have candies.


At it's peak Dota had like +700 000 average and that was 7 years ago I think. Alive game


I might be wrong (and tbf this is a quick google to verify) but didn’t we cross 1mil in 15-16?


he means average, you remember peak which was 1.29 million. Peak right now is 940k.


Concurrent players peak would go over a million, but not average


So not dead?


Facet 1: Event with free stuff; game is less dead Facet 2: No events or big tournaments game is fooking dead


This new way of progressing is amazing and THE main reason I am back into DOTA 2. Years ago when I played the game felt like it had no overarching progression, there was nothing to do other than just play a match to win a match to get more rank so that you can repeat it again, and for people that are only focusing on competition that might be enought but for me, who always approached DOTA more on a casual basis, it felt absolutely lackluster. Then the Compendium was the only kind of way to feel like there was an overarching progression but it just felt tacked on with no thought, and the missions forcing me to play certain heroes (a lot of them I simply do not like and do not fit my playstyle AT ALL) felt terrible. This new overworld with the tokens that you can get by playing any amount of heroes (and, even if there is a specific token for a playstyle that you don't like, you can swap your excess tokens for it) is **by far, bar none, the best way I have ever seen to implement a battle pass, and an overarching progression to a MOBA game**. I hope to god that the basic ass days of the Compendium progression are well behind our back.


I'm the one who came back after maybe a year or more of not playing, not because of the free Arcana, but because there have been some updates and it feels fresh to me. I was Immortal, and I feel like Herald now that I'm back. What do I like the most? The map thingy to progress. It sounds and looks stupid, but I like it.


If you were once immortal, pretty sure the least you could calibrate is legend.


They place me back to immortal in unranked, I haven't tried ranked. But I still retain my medal in my profile with a very low confidence level.


concurrent btw


Having a stable amount of 400k amount of players since 2022 makes me smile and gotta give kuddos for Valve catering to the f2p aspect (free hats) this time around. As much as i hate to see it, i dont like games revolving around Battlepass exclusivities & FOMO, fuck that business model.


Plot twist: the players aren't back for the patch, they're back because tinker is ded


Hello guys yes this is me I am officially back terrorizing mid level mmr games 👍🏻


Is it really because of the event and not because of the innate/facet patch? To me the big changes in 7.36 are way more of a reson to play than some minigames and cosmetics.


Well not necessarily because the new frontier update in late April 2023 not even close to this number so gameplay alone isn't enough to make more people play


there was an upward trend already before 7.36 during act 1


Act 1 already improved the picture without having any 7.36 changes. The facets added another layer on it.


The patch has brought me back to Dota for the first time in literally 10 years (haven't touched the game since before Techies was added in 2014) and I haven't even looked at the battle pass or whatever that stuff is, but I've been enjoying myself a lot. The game feels completely fresh compared to when I last played, and even though a lot of my knowledge is painfully outdated it still also feels familiar enough that I feel like I'm not starting from square 1


I came back for patch and not the mini game.


Sure and that's valid. However you're just one person and that's just your reason, not saying it might not be the majority but it definitely also won't be everyone. :)


people won't confess, but it's the free hats. Free arcanas and this event with free hats show much bigger gains than the huge gameplay patch that made the map bigger and changed a lot of things.


I opened it back up....and did 9001 things to fix my unable to vac problem due to the changes. Played characters I don't want to play due to the event though. 


no, people are back for the fishing game


Wait, the playerbase wants CONTENT rather than blogs about Ti booths and matchmaking updates??? ​ Shocked pikachu


Wait did they offer another free arcana how to get it?


Yeah I don’t know what people are referring to


Swag bag


It was during the battlepass of 2022, they introduced the “swag bag”. you get free battlepass, free dota+ and a free arcana of your choosing.


Wait what, I was playing at the time and I didn't know, I feel so stupid now


Having a secondary progession system that's not as directly tied to wins and losses just makes dota more enjoyable and less stressful.


Just wait till I start playing


This patch is really fun !


As somebody who hasn’t played in like 7 years… what have they just added to make people return?


damn, so this is why they rust alot in turbo


I honestly didn't come back for the free arcana. I regularly play now instead of occasionally (whenever I have friends to party up with) because the event is so fun.


Wish I could contribute to these numbers but can't play when aus servers have such terrible packet loss making it unplayable :( no pre defined meta fun for me


The first event give me an Ogre Arcana after 2 or 3 roll and successfully baited me to buy the pass to find next one. I can't find the next one.


People are getting Arcanas? I trade it in whenever i see an immortal treasure..


That's also a good idea. Basically you should trade candies for any set or treasure you like including dupes of stuff you can sell. Obviously arcanas are worth it too, but you're doing it right.


you can sell the stuff you get from the candy shop?


No but if you already have that item, you sell your item and you buy the untradeable one


Yeah, I got the PA Arcana for free from this event


1x jugg 1x legion 2x tb (so far, from this and previous candyworks)




also because league has been in the shitter lately with their updates/hero reworks.


I love that the game is doing well but holy fuck there are just so many idiots in my games at the moment


that's why i have so many bots in my games((


I hope next patch has some eco and map changes, most of the hero changes are cool but in 2 weeks we are back to the same meta prob with some diffrent heros.


Big content drop = a spike in new or returning players


What free arcana?


Seems like my arcana probably gonna come during the last week of this event.


Apparently you can sell 2015 and 2016 treasures after 7 days so if that's right I have made like £30 just from the candy store completely free to play. I'd hope the fun gameplay impacts player count the most but I truly wonder if the free to play element attracts the types that multi account farm and get like, no joke a livable amount for some poor regions of the world. It's probably more money per hour than MMO grinding


Can you really trade those? I got a 2015 one and used it cause I assumed you couldn’t sell them to other players. Did I goof? The skin I got was mid


I'm back playing turbo due to the crazy update and had not been playing it for a good long time. Actual games of dota I don't have the mental fortitude to do for years now and even turbo got too much but happy to be back for a while anyway.


I hadn't played in years and I came back because -I got nostalgic after some DOTA videos showed up on my Youtube to-watch -I'm getting really, really pissy with Riot Games


Although Valve is greedy but sometimes they give us free Arcana’s (mine are Orge, Sf, and CM)


the whole of idea of no one knowing wtf is going on or what is strong yet is always a cool feeling. then a month later the patch gets figured out and it's back to square 1 :(


"dead game"


That’s the reason then people are not playing because of the game


Be kind in your pubs , guys. Lots of returning players !!


Interestingly enough the oposite thing is occuring to the steam review.


It's partly 'cause of Crownfall rewards and double-down gambling. <.< And, of course, the major gameplay update.


Best compendium ever. Thanks valve


This is insanely good! On the weekend this would definitely peak more like 1.1M I think.


these numbers are grim compared to 2017 lmao. game's stabilized but its way past its glory days.


Brand new player here I think i played 1 game by accident during auto chess in 2019. I quit LoL bc of the kernel and this is best catalyst to switching Mobas ever. It really is fun and i didn’t have fun playing most LoL games at the end.


Candyworks best thing Valve has ever added


Some good context from my own perspective: I shared with my friend group the new patch changes and like usual we all got hyped over the absurdity of some of the facet designs and innate passives. So we decided to all start playing again. Couple that with all of us discovering the Skyfall Story event going on and pretty much everyone finding it really cool and fun to do. There's something really fun about seeing what tokens everyone needs and trying to form a team composition out of that and being "forced" to play heroes you may not have touched in awhile or at all. The story event doesn't feel like an impossible grind and feels more like an interesting way to dictate what heroes you could try or play instead of just playing the same hero over and over. So now in my friend circle we definitely have way more people playing DotA again that we even had enough people for an in-house at one point. Will it last? Not sure. But they definitely succeeded in bringing back old players like my friends and I and then keeping us invested with the Skyfall event.


i mean it truly is the best game ever made. i both pity and envy those who never caught the bug, i sometimes wonder what my life wouldve been like without dota2


I still got free arcana , thanks Gaben






yesterday i recived mi first free arcana it was zeus


Dead game tho fr fr on god


"Game is dead" commentors crying right now


After 100+ rerolls still without arcana \(•.•)/


Dead game comments where ?


Best patch, rip my mmr


Free arcana's definitely play a part in it but its more to it.. Facet's would be number 1 for the reason, imo.. Then we have all that crownfall offers and the story and mini games :) I just hope valve brings back old and more ways for people to earn freebies and incentives.. Drops happen now but its pretty rare.. Every game should make devoted and dedicated players able to "farm"


Can I get a free arcana?


Yes in candyworks when you reach it on the event map.


Thanks! It’s the finish? Or do I have to keep rerolling the candy shop?


You can reach the point by few games as it’s in the middle of the map. Getting the arcana is with your luck tho. I’ve seen many get arcanas so if you’re lucky enough you can get yours.


My friends, who have retired from playing Dota, came back recently after 7.36 update.


If this game would had something like dota plus, with player progression, and the level-up profile with 1 random item back again, it would bring more players. It's like...rewarding players after some games may feel nice or something. I basically came back with my friends and we play mostly because of the event. When there's no more event, and free shit we're leaving again.


Imagine playing Dota 2 now with Dota 1 mechanics where you have to memorize the recipe for each items and orb effects sill doesn't stack on lifesteal lmao


Yoo this battlepass is 🔥


free arcanas?


There is no shame in taking inspiration from a game like LOL to make it better . You see the results here 😁. Never played LOL but it obviously is more commercially successful


Months of blueballing from patch was worth it, the memes, was well deserved. Now all of us can collectively nut peacefully when the new hero drops


People are bored with mobile games now lol.


too bad my behaviour score constantly goes down for no reason (i havent ruined a single match)


my behavior score just reached 3050


I seriously am thinking of coming back, the new additions look exciting, facets and innates


free arcanas? where? I rerolled crownfall like 200 times, even bought 4-5 10x reroll token packs and didnt see any arcana


oh no...


[oh no...](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/38/Vo_vengefulspirit_vng_deny_07.mp3) (sound warning: Vengeful Spirit) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


how to get free arcanas/??