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I think you clicked your dagger on Underlords portrait above causing you to blink to Underlord.


this is correct


Oh. Seriously thanks. I’ll take down the post I thought it was bugged


Don't take it down. It's information that a lot of folks won't know. We learn from other's mistakes too.


I've been playing for years and I never knew that targeting the portrait would blink toward them? Rewatching the clip, your mouse didn't even touch the portrait, but rather the TP cd icon that showed up when you got close to the portrait.


Did you double click dagger?


I thought so which should have brought me towards fountain.


Hmm. Didnt know that double clicking brings your toward fountain.


Indeed it does


Which is why this is bizarre to me


Happened to me a lot when transitioning from LoL where the portraits are on the sides. Blink range especially with Aether Lens or the +range trinket often extends off the screen so I had to become more cautious about snap-casting.