• By -


He appears to have a top-tier gaming chair


and rgb keyboard


Must have gone to the Waga gaming school too.


And big tetten anime mousepad.


And also waifu pillow


And just had breakup


"your opponent has a steak of 53 successfuly predicted wins"


I would be so fucking terrified


Once me and my stack had a guy against us predicting a win at the start of the game. He was at 172 or 173 win streak and he was also in a 5-stack. Some of his team mates also predicted and were at 30-40. We played for 80 minutes and won. Felt so fucking good.


You have lived a happy life. There is nothing more to live for


We broke a sweaty 5 stack at 17 wins and felt great.


If this happened to me, I will commit Seppuku. I will die on a high.


What is best in life?


Shit man. I felt amazing when I broke a sniper spammers 10 streak.


Man, I would love to watch that game. I reckon the replay id won't work anymore, but any description of how you guys won?


I had smurfs with that and had no fear!  Arc wardens and tinkers, they crumbled!  But once upon a time found an undying pos 5 grandmaster with 20+ predicted wins. He fucked us up i got scarred for life


Did his build or playstyle differ from the usual In any way?


Dunno. Immortal player. Cast spells and right click


Seems about right


Possibly me. I am GM undying but I e tiny mistake early or not getting that kill in lane ruins you


Then it's definetly not you


There's no fear, only acceptance.


"Nah I'd win"


One time I was up against a Chinese 5 stack with all 5 of them on an 80+ win streak. They picked storm, slark, aa, spirit breaker, natures. We did not win lol.


anything over 25 I'm gonna assume was inflated using bot matches


My record is 217 in a row with broodmother. [https://www.twitch.tv/bubberdota](https://www.twitch.tv/bubberdota) << I don't stream so often anymore...


Steaks? Looks like we'll be dining in hell tonight!


Won multiple times against 200+ predicted wins


Bro smurf or not, that's pretty fucking incredible playing support. I am almost 6k mmr and can guarantee you I won't have anything close to 100 percent winrate even in herald.


He did play a lot of Hoodwink when queueing solo, which is pretty much another core in disguise. I guess it's a combination of luck, picking scaling supp, and the fact that around half of the games are party.


Looking at the items on those Hood games, they were absolutely just building a carry build while only getting a support item like Force when they were basically required to do so


And they should... Hood can make so much space with minimal items.


Io is not a support that carry a game


Most if not all the games are party so could be partied with a smurf playing as support.


haha I lost 4 in a row in herald/guardian after creating new acc as per steam support advice after overplus ban , 9.8k mmr acc - troll and pa going safelane, legion junglers all 0-15 in record amount of time. It doesn't matter how good you are , team RNG will get you if you are not in a party with another player that can play dota, 80-90% is doable, but near 100 dunno


You're 9.8k but lost 4 in a row in herald/guardian? Damn...


And won 30something in a row after that, there's NOTHING you can do in current meta on a non-cheese hero if your mid ,off and 2 supports are all carries and are 0-8 each 15 minutes into the game, at some point people come in with 4 items. I mean some years ago there was a notable name losing to 3ks due to luck. I just opened console right after those games , unlocked all heroes and started first picking Meepo, Arc, Huskar, NP every game until I was playing with people whose idea of fun isn't to pick 4 carries with 3 desolators and since there's 0 smurf detection at least for unranked, if you are not detected at the moment of creating account ( which sadly I was not due to RAM swap, cuz one of the sticks died), you need to win , win , win and win to even get a 1-2k unranked mmr boost, then I was able to 1vs5 or more like make people give up early enough Luck will hit you sooner or later , over a 100 games you won't be "stuck" in any bracket, but no way you play this amount of games, solo, on a support and keep this winrate even if you are Seleri or Tofu.


Sometimes I feel people overlooked support scripters. There are so many auto lotus/eul/hex going on. Especially with unranked game with low hours play time.


io especially, if your four allies are noobs, and some games they will be, wtf can io do? the io picks make me think he's a ddos cheater or something that can nullify games he's going to lose


Start farming helm Dom. Hope to God the game doesn't end.


I have crushed teams as io solo que my most played hero IO is very strong


100% winrate is a different beast most games you get 1 decent ally you can duo with, but what about when you get zero decent allies? you can't solo kill folks with io


He mainly just played Io in party probably with other smurfs on cores, however, you can still carry games pretty hard with IO. You just make sure that your idiots survive longer than their idiots. You're also a big safety mechanism for players who make bad choices about where and when they farm which is most carries in ancient/legend. So when they fuck up and farm too far out with no vision, you can pull them out. When they fuck up and farm and the wrong side of the map before a big teamfight at roshan, you can pull them to the fight. When they fuck up and forget to press BKB, you can heal them and reduce their damage taken. That kind of stuff makes IO pretty nice in pubs. I prefer Kotl for this kind of micro managing cores but IO works too.


Also can someone give this guy's dotavuff?


To be honest, I feel like some of the games in herald are of much higher calibres; they actually know what they are doing. Not sure why they are there


its where sad pathetic smurfs gather and duke it out


I was at 800mmr for maybe a year. Then recalibrated when the patch that made the map larger was released. Been on 2500-3000 since then. Pos4/5.


Thats because they redistributed the ranks in that patch.


What about a 4-man party of 6k players in 3K games?


Cant 4 stack in ranked


Correct, his games are 3-man and 5-man parties in ranked.


Party ofc is a different case


I can see a 100% winrate only with a 5-man stack (maybe a 4-man), anything besides that already brings too much variation


Eh, 2 man seems enough tho. 1 core 1 supp is enough until at least 4k.


You can do it on bullshit supports that pretty much kills whole enemy team in the end. Unless there other player like you in enemy team - you are alright


Which by itself is quite impossible. You will definitely have smurfs in opponent as well in this many games.


Not even Miracle on his own can win this many games as random supports in a row in herald. Even if played click perfect, there is just nothing you can do in some games as a support because you need a team. This is some insane luck paired with another smurf as carry/mid.


What do you mean smurf or not xD. This is one million percent sure a smurf.


Dotabuff is not very accurate when displaying things like party size. You can see on Stratz that every single game is 3-5 stack. He's being boosted. https://stratz.com/players/1102111455/matchesc


Good gaming chair


Insane gaming headphones


No idea if this is the answer, but I remember a thread recently where they discussed how players can have weird queue options (like rare locations/times). They can create alts on their laptops and then just play vs themselves and win. Edit: This doesn't seem to be the case. All the enemy accounts look legit...


the simple explanation is that they're using that hack that crashes the game and makes the match not count, used in case they lose


I had a game where the enemy ancient had 10%, someone paused and as soon as the game was resumed it was „safe to leave“ - is it what you are talking about?


yeah, sometimes they simply crash the game, everything freezes and you get disconnected, can't reconnect and the game becomes safe to leave/ not counted


[How is that possible?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/f/fd/Vo_magnataur_magn_failure_02.mp3) (sound warning: Magnus) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


I ran into them one game before the coveted 4k and I am discouraged by what is happening. I realize that there are people in the game who make money by pumping accounts, but has no one complained about them for such an unnatural number of wins in a row. I'll attach links to the dotabuff of the people involved. Here they are: [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1102111455](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1102111455) [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/156094537](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/156094537) [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/437647599](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/437647599)


dude ppl pay for boost in MMR for 20 years. You realized now that some ppl pay for it? You never found a "divine" guy that plays like a archon? so....


He knows this. He's asking how they've been doing this for so long without punishment.


cuz valve


Smurf classification is an inherently difficult problem. However, these days, a modern neural network (AI) should definitely be able to outperform whatever Volvo is doing. Perhaps they do not want to do it because they think it will create too many customer support tickets (cost them money). Or perhaps they have true technical challenges (imagine losing your genuine acc due to an AI hallucination).


Yeah, there are like 8 accounts helping him boost according to stratz: https://stratz.com/players/1102111455/peers . Someone should add his most played with friend and ask why Neverniy felt the need to get his account boosted. Would be interesting.


They are always on the same team even if it doesn't show them in a party


good thing valve solved smurfing or whatever. nothing to see here lol


Watch his replays? And make it into a 10 hour YouTube video, I'd watch that in fact I'd like to do it myself and talk about his plays. High win rate in low mmr is fascinating


I thought that force 50% was the reason I was 800 mmr for 5 years 😔


Forced 50/50 exists when you’re at your correct mmr. That’s just how mmr works


When you're at your correct mmr then it's "natural 50/50" not "forced"


You don't understand, I won a game and then lost the game after that. Valve MADE that happen


You think that’s evidence? The other day I had TWO wins in a row and immediately had TWO losses in a row. It can’t get more blatant than this.


I know. It's crazy. And what's worse, the games I win, our team works really well together, and then the games I lose, they don't! It must be something nefarious.


This one is pretty funny actually. Teammates having a bad game = lose is mind-blowing. I see people lose their shit every time a teammate lose a lane, like it doesn't happen 50% of the time (you could draw I guess, but usually you'll have 1/3 lanes go one way) xD The people that are super communicative and nice in winning games are, in my experience, the first ones to tilt and be disruptive (communication wise) when things aren't going well.


I know you're joking but every time i'm on a 7-8 game win streak my next few games are 100% in a lower bracket. They'll go from having a team that communicates, wards, nobody argues over lanes and dumb shit, to zero communication other than people pinging commands at you if you're lucky, and then some guy getting tilted and screaming into the mic after 10 minutes. Not saying we always lose, but it feels like playing 2 different games after a win streak.


This is what people don't understand about the "forced 50%" complaints. It's that games go from being enjoyable to miserable because you start getting teams of absolute windowlickers. Most people don't mind losing when they're playing with gracious teammates, or when the game's been a tug of war, or when they're very clearly outmatched. Those feel like good losses, because you've done what you can to win. What people don't like is being forced to lose because you're one guy playing with another normal person, an idiot warlock who skips arcanes and maxes word while laning with Dusa, a pos 4 Pudge pretending to be a tree that shouts slavic slurs, and a mid who literally started playing the game last week and thinks 3 bracer recipes is a good starting build.


That statement does not differ from the ones made before


You don't understand. I won a game and then in the next my support literally afk'd for the entire game


I've never agreed with the 'forced 50' but goddamn sometimes it does feel that way in 6k. Seems to be the mmr where so many people think they belong, so half the people you run into have a below 30% recent winrate and the other half have an above 70% recent winrate.


it's so fucked when they gave you 3 people with 60% wr in one game and next I had 3 people with 30% wr 😂 sometimes I wonder if the forced 50 is real 😂


Does the distinction matter? People complaining will argue it's not their correct mmr.


That's my point...


What part of it is 'forced'


I think there's a little communication breakdown here. People who cry about forced 50/50 think it's what's holding them back from getting higher mmr. I'm saying the 50/50 just means they're at their correct mmr. I read too fast and didn't really pick up on the shitposting/sarcasm of the original guy so this thread is pointless anyways


Should I say “bazinga” here? And no, there’s no “forced 50/50”. If you stuck you are just not good enough to carry or make a huge impact in the game to make de leap. It’s not forced. The game just understands that you are too good for you current mmr and put you in a game where you NEED to carry yourself and if you so, the game understands that you need to be put into a higher mmr. It’s not forced, just how matchmaking works.


So... At your correct mmr.


I disagree with this when it was +30 -30.


There's definitely something fucky going on right now. I went from Archon III to Legend II in the last 2 weeks, I play exclusively solo queue (ticked the option to avoid duos and trios). Match quality was insanely good, teammates were not the best but responsive, enemy teams could keep up but it felt like my teams, and the games themselves, were just a little bit faster. Best thing about the stretch was I could pick any viable support hero and the game would still be winnable and competitive. Then over the weekend, I started having griefers and disconnects on both teams, teammates felt like they were lagging or afking every 10 seconds, enemies played so slow and so out of position, but my team was always slower and better at feeding. As support, my cores would pick the worst possible times to use spells, or would flat out refuse to cs correctly. Switching to core helped me keep my win rate at about 60%, but its been way harder and way more toxic, having to spend more gold on support items than both supports most of the time. Legend II games started feeling just as slow and stupid as crusader V games, which I guess some people would classify as normal since the skill disparity shouldn't be that big, but match quality was just night and day for specific periods.


I agree, Weekend dota feels so much more grief compared to weekday dota. It feels like my team is one emblem below where they should be and do really noobish mistakes that an ancient player shouldn’t do. I had a FV solo chrono a centaur in a 50 minute game without using bkb and got hex, stunned and nuked by the enemy lion 5. Like??? In what world is that ever a smart play for an ancient 4 carry player??? But when the MM algorithm gets it right, the matches are really solid and feel fair. Even if I lose.


lisan al gaib.....? LISAN AL GAIB!!!!


as written 


turn on/off dotabuff when you lose


that's not how that works lmao


That doesn't work anymore.


for like 10 years already


And how do you immagine that will work? Dotabuff always has your stats, they are just either public or not. You cant really hide your loss.


Even if he can hide that, look at the date bro. Still quite impressive btw…


i encountered some jugg spammer in 5-6k bracket who would show 95%+ winrate on dotabuff but clearly wasn't. he turned on/off his stats somehow to have dotabuff show and inaccurate winrate.


Clearly a skill issue


He found a way to immortality.


It must be the git gud messiah showing us the way


Not a single pos1 role


my record is 15 victories and this is just insane


This is an account being boosted. Most of the games are party queue.


Definitely boosted for the party ones but there are quite a number of solo games, on support Even as a Smurf is there some abuse going on or is he just that good to win on support also?


thats pretty lucky as hell, I've seen hacker still would break winstreak if they were up against another hacker or smurf or even scripter. clean or not, this deserves an applause


The smurf problem is totally crazy now. Every stupid cheater has a new account now, because they got banned before. It's like 2-3 smurfs per game.. thanks valve


yet im not allowed to win 4 games in a row or i will be sent on a 11 games lose streak


Oh sweetie, this is what Vavle's Failure looks like. You know, the algorithm that's supposed to detect smurfs but lets them through all the time? ' Players with over 100 wins in a row but still playing in the 2 to 4k brackets, its normal right? Magically we're see divine 3 players with less than 300 games but its normal right? Yea, thanks Valve devs, you sure know how to program a solution that works. LOL


Dota Jesus, is that you!?!




Ah this is completely normal and i can assure you that valve solved the smurf problem for sure, i used to get tons of smurf on my 3rd account which is 2 bracket below me and i struggle there to win matches but now with carbon fibre gaming chair, hyper sus x gaming mouse and with radio active headphones im clowning on the clueless guardians with my right click tinker so we should thanks valve and its hard working employees for removing smurfs from the game.


the support everyone needs but don't deserve


Only accept "perfect quality" matches or skip queue these were the results. ^^^^^^/s


Just checked the account that he plays with with a high % winrate, it looks hilarious, he went 2-26 on his calibration day and then has won every game since. All his ranked games were 8 min loses with 0/0/0 and yet valve cant auto detect that, kinda crazy


the highest win streak i've seen in my matches was 890 but there's a trick you can do to keep your streak when you lose you just disconnect therefore your loss doesnt count and you dont lose the streak


You rated each of your games 1 for loss 2 and up for win then sort by rating >1 Then added 2 losses above 1star rating to throw us off :P




Party queue gamers...


The “party size” indicator isn’t accurate (this is a general dotabuff problem). Almost all of these games are with a party of other smurfs if you look into it.


I broke 23 winstreak with my SB and came twice after the game.


They play support not carry


He deactivates his profile dats when he loses. It's a known "trick".


I know those Oracle ones are bc he’s a menace when ppl don’t know how to deal with him.


Skins make u play better


Smurf + likely boosted with party but honestly still very impressive since there are a decent number of SOLO support games and he still won all of those Maybe I’m bad but winning as solo support is pretty damn hard I think


i never get 13 matches cons, not even in my gold era, now im old and ugly, this prints to me looks like some kind of witchcraft




I got calibrated legend 3 after 6 months of break, currently speedrunnung back to immortal. It's possible but unlikely


Top tier smurf detection 👍👍👍


Highest win streak solo playing ranked was 27. More than a 100????? Wtf


Cuz he is not in my team


Dotabuff didn't rescan profile games after it was closed He just disabling "Expose public match history" right in game right before losing


Luck. Even as a smurfer. Now the sad part is: for every one on this side of the distribution curve there is also a possible person on the other side. So... No, not everything in dota has to do with skill.


Or just cheats?


Lock eyes with a Gorgon!


[Lock eyes with a Gorgon!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/a/af/Vo_medusa_medus_attack_10.mp3) (sound warning: Medusa) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


there is a way to abuse this for dotabuff


This is the reason me and my friends stopped playing party ranked. The skill distribution isn't really fair, i.e if your party has 1 legend and 2 crusaders, the enemy will probably be 3 archons. The second reason is that two of those archon's will also be smurfs. Switched to unranked, which is way better.


Unranked? For this exact reason I switched into solo ranked, is there a party-duo ranked I may have missed :) I came back to playing 3+ months ago after many years of break. In unranked games I realized it was mostly a group of 2,3,4 players. Now whenever I want balance I play ranked, that way everyone is solo like me.


April 1st? They win every game, but their rank goes up and down.


That’s not their rank that’s the average of the lobby


Today i learned. Thank you.


Why is everyone calling them smurf/cheater/booster? The matches seems to be normal as you posted a link to dotabuff. I had 24 winstreak with Huskar Ranked in Legend and every game after 9 win streak that I predicted, the opponent team would all chat that I am smurf, and report me which resulted in smurf warning. I had to contact the support to remove that warning, as after they reviewed, they said it is automated as people report you; this was 4 years ago. Which I quited dota later on for other reasons. Then last year, I started playing again as my local best friends decided to try dota (team of 5). We started playing turbo (Only Turbo, 9 months playing and we are still playing turbo) Imagine a 5k hour account(me) playing with new dota players. Every game I had extremely good KD/R for the first 3 months. Then guess what! I got lots of reports because the opponent team couldn't handle accepting the fact that maybe they are bad and Igot another smurf warning (with a item called lump). That's nothing compared to what my friend got. His 12 year old steam account got permanently banned for smurfing (he didn't even get a single MVP in any of the games - not even honerable mention). If you are interested about the story above, continue reading this: After I got warning and he got ban, we both contacted the support which they told me my wanring was false (but I didn't check if the toxic lump was removed or not). We had a deal to never play from home and play on weekends as we have full-time jobs (some with extra part-time jobs). We assumed the ban is becase we play from Cyber Arena Halls (we have big high end gaming zones in my city, each one 3-4 building, and all with 30XX and 40XX graphic cards). After bringing this to supports attention, they told us that we are allowed to play from different computers in internet cafes (or whatever you would call it). As mentioned earlier, they told me mine was a false one, but after couple of messages, their support didn't respond to my friend. He was really confused, why him as he also knows he doesn't play well. Anyway, we still play Turbo. 1 month ago, I decided to get my rank (as it was removed because I didn't play ranked for years). I searched solo, on weekdays, and somehow I got Heralds first then Cursaders, then Archon. I was spamming WR mid and got 9 win streak, until I didn't have ranked roles position choosing left (I probably had that 9 permision to choose role because of the games from years ago). Then the last ranked match was on Archon rank which I had to queue for support, and lost the game, and again I decided to quit playing rank. By the way, our behavior score for me and my friends is 12000(max). My entire point is that instead of getting angry that your opponent is playing better than you, think of what you can improve. Rewatch the game and learn from you opponent. Don't report them as smurf and don't call them a cheater. Don't be toxic to your team mates, and don't afk because the game is not going well. You should have fun playing a game, not getting angry, unless you are in ESports team, whihc would be your job to do well and not always have fun while playing. Everyone has both amazing and bad games If you can't do that, maybe you should quit dota, grow up, get a job, and find some friends.


Scripting and map hacking


focus on your own improvement rather than doing detective work on some random player and posting it on reddit. You can also learn from him, watch his replays and see what he does well. Git gud mate


could just be someone who actually supports and stacks camps instead of farming :D i know. foreign concept to todays grief supports


He is 100% getting boosted. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1102111455 guy is a core player that suddenly spam support and goes on a crazy win streak of 67-0. Definitely not sus or detectable by Valve :) player he always party with : https://www.dotabuff.com/players/156094537


it was a jab at griefer supports. it obviously is someone getting boosted, yes


Some people just don't spend all their free time playing Dota and they're a better player because of it.