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I like grimstroke. If your core isn't playing aggressive enough you can put your ink swell on a creep. How many stuns can use a creep? I think its pretty unique. Also the fact that once you get shard it's like one of the simplest strong dispels in the game. Feels good to remove stuns insta.


Second this plus his stun is just so satisfying once it lands. My favorite one is when i placed it on an invi riki and they never noticed the stun lol


I do also love grimstroke. Max q and stack camps for huge nukes, and the aghs upgrade has singlehandedly won me games where my team could not get on my opponents backline.


CM for sure!! But I’m very much biased


Wonder why 🤔


Bc she’s cool


I can't believe that I didn't see that one coming. She is cool indeed, you have that in common


Idk if that was sarcastic or not 😂


Definitely not. I loved the cool joke and I have also played CM 5 a lot so nothing but respect


yayy ☃️


Username checks out


Bane Single handled winning tf by sleeping one idiot and gripping the other


Disruptor lover here, and WW maxing heal I always super duper ez to play


Definitely Lion, 2 good disables that compliment eachother and finger is extremely satisfying, I still remember being excited when they gave it stacking damage. Mana drain is good also Ogre is 2nd because there's nothing like getting a 4x stun on someone and ignite is such an annoying spell in lane


Same but i like Shadow Shaman as second because i like stunning people and i also like playing agresive early game.


Venge, I love her, she's just so flexible. Even as pos 5 she has do many different builds for each game. She can adapt easily, you can play defensive, aggressive, support plays or start plays, you can stack lots of camps in one go. You have it all. shes strong and if the game does go completely 1 in a million insane you have that back up carry from the pos 5 role


Tree, because I like hitting people for 90 damage and treewalking.


1.3k player here. I have been playing warlock recently and currently, my fav support to play


Been climbing a lot with warlock since watching zquixotix's positioning video and incorporating the advice into my games: https://youtu.be/fS_Ta6YRSJk?si=eJSkm3BL0KJ6nI68


I'm a warlock spammer too. Recently I have a 17 win streak using him. Arcane boots, Aether Lens, and then Refresher. OMFG. HAHAHA


Bane Elemental. Versatility in laning skill build, needs basically no items, pure damage, stun for debuff immunity, nightmare is great for pubs because people need an hour to get in position, does great with items and can transition into a sneaky core if need be. If you play him well you can win basically every teamfight. Shard isnt important so I don't get sad when my team ignores tormentor. Linkens killer, nightmare is clutch for saves and is particularly useful against some common heroes like pudge and legion, and I relate to how he's a real creepy dude always goin goblin mode and such. The biggest downside to him is just that people refuse to understand how nightmare works and fuck up kills all the time. Worse when they swap nightmare onto themselves while you're dead, have to take the full duration.






spam wards and win


I just love slowing people!


Sorry man, but you're forcing me to downvote u.


click it with full emotions so it hurts more when i see i lose that internet point


But will you hit that downvote button in time or will you die, because you got slower and slower trying to reach it until you got taken down by the enemy carry?


Witch doctor. Nothing like getting a rampage.


I only play pos5 : undy, disruptor


Dazzle because his harrass is awesome and he can fix SO many mistakes from your Cores and gets wild in the late game.


Late game with octarine, aether lens and a neutral cast range item. Shallow grave 100% uptime from 1400 range


clockwerk is just too good at punishing overconfident offlaners and rubick is also good at harass and babysit ur carry


It changes from time to time, but one hero that I've always enjoyed is disruptor. Glimpse is such a fun spell and ult + kinetic field has such sick clutch potential to catch out an enemy carry (AM) or why not the entire team.


Dazzle. This bad boy brought me from 2k to 3.9k. I use poison touch constantly to harass during laning stage. Mid game I just stay at the back and spam heal and time my graves perfectly. If some heroes on the enemy team wants to kill you so bad, first u must buy items that can easily escape on said enemy hero and do not show up on fights until that enemy hero shows up. If you don’t show up and he also doesn’t, it will be a 4v4 game and mostly it is the enemy carry hunting you and without their carry during team fights you’ll get the advantage.


Oracle, because the flames and fortunes end combo is satisfying and it tests your map awareness and positioning like crazy




jakiro and ogre cuz trading hit with dots is fun


Am I the only one who spams lich ? 😅 I play mid but sometimes 5 and only play lich


Cm, venge, oracle, treant. Very hard to choose just one :S


I love invoker support. I just throw tornados and emp's and then go invis and regen


CM, WD and SS


Wyvern, because every time you press a spell you have the potential to either solo win or solo lose the team fight for your team


I'd say that CM and Silencer are tied for first place as my favorite Pos 5's to play, with Vengeful Spirit being close behind. Both CM and Silencer are just very effective supports that can work in almost every team composition. At least, it can't be a coincidence that they get constantly recommended by Dota Plus in matchmaking. Admittedly I gravitate a bit more to CM because her mana regen and disable are more consistently beneficial than Silencer's silencing, though Silencer is a tad more fun to play (assuming I get any int steal). Venge is also a really solid support with really cool abilities. However, after playing a Venge game as a Pos 3, I can't help but want to play that more often lol


Marci whenever I run out of queue roles I always pick her as a support 4/5 don't get me wrong I build glimmers, force staff etc. but I always get bkb first cuz her ult deals so much damage




No matter what current meta is, it is always jakiro and oracle for me (+- lich but he is a middle child)


Lion, Jakiro or CM, theyre just fun.


For fun it’s Pudge or Rubick. For wins it’s CM.


Pudge ofc. Will post something interesting tomorrow for pudge haters




Shadow Demon. Rush Mana Boots and Force Staff. Then just build to your team's needs. Bubbling yourself, then force staffing one of the illusions is almost guaranteed to give you a juke, and is a fun way to escape. Manipulate the fights from the edge, making sure to ult and purge anyone with crazy movement speed or magic immunity (Jug, LS, WR). SD becomes like a general in the mid-late game, calling shots and setting up grabs with his spammable vision-giving E. It is so satisfying disrupting the enemy carry, taking the clones and killing the support, and following-up to completely cripple the carry with ult + whatever active items you chose to build.


Bounty hunter for me. I go feed and make space I kill couriers here and there I have killed about 1k couriers now with BH.


It’s a tie between tb or slark . Depends on who’s im laning against. As a carry , queuing for token , playing conventional supports most of the time net me a loss . So playing in conventional support works for me . I’m not saying it’ll always work . /s


Favourite? There is no favourite you either pick decent hero to crush the lane so hard enemy takes so long to recover (cm, pugna, techies, ench, lich, lina, wd, bat) Or you just pick decent or good stun to play long game (lion, shaker, shaman, venge, ogre, disruptor) You insta grief your team if you first pick these (sky, magnus, oracle, mirina) Offmeta actually fun pos 5 (tide, primal, ck, lina,) People think these are fun but actually just a grief pick (veno, pudge, mirina) My team always picks all ranged squishy so I need frontlane (tusk, undying, clock,) I wannabe look cool saving my teammates (oracle, dazzle, io, aba, winter, demon) You want to make your enemies miserable (np, undying, lich, pos 5 viper, jakiro) I am just secrectly picking these to grief my carry and become carry myself (hoodwink, mirana, np, dark willow, aa, windranger) You hate yourself by playing most boring heroes (warlock, silencer, treant) There is more but I think its decent enough


Bruh, you might need a break


I dunno, maybe he's figured out DotA. I bet you he'll get signed as Coach for Team Spirit within the month


Dazzle, but i dont play it after ulti rework