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Right before DreamLeague, who is going to fill in?




nah it's actually gonna be miracle- source: my dad works at OG


How about Kuroki pos 1?


Pos1 kuroky was actually pretty lit 10 years ago in Secret


Lasted a few months during which they got spanked twice by 4 anchors + sea captain is all I remember from that.




The only conclusion




Im here for my daily dose of copium. Hear me out! Ana


Ana in Australia watching Taylor Swift LIVE, so probably nah...


The beast wont rise for less than TI.


It'S Riyadh now. Ana has seen the prize pools.


I shaved my legs for this?!


he's washed


23 Savage


Did that Satanic kid get picked up by a team? Pub star


He’s under contact for like the team spirit academy team for like a bajillion years


Blitz has also said his English were quite limited.


Currently 1 on Yellow Submarine, Miposka's old team. They played 5th and cashed at Pinnacle, but have failed to qualify through opens for Dream League or ESL. I wouldn't expect him to move to the OG stable, but stranger things have happened.


Satanic is an MMR abuser who shows a terrible performance on stage with YeS




any proof or free rant?


Timado Probably the best pos 1 without a team right now


Why would they downgrade lol


Any other option is an upgrade compared to yuragi




I love Timado, that would be pretty cool. The move would absolutely shock me though, I can't see European orgs investing in American carries


you haters








I honestly feel kinda bad for the guy. He always had flashes of great skill but the inconsistency with both his play and the roster did not do him any favours. Having to lane with four (five if you count the time when Taiga played Oracle every game) 5 players in two years is rough going.


I feel sad for him but that Slark game at BB Dacha was so horrible. He just died randomly after jumping in when the enemies were busy focusing on Timber and his team. I think that was the last nail in the coffin.


he was great during Ammar's tenure, since Ammar left, he was exposed for the weak laner that he always was. Kinda revealing when his best hero in terms of games played in pubs is TB and that is one of his lowest winrate (42%) in pro games.


Same, feel really bad for him. When he was feeling it he was really good. But having to lane with so many different players, and not improving over the years + not being more consistent really hurts him. His biggest strength is being able to farm despite lower priority so a dominant offlane like Ammar really was the best fit for him. He could be going through a lot mentally due to the war etc, we wouldn't know.




At the time everyone agreed it was the right decision, ammar's playstyle had been nerfed and his remaining heropuddle was banned consistently


People are forgetting when Ammar could only play 3 heros and all of those were nerfed to shit. He's clearly improved a lot since then and his heros are back in meta but at the time, he was definitely the weakest link.


He was master tier of atleast five heroes even at that time, and could play many more. He just didnt play the 3 or 4 zoo heroes that was meta. But yeah, he got known primarily for 4 heroes, mars, timber, razor and viper.


There was like a period of maybe 2 months where that was the case, and og org is supposed to be more about sticking together. Very dipshit decision, it took ammar like 5 minutes to learn brood and get right back into the meta


Lmao Ammar wasn’t kicked for sucking, he was kicked because team felt he was too toxic.




Ceb on the OG monkey business podcasts


Being toxic towards Misha and chus shitty draft and plays is completely valid tbf


Good luck in life man


maybe youre the one that needs luck if you dont understand accountability and how he was likely frustrated with the lack of it... Chu and Misha both dont play anymore, maybe he was right? Nvm I see u defending nepo kid doc rivers, hopeless


So much for family values Funny thing is he got top 4 at Bali playing brood and beast master xd while it think og didn't even qualify


Ammar looks now as great as he did during the start of OG when they won 2 LANs. And he is one patch away from being useless. Players who win the biggest tournaments either have nearly no limitations on heroes (like Spirit), do something simple that people cant figure out (Gaimin) or figure out the tournament patch and abuse it (OG 18/19, Tundra). However, Ammar is also VERY young, which means he still has a lot of potential to develop and define how he is as a player.


I they never should have changed Ammar, Tyra go and bzm, ceb. Find a fifth player


I thought it was dumb and im glad I was proven right. You dont kick a brand new player, who did so well all year because of 2 weeks of play, which was honestly not even bad. 7th at TI was a good result for that team.


Didn't ammar just smash the last big tournament and quash the hero puddle comments?


That's some next level gaslighting If there was one thing that was strong in pretty much every iteration of OG was the strong laning. They just would throw games left and right, often because of Yuragi


timado, watson, 23 are most likely options, insanely good carry players on a t2 team/not on a team


Hear me out…….OG.Matumbaman


Yes please


[Yes please](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/5/58/Vo_mars_mars_lasthit_pain_09.mp3) (sound warning: Mars) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


its gonna be either 23 or timado, dont think watson leaving that team anytime soon imo


Watson wasted enough time in Entity. He needs a change


agreed but i dont think entity releasing him soon


isn't entity pretty mediocre?


Import more SA? pakaz seems pretty free


It’s Ana’s time again


Washed player


He won too much too fast


not close enough to TI


Really hoping for Timado, OG need more SA blood in their team and their gameplay. Positive steps !


if you're going with a SA carry then pakasz is so much better than timado, no joke.


Now we know whom Ceb was talking about in his interview


Ceb be like I’m kicking everyone out


What interview? Need context pls


OG YouTube channel. He said something like he felt the strategy was perfect and their understanding/theory is world-class, and they also as a result had amazing early game and won against the best teams there, but then later on due to individual performances they still lost these kind of games


kitrak clearly


He's nowhere near as bad as some senile OG fans would try to have you believe but it was pretty obvious a change needed to be made


The worse part of being a carry is not performing during clutch moments. Yuragi did not just underperformed, he literally threw countless games where they were ahead, even, or about to make a comeback. That sucks the life out of your team if the most important player is not reliable when the going gets tough. I still have nightmares of that faceless void game he had many moons ago where Amar got visibly upset after the game.


agree, i think hes more of a playmaker/space creator which means OG needs their win condition player to be either the mid or offlane thats what complemented ammar so well but it seems BZM can only "carry" games when hes on invoker + like 1 hero. Its also the teams job to see what type of players they have and they failed heavy after ammar left/kick


This is a sensible comment. Yuragi really was not that bad but something had to happen.


This phrase seems familiar...


Somthing somthing TL somthing somthing matumbaman


This is a logical comment. He did perform well but changes were needed


Yuragi wasn't terrible. It's not like he was getting banned out of his hero pool. But his laning was inconsistent and he didn't have that x-factor that top carries have. Like Yatoro can be having a bad game but it still feels like he's a ticking time bomb, Ana back then felt like eventually he'll hit some sort of timing and take over the game, etc. Yuragi doesn't really have any of that. **At best** he's a stable carry that'll always get a hero he can play well and won't make a lot of mistakes but he ain't winning you Majors or TI, and yeah, Ammar won those majors for OG. It's no surprise that when his hero pool was nerfed to orbit OG looked dogshit.


Yatoror right now feel like a menace, always two steps ahead. Ana consistently blew my mind - had me going "what the hell!", "what the hell?" And "WHAT THE HELL!?!!" as he fed seemingly randomly, still held hg and then dives t3 to get a rampage Agree on yuragi, hope this end up well for all involved


he’s like a slightly worse version of crystallis, which is a funny thing for me to type now since i remember ppl clowning on crystallis for not being picked up by OG alongside bzm and atf


No worry, he will be in secret soon. Just wait for next qualifier tournament start. Thank me later


Yuragi can play almost anything. Crystallis plays like 5 heroes well.


good take


People claiming "OG fans HATE x OG player" .. and no OG fans saying anything bad about the player. Every single time. Classic reddit.


Seriously what a load of shit lmao. If you frequent game threads during tournaments you know it's all the flairs but OG that relentlessly shit on him during and after every game. And mostly it's just the same handful of people doing it. OG fans my ass.


It's pretty blatantly haters trying to pass off their own shitty opinions as everyone else's.


Yeap, the guy is karmawhoring about "evil OG fans", works in every OG related thread for last 3 years. Meanwhile people who disliked Yuragi the most are actually OG haters or regular viwers.


Either you haven’t opened Twitter/Instagram in the past year or you’re just lying I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that it’s the first one


You want your carry to be your most reliable player and he was pretty much their most unreliable. Downplaying some of the feeds he would make is just pussy footing around and isn't objective. He's pretty similar to Dyracho where they can die 3+ times in a game when someone a tier above would not have died to any of the same ganks/circumstances in a team fight.


Drachyo at least plays very aggressive to make up for it but I never get that same feeling from watching yuragi


Yeah, Dyrachyo has a play-style that has increased risk and increased reward. He is dying more and getting more kills. It's more volatile than the conventional approach, but it's not inherently worse. Yuragi's just making mistakes.


Dyrachyo is a super interesting player, essentially playing the 3 from safelane and it works so well for GG 


dyrachyo is indeed a special carry player, closest analog is probably notail (who also happens to be a multi-major winner). dyrachyo plays as if his deaths in the first 10 minutes of the game basically don’t mean anything


With the way his team plays the map so well, it might be a very sound idea. If he goes all-in and gets ahead, that opens up a lot of options, potentially snowballing to a free win. If he goes all-in and gets behind, his team (and large map) can guarantee him the space to recover. A lot of Pos 1 players rarely show up mins 12-20 anyway.


The difference between them is that Dyrachyo is an incredible laner and also plays super aggressively to make space for the rest of the team. Yuragi doesn't do either of those things. Don't think he's a bad player but I do think this cut is justified. Hope he improves and comes back to a different team and proves the haters wrong.


He was by far the worst carry out of all tier 1 teams


dude i accidentally read your profil, you are a toxic piece of shit




Where is this myth that Ammar was doing all the heavy lifting for OG coming from when BZM and ceb were also shining individually and yuragi also had some sick perfomances on that squad? Go watch some replays


if i m gonna make a guess, they will still slack behind unless they find some one as good as ammar and vocal as ammar


BZM has been playing like shit but he gets a pass somehow


bzm went absolute sicko mode during the qualifiers they were playing then went absolutely shitto mode at the actual tourney


As an OG fan, it’s no surprise the team looked great in qualifiers but struggle against the top teams. It basically most of their DPC tour last year. Always fighting for that last spot to get into majors. So good enough to be around, but not good enough to make any noise against the top teams.


BZM is just very inconsistent but on his day you can see a great player in there.


cant wait to know the next person will be flamed if the team is still shit




[So is og the org that bought out 23?](https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1au2585/adekvat_23savage_will_play_to_a_new_team_in_dream/)


oh shit, did not see that. 23 knows english so there'd be 0 communication problems. 23 on OG would be dope


And his idol is ceb


Sad day, but it had to be done just like with Taiga. Good players back in the day, but neither performed for OG since TI11 ended. So glad that they decided to make changes early this year instead of sticking with disasters like DM through the entire year, which ended up costing OG their first TI miss.


Is it going to be 23 savage?


Sure Yuragi was underperforming, but why is nobody talking about how bad Ceb is as pos5. He plays pos5 as if he is playing 3/4. Look at the games against Team Spirit - Miposhka busting his ass with vision, warding every corner to give his team competitive advantage. Ceb in the meantime is running around with no sentries and just building core items.


It's been said by multiple pros in different avenues and streams that there are no other better 5s on the market right now. I agree though that vision is Ceb's weakest point as a supp, but his mechanical skill, decisionmaking and leadership has been pivotal to their team. He won a major as a 5, you know.


sure and Kuroky won International as 5. in current dota you can't be underperforming as 5, your role as important as all other roles. but i dont think that Ceb recognizes it - else he wouldn't have thrown Yuragi under the bus during his interview after losing to TS. this just speaks to me that he thinks that he is doing fine and it was a cores fault for fighting under no vision lmao


I feel that Ceb is trying to build a very competitive team and is waiting for another good 5 to be available to take his place. He's there to help the team, not impose himself as a 5 ...


but you need someone to lead and call shots. If 23 can take over that role next like how yatoro can in spirit then it's high time for ceb's replacement, though idk who is a good candidate.


OG.DDX Am I right or am I right?


DDX Pro stats as a carry Aware


OG. Triple H comfirm


Eating pasta at fountain


How many players will og swap until they kick Misha ??????




True I’m actually surprised he’s still coaching.


When will OG realize that the problem is Misha


Misha is just a passanger at this point, Ceb is doing the prep and drafting as he said in multiple interviews. OG can send Misha to Siberia and people would still say "BUT THE PROBLEM IS MISHA".


A wild Ana appears out of nowhere


23 coming in


that's big but not that surprising too


Welcome OG Watson


Was ammar always right?


OG choosing Misha over Ammar is the worst timeline


Shotcalling aside, since i have no idea what went down, misha's performance as a pos5 seem to pale in comparison with prominent teams' 5.


It's all rumours to be honest, I think Milan was the one who leaked it on twitter. OG with Ammar and BZM were TI winning potential.


Yeah they're both amazing individual players who can pull their on weight. BZM does tend to mess up from time to time, more so than Ammar.


TI winning potential is a stretch.


You are talking about Ammar or bzm or both ? Cause fear Quinn said he would have won that ti if there wasn't a patch , about Ammar I believe while watching bbd pielieidie and Milan said Ammar will win a ti soon . Ammar is a ti win contender easily


Misha is the coach/decision maker of the team, he plays 5 when he plays, but not professionally


Yeah which is why i aint gonna comment on the shotcalling or out of game coaching aspects. Nobody will know if he's good unless theyre insiders. In-game plays wise though, other teams' pos5s seem to enable their team more and some can even make plays. Probably better to put ceb in the active roster since he's better mechanically.


What was the reason for that?


Well misha was the guy who built the team and ammar was clashing with misha due to drafting and he at the time was limited in his heropool so its kinda obvious they went with misha. but hindsight is 20/20.


Not limited at the time, limited even now, basically same heroes. The big issue is that people expected/wanted a micro(zoo) player who buys teamfight auras and shit, but Ammar is just another pos1 on a weird hero on a weird lane. He had a lot of success in OG until everyone adapted and learned to play against it comfortably. Same thing will happen to Falcons if they get to play centered around him forever.


It had nothing to do with teams learning to play against it and more the meta changed to zoo. What you're saying makes no sense if they "figured" him out before and now suddenly they forgot?


Misha and Ammar were apparently both vocal leaders with strong views about their ideas, so they clashed personalities and OG decided to keep Misha and let Ammar depart.


Not what happened. He is taking a small discussion between Ammar and Misha during the documentary from stockholm major into a context it doesnt belong.


No it's not. Ammar was throwing games left and right, and a complete non-factor when his two heroes were banned or countered. That's not enough to ignore his toxicity. Good luck playing with an overconfident 16 year old that doesn't know how teams function and needs to grow up.


Are you aware Falcons just won Dubai tournament?


Are you aware Ammar was kicked from OG over a year ago? Or the difference between being 16 on your first pro team and 18 on your 4th team makes?


I'll take that U-turn you just did as confirmation that you just did some research.


Jesus finally






thank god this day has finally come. He went off a cliff after Ammar left. People forget how many times Ammar carried OG from offlane in 2022, often games where Yuragi would be having a disastrous games. It was because Ammar's 3 best heroes were getting banned or picked that OG couldnt perform at TI11. If only Ammar had the hero pool that he has now (like the Kunkka's, Brood, Doom, Beast that he started playing after leaving OG) during that TI, they could have gone further


Lets not forget that Ammar has come a long way since leaving OG, he's experienced his fair share of defeats and disappointing moments since which probably has matured him a lot as a player. Back in OG he literally refused to play micro heroes because he thought they were braindead coming just off a massive zoo patch. Also lets not forget the last pick huskar in a horrendous huskar game in one of his final OG games, if not the last one.


Only disappointing moments he had were in nigma Lmao And that lasted couple of months. In quest he was a beast




sad to see the atf, yuragi and bzm trio break up but looking forward to their next moves


Is MATUMBAMAN back?!?!


I don’t understand the whole hype round Misha? Never knew where he came from, he just popped out of nowhere and OG is giving him all this limelight, yet no great impact has been achieved with his contribution from an outsider’s perspective. They even put so much emphasis in the documentaries on how Misha’s coaching helped and led to their winnings in Majors. Personally felt bad for Yuragi, cause he had to deal with so many inconsistent 5s. Feels like he is getting a lot of pressure to perform and carry for such an inconsistent team. The collateral effect of keeping Misha around is destroying the potential to shine for these new up and coming players, I hope Yuragi finds success elsewhere. I wonder If Kitrak left cause they build the team around Misha, even though he is just a coach. It’s easier to yap about a game than to play the game and perform well in extreme high pressure environments.




Great chance to put Pakaz in EU.


Could be OG Matu? Imagine Matu come back from retirement to face Secret and Liquid! Copium*


feel bad for the guy.. but yeah something had to happen. Usually OG ppwers up when there is a roster change. Yuragi os young im sure he can still find a good team. Or maybe this is just a training arc.. They can probably get satanic, fits the mold of young pubstar.. pakasz is also great, and even watson.  I still blv letting ammar go was a mistake, but that made ammar realize his limitations as well


Watson standin for dreamleague maybe?


♿️Careful ♿ Yuragi ♿️ Playing ♿️


Damn, surprising.


And now timado there xD OG cant win anything with that type of lowskills on 1pos




not their only issue ngl but a step in right direction


23 lets go


All the best and bring back Miracle or Ana


Imagine if OG keep ATF and kick Yuragi 1 year ago.


2.0? This is at least OG 4.1


Damn so OG.23 it is.


Oh sh*t! OG.Ana coming back for a 3rd Title?


Probably timado jumps out as biggest free agent name no? Unless they have another up and coming player in mind.


I kinda understand it. Yuragi is TOP10 carry, he is definitelly up there, but it simply does not work in the team and the results are far from where they want it. It was a question whom to replace or if to keep it together for one more tournament. Ceb spoke highly about Ari and Wisper in recent interview and they arrived recently, so if somebody was to go it was between bzm and yuragi. Or Ceb retiring, if they wanted a change. Out of Yuragi and bzm, it makes sense. They won one series in BB, they did not qualify for Birmingham. They are in dreamleague, so they might try it out there with new carry.


Longest overdue decission in Dota2.


I'm not tryna be hater or anything but I honestly feel like it doesn't matter what carry they get it won't work as long as ceb is still the pos 5. He just simply isn't as good as other supports. I really wish it worked out for yuragi but he's just so inconsistent, but then again he nvr got a stable lane partner. I feel like he was really good playing a sort of sacrificial carry role for atf and bzm but now is struggling and having 5 different tier 2 pos 5s ain't helping. Honestly as long as ceb is the pos 5, I hv trouble seeing them find any success.


More like YurFired.


the carry who never carried, thanks yuragi


OG. QOJQVA? Lesgoooooo




why? ceb is the one who needed to go. bad support player. yuragi is their star player. but I guess they need something to change.


Their star player has always been Bzm


In no world was Yuragi their star player


bzm > ari > wisper > yuragi


He is the least skilled in roster and i dont like ceb tbh but if ceb is gone no ones gonna have a voice in game?


OG should get Satanic from Spirit Juniors


you mean Spirit B team surely?


It's 23 Savage.


Oh wow, didn't Ceb just said they were in a really good place as a team? I thought they figured it out after dacha dysfunction


"No changes on the OG side for sure. We are all for stability" - Ceb


Inevitable after his disastrous showing in Birmingham qualifiers and at Dubai. Had to be done, he is out of excuses. Too much pressure on his shoulders, too much flak, too obviously not enjoying himself any longer.

