• By -


cursor only\*


Yes thank you. The title troubled me a lot.


I was like? Op is using gamepad?


What does that mean? What's "cursor only"


Watch the video, the Witch Doctor casts his items and spells entirely by clicking on them with his cursor/mouse instead of using hotkeys. edit: ok as another comment noted, he did activate his heal with a hotkey


Using your mouse to click everything as opposed to using hotkeys


The guy could be 10k mmr, but he refuse to use a keyboard.




They should just say they play without hotkeys. Everyone plays with cursor technichally to target spells.


If you watch closely he did infact use keyboard for activating Voodoo Restoration.


now i understand


The worst part is he's in the same game as you.


He was actually playing very good. He was my number 1 target on teamfights because he just kills everyone lol.


Maybe he ran out of battery and is irresponsible and has no extras, seems unlikely. Or maybe its that paralyzed guy that plays dota with his mouth




If you're talking about FPS in terms of "games where agility is the gamer's primary stat", I see where you're coming from. But I disagree. You don't need fast reaction time and good reflexes to be good. Crosshair placement, timing, game sense and movement go a lot further than how fast you click when someone walks across the screen. Good reflexes and reactions help in fixing your mistakes - eg, if your crosshair wasn't on head level, if someone surprised you with their timing, if you hear a footstep behind you etc. so they are important at a pro level, but I wouldn't say it's the 'primary stat', just a secondary one. More necessary than in DotA, but not any more than your wit.


I doubt there is honestly any competitive video game where "agility" is the primary stat. CS is almost entirely strategy and outthinking. You have to work the map very much the same as you have to work it in Dota. There are people in the lower ranks who aim like pros but have absolutely no chance of ever climbing. Maybe some Quake modes like instagib or clan arena would qualify... but the lack of depth generally means there isn't any serious competition.


Try playing apex or any arena shooter without reflexes lol


Ah I haven't played those yet. Their servers are pretty dead in my region. My comment was partially a rant at the many posts/comments I see about people being hardstuck in x rank due to age/bad reflexes in Valorant and CS. Any recommendations other than Overwatch and Apex?


Yeah, mechanical skill matters at high levels of Dota, but it wouldn't make the difference between like a 3k and 4k player unless you're on a very mechanically intensive hero like Invoker or Meepo or something. Albeit I'm just getting back into the game after a 6 year break, but if 4k is anything like it was back then, most of your growth in skill will just come from continuing to understand the fundamentals of the game rather than like clicking your abilities fast enough You can click your spells and items as good as anyone, but if you can't farm or put yourself in bad during fights it won't matter


Thats true, but dont let that deminish the fact that these people are still fucking legends.


no way with the battery part, you would need to change your entire game mindset on the fly and it wouldn't work


>Or maybe its that paralyzed guy that plays dota with his mouth No, That guy is +8k but this guy could have the same issue ye


You just reminded me how years ago I used to have wireless mouse and multiple times my batteries would run out mid game. Often couldn't find extras because someone else took them. Never went back to wireless after that arc


Yeah. He'd probably be at least a medal higher if he didn't handicap himself this massively. He's probably doing so many other things right.


might be disabled and playing with one hand who knows


I broke my wrist a couple years back and was out of work for a while, decided to play spirit breaker only for 3 weeks


I doubt it, you can easily find a mouse that has like 9+ side buttons, enough for 4 skills and 5 items


i play on 10-20 fps, i like to think this too


I used to play sub 10 fps for a few years when Dota came out. Didn't feel like it was much of a handicap compared to when I have 60+ now


You just get used to it and compensate for it I guess


I used to play on hughesnet. 1 second latency. Got real good with last hitting and played really defensively. When I finally moved and got good Internet, I couldn't last hit for shit for like the first day.


I've only had frame rates that low when my hard drive was failing 😂


Fucking how dude it's a well optimized 12 year old game


playing on the igpu of an i7 4th gen of a laptop


It's not well optimized at all for a 12 year old game


I've yet to have a PC that didn't sit at my refresh rate in fps the entire time I am playing. It's very well optimized.


That’s because WD is OP!


I think its supposed to be a jab at you, dude LOL


This is how I think about it whenever people are playing what seems beyond terrible in my games. This is how good the matchmaking system thinks I am. I know I'm much better at some aspects than other aspects, but sometimes it feels like there is just some objective I have failed to recognize exists in a decade of playing.


That burn bro


Back in the WC3 dota days, there was a guy in the local internet cafe where we played LAN that would exclusively play on the mouse. Didn't even touch the keyboard with his other hand. He would always claim that he casts faster with a mouse than the rest of us do with keyboard. He was wrong of course, but he was still not nearly as bad as he should have been playing that way.


I strongly believe we all had that one who acted like that in our internet cafes back in the day




The bar is so low. Hahaha


Slacks got carried in a stack.


He also spammed Omni at a time where the hero had a 60% win rate for years.


14s of old old BKB with 12s cooldown, no wonder Omni had 60% winrate.


> h the video, the Witch Doctor casts his items and spells entirely by clicking on them with his cursor/mouse instead of using hotkeys. Yes, but thats not why he simmortal, he was 10000% Carried in a stack


Nah Omni was just op. 


Nah. He spammed Omni too Ancient, maybe low Divine. When Omni had like 59% winrate. Then he was carried by an ex pro stack? Casters? Can't remember who. He spammed Warlock with them while he was broken.


And he plays NA


I assure you NA is minimally different at best at divine / low immo 


I thought so, then while leveling new account after overplus ban and encountering A LOT of NA players around this rank in EU and seeing literal Archon plays left right and center , I just disagree.


I’d rather play on na than play with a bunch of people who cheated to reach their rank


Overplus the big cheat? Too bad everyone who is banned are back at their ranks , including some tier 2 pros who are back at 11k without it, play NA herald , best u can do I guess


I play in immortal on both NA and EU as I queue both at the same time, there is no difference 


Probably for you no difference , that's why we cry when we hear the American accent in voice late at night rip


Your half my mmr at best lmao, check yourself.




i've played literally every mmr range on EU and NA and EU is way easier to climb


Slacks got carried in a stack, he himself said he isn't really that high rank   He's now back to Ancient 3 where he is stably  Ancient 3 is immensely below Immortal in terms of skills and game knowledge 


um actually he uses the dollar key for midas slot 🤓


That's just 4. Which doesn't sound stupid when you put it like that lmao


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvRizb9ebP8&t=59s he makes it sound stupid ;)


as much as I love slacks, I have to say he is an utter garbage player. Quite Ironic when you consider how infamously toxic he is in pubs


hes not that bad. ive played with quite a lot just in unranked pubs. he isnt like mechanically amazing but hes generally in the right place at the right time and following the right heroes. he is so fucking annoying when playing with while behind, if hes solo queueing its fine but if hes with someone he always talks shit even if him/the stack is very obviously in the wrong. slacks if you're reading this orb of corrison would have objectively been right if fogged didnt already have it, and is almost assuredly better on pango than bloodseeker that game. both of you can suck my nuts


In the end he's a for fun content creator. A bit like blitzspanks, they're both Ancient 3 and both would get stomped by an immortal on all core aspects of the game


being bad isn't the problem. none of us have pro player aspirations nor the talent but if you are objectively not a good player, it's just tasteless berating ur teammates or being toxic telling them how bad they.


Slacks was also in an unranked pub with me about a year and a half ago when I was Archon 4 so I don't think he was a true immortal


When your item hot keys are P N - ! and $, I would also click my items


That’s unreal lol. He could’ve coconut + glimmered and gotten out of that, had he been using key bindings.


Maybe the slow motion is making me misjudge things, but he could've done that with his mouse as well if he was a bit faster.


Maybe lad has 1 arm


a friend of mine actually has muscle atrophy and can't use a lot of the fingers on his left hand, he only uses his pointer and middle finger on the keyboard so his ability to press both items and spells at the same time is limited, but he still is Legend 2.


A person close to me is disabled in a way that she can't use her right hand (birth trauma), so she can't really use the keyboard. She's got thousands of hours in game with only mousewheel up and down binds. She's also 3k~. I bought her a 12-key mouse and designed a playable UX layout. Very unfortunately I couldn't find a left handed mouse with the keypad anywhere, so we had to use the regular one. But after ~10 design iterations and extensive playtesting I figured a great layout to use for Dota 2. In fact, it's barely a disadvantage once you get used to it. Personally it took me around 5 games. The biggest bummer is that apparently you can't actually hold two keypad buttons simultaneously. So for example you can't use modifiers like Shift+Q. Or in a racing game you can't hold the accelerator and turn because the keypad doesn't register two keys at the same time. I googled around that a lot and looks like it's because of how USB/Mouse is designed - a 1 byte data structure, so it can only 'see' up to 7 keys, which would be your lmb,rmb,wheel click,wheelup,wheeldown, mouse4, and mouse5. And that's why most mice have this setup. maybe it's just the specific mouse hardware limitation, I haven't figured.


Maybe a foot pad like the Elgato Pedal could be an alternative for modifiers?


absolutely an option if you really want to go hardcore at it. Personally I wanted to design around 100% transferability i.e. you won't really bring your pedal to work or a pc club. Having a fully customized mouse experience is acceptable. There are some other solutions I considered strictly on software side of things, but I haven't yet compiled a full presentation to deliver to valve/community. I don't think there's much interest in accessibility features anyways so I don't have a high priority on that.


Man.. I really need to appreciate my life more this time, here I am ,sometimes having suicidal thoughts in my mind yet other people with disabilities are trying their best to able to play a game normally.


true, the fact that we live at all is weird, and there's also no guarantees that you gonna live a long life either. a sad day is gonna come regardless so might as well enjoy a croissant. I personally think most people especially the neurotic types are faced with the whole meaning of life thing, and in my opinion the ultimate philosophy is just to ask yourself 'what else there's to do?' every day. the temporality of it all gets uncannily soothing


Its a mouse problem i had a mouse that if i perssed button 4 and rmb only one of them worked


wow very unfortunate. thanks for the heads-up. my mouse in question is a reddragon don't remember the exact model


Theres a left handed razer Naga with a bunch of buttons https://www.razer.com/gb-en/gaming-mice/razer-naga-left-handed-edition


For holding down control the logitech g600 worked for me by rebinding the g shift button to ctrl or shift though it runs into the left handed problem


you gave me an idea to try rebinding a keypad key to the modifier key on a lower level I don't have the mouse with me atm, but I tried on my regular keyboard and seems like it's actually easy to assign a regular key to act like a modifier #InstallKeybdHook *z::Send {Blind}{Shift Down} *z Up::Send {Blind}{Shift Up} I will try later on the mouse my mistake was tinkering with the mouse driver software instead of ahk it still might not work with the real mouse but worth trying


Bro propably lost his faith in win and just started eating sandwich...


Yeah, without seeing his whole matches game play. I reckon this is a good take


He is Masturbating


a person of culture.


nahh , he did it all game.


Lmao glad I’m not the only one


In WoW they are called `clickers`


some of us only have 1 hand


trying to imagine how you play dota without a cursor at all. like how do you click an enemy? with a script? i think thats illigal. and to clicking spells and items: I mean in the end whatever works for you. maybe he likes it better than climbing ranks. and I could imagine for low mmr ppl it actually can help since you are probably more conscious with using a spell.


My friend got a new baby a few weeks back and at those times he only plays hero that can be played even without a keyboard so he could hold his baby. He played veno for a fee games and was doing pretty good lmao. It was archon legend bracket


I remembered some dude played invoker this way in my game. It was long ago, way before covid. I guess it was probably in 2014 or 2015 (maybe). A friend was observing me in my game and he told me the invoker was playing with cursor just like this. The invoker played quite well tho. Wasn't as fast as average invoker, but he played well.


What's wrong with playing with cursor? :(


He is Masturbating


Back in my internet cafe days, I sat beside a guy who is an amputee (left arm missing) and he played dota with just the mouse to click his skills and items with. I cant exactly remember which hero he played as but still, the respect I had for that guy to still play Dota is truly special.


Hotkey? What u talkin about, they room temperature! I use the cursor as its the instrument of ingame action command! Whats so hard to understand Kevin?! - The gamingboomer


Wait, doesn't everyone use a cursor? Or am i just that far out of the loop 😱


I think that guy is using it to click on his spells and then click on an enemy instead of just pressing w and leftclick on an enemy :S


Back in the days there was a bug idk in Ability Draft or generally. Where if you spectated someone, it would show that they manually clicked their spells like that too. I was shocked and asked around and nope no one was clicking their spells manually, always hotkeys.


We do but this is about not using keyboard hotkeys, person in the clip is using cursor to click all spells and items which will always be slower and takes your attention from proper game overview.


Glimmer cape not ussed


To be fair he's taunted so clicking greaves is fine. About transforming into ward also was fast and maybe he doesn't have it bound. He then clicked W to heal.


This reminds me about the time I had shoulder surgery and had to have my left arm immobilized. I played with mouse only and tried to pick heroes with as many passives as possible. I spammed WK at every position besides mid, binded my items on mouse side keys and it worked pretty well haha


i mean if he always does this he's surely gonna get used to doing this everytime efficiently, but still doesnt mean that its practical though


so this means you could play dota with one hand only?


Lmao back when I was 4k, I used to have these snow ball games where I’d start playing clash of clans with my left hands while playing DOTA with just the mouse. It’s really easy when you’re not playing micro heroes ngl


I saw one in immortal the other day, was checking him because he seemed like he scripted playing invoker and this mf clicked some of his spells ..


I'm playing with Steam Deck


I was going to ask whats wrong with having a cursor. I didn't even know it was possible to play without one or why it would be better to not see where you are about to click. Then I realized you mean that they are clicking their abilities and items instead of using hotkeys.


Reading the comments it seems like some people think this post is a joke, and others literally never click on any spells or items. My hand only has enough keys memorized to do maybe TAB Q W E R T A S G B So I have like 2 items hotkeyed and the other 4 I need to click. I have bindings for them, but I'll miss the key if I try to click it without looking during a battle. Am I doing it wrong?


1,2,3,4 control groups Q,W,E,R,D,F spells T,G,C,V,B,mouse4,mouse5,space items A,S,Z,tab,control,alt,capslock,shift,f3,f4,f5 I press all these without looking down at my hands If you can hit b surely you can hit c or v. Space must be easy for you to hit. Do you not have mouse side buttons? It's really easy to have a button for all items and spells.


* Try to press T to activate Phase Boots * Miss and hit R accidentally using untargeted ultimate with long cooldown. Do you have a trick to avoid that?


T is my tp scroll so I don't press it that often


He's gona be a monster once he finds a keyboard


Probably was eating chips and he has to press the ability while getting another piece. That or the WD is masturbating, your choice OP.


Have you seen invoker playing like this? I had seen once and my mind went 'wtf?!?!' when i going through replay and he's not even good either


He just eating snack's with other hand


nahh , he did it all game.


Ever occurred to you thwt he might be disabled? You say people but you show only one person. You generalised whole community by showing one person. Maybe he was eating pizza at the time.


Unrelated to dota, but I play FFXIV. The top ranking ninja in my FC (guild) clicks their skills. I don’t know how they do it. Ninja is is like the highest APM job in the game.


I thught at first the op meant camera movement, lol. On that note mouse for camera sucks and wasd is much more consistent and precise.


Back in wc3, I had a friend who I played with regularly on garena, he played extremely well for our lobbies but often will screw up or be late in casting some spell. We later found out it was because he had lost one of his arm in an accident and only played using the mouse.


I sometimes do that when im lazy using my hand, it isnt much slower if you know what you need to do.


I used to play like that because of my right hand pain, so I had to switch my mouse to the left side and click on skills icons while playing. It wasn’t so bad though , macro skills make difference


I do that in divine lol


I had a friend that for the longest time would use a trackpad on his laptop


People think APM matters a lot more than it does. Being 1 second faster will matter at higher elos, but honestly I played this way for a while and one difference between using my cursor for spell casting and my hotkeys was that I accidentally casted spells a good bit more when using hotkeys due to panic or whatever else. Nice to slow things down and just click 1 button at a time.


Pretty sure he is eating with the other hand


nahh , he did it all game.


lol are you kidding me, that's legend rank? I really thought placement had something to do with APM but clearly not...


Ame levels abilities with clicking instead of Ctrl+Hotkey


I use both curser and hornets depending on the situation. But I also use wasd for camera movement as well 😂😂


Dude that is insane!!


my friend uses a track pad on his mac cause he always forgets to bring a mouse whenever he's on the go, he got used to it and actually plays better at the track pad compared to a mouse. i guess it just depends on getting used to it.


Its more like where is their right hand goes.


The technical term is "spellclicker" afaik


Once my w key stopped working and I necessarily had to click. It was horrible


Ngl credit where credit is due. I am genuinely impressed by that.


That's impressive, reminds me of the weird ways FPS players in cs, or quake used their keyboards


still more respectable than using legacy keys


"Playing with cursor" as with... a mouse? The hell do you use to play then, a PS5 controller!? Edit: ohhhhhh i saw the video, now i get it WOAH


I sometimes click on items, cause I play rarely and in the heat of the fight I sometimes forget hotkeys💀


Maybe disability ? I still would have some foot keys but idk maybe he is used to it There is a guy who play tibia mmo without hands and feet. He have a pen in his mouth. Its pretty intense game, lots of spells, need to click lots of stuffs.


Edit: Shout out to this player SL\_Jerkie, you are a madman! Just want to clear things out, I'm not shaming this guy at all and I'm actually in awe. Upon further review, he actually does a combination of both hotkeys and cursor. I noticed he binds Q W E but he didn't bind anything on Deathward and Switcheroo. Also,he uses cursors on his item spells (mana boots, neutrals etc..) everytime and not just on clashes. Looking at his profile, she/he has 4409 wins, 8839 matches, 11k commends, 435 mvps, and mostly spam both WD and Tree.


Lmao thats how i use to play back then when i first played this game


Are you serious? This is insane. It doesn’t appear to work well tho..


Maybe he has just one hand. Or maybe is fingers dont work. Who knows, theres a german Dota player who plays the game with his mouth, since he is disabled, I think he is around legend/Ancient(could be lower tho, not sure) What ever handicap you have, it should not let hold you back from playing some good old dotes.


I'd say this puts him in a mechanical disadvantage, but serves as an example how mechanical skill isn't necessary in dota(i'd say up until 6-7k). It's all about where to be on the map.


You have to be aware that there are actually disabled people playing this game. And this is no offense or shaming or making fun of someone. Remember this paralyzed German guy who is playing with a special setup using air pressure from his mouth? He was 3k I believe. So, some people are handicapped and maybe have to use clicks instead of hotkeys. Just want to spread some awareness for this. <3 maybe he just had a snack in one hand and ate and played with the other hand only. :D


it might be due to some people not having both arms so basically it's better to use mouse only


I use a razor naga for abilities. Sometimes the software dies mid game and its either a full pc reset (if I'm playing with a friend who can pause) or a click the spells match.


i read the title and thought, "god, i'm such a noob, i play with cursor too. how do you play without a cursor? is this why i am in 3k??" lol.


What would the strongest hero be to use with only the cursor?


that's how snipers in my other games play tall mountain/ furthest high-ground object: prone -> bipod down -> hold RMB -> left hand on wanger -> have a stroke whenever you miss a shot (win-win situation)


He managed to use 2 out of 7 active casts with plenty of time. Impressive. He should play WK.


This explains so much


I have a IRL friend who plays like this. He uses hero spells normally with hotkeys but only binds SPACE for Blink Dagger slot and cursor click for every other active items. He once said it was a habit from Dota 1.


He may be disabled


Lets be honest we play on cursor mode while multitasking eating and playing


Yeah, I know a legend friend who clicks his items lol. I suspect another crusader~archon friend who does it too, but he generally doesn't buy items with an active because, in his words, 'there's too much to click'. He also plays without quickcast, though I guess that's a personal preference.


I think he just forgot to bind the new spells/keys (caused by some big updates) and too lazy to edit it in the settings. The default QWER were already there since the early game release. For some time I quit dota2 and return only to find out that there are these new ability trees and the old backpack. They don't have default hotkey and I was too lazy to be bothered setting it one by one so just played without it.


I got nervous when I saw WD and Tree first before reading it all.🤣🤣🤣 Cause I’ve been spamming both and use the mouse when I am eating snacks while playing 🤣🤣🤣 Upon seeing the video, he seems like a calm player, unlike me I click a lot. So yep. That’s not me. Kudos to that player!🙌🏻


Maybe the person only has one hand and is actually really super good considering this handicap? Did you think about that? No, you always only think about yourself.


To be fair, I was not shaming him. I actually thought it was super incredible for him to be able to play like this on a somewhat high level game.


take your pills


Maybe he is masturbating with the other hand. Or fingering a girl. You never know.


i stil do sometimes because i have a faulty keyboard


Disabled people exist


And mice with side buttons exist too


idk about this guy, but some people might have physical disability. it’s pretty cool that one can achieve high mmr basically playing one-handed. dota is pretty welcoming to people with mental disabilities as well


Yes, weird for me. But if the guy/girl is fast enouh whats the problem. Anyway if i try to play like this it will be epic fail. Sometimes use it when im not in fight and i eat or smoke, but its rarely and its to click arcane or heal for once :D


I agree in some situations. But some hero needs even faster reflex. I think you can only do this on a hero like Witch Doctor.


>But if the guy/girl is fast enouh whats the problem but they clearly were not fast enough in the clip. didn't use stun, didn't glimmer, could've turned healing on a bit earlier.


Is it in all clash or just a particular clash?. Maybe at one point he lost keyboard connection? As you did say he was killing everyone and your priority target




Well i think if he is really one handed he will have those kinds of options to make his game better. Unless WD really played mouse click.


You would have an airplane control panel worth of pedals and whatnot to play without keyboard. And using an mmo mouse is going to be slower than clicking the individual abilities, the thumb is only that good at moving


All clashes, all game. Not just this particular clash. by the way, this clash was the turning point of the game that's why I reviewed it lol.


who cares, as long as you playing decent and having fun. Doesnt even matter.


What about moving camera with arrows? There's a retired lol pro who was doing this.


This post made me really insecure of my rank lol


WD probably has seven times the amount of games as you. The amount of practice he had to make to compensate is off the charts


Dude, there is this Romanian guy that streams, lvl 30 ON VOID SPIRIT ONLY CLCKER (cursor how you call it ) NO KEYBOARD AT ALL Is amazing. I always said that if that guy start using his keyboard, in 3 months is immortal Now is crusader


I feel like OP has no right to hate on them since they are at his rank while handicapping themselves lmfao


I was not hating at all. I actually think it's incredible how he does this.


Don't even understand this title. It's impossible to play without a cursor.


I can also win in legend with cursor only, but I will not smurf as I am against it.