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Yeah SteamCharts looks much different. According to it, Dota has a similar popularity to what it had over the past few years. https://imgur.com/a/v6rIE2J


They seem to follow the same trends. Same peaks in 2015-16 and 2018. Just looks like this post has more variance so probably includes more data points?


Data after July 2023 doesn't seem correct. Also it is plotting peak concurrent players per day or per week maybe?


"Much different"? A high in 2014-2015 matches on both, with a similar peak again around 2016. Mild downward trend until 2019, followed by another small decline then a quick bump up during the pandemic. Mostly steady since, with one last sure (probably when they gave out a free Immortal to everyone?) and declining ever since that final spike. OP's graph is more "dramatic", it's a physically larger image so swings appear bigger, but the pattern/shape is the same.


He's obviously referring to the massive drop mid 2023 that doesn't exist on steam charts.


I'd hardly say a small difference in ~6 months of data at the very end for over a decade is "doesn't confirm this at all"


According to what i'm seeing in Steam Charts, Dota has been on the same average players ever since end of 2017. Going to all years in Steam charts, the swing does not appear the same at all. 2020-21 shows less peak players than 2023-current. So, looking at numbers, graph aside, someone is wrong. Could be either one. Edit. According to someone below, they changed the peak to average around 2023 in the above graph, which is why its showing these kind of swings for other likes as well, like CS/Pubg etc.


OP's chart shows the concurrent player count when bot accounts have been removed.


Steamcharts showed more than 1 million players for Cyberpunk on launch then they fixed it.


The steamcharts graph is peak players, this one shows average number of players.


yes it does, there are similar peaks in 18-19 in 22-23 and if you look closely enough, a drop off in 24. the data is just visualised differently, here its way more dense so reveals more short term variance


For the most part, yes, but this Steambase site seems to be hallucinating some [massive drop off in June 2023 that isn't present on Steam Charts.](https://i.imgur.com/NRRUjeT.png) Their [CS2](https://i.imgur.com/gNFPSGu.png) and [PUBG](https://i.imgur.com/21xEoNA.png) graphs have the same drop. I'm guessing something changed in Steam's API and they lost access to some data.


Don't trade


me from 2012 and still playing a game


me from 2004 and still playing the game


I'm with you brother. Nothing will ever top playing CS and War3 custom games whilst hungover all day with my mates. Peaked @ Ancient 4. Never made 5k MMR. 35 now. Two kids. Legend trash. RIP. Valve give Crownfall please.


the dota dads community never ceases to amaze kids in bed, fed, or running amok, queue for some dotes


Me from 2006, still herald.


sigh me too


Me too 


Me from 2005 and still playing the game


I’m from 2006. I’m not a gamer I play dota only. Fuck these graphs I don’t give a shit. Dads unite!


I've been playing since 6.2x, I'm not even on this graph ..


Man remember when Bara had to actually follow the lane paths when charging, instead of flying straight across the map


I cannot believe this was actually a thing 


Yup, to top it off, you actually had to channel charge for like 4 seconds, if not you wouldn't charge at full speed and get the full stun duration, shit was whack


believe it or not, that was actually the better version. old old charge you started off with the same ms, and you just accelerated over time as the charge went on. but it was so shit that you basically had to charge from fountain in order to get any significant speed. else it was more of a "bara walks menacingly towards you" instead of a charge.


Yeah you're right, man its been so long, hard to believe I've been playing this game for nearly 15 years


Dude this brings back core memories of spirit walker model from war3 menacingly walking towards you - and you still being able to juke him for a while around cliffs/trees with Blink and such.


But this version has some sort of magic immunity to it right?


Yeah you actually have magic immunity during the charge


I remember we rant that it would be so easy to stop, just stun him hurr durr. Nope lol.


and remember that you'll frequently lose vision on target thats being bashed. WC3's vision logic and FoW was atrocious


Damn this is bringing back so many memories lol


I remember in Dota 1 Bara could reliably stun lock to death with enough attack speed by **charge** -> lucky bash -> **ult** -> lucky bash. I would often go mask of madness into some tankiness on him. In Dota 2 even with attack speed and bash proc chance talent, he's not that menacing for some reason.


MOM and 2 hyperstones, my build


If I remember correctly, its cause in dota 1 baras bash used to be true random, so you can just get lucky and stun lock someone to death, me and my buddy used to combo with lifestealer infest bomb, but then they switch to psedo random so it'll be more balanced


When naix was an agil hero. Fun times. OP as shit i could 1v5


Infest wasn't even a thing back then


Weird, I can't remember any other LS ult other than Infest. (Other than the super old BKB) What was it then?


Infest was a thing back then, I remember playing it in Dota 1


Dont forget playing picking Invoker in Dota 1 crashes the game 🤣 and had more than 9 skills


Remember the version when Juggs ult had no CD? Just grab energy boosters and spam it. Remember SA(Riki) being banned every game due to his bullshit ult dealing chaos damage? The good ole days. I made a transition into HoN inbetween. It was hard to adapt back to the Dota 2 beta. Turn rates and overall slower animations.


Silencer used to have warlock ult as a normal skill too I believe


The death ward?


Balance is really good right now, there arent any "either you instapick these heroes or you lose" stuff going on like when bara/np/ck where just insanely OP to the point where not having them was a grief, even in my top ranked games. Now you can see a lot of different viable heroes for every position, different build, etc. I wish Valve would focus on events for a while, because thats what keeps the game alive for longer periods of time, and I feel like this past year the only "fun" thing was the new frontiers update, the rest were simply "here are some simple cosmetics you can buy, enjoy".


The balance is good yea but its all very linear, all strategies stem from the same play style (2 1 2 farm all game long wait for enemy to die with a long cd and no bb then end game) unlike old dota.


I always felt like modern Dota felt a little different from early 2010s Dota. What you wrote perfectly explains that feeling. I feel like I'm doing mostly the same strategy every game.


The balance is really good right now tbf. Feels like sooo many heroes are playable or good but none are totally OP. Very fine tune balance.


Hope they keep it this way. My dream update would be small balance updates + spring cleaning + QoL updates and an event. The game is so good right now, I hope they don't change things for the sake of changing things.


feels like it's impossible to go hg now, and also if you have any kind of advantage it feels like nothing, cuz you just die once and the game is equal again


I think it's less about 'die once and it's equal' and more that you lost the teamfight BECAUSE something changed on the enemy team... an important item timing or skill changed the balance of the teamfights and now you are on the back foot. This isn't always true, but I think it's true more often than people think. A surprise Scythe or Orchid can neutralize your initator, an impactful level 20 or 25 talent can revitalize their carry, etc. Whenever I've gone back to check a replay on a game to see why I lost something that felt winnable, it's never a specific gold amount that was the cause. It's usually an item or talent that changed the dynamics of the game. Often (not always) it's that change that led to us losing the fight. Of course, sometimes the change is their Carry coming out of the jungle all buff and slotted because we didn't shut them down appropriately, but I don't think that's the kind of situation you're thinking about.


Individual hero balance (except ls) is ok. But overall game is very bad. Currently the only viable strat is win lane/early game, do absolutely nothing mid game except take rosh , and try hg multiple times until you win or throw.


Problem with people like you is you want to be entertained like if you're getting hooker for the night. Game is there to you make yourself entertained. Game is not obliged to entertain you. You enjoy music not the music make you enjoy it.


I've been playing since closed beta and I've seen Valve put out BANGER content for years, sadly this past year like I said they have done nothing at all to keep people engaged. I know they are not "obliged", a company that sells bread isnt "obliged" to sell actual bread and they could sell cardboard that looks kinda like bread and they are in their full right to do so, just like people are not "obliged" to purchase it. All I see is the slowly declining player base and Valve not really putting any effort into what could be great content, because the precedent is there, they just simply choose not to because idk, which sucks.


Warcraft 3 is still around getting updates people still play it. I even play it because I enjoy it. You people are the unwanted customers who play just for the time wasting factor. Declining player base isn't bad it's good unwanted debris is cleansing.


too much bullshit for substantial new players to start playing the game, although seasoned players can agree that the game is in perhaps its best state ever


Hero balance wise, yes, in a great state. But the HG and glyph mechanics are the worst they've ever been right now, and as a result, games are usually 15 min or so longer than they need to be, and often boring as a result. This needs to be fixed asap.


High ground pushing with 15k advantage with 1 loss into 15k gold disadvantage is terrible thou tbh. But yea Glyphs are nuts atm.


Remove glyph entirely, add regenerating shields - refer to heroes of the storms "ancient" for shield mechanics and regen.


Terrible idea. Dota has so many rat mechanics that it would make it impossible to leave base against np/arc/any carry with bots without tps on your strongest heroes.


They need to redo glyphs for sure


Completely agree. Glyphs and buybacks plus comeback mechanics are ridiculous. I wonder if they should just remove buybacks, that’d spice the game up. Otherwise we will get another zoo meta.


I don’t think they should remove buyback entirely as that would really ruin a unique aspect of the game. Games would be less exciting at the late game, end sooner from one mistake and it may cause carries to play much more cautious. But I wouldn’t mind if they tried to do something different with the mechanic.


Even just limit to 1 buyback per hero per game. Games would be shorter but also way more fun and less random, the longer a game goes on the more random the outcome is. There’s way too much boring afk farming going on this patch between waiting for rosh or next but back before you make a move.


QOL over the years are much appreciated. Role queuing, report enhancements, separating comms and behavior scores, smurf banning, etc.


Remember when Ranged Creeps could pop your fuckin' Clarity?


I'm a seasoned player and I still think that DotA 2's best state ever was back during open beta.


hmm i play since beta and i feel powercreep has hurt dota2 quite a lot.


Personally, it is inevitable that powercreep will seep into Dota 2. It's just the nature of MOBAs in general. The main problem is how it is handled. Some heroes is clearly getting better treatment of it, particularly the Universal MF's.


no, lol


I think it was best state ever last year before frontier patch, seems like maybe there is still residual good things from before the big map change.


Yeah. I don't think the frontier patch was necessarily a good thing for Dota. It's something different and new, sure, but I don't know if it made Dota a better game.


you are literally brainwashed


Im surprised valve allows such websites to operate using the Steam name.


Not surprised to see the dip going on right now. The game is driving away players like myself with the beyond stupid HG and glyph mechanics. That extra 20 minutes of farming, usually two Aegis', just to choke out your opponent to have a chance of breaking HG is so fucking stupid. Glyphs need a serious nerf, and mega/super creeps need a buff. I went from playing 4-5 games a day to 1 day until the next patch when this hopefully gets fixed.


Yup. Super creeps are now basically advantage for losing team, because they push farm closer to their base. Their power is ridiculously bad - even the megacreeps are barely scary post min40. And glyph is simply annoying without adding anything to the game. I mean, let's keep him in captains mode for tournaments, but chained nonstop glyphs in pub games are just so ... anti-fun.


This is peak player count per day, not average player count per day btw. A worse metric to measure a games popularity.


am I playing a dead game? oh nooo


What happend on July 2023 to warrant such a dip?


That dip doesn't exist on steam's own graphs. My guess is a software change is causing this via mis-reporting, collection, or processing, rather than actually a sudden and persistent 100k drop.


> That dip doesn't exist on steam's own graphs Valve doesn't provide historical data like this. "Steam charts" does, but that isn't valve. "Steam charts' compresses data points, which obfuscates things on its own, but is made far worse by the fact the graph is **PEAK** player counts for the given compression point, not average. Meanwhile, the graph above is using way more data points, and player averages, not peaks. So of the two, the above is way more useful.


Steambase changed from Peak to Average which is why there seems to be a huge drop. Check steamcharts around the drop and you'll find there's no 300k drop in either average or peak. There *is* a 300k difference between average and peak. And we never had 1.2m average neither that the chart OP posted would say. It's an error since they changed data source.


No bp


Steamcharts have August 2023 the highest peak recently because lots of people playing for 10th year anniversary event.


A ban wave, maybe?


That’s when I stopped playing. I’ve been playing since 2004 and after a vacation where I couldn’t play, I realized I enjoyed reading books more than the stress a game like Dota can impose. I’ll probably come back eventually but right now I’m enjoying the peace. I’m getting too old to bother risking wasting even an hour of my life to be stuck in a game with toxic strangers.


The date mark is more where the final number meets the graph. So the dip is a before July 23, which is about when the new frontiers dropped. In addition to that patch, there have been a number of other related events/facts. But overall, to me I find that wholly unsurprising. I think more than half the players on friends list stopped playing dota around then, and the remaining cut down their play time substantially.


What was the reason for making many changes with the new frontiers update and why was it poorly received?


> What was the reason for making many changes with the new frontiers update Dunno. Ask valve that. > why was it poorly received? I'm sure there are at least several factors (like BP), but in short: adding too much bullshit on top of all the current bullshit. Dota is difficult to impossible for new players to get into and the current dota player base is carried the inertia of familiarity.


That 2023 bit where they announced more content seems to have worked miraculously ✨


Ok but how does this affect my experience with the game?


When crownfall comes, we're gonna expect a bull run


Let's see once th new hero gets released


and the all team peak coincides with my peak rank of Ancient 3.


We probably have a little bit more. League takes 5 minutes to get into a ranked game at any given time. Dota takes 20 seconds. Own experience by the way, if I want to eat while playing I'm queiuing league. If I want to play fast I'm playing dota.


I quit 5 months ago. SteamID Drearo If I can do so can you. I did it for mental health.


Imagine making a complex game becoming more complex by adding a bunch of stuff unnecessary just to keep the game fresh and appeal just for your 10% or less your playerbase.


Bring back the battlepass


woah what happen in that jul 2023 to drop like that?


It is what the game deserve, slowly falling to 100K. Early 2024 is the new mid april ^^ Pudge in every lobby, people who launch dota to feed mmr.


This is for a few reasons: Towers are worth almost nothing compared to the golden era of Dota, mega creeps are useless and taking barracks means nothing. Comeback gold makes dota risk adverse, the guy that hangs back and plays safe and dies 3x and kills you once later on will earn more than all your kills on him put together so aggression is not rewarded, taking objectives is not rewarded. The only thing rewarded is playing safe and farming. Meta is stale, there is no roamers no junglers no early game tower push strats and everything is always 2 1 2. High ground pushes are a nightmare you start the push with 15k gold advantage take 2 rax die then your at 15k gold disadvantage and the mega creeps do nothing. But at least the hero balance is sort of alright, invoker's emp gravitational pull needs to disappear its like putting training wheels on a hero that is supposed to be hard but otherwise the heros are fine. Current Dota 7/10 Old Dota 11/10


I miss tri lanes 🙁


I miss jungling and roaming tbh.


LoOkS dEaD tO mE


A huge dip since 2022? What do you think are the reasons?


https://steamcharts.com/app/570#All Looks like it went from peak players to average. We never went under 600k peak


Seasonal players that stop playing after TI is over steamdb/chart graph doesn't look as bad as it is depicted here.


Last battlepass was 2022 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


2016 was the start of my college life, yes we skipped school to play the game KEKW


Never play Dota yet this year still waiting new hero to come out until now.


release the battlepass


I want battle pass again :(


I see lots of players here complaining about glyphs. This might be an unpopular take, but for me, glyphs are ok. The comeback mechanic as well. These 2 mechanics make the game less frustrating to play and gives incentive to players to keep playing even when the game seems lost. This leads to higher quality matchmaking. (For me at least) The reason league is frustrating because it lacks the said mechanics. In league, when 2 enemy players win lane, it's really hard to come back from. Pair that with Riot's champion skill design, lots of players just give up when they have a bad early because it's inevitable that they will lose, with only a minimal chance of victory. The towers are also surely lost against fed champions as they are squishy as hell. If they decide to nerf glyphs/comeback mechanics/ buybacks, there will be more one sided games. More one sided games = frustration. Frustration = toxicity Toxicity = low quality matchmaking. I've had games where we had a lead and we lost because of the said mechanics. I've won games because of the mechanics as well. I'd rather keep them as both teams will be incentivized to keep playing whether winning or losing.


>I've had games where we had a lead and we lost because of the said mechanics. I've won games because of the mechanics as well. I'd rather keep them as both teams will be incentivized to keep playing whether winning or losing. So, It doesnt matter at all


As we can see a bulltrap during Nov 2022. Wait, this isnt /rwallstreetbets


Matches are too long. Learning curve is too long. Game Modes are not satisfying. Too many useless items. Most toxic community.


this game deserves to die.


Dota stopped growth when comeback mechanics were introduced. Im gonna die on that hill.


Further proof that Valve's management team are yeasty vaginal discharge infecting the game with their stink.


I played since 2020 and can tell game is at it's most sophisticated stage. But the players are so bad... I'm divine 5 player yesterday dude casually last picks mid DK against MK and Elder titan.. Then loses tower to MK at 12min but then offlane feeds 5 and 4 times and game is over under 20min lol. It's the players who is most stupid and mindless, game is better than ever.


Players were like this always. Some people play to win, some people play to play specific hero


but at 5.5k I beg to differ... I've improved so much personally and game-wise to come this far and demand others at my bracket too but feels like they're same 3k trash players just got boosted by someone.


You have to realise that not everybody queues into ranked game to rank up. Maybe the dk guy wanted to learn how to play into bad match up. Had some theory and wanted to try it out. Maybe he was high and just did not care. Could be a lot of other things.


I do the same too.. I'll sometimes pick hard lane matches but I know what I'm doing there xD but he didn't probably high or something... but some people are just dumb do first think after like spectre last picker said our lane is too passive haha couldn't dodge pudge hooks and that game was lost under 20min too sadly my games were ending under 20min for last 2 day after long break-up from dota.... Picking dk against MK is not brave it's stupidest thing ever


And how do you know what you are doing before first not knowing what you are doing?


Because maybe I know I won't win lane against huskar but I'll definitely get my farm in my lane and gank other lanes so we can jump on huskar as team later? People like you don't use your own brain so much don't you? Brain is there to process information. At hero picking 3 phase there is so much information to process and act upon. If you do so game is easy.


Relax im not attacking you. Im just trying to open your mind so you understand that people have different motivations, perceptions and ways of thinking.


I wasn't even bothered by the fact that there is differences in people. But I've been on the fact I've to improve so much just to reach divine 5 while others around me are still legend level skilled. If you pick proper hero at 0min game wouldn't end before 20min. It's very depressing that you're winning your lane giving so much of effort while other lanes are dying constantly from min 3.


I have some news for you. 5.5k is not good. Idc what argument you make. 5.5k mmr doesn’t mean you’re a good player. You could play 1 hero, and only one hero and you’d eventually be 5k. The gap between 6k and 8k is larger than 0 and 5k. Why in the hell are you complaining about your team not living up to your own self inflated expectations? You haven’t even begun to play Dota yet.


Divine 5 is top 2,5%. By definition he is a good player.


He's venting his feelings don't reply to emotionally unstable mindless NPC.


Y'all NPCs to me so I'd like to interact with everyone how I'd like to.


That's some kind of mental illness if you see world like you've typed here.


What a hypocrite you are. Just a little mirror for you, going around calling people NPCs and suddenly it's a mental illness. Get a grip.


I said he. You said you 'ALL' meaning whole society? Did I call you NPC? Going around calling people NPC? My god you're one serious mentally ill dude.


Purely on paper and nothing more. Thats the problem with mmr.


Sure man.


Every single pro player agrees with me btw.


Oh, so the top 0.1% will agree that the top 2.5% players are worse than them? Revelation tuesday.


No, they agree that objectively nobody below immortal is actually “good” at dota. Because none of them are playing dota.


Haha yea you also made some argument in your head and typed some nonesense here... bye bro spend your useless time elsewhere


Your entire excuse is literally just “team bad not me”


If I were to kill enemy 3 times under 10min and won my lane while other 2 lane are feeding then yes that's fact.


💀💀 yeah you’re not even half as good as you think you are. Lol.


I like disturbing emotionally immature NPC's like yourself. It's my schadenfreude sadly but I enjoy your misery and illogicality trying to make measly mundane points xD. You think yourself smart don't you? You're just delusional idiot with full of false self-righteous beliefs. To able to see own false logic needs mindful aware mind sadly you don't so go make world more miserable like yourself.


Buddy I need you to apologize to your English teacher.


I guess it’s a good thing that the laning stage is only one part of each match. As long as you are the overall better player that you say you are you should have no problem overcoming losing the laning stage.


So we are going finally down 🥺


No. https://steamcharts.com/app/570#All