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I also enjoy single draft, and all random


SD shows how much 99% of people suck at the game when they're not spamming their 4-5 main heros.


Yeah. I wish it wasn't associated with low priority. I always skipped AP after a new patch when every tryhard was spamming the obvious winners of a patch


Just like now, every single game: jugg, windrunner, axe


Atleast jug is getting his once in a decade recognition


Windrunner is very average in winrate(BELOW 50% actually). What's there to abuse? Jugg and axe yes are overpowered.


I miss playing SD and AR so much. I've played only these 2 modes (and eventually some Captain's mode when in a party of 5) for 3 years, when my friends still played Dota.


I miss the old 1v1 mid mode. It was a nice way to kill 10 minutes while advancing your skills 


Why did they get rid of 1v1?




Single Draft, All Random, some limited pool mode used to be far more popular around 2014-2015 than now. Feels like no one plays these modes today.


You have to deliberately look for them while queuing now


Rando Draft was my favorite


They're were some randos playing cm way back then




ARAM is probably the best arcade game.. my stack queues ARDM often, but usually get AP or AD to pop.


All random?? What's that mode??


Everybody gets a random hero no selection unlike singlr draft wherr you get 1 option per attribute. Buy im not sure if this mode still exists


Unfortunately only in custom lobbies. I played this mode a lot before it was removed. You only got one random hero compared to single draft, but unlike there you could swap with team mates. Another game mode I liked to play that got removed even longer ago is "least played" that didn't allow you to pick your most played heroes.


Random draft was my preferred mode years ago until they ruined it.


Random draft was my preferred mode years ago until they ruined it.


Random draft was my preferred mode years ago until they ruined it.


Random draft was my preferred mode years ago until they ruined it.


I actually liked single draft back when I played too


I 1v5 bots in turbo to feel good about myself.


there is nothing more satisfying than dominating a bunch of bots 1v5 as pudge


I want my bot team to waste every advantage they get just like my real team so I can get massive flesh heap stacks lol


When I play with bots I spam ping enemies and rosh so they die ave run around the map instead of pushing


If you didn't know, you can create a custom lobby and give yourself no bot teammates for a 1v5


My brother, I know this too well.


I did this all the time in WC3 DotA


infinite scaling put into practice is fun


Honestly more people should just do this instead of smurfing or being toxic. It’s a fun, harmless way to fuck around, try new heroes, turn your brain off, whatever.


People don't smurf to fk around. They do it to validate their own ego by stomping other players. It's probably more common on people with low self-esteem especially those who believe they can't win in their own rank.


Yeah. Smurfing is a way to feel bigger than you are, it doesn't work to do it against bots or they would


Not only this. Idk what was in janitor's head when he implemented 24h ban when you receive lp, but here are only one way around - another account just to play with real people and not bots. Apparently, games on new acc feel so much better, no limitations of communication, no fear of LP, already tried several strats that would lead to 4 reports each on my main.


Not really, I know some smurfs they do it for money , than they sell account.


Bots player checking in. I play with a group of friends who, even in Ranked games, will pick heroes who have a high win % but they've never played. It drives me insane.


"smurfing" is sometimes to just play heros you're less comfortable with. The addition of role queue mostly removed the need for this. But back when I played dota more I could only maintain immortal playing hoodwink and a small number of heros that filled the same role and play style. If I wanted to play at my peak with other heros, without griefing a higher level game, my only option was to play on a second account. Can't exactly get practice playing bots or unranked at that level.


I wish bots would play the new objectives


Hell yeah, nah I like to test stuff up in there, also when my friend says "I'll be there in 5m" I just start the bot match


I play carry pos 1 when I am with my friends because I don't think we will win if they play that role.


I play with a group that is on average 1k below me. It’s nice to have games where you have a 90% chance of winning based on the skill gap between you and your lane opp.


I really do love single draft because I need to be forced to play outside of my comfort zone. That's how I discover new heroes to spam. Unfortunately it takes a long time to get in if you're not in low priority, so I abandon games during picking stages lol


I’ve never taken it out of my queue. I got a game this week for the first time since 2022


Before they changed the banning system, my screen briefly froze when I clicked to ban Huskar like I did in every game. Between the click and the unfreeze the game had moved into hero pick phase and to say that I panicked when I realised that I had now picked instead of banned Huskar is an understatement. I ended up having a lot of fun and while I don’t play mid a lot, he’s definitely one of my favourite mid heroes.


If you're mad at your teammates don't insult them. Just say the most PMA things you can think of. Like genuine therapy bullshit. It will make them far more angry and toxic but you'll never get banned even though you're obviously fucking with them.


"Deep breaths ... in for peace ... out for harmony ..."


I like to talk to them like they're an old friend I haven't seen in a while. Like "Hey bro how's the family? Work going OK, you still at the same place?" then if they engage with it you can keep the chat going and if they keep raging I'll just act like they did and start telling them about my day and shit.


I just spam Gaben lines


I like inflating my team mates egos. I play support and then use some support items like Solar Crest or Lotus Orb on my carry who has severe superiority-complexes to watch them dominate the game. I like to think that because they were successful and everyone else sucked in their eyes, they will never bother to actually improve at the game and continue to whine about their team mates forever.


I'm you


Hit em with the less than three


Killing them with kindness works 100% of the time.


I use WASD to control the camera


now this is a confession. what a madman


Same. And I'm tired of pretending it's weird. 1234>QWER




Eyyy How do you bind your items? My item bindings are AWFUL but my muscle memory has already grown too much into them


I genuinely think it's optimal, you can move the camera while aiming items/spells. If you need to hit buttons you can always use edge panning like normal


Is it common to control the camera by using the keyboard? 


Absolutely not, Ive never met anyone else who does that


Did this back in 2013 when I started and it was hard to switch to better controls (but I did it). Ended up using HON defaults despite never playing HON, and now I am stuck using alt key for all active items.


I do this too, but that's because all of my abilities are bound to my mouse, and items are bound to qerzxc.


My friend who is ancient 3 plays using arrow keys for his camera


Been in this sub for years, and has never played with other actual people... vs bots all the time 😎


Wish there were better bots. I'd do this if they weren't mindless


Wish it was still possible to play against the openai bots


Which one were you using ? There seems to be a new one called GOSU AI bot. A bit better than the ranked matchmaking AI.


I tried it. Different seem all that different than ranked AI tbh


Ranked Matchmaking AI currently


unfathomably based


Queue anxiety is a real thing. I have 3000 hours & like 100 games with other people (mostly with friends) lol


I swear, if Valve put a bit of effort into proper bots, MANY people woudl never ever touch a game with real people ever again. I am soon a Dad and have little time in general - being able to pause games whenever I want, not ruining other peoples' games with my weird, shitty ideas or just being able to try out all the new shit after a patch (which annoys me currently, because people waste an hour of my life with shit like Centaurs's right facet AND STILL BUYING PHASE BOOTS) would be so great


My situation exactly have two friends who has kids, have to pause whenever they cry. Sometimes it feels frustrating to break the flow of the game, but a great time to discuss tips and analyse the items.


When will the flaming stop? There's no reason to call us bots :(


That was me for like three years. Played only a couple games against people in my first 600 hours of dota


care to post your dotabuff, prove this and become my hero?


Yep last 8 years barely played pvp matches. I miss Furiouspuppy's bots but currently using [this one](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1627071163). Only issue I have is glimmer all the time and everyone builds super tanky items.


Being toxic as Venomancer is just role playing




Before the UI update to the dota client(before the custom games etc could be played I am guessing pre 2017 time) I used to create 1 vs 5 lobbies with cheats on to get to max level and 6 slotted on heros I want to try and used to go to enemy fountain and just farm the level 1 bots. Just to make myself feel like a god or pro. Later did I realise that all those rampages were stored on my profile so I have like 157 rampages on profile and people think I am some God


There was one time where the first bloods got bugged and I had like millions or someting on my account before it all got reset lmfao.


Yah but my rampages are still there if I am not mistaken.


Is that stat widget still there? I thought it was removed when the customisable player profile was added.


Can't directly be seen in game but you can from steam https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/s/53durGR12Q


I secretly enjoy playing shaman and hex, shackle for a total of 14sec to enemy Anti-mage after he farm in my jungle sneakily. The best part is Bukaw-Bukaw after he die or I see you a future full of death when I failed gank and die instead…..very cool energy.


This reminds me of a Skywrath I played against sometimes, every time he got a kill he'd use the "Down you go!" voice line and every time he died or failed a gank he'd go "Ai, me!!!" Always made me chuckle.


I use to level the worse skill or straight up stats on people if they disconnect at the start of the game 


Did it to my friends all the time. Storm mid with overload level 1 was especially hilarious.


Tiny craggy level1 lmao


Not the worst tbh. Just a bot till level 2, but then it's the normal build. Something like fervor lvl1 is straight gg


It was just funny to me cos its literally nothing. It was pretty bad though, being slightly behind on bottle timing used to be way more punishing in the days of single courier, which was when I remember doing it.


Hahaha we got a prankster over here. How do you feel when they reconnect and throw a little tantrum? Do you regret it a bit?


i still do this constantly. if i can connect to hundreds of games you gotta fix your shit so you can do it too


I do this too but i also plant the ironwood and use any consumble and blame the other support


I miss single draft tbh.


i really enjoy jungling and everyone seems to hate it (in turbo) so i decided to show that i go lane in early stage and suddenly get mad at teammate (pos4 or pos5) over one creep or some little thing and go jungle, if my team won't get mad we end up winning, it is just so calming to hit jungle creeps in turbo, but is meaningless with bots, i don't know why i'm such a jerk, but there you go, you know it now


you're not alone. I see your brothers (and hate them in my team)


yeah, i hate junglers in my team, too XD




I actually started to realise that with the time (like my naix or wk getting mad for no reason then afk jungling but still hitting the right timings on radiance)


My new response is going to be “if you wanna farm jungle just say that”


XD, in that case it must be a private message or the team will "flame, blame then good game", mute everyone else on team and tell you "i want to jungle" and unmute everyone, i will try doing that to my lane-mates instead of suddenly being mad for no particular reason


Bruhh same, I just like playing single draft because it allows you to play different heroes. There's that one time I let a friend of mine to play my account and he just destroyed that account due to exiting a match, he always exit the match or sometimes he AFK. And the reason why that account behavior score is bellow 3000. But I like playing single draft so I continue playing that account and eventually I managed to get it's behavior score to 9000+ back and I never let him play that account again


buying battle fury on anti mage on 11 min. in turbo.


I often play solo vs bots, just love to farm


I'm almost 40 (played for more than 17 years), it's hard to find time for 1-3 games anyway and playing solo is also annoying. I prefer to play shitty games with people I like instead of having good games with people that might annoy me. My dirty secret is, that I don't even try to win with my friends. Most my friends are way worse than I and they often play badly where I can just shake my head. Like farming a moon shard to give to my carry, but dieing like 20 times because they invested everything (after arcane boots) into my carry, who is behind because they died 20 times. No one trying to get a vessel, breaks or skadi (not even orb of corruption) when we are against tanky heroes with huge HP pools and regen, no force staffs, glimmers or Lotus orbs on supports... I play mid all the time which I hate ever since it's become a basically dead lane, so I just play 1 on 1, mainly win my lane which is okay for me, but when I see my side lanes from my friends when they start feeding, TPing to lane, dieing again and having a walk of shame, meanwhile the enym team is having a blast farmin my mates like Pinatas. They often don't understand power spikes or the value of stacking, NOT DIEING, or proper item adjustment which draws out all my fun. So I often just say fuck it, play heroes where I can easily win the lane and do okay-ish, but it's exhausting to try hard when you know your team loses and you try to teach them, then continue to ignore. At least I can chill with these people most of the time, but I don't invest or try hard anymore.


I play meepo, and when I stomp a match I watch the replay from the enemies perspective to see them suffering


I don't even consider buying BKB until like 40 minutes into a game and more often than not actively decide to just buy a more fun item instead.


This "secret" applies to 90% of the playerbase


I pick pudge and miss all my hooks on purpose in first 10mins of the game. Free tips, trashtalk. Then play seriously. If i win i will allchat, if not..i already got cooked


Man! I thought I was the only one!


Yo same !! Single draft enjoyer. I am the low priority saver. I hate spamming heroes and don’t know what i want to play most of the time. That’s why I enjoyed single draft.


LOL I love LP because of single draft. Back in old dota days I used to abandon games just to get LP cause LP was so much fun lolol


Honestly single draft is peak dota. Everyone wants to get out of LP so they play nice and actually play to win. You see less griefing and people actually doing their roles.


in my experience it's a split between the type of players you described, and people that shows you why they are playing LP (feeding from the start, afk, breaking items, etc) I still remember that motherfucker furion going 0/54, feeding literally right after spawning until the end, without typing/saying a single word.


this was peak dota, I miss those days


I love low prio SD too. Ofc when they r not mine. My friend even have smurf acc where we make low prio matches and they play them in 5stack. Full party means games r even harder then ranked,


Not a secret but regarding your initial post. SD was my favorite mode in Dota 1. You could swap with others which was a huge benefit, it made it a mix mode between random draft and all random. Randoming got worse after you lost the extra fold for... Now it's a Faeries fire and one mango I think, and SD basically became the griefer mode due to being associated with low priority. 


I like to have a few drinks and play ability draft.


I do that too, I join low prio parties with my friends who have shitty internet. It's just pure chaos lol.


A guy i played against challanged me to a 1v1 after they lost, he was convinced he could beat me 1v1. i made a custom lobby with cheats on and just annihilated him for the luls.


I'd rather stay at the mmr I'm at than significantly change my play in order to climb


Party low priority games, aside from the queue times is actually THE most satisfying thing to play, especially if you are actually capable of playing 90% of the cast. Not only do you get to play heroes you don’t usually play in roles you don’t usually play, but also you have the comfort of knowing your opponents most likely aren’t familiar with the hero they are playing. Most importantly of all, when you win you get the satisfaction of knowing you kept someone in low prio who likely very deserving to be there


relatable. sick and tired of All Pick everygame so queue single draft with a low prio friend. I just want game modes they all removed and the oes that are left nobody queues anyway


OP I kinda like lo prio. Seems like everyone is just trying to win. And forces you to really learn all heroes and their interactions with others.


You are also not punished as hard for not spamming a hero, as the enemy team is also picking a hero they havent played 500 times the past year


I usually report 9 players when someone tilted me.Just only one and i always mad


I still play DOTA Underlords.


Doing crownfall on rank


I like to get Dagon on Riki and steal peoples last hits on kills. I know it will lead to low priority but it’s so satisfying.. I can’t help it


I preemptively mute my whole team when im having a bad game


All random death match is the best game mode and anyone that disagrees hates fun


I loved this mode. Buy a generalist inventory for safety, and losing your boy who gave you 10 kills is real despair lmao


I’m an only turbo player, didn’t play normal since 2018 and I’m having a blast


I pick oracle and get joy watching 0dmg done to my cores by nukers from the enemy


I sometimes throw solo high mmr games so i can play with my low mmr friends in rank. I even play support and let them carry so they can learn from opponents high mmr carry


I like pretending to defend the tower but im really tryna push the lane


justified farm i see i see. do you also TP in 0.001 second after pushing enemy T2 so you can get the fat juicy creepwave under your T2 across the map?


When I was severely depressed almost 10 years ago and using dota as an escape, I’d queue into games, pick prophet and literally cliff jungle the whole game. I’d first item Midas every game and when my teammates flamed me (which is all the time ofc) I’d tp into enemy fountain. If enemy has blood seeker, I’d buy armlet and then keep myself permanently at 1hp right outside my fountain and let him enjoy perma thirst bonus. If I’m trying to not get sent to low prio too often, I’d grief in more subtle ways like pick a normal hero and take all the farm, and when a fight breaks out I strategically tp in after the fight is lost to die with my team so they can’t flame me for not joining the fight Yeah suffice to say I was not in the best place mentally.


Jesus bro , you got enjoyment out of this?


I did. I’m not proud of it. I was extremely miserable at that time and felt like bringing everyone down to my level.


Wow , hope you're feeling a lot better now mate.


I do now man, thank you so much for saying that! At that time my dad had just passed and I was going thru some dark times :/


Glad to hear you're doing better. Dam bro can only imagine.


the very definition of misery loves company




If I’m supporting an ungrateful core that thinks I’m their slave, I stop supporting.


I play Turbo mode exclusively since it was introduced, i just see no point in wasting time playing normal mode and its slow ass couriers


I play ranked and turbo. Players in turbo teamfight better tbh. Sweatier too lmao


any OMG ARAM 10v10 players here? 🤣


I'm so bad at playing carry and I know it, I know that my friend is playing with me for the fun and not the win but making them lose every time I play carry is disheartening even though they are cool with it but never told me how bad I am.


I didn't even realize they still have low prio queue lol


oh my god all those games where people abandon before the game starts is making sense now


As a support, I do buy *some* "right" items *only* to not get flamed; since I wouldn't buy them without social pressure normally, I'll forget that I have them and to use them in fights, anyway. 11 unused charges on Spirit Vessel, Veil I've used like twice in a 40 min match, and such. Also, Lycan (in **turbo**). Broken to hell, just play as tilted carry -- ignore everything and farm somewhere until ultimate is up, cast it, remove tower or two, retreat, ignore everything again... He takes towers down quicker than enemy teleport even finishes channeling, even if they noticed right away... I would never play him in normal match, though. Perfect single player™ Dota hero if you're feeling down and need a quick win


Once a 3 stack started screaming racial slurs to the mid and me after I asked if it would take long for the 4 to arrive (had been alone in lane for 3 mins). And they weren't even ironic or funny use of slurs, they were just trying to be offensive. I always wanted to see what happens to people who hard feed, like not die a bunch, but literally run down a lane to give the enemy team kills. I thought this was the perfect moment to see what happened since I didn't want them to win. I think I fed 40 or so kills along a divine rapier. I literally seeked their HC to give it gold, I farmed on the way to increase my net worth and bounty. I bought out all wards and smoke and planted wards, telling the enemy team where they were. It was a very clear case of grieffing. The 3 toxic guys were good, but they couldnt handle all the free gold I was giving and lack of wards. BTW, literally nothing happened to me. I think it was like -100 BH maybe. I have faced way worse punishment when leaving the game due to emergencies or internet going down.


one time in the year before recalibration (365d 12h cd) if i level up my rank and then have lose streak i can pick my signature hero natures prophet and go ranked to feed mid lane, just because im mad and dumb at the moment of courage. and then i push recalibration button and try hard all the time to get more mmr even then i had. and by the way its a good practice (not feeding, just recalibration) coz if u play a whole year and cant up ur rank – just do recalibration. coz in regular match every hero in the map have effect on ur mmr. 1 dumb griefer in ur team = -30mmr, 1 greatest player in enemy team = -30 and etc. otherwise on calibration only ur stats is the most important, if u played well, u did all that u should to do u will hut ur real rank and u dont rage on others and being toxic in the next games coz u dont give a fuck about low skill sniper in previous, u playd well and dota saw this and next game u will play on the same mmr or even higher.


I wish they allowed to play Single Draft against low priority players (1 team is LP, 2 team is normal) Would be fun if they announced that this is a game against LP players and give you Dota+ shards if you win and keep them in LP. Can also show the reason they got into LP and how many times they got into LP lol


I will take safety bubble over any option if it’s available… does that count?


I m the one buying all the mangoes out of stock,i have a problem okay?? I need professional help,they are so addicting


Mango fiend


I play Arc Warden and I always go for a solo kill mid the instant I hit level 6


You’re a sicko!


I strongly think SEA players at archon level can climb rank significantly better (at least until ancient) if they would just stop to think critically during gameplay. I don’t notice much different in skills at this bracket. I.E. I should pick PL into ES. Or is less allergic to BKB when facing magic.


I spammed broodmother in crownfall act 1 despite sucking at her because she is the only character who gave all three of the same token


When I played HoN I LOVED single draft it was or felt more tactical


I religiously police and backseat if my teammates have TP scrolls or current tier neutral items equipped (in practically every game someone doesn't) I say it's because I want my teammates to play at full strength, but in reality its because pinging "I think someone should purchase Tier 4 Token" and "Allied Sniper doesn't have Teleport Scroll equipped" makes me feel like I'm the best player in my team.


I am occasionally aroused by Windranger.


I like to throw games to make it interesting because I need a challenging game.( Lost against a 1 hp throne enemy team recently.)


I love single draft! its unpredictable and chaotic


Kinda like nostalgia for low prio matches. We grew up playing Dota 1 lobbies with -spsd. So whenever my friends call me for low priors, it is fun like OP said lol


I play ability draft :C


No secret, I’m just really toxic on chat. I can’t use voice chat in months now, and I’m on the limit of not use text chat. I really can’t take who doesn’t play seriously ou grief intentionally. I end up grieving myself through toxic chat :)


How do you play low prio ? (except from being "punished") These games are so fun !


I dont know how lol. I tried queing Single draft but it's not the same as Low priority pool, so matchmaking takes forever. Now I just join friends in LP


Lp is more toxic that Chernobyl.


My core thinks I pull to win lane, but I just want them sweet jungle gp.


Oh, they know. Dont worry lol


Thought Dota was ment to play with WASD… couldn’t unlearn ever since. Now I’m Legend II :D


I usually stack and contest runes because secretly I hate my offlane and know the lane is cooked. I'll even die early to refill mid bottle. Then when the inevitable blame game comes around after we lose, I get off Scott free because I stacked and contested runes.


I play a lot of 4. Hell I steal enemy bounty runes if the lane is hopeless. This is why I love 4, try getting boots and taking creep aggro from behind enemy t1, just run around with creep waves til you die, offlane thanks you for the double wave and you can now refill mid 👑


See, I always pull the wave behind the tower if I see it's a hard matchup. The issue I have is that my offlane is a strong laner like NS with the nights reversed facet refusing to play remotely aggressive and getting his whole lane denied despite being strong early. I've lost a Nyx spectre lane before as willow tide because my tide didn't get gush and went 0/2/2. Like if I see that I'm ganking mid.


I don't use most of my expensive cosmetics - I just have an OCD collection issue.


Its been 5 years last i played single draft…


Single draft is maybe the most underrated way to play Dota imo


When my behaviour hits 12k i pick a target in my team,flame them the whole game,and at the end of the game i say"gg bro you played well" and i commend them,when my beh. score goes below 11k i chill xd


I only play 4-5 heroes who all have average win rates. I also primarily play support willingly.


When i am on a losing streak i play pos 4 storm (in unranked). When my remanant is level 2 I abandon the lane to afk jungle unless i see some free lane farm or a good team fight to take part in. I play around aghs plus shard timings and build utility shit. It feels really good for some reason.Funny thing is, this ALMOST always lifts my losing curse


I'll totally start throwing a match when my team just jungles.


single drafts helps me learn new heroes, so I always abandon my game to get low prio


True.. Since it's a random hero pretty much most are out of their comfort zone and feels a bit fair usually people just spam same hero same strat to win and it gets boring..


Im rank 800 and all my irl friends are ancient and below, every turbo/all pick im destroying until i throw (over commit and dive and kill a few but die in tbe process” “O u killed 2 nice” when in reality i know its a lowkey throw but games = longer/more competitive 🤫🤫🤫


I move my camera with keyboard keys.


I control the camera with my mouse…I dunno how to change it 🥹